• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 468 Views, 0 Comments

She Talks To Gold - TheSuperTransformerFan

When Steel takes the concept of discipline too far, it puts Nate, the Gold Ranger in trouble and the only one who can stop him is...Fluttershy?

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Part 3: The Element Of Kindness Vs. The Gold Ranger

Back at the Grid Battleforce base, the remaining 5 rangers, Cozy and Fluttershy were taking Cole to the lab. Steel already knew what Cole would be chewed out about on.

“I really think we should talk about this, Steel.” Cozy said, worriedly.

“Don’t you think you might be going overboard?” Fluttershy asked, worriedly as well.

“Absolutely not!” Steel said, serious. “The commander needs to know!”

As they were walking to the lab, Betty ran up to them. “Devon! Ben!” She said, urgently. “I think I saw Nate behind the base!”

“Really?” Ben asked, as his sister nodded. “Thanks!”

“We’ll check outside!” Devon said, as he and Ben rushed outside. “Come on, Ben!” Ben nodded as they went to find their friend.

Meanwhile in the lab, Commander Shaw took notice of the other heroes that entered. “What’s going on?” She asked.

“Commander, we have security footage of Cole taking an unscanned package into the building!” Steel said urgently. “It’s the second time today! Only this time, the package came from the Storm King!”

“It’s true.” Ravi said, as he pulled up the footage on the lab computer. “Watch.” The footage was playing, and what was being shown was no doubt the truth. It showed the brainwashed Cole taking the package into the building to give to Nate in the lab earlier today.

“Look! In his hands!” Steel said, as the video zoomed in to show the package. “See that? Cole walked through security without getting that package scanned!”

“And, that’s how Nate fell under their control.” Zoey said, with Fluttershy nodding in agreement.

They saw the rest of the footage that showed Nate receiving the puppet and getting brainwashed by it. That was all the commander needed to know.

He opened the box, and saw the puppet. “A hand puppet?” He asked. “It kind of looks like...” but, the puppet had already gone into him, and he was now being controlled!

“I see.” The commander said seriously before turning to Cole. “How do you explain this?”

“I’m sorry.” Cole tried to explain. “I don’t remember. My mind’s gone blank. It’s like a fog.”

Steel wasn’t convinced. “Weak excuse!” Steel said, as what he said next shocked everyone, except the commander and Steel! “Cole, you’re fired!” Everyone gasped.

“Fired?” Fluttershy, and Cozy asked in shock, as tears started to stream out of Fluttershy’s eyes.

“What?!” Ravi exclaimed.

“Fired?” Zoey asked. “Hold on...”

“No.” The commander cut her off. “Steel’s right. You repeatedly broke the rule that requires inspections, and that has put a ranger in serious danger! You’re relieved of your duties.”

Cole looked at the others who were indeed shocked at what Steel insisted on, but knew there was no way out. “I failed you...and the agency.” He said. “I’m so sorry.”

“Please see yourself out!” Steel said. Cole walked out of the lab, and got ready to pack his stuff.

Fluttershy had now had it, as she had enough of Steel’s constant discipline. She put her hoof down. “STEEL!” She screeched angrily. “I have just about have heard ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!”

“But, Fluttershy, Cole was breaking the rules, so...” Steel started.

NO!!!” Fluttershy shouted, now very angry with her friend. “YOU DON’T GET IT! I have tried to kind to faithful to you about the concept of discipline, but you don’t listen to me! And as a result, your rash decision to fire Cole has led to some SERIOUS consequences!” Everyone was scared at how Fluttershy was acting, especially since she usually NEVER yells like that within the base.

“Fluttershy, please try to understand...” The Commander tried to explain.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT, COMMANDER!” The element of Kindness furiously raged, before turning to Steel. “You went over the line with the concept of discipline! I’d never do that to you!” She breathed a little bit before letting loose the rant she had set out for him. “You took the concept of discipline WAY TOO FAR! And, because of your own selfish actions about setting things right, has out your own brother in danger!!!” She pointed to him accusingly. “You don’t even think about your own brother! All you care about is the consequences of others, and yourself! Do you know what you have done?!”

“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds really bad.” Steel said to her.

“That's because it is really bad!” the kind Pegasus shouted at him. “What even made you think that taking the concept of discipline, and using it to fire a Grid Battleforce employee was even remotely a good idea?”

Steel stammered at a loss for words. He never thought it would lead to this. “I didn’t think about that. I may have completely missed the whole point.” He said.

“Exactly!” Fluttershy said to him, getting right into his face. “Y’know, I never said this to you before, because you are a good friend to me, but I am going to say it now, since what you did was very unruly: Steel Silva, you have SO CROSSED THE LINE!

Steel realized something. He had completely took the concept of discipline too far, and it put his own friend, Nate the Gold Ranger in big trouble. “You’re right, I have no excuses!” He said regretfully. “I may have been totally over the line.”

“Over the line?!” Fluttershy shouted, which made everyone jump in shock again. “You-you’re-you’re so far past the line, that you-you can’t even see the line! The line is a dot to you!”

“Yes. Yes! Right!” Steel acknowledged. “And I feel horrible. You have to believe me!”

“I think you need to leave!” Fluttershy said, mad at the Beast bot. The robot started to get up, and leave the room. “Leave! As of now, this lab is EMPTY to you! And, I’m not nuts about you either!” Steel left the room dejected, which made everyone shocked.

Zoey marched up to the Fluttershy as she didn't like how she yelled at Steel. “Fluttershy! He didn't mean to-" She said before she was interrupted.

“Don't think you can lecture me as you had a part in this!" Fluttershy said while pointing a hoof at her friend. This caused the remaining rangers, and Cozy to gasp in response. “I tried my best at making my animal choreography perfect for Twilight’s coronation, and Steel took the concept of discipline too far, and you think you KNOW what I’ve been through?!”

She started to sob loudly in the lab. “It’s not fair really to fire Cole, even though what he did was under the Storm King’s control!” She wailed. “And my group of friends is falling apart, and...” she cried so loudly that everyone in the base could hear her weep. “CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?!”

The others were all shocked. They didn’t know what their kind friend had been through, and they realized that they had overlooked so many things in helping Fluttershy’s gift for Twilight that they had forgot about it.

Ravi walked up to her. “Fluttershy, we’re really sorry.” Ravi confessed. “We didn’t know that you were under a lot of stress, and we thought you were trying to help us with Nate, and...we kinda lost sight about what was important with you.”

“Yeah.” Cozy said, patting her on the back. “We didn’t know that’s what you went through, and one thing led to another and, I guess we were all out of our element.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Fluttershy said sadly. “I guess there are times when we were out of our element.” She looked at the screen sadly. “I'm afraid at this rate, there won't be an animal performance for Twilight’s coronation. On top of that, Nate’s in danger!”

“Have you thought about using the Stare?” Ravi suggested.

“I tried. But even the stare didn’t work in Nate.” She said. “Sometimes my stare works well.”

“The Stare is so... aggressive.” Fluttershy continued to say. “Plus, it doesn't always work. Like with Nate for example.”

“To be fair, you were pretty sick then.” Cozy reminded her.

“Still, I find that I get the best results when my animal friends want to help me.” Fluttershy said. “Even with you guys.” She smiled at them. “In fact, I know that Steel didn’t even mean to put his friend in danger. Heck, they’re so close to being friends, that they’re practically brothers. I remember when Nate told me how he was force to work for Evox before he met us.”

“He was forced to work for Blaze and Roxy, but luckily he had a trick up his sleeve, And he became a ranger in the progress!” Fluttershy continued. “But he didn’t expect one other surprise when he first met his own creation.”


“Unfortunately, no one seems interested in helping me with our friend. So I guess that means we won't be able to get our obstacles down.” She said, getting back to her sad state.

“Fluttershy, that’s not true.” Ravi pointed out. “You’ve helped out others, even us! Can’t you remember how Nate helped you previously?”

“Yeah.” Fluttershy said. “I can.”

”This task will be an optimal moment for our ranger powers!" Nate said.

”You're going down!" Sombra shouted as he prepared to blast them!

”Wrong!" Steel said. "They're coming out!" They aimed their striker morphers at the prison, and blasted it open, freeing the rangers and the mane 6.

"What?" Applejack asked. "Who are ya'll?"

”More new Power Rangers?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "11 times more awesome!"

”Nate!" The main 3 rangers said.

"And that's--"

"Not the best time for intros!" Steel warned them. "Come on!" and with that, all 11 heroes went for Sombra!

“If only we had another Zord to take them on, then we’d have the upper edge!” Nate said in agreement. “Like maybe some more firepower!”

Just then, Devon put 2 and 2 together and just came up with an idea. “Waitaminute...that’s it!” He cried out. He contacted Nate. “Nate! Has the Beast-X King Zord finished completion?”

Nate shook his head. “It’s still nearing the final build and it hasn’t been tested yet.” He told him. “I don’t know if we’re ready for it!”

”Bingo!” Rainbow said. “Nate! Get the commander to deploy the Beast-X King Zord now! It’s time to introduce it to those bad guys!”

”Right!” Nate said, giving in. He used his morpher to contact the commander. “Commander! Deploy the Beast-X King Zord!” He told her. “That’s a direct order!”

“Nate was even a good friend to us, even me.” The kind Pegasus continued. “He even helped create many new inventions.

We made a trans-dimensional teleporter", the boy genius announced before his friends. "it somehow can now make weapons or arsenal teleport in almost any dimension."

He took the glass case off to reveal the new red blaster. "Check it out! I've decided to call this the Beast-X Ultra Blaster. Want to try it out?"

"Sure." Ravi said, as Nate took the blaster out of the case and handed it to him.

“It’s not only more powerful than your Beast-X Blasters, but it's also got rapid fire." Nate said excitedly. Just in case anyone tries to come after our Morph-X again."

“You see, Fluttershy?” Cozy said, trying to rally her up into a pep talk. “You can't all just abandon your friends like this! Don't you want to stand by them? Think of all the times you stood up for yourself, and us.”

Fluttershy realized that she has helped others, and even herself in various missions, and she blushed a little bit. “I'm glad we all are such good friends.” She said.

“Us, too.” Ravi told her. And even though things might be difficult right now, I want you to know how much you're appreciated.” He gave her a pat on the back.

“Thanks, but this whole thing with Nate is just too difficult.” The kind Pegasus said, worried again. “I don't think I have the patience to try to help him regain his memories.” The others just laughed at that. “What's so funny?”

“We’re sure dealing with your big issues like Nate and your animal friends are frustrating sometimes...” Zoey explained. “but you've dealt with the most frustrating being in existence.”

Fluttershy realized that she has dealt with such issues including Discord, and she felt a whole new wave of confidence sweep her like never before. “Wow. You know what? You're right!” She said boldly. “I guess I just needed a bit of a confidence boost.”

“Some days are like that.” Ravi said, smiling. “But for you, this is your day!”

“I think that was what I need to gain the strength I needed to get back in the game with freeing Nate.” Fluttershy said happily. “I can’t wait to tell Steel!”

“No need.” A voice said, they turned to see Steel leaning against the side of the lab door hatch. “I already know.”

Fluttershy was defiant as soon as she saw him again. “Oh, what are you doing here?” she asked harshly.

“Look, I'm sorry for what I said earlier.” The Beast Bot said to her. “It was a stupid thing to say, and I didn't mean it.”

“Yeah, right!” Fluttershy just scoffed.

“You know, this wasn’t the first time I had a falling out with my teammates like my brother before.” Steel started to tell her.

Fluttershy perked up and raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.” She said.

“You see, when Nate was working on some of our tech in the lab, we fought one time about what was fun for me and what was fun for him. I found out the real reason why Nate was mad at me...was because he never learned to play any physical activity.”

“But when Nate was cloned by one of Evox’s robotrons, I eventually got back in the game and saved him from harm’s way.” Steel continued, as another memory sparked up.

“And sure, Nate and I might not agree on everything together...” Steel continued. “But, sometimes even the slightest disagreements can lead to some wacky consequences.”

“So, what I’m trying to say is... Nate may be a teammate to you, but to me, he’s my family.” He said. “And, he’s the best family I’ve ever had.”

Fluttershy smiled, but was still confused by all that he was telling her. “Why are you telling me all this exactly?” She asked.

“Because, you’ve got the power to do something like this.” Steel reassured her. “You even played the spy for Twilight one time, when she asked you to go undercover in Starlight’s old village.”

“If you're willing to take the risk, you could beat Controlatron, and free Nate of his control.” Steel said.

Fluttershy smiled. “I guess I did need a little push in the right direction. Okay, I’ll do it!” She said.

“I knew you could!” Steel said. At that moment, the alarm went off in the base. “What now?!” He asked, feeling like he couldn’t handle any more situations.

Ravi saw what was on the screen. “A pair of gigadrones incoming.” He said, urgently. “Sector TANGO 5-5!”

“Gigadrones already?!” Cozy said in shock. “But, we haven’t freed Nate yet!”

“That’s not important right now.” Commander Shaw urgently. “You three need to get to your zords.”

“Copy!” Ravi said, as he, Cozy, and Zoey left to get to their vehicles.

“Devon, where are you and Ben?” The commander asked.

Devon and Ben turned up on the screen. “We’re outside the building.” He told her.

“Betty thought she saw Nate out here.” Ben added, as they both scanned the area.

“Okay, excercise secretary caution.” Commander Shaw told him. “Your team can handle the gigadrones for now.”

“Roger that, Commander.” Devon said, as he exited the call.

Fluttershy knew she had to take immediate action to help her friends. “I’d better go with them!” She said, as she flew out of the lab, and out of the building.

Meanwhile, Cole was exiting the building he had worked for the ranger for so long at. He was now cleared of his duties for working at the base. He turned to look at the base one last time, before leaving. At that moment, Fluttershy left the way he went, and kindly shoved past him. “Sorry, Cole.” She said to him. “I gotta go! My friends need me!” And she left to go catch up with her friends.

Meanwhile, Devon and Ben were looking for Nate outside the base. “Nate!” Devon called out for him. “Nate!” Ben called out for him to. They looked around, and there was no sign of their friend.

Devon contacted the commander. “False alarm, commander.” He said. “There’s no sign of Nate out here.” Unbeknownst to them, Nate and Controlatron were behind him by some Morph-X bins. Nate seized this chance to sneak out of the hiding place.

“We may need to check surveillance again.” Devon said, not knowing that Nate readied his striker Saber, and got ready to charge at the two rangers.

Fluttershy arrived to where her friends were, and saw that Gold was about to strike Red and Green! She was frightened. “DEVON! BEN! BEHIND YOU!” she called out. They both turned around and were shocked to see Nate about to strike them. They both dodged out of the way, just in time! Cole came, and saw the fight unfold too. “You were trying to tell them too?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Cole said. “But, it looked like you handled that already!”

“So close!” Controlatron said, as he waved his puppet to make Nate attack them. Devon, and Ben were engaged in combat as Fluttershy and Cole ducked behind a car to watch the fight.

They dodged Nate’s saber, and Devon grabbed Nate by the arms, only to be flipped over by him. Ben tried to intervene too, but was spun by him. Finally they both regrouped against their friend, and were ready to duke it out...western style! They readied their Morphers. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as they morphed into their ranger forms.

“TRANSPORT! BEAST-X SABER!” Devon and Ben both hit their transporters, summoning their sword weapons.

“It’s the fight you’ve been waiting for!” Controlatron said, as he waved his puppet for Nate to start the fight off. The rangers clashed as saber struck saber, and it looked like it was evenly matched so far.

Fluttershy watched the fight, and decided to join in as well as she left Cole to go join her friends. She struck a punch at Nate, making him stagger back, but he wasn’t about to go down just yet. The took this over to a nearby park alley to continue, as Nate went after them.

The two ranger threw punch after punch at Nate, while Fluttershy tried to grab him, but they were all flung off him and onto the pavement.

“He’s just not going down!” Ben said, as they started to get up.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy said in shock. “This is even harder than when I took on that manticore.”

“You took on a manticore?” Devon asked, as the kind element nodded. “Then, this must be harder compared to what this is!”

“We’ve gotta stop him!” Ben said, as they got back up.

“Wait.” Fluttershy said.

The two rangers traded slash for slash at him, until they held him up, “That robotron is messing with you!” Devon warned him. “You gotta snap out of it!”

Nate only threw a few slashes and grabbed the Red and Green rangers forcefully. “QUIET!” He said, as he kicked them to the ground.

“Nate!” Fluttershy said, worried.

Nate approached his teammates. “You’re wrong!” He said, aiming his saber at them.

“Please, Nate!” Ben said, as they got back up again. “Listen to us!”

But, Nate was still under his control. “Nobody tell me what to do!” He said, as he charged toward them.

“Nate!” Fluttershy said, her temper rising by the minute.

The two rangers got out of the way, and started to go at him again, but it was hard to do, since they were teammates. They still had the fight evenly matched. Nate tried to get to the two rangers, but they still tried to throw punches at him. They eventually struck him to the ground.

Controlatron was shocked as he saw the puppet fall down. “Get up, and fight, you dummy!” He said, waving his puppets. Devon and Ben both saw the puppets on his hands.

“Huh?” Ben said. “Wait a sec! Those puppets are what’s controlling him!”

“Then, we gotta snap him out of it!” Devon said, as they both started to go for him, and kick him. But unfortunately, Nate flipped them both to the ground. The two Ranger’s plan to free Nate had failed.

“Now to finish you off!” Nate said, raising his Striker Saber at them.

“NO!!!” Devon and Ben called out in shock.

Fluttershy couldn’t watch her friends suffer. She had to do something. She mustered out her strength and shouted at the top of her lungs. “NATE!!!”

Nate halted, and saw the Element of Kindness angry at him, as the latter got into a fighting position. “It’s me you want!” She said. “Come get me!”

Both of them charged at each other with Green and Red jumping out of the way. Fluttershy grabbed Nate’s Saber furiously. “Nate! Snap out of it!” She said in a serious tone. “The Storm King has done something to you!”

LIAR!” Nate said, as he tried to fling her off, but she kept holding on tight.

“Listen to me!” The Pegasus said serious and worried.

NO MORE LIES!” Nate shouted, as he flung her off, but she would not give up, as she got back up whole Nate tried to swing at her.

Both rangers saw the fight unfold and needed to step in. “Fluttershy needs us!” Devon said, as they started to go for them but Controlatron got in their way.

“Not so fast!” The robotron said. “I want to put on a show!” He charged at the two.

Nate rose his saber high up, and it clashed with Fluttershy’s wings, as she was trying to hold it back. “Nate, you gotta trust me!” She said.

WHY SHOULD I?” Nate said, as he flip kicked her to the ground, and was ready to finish her off.

Meanwhile, Devon and Ben was having a tough time with Controlatron as he whapped them to the ground. “Not good!” Ben said, as he and Devon struggled to get up.

Nate still had Fluttershy pinned down to the ground with his saber on her. The kind Pegasus tried to break free. “Nate! Please!” She tried to say.

“You betrayed me!” Nate said, still keeping her pinned down. “And now, you will PAY for your betrayal!!!”

“It was Blaze and Controlatron! They betrayed you!” Fluttershy said to her friend. “Think, Nate! Think!” As she said that, Nate started to remember the memories that he was in: The introduction of the rangers, meeting the elements of Harmony, and their battles with them. Nate struggled to break free, but still had his friend pinned down to the ground. Memories seeped in with his family, the birth of Steel, and the zords being built.

Nate was still struggling, as Fluttershy tried to reason with him. “Think, Nate! Think!” she said. “You’re under some kind of mind-control!

Nate continued to struggle, as he still tried to fight her. “You’re confusing me!” he said, as he struggled. “NO MORE OF YOUR TRICKS!” He raised his saber at her.

“NO!” She said in fear, as he lowered the saber, and she grabbed it.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Devon and Ben both shouted, as they saw the fight, and got beaten by Controlatron.

The Kind Pegasus mustered enough strength to throw him off of her, as she got back up. “You’re our friend!” She shouted.

Nate got back up too! “I told you! Controlatron is my only friend!” He fired his striker blaster at her, as she fell to the ground.

Fluttershy got back up, as was furious. She tried to reason with him, but he didn’t listen! It was time for her to play rough! “Enough is enough!” She said, as Nate was coming right at her. “Looks like it’s time for some tough love!”

Nate arrived at her, but she threw some punches at him, and gave the stare, and then another punch to his face, which sent him to the ground. Now, Fluttershy had her friend pinned down, and she was growling at him.

“Now, you’re gonna listen!” She said, angrily. “And, you’re going to listen good!” Nate was struggling to break free. “Nate!” she shouted. “You’re the gold ranger! And our friend!” She shook him hard. “Come on, shake it off!

No!” Nate said. “You’re lying to me!” He threw her off. “I KNOW THE TRUTH!” Fluttershy got up, and was horrified and saw that her plan failed. “Ouch!” She said, as she recollected her bearings.

Nate got back up, and was ready to finish her off with her striker saber! “This is the end, Fluttershy!” He said.

“NO!” Devon and Ben said, as the tried to go for him, but Controlatron knocked them down again.

“Your little gold friend can’t help you now!” Controlatron said, as he rushed over to the Gold Ranger! “That’s right, Gold prepare for the final count!”

“NO! FLUTTERSHY!” Ben and Devon both shouted as they saw their friend about to be killed.

Fluttershy was frightened as she saw what was going to befall her. “Nate! It’s me!” She said. “Nate! You have to stop this! You’re being controlled! The other rangers are suffering! Please stop this, Nate! NATE!”

Nate stopped and heard her voice. Something was coming back to him! “Something’s wrong!” He thought. “My head!” He then remembered his memories...memories of his past as the gold ranger, and Steel, and meeting Twilight and her friends, his inventions. It was all coming back to him! “It’s coming back!” He thought. He just stood there frozen, aiming his saber at her, while his friend was quivering in fear.

At that moment, as the last of the memories went in his mind, his Morph-X key started to glow. Fluttershy was shocked upon seeing this, as it went from gold to yellow with a pink blade. It lept out of Nate’s pocket and into his morpher. Once that happened, the transformation took place as Nate was enveloped in a yellow tornado with the element of Kindness in the middle. Once the transformation completed, Nate’s suit and helmet were yellow with a hot pink visor. He had transformed into his Element-X Kindness form!

Controlatron was still wating for the end to the Element of Kindness, as he was right behind him. “That’s it, Gold ranger!” He said, gleefully. “Finish her off!” However, Nate was now in full control of his own body as he turned around and slashed him, making him stagger back!

The robotron backed away in shock. “Hey, what are you doing?” He asked. “You’re supposed to trash the Element of Kindness! Not me!” Nate paid no attention as he made his Kabuto beetle saber formation to send it to him.

“But, I thought we were on the same team!” He shouted as the attack hit him, and sent him down to the ground. He got back up in an instant. “I guess not!” He blasted Nate, but he retaliated by deflecting his missiles with his saber, and sent them right to him. “My precious!” He shouted as the missiles exploded, making him get thrown up in the sky 5 feet before hitting the ground again.

He was furious that his plan was falling apart quickly, as he got ready to strike. “You’re finished, Gold ranger!” He shouted.

Nate was ready to take him on too. “No, it is you who is finished!” Nate said, as he raised his saber, and spun it slowly in the shape of a butterfly. “STRIKER SABER...BUTTERFLY SLASH!” He shouted, as the attack slashed Controlatron, making his short out quickly.

“NOOOOOO!” He shouted as he exploded. “I just wanted... to put on a show!” He was reduced to smithereens and was now no more.

Once that was over with, Nate felt a surge in his body as his suit reverted back to his original color, and fell for only a short second, but got back up. He heard Fluttershy rush over to him. “What...what happened?” He asked. “Fluttershy? Where am I?”

“Nate!” Devon and Ben rushed over to him.

“Nate!” Fluttershy said excitedly. “You’re back!” She hugged him tightly, and cried tears of excitement.

“Yes, I am back.” He said. He then saw the others. “Devon? Ben?”

“It’s us!” Ben said to him. “How are you doing, buddy?”

