• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 468 Views, 0 Comments

She Talks To Gold - TheSuperTransformerFan

When Steel takes the concept of discipline too far, it puts Nate, the Gold Ranger in trouble and the only one who can stop him is...Fluttershy?

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Part 1: I've Got You Under My Skin!

The 6 Power Rangers and Fluttershy had arrived back at the base, and were waiting in line to get checked in. Fluttershy was a little nervous, however. But, she knew it was procedure. After the person got scanned permission, the other one was scanned in, and was just about to go in, when suddenly, the unexpected happened.

“WHOA! Hold up!” Steel said, stopping the employee from entering. “What do you think you’re doing?”

The scanner employee was confused. “I’m sorry. Is something wrong?” He asked.

“You were going to let this worker walk in without scanning her package!” Steel explained bluntly. “THAT is against the rules!”

“No. No.” He started. “Toni works here. And, that’s just her lunch.” He motioned to the item Toni was holding.

“We’ll see about that!” Steel said skeptically, as the worker opened the box, revealing to be her lunch. “Oh, right.” He let her go.

“We were lucky this time, but Battleforce rules clearly state that all packages must be inspected.” The Beast Bot looked at the worker’s name tag. “...Cole.”

“You’re right, Mr. Steel.” Cole said. “I’m really sorry.”

“Sorry ISN’T going to cut it!” Steel said seriously. The others were watching surprised and confused. “To Learn your lesson, you need a punishment! He pointed to the mobile sweeper. “Go, and sweep the plaza outside the building! Right now!”

Cole nodded and went to the sweeper. “Um....maybe you’re being a little harsh, Steel?” Fluttershy asked nervously, because she cringed at Steel’s serious voice. “I know Zoey is teaching you discipline, but this isn’t like you.” Zoey nodded in agreement.

“Hey, Steel has a point.” Ravi told them. “Rules are rules.”

“It’s okay.” Cole said, with the sweeper. “I accept my punishment. Working at Grid Battleforce is a dream come true for me. So, I promise I won’t make the same mistake again.”

“Good!” Steel said, as Cole left to do his duty.

The others were still shocked at their friends’ recent change in behaviour, as they exchanged glances of nervousness. Ben walked up to him. “Steel, just for my own piece of mind, I’m not so sure that was even necessary.” He said. “I mean, Betty and my Dad is sometimes strict, but...”

“Maybe, you might be going overboard?” Devon asked, as the others nodded.

“Nonsense.” Steel answered. “I call it a lesson learned.” And left for the lab.

The others were a little unsure about this as they followed suit too. “I think Steel has much work to do on the concept of discipline.” Fluttershy said, as they nodded.

As Cole was about to sweep the plaza floor outside, four figures were ready to execute their plan...namely, Robo-Blaze, Robo-Roxy, Controlatron and Grubber.

“Great!” The robotron said. “I’ve got the Gold Ranger’s gift already prepared!” He handed them a puppet that looked exactly like Nate.

“A virus-infected puppet...” Blaze said, as he looked at it. “Very Nice.”

“As soon as he touches it, he’ll be controlled by me, the Puppet Master!” Controlatron Said, as he cackled evilly. “And, we’ll use this one to get it too him!” He handed them a puppet looking exactly like Cole!

“Go do your thing.” Robo-Roxy said sweetly to him, as Robo-Blaze nodded and while Cole wasn’t looking, put the box with the Nate puppet right by the plaza he was sweeping, with the Cole puppet in the margin of said plaza square.

Cole noticed the puppet, as he swept. “Aw.” He said. “Now, that’s kind of cute.” He picked up the puppet, and as soon as he did that, the puppet went into him, and Cole was now under control of the puppet.

“He’s all mine now!” Controlatron said excitedly as he moved his puppet on his hand, making Cole mimic the actions of him. “Now back, and right, and back!”

“Shh! Will you be quiet!” Grubber barked quietly.

“Oh, Sorry, Grubber!” He said, as he controlled Cole to get the package.

“Yeah, you are.” Grubber said, as he sulked.

“Now, be a good delivery boy, and give this package to the Gold Ranger!” The robotron said, as the controlