• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 737 Views, 1 Comments

Fluttershy's New Dress - RushingWind-01

During a nice Summer walk in the fields, Fluttershy runs into Rushing Wind. Both of them have new outfits...

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Chapter 1.1: Fluttershy's Walk

It was a really nice Summer day in Canterlot City. The sky was free of clouds, the sun was shining bright, and nature was alive like never before.

Normally, on days like these, Fluttershy would spend a nice day in the city with her friends after they came to visit her. But this was no normal day, and Fluttershy wasn't even at home - precisely, not anymore.

She walked over the fields that were a few miles away from Canterlot City, enjoying the beautiful weather. Fluttershy loved the Summer time, since nature felt way more alive to her, and the sun shining bright felt like a nice hug from nature itself.

And for this special day, Fluttershy wore something different - she was wearing the light green dress that Rarity made for her a few months ago, during her Summer Fashion Vlog, along with her pink roman-style sandals. The dress was really pretty, but it certainly wasn't suited for Winter, and Fluttershy learned it the hard way.

But this was the Summer, a different time of the year, and much warmer than the Winter. In this time of the year, nature was alive, the sun was warm, the days were long... So many things spoke for this season, and Fluttershy enjoyed everything about it.

With happiness building up inside her, Fluttershy started to lightly run forward. She mostly never spends a day in the city or in the outskirts by herself alone, unless she has to do something in the city or work at the local animal shelter. But this was far from a normal day.

Fluttershy happily jumped over the fields, stretching her arms out while doing so and laughed in joy. She never felt so alive in her life before. But this beautiful Summer day just was way too good to not be happy about it. She even got hold of her new dress and spun around in circles, making the end fly up to the point where she got hold of the dress.

She was so happy...

Then, she continued her walk over the fields. Bushes and trees were nearby and gave the environment a nice touch. A warm breeze went over her bare shoulders, giving her another feeling of bliss. She closed her eyes and smiled. It certainly was a good idea to go outside today, not just because of the nice warmth of the Summer.

Fluttershy heard birds chirping. They were up in the air, obviously singing a beautiful lullaby. She happily continued on by skipping through the fields. Everything felt so perfect, the weather, the sky free of clouds, the nice Summer sun, and even the lively nature around her...

Suddenly, she stopped. She heard someone talk in a bit of a distance.

"Whoa... Who could that be?", she wondered, now knowing that she wasn't alone...

She listened closely to the voice. It sounded male. Fluttershy knew only few guys in the town, so she couldn't really put her hand down on who it was. She decided to go into the direction of the voice, wanting to know who exactly it was.

He talked too much to be Big Macintosh, and his voice wasn't deep enough for one of the Skull Crunchers...

When Fluttershy quietly snuck up and spotted the person, she realized - it was Rushing Wind. The guy who adores her the most out of her and her other friends. And he was talking to... Someone else. Judging by the voice, was that... Rainbow Dash?

Rushing Wind held a strange device in his hand. Fluttershy didn't know what it was, but as she looked closely, she saw a hologram of... a pony?

"What kind of a device does he have there?", Fluttershy asked herself.

Rushing Wind closed the device and sighed. Fluttershy wanted to say something, but hesitated. If his partner was in danger again, he wouldn't be so calm about things and he'd have to go back. But... he just sat there, on that rock, next to nice, green meadows clear enough to make a picnic there.

Fluttershy took the chance and spoke to him. "Oh, hi, Rushing Wind.", she said shyly.

Rushing Wind turned around and looked at Fluttershy. Suddenly, she could see that his eyes widened. "Sweet Celestia... You look... truly astounding!", he said in awe.

And Fluttershy also realized something different about Rushing Wind...

Author's Note:

What a coincidence that those two met up at exactly the same spot...

Check out Chapter 1.2 to see Rushing Wind arrive at the meetup spot.

First time ever trying out a ship in a story, so I hope you like it.