“Just a little dizzy.” Nate answered. “What happened?”

“Some robotron got under your skin and used you as a puppet.” Fluttershy told him.

“No way.” Nate said, dizzy and surprised all at once.

“But, we’re glad you’re back!” Ben finished as they smiled at him.

Nate saw his friend and smiled back. “Yes, guys.” He said. “It’s good to be back!” He hugged his friends tightly.

“All right, Devon!” A voice called out. “You guys did it!” The heroes turned to see Steel already morphed with the memory scrapbook in hand. He opened the book, and the remains of Controlatron were sucked in the book, as they formed another memory inside the page.

“Steel?” Nate said, bewildered as his iron brother appeared. “Okay, what's going on?"

“You’re back bro!” He said, as he rushed over to hug him. “Thank goodness you’re not controlled anymore!”

“Hey, what’s with the book you’re holding?” Devon asked.

“What’s this I...” Ben started, until they all realized that Steel had brought the scrapbook over to collect more memories. They all shared a chuckle. “Okay, I think we get it, Steel.”

“You guys can come out, now.” Devon called out to a pile of Morph-X bins, of which Starlight Glimmer and Spike came out of.

“Starlight? Spike?” Nate asked upon seeing them. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We were just trying to collect memories for our scrapbook.” Spike said. “And, from what I heard, Fluttershy handled things pretty well.” Fluttershy blushed and smiled, while the other ranger exchanged looks of shock.

“Getting you guys to believe Nate and my animal friends were giving me trouble was even easier than I thought.” She said, as she flipped the pages and saw the memories that were recently collected. “After that, it was simple to to reminisce about all the things we've been through together.”

“Collecting these memories for Twilight is really going well.” Starlight said excitedly. “I hope she likes the scrapbook.”

“I'm sure she will, and I'm glad we could help.” Fluttershy said, as the others nodded.

Just then, the rangers got a call on their Morphers. Nate answered it. “What is it, Commander?”

“We have two gigadrones incoming in sector TANGO 5-5!” The commander contacted.

“Two gigadrones?” Nate asked in shock.

“Already?” Starlight asked as well.

“Ravi and Zoey are already facing them.” Commander Shaw said. “They might need your help. I’m deploying the Zords now.”

“How are we going to handle those gigadrones?” Fluttershy asked.

“We could always use the Beast-X King Zord.” Spike put in.

“The Beast-X King Zord’s got a few bugs in the system.” Nate told them.

“But, It worked well last time we used it.” Starlight said.

“We trying to smooth those out.” Nate told them. “So, that option’s out.”

“We could use the Striker Zords to take on those metal creeps.” Steel put in.

“Good idea!” Nate said. “Let’s do it to it! Starlight, Spike! You two come with us!” He turned to Red and Green. “Devon, Ben!” Go get the Racer and Hydro Zords!”

“Got it!” Devon said. “Let’s go, Ben!”

“Right!” Ben said, as he and Fluttershy went with Devon to get to their zords.

“Let’s go!” Nate said to the others as they nodded and rushed off to their zords. “STRIKER MEGAZORD....DEPLOY!” Nate and Steel said, hitting their transporters, and summoning their zords. They were off and about to help their friends take on a pair of incoming gigadrones!

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this chapter! Nate is free from Controlatron’s control, but the gigadrones have JUST landed! The rangers and ponies will need to bring in the heavy artillery to take the metal Goliaths down! Also, Spike and Starlight have finally appeared! Yay! I bet that’s good news for you Glimmy and Dragon lovers since they were going to be in the story, only a little late! Anyways, the heroes are ready to deploy their zords. Now, let’s find out what happens in the next chapter when they fight gigadrones, and their zords?!

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Stare Master
A Health Of Information
The Cybergate Opens
Unleash The Beast! (Fanfic)
Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger (Fanfic)
Different Facets Of A Gem (Fanfic)
Hurricane Fluttershy
The Hooffields & The McColts
Best Gift Ever
Princess Twilight Sparkle Pt. 1
Dungeons & Discords
Keep Calm & Flutter On
Real Steel
Hypnotic Halloween
The Cutie Map Pt. 2
Friendship Is Magic Pt. 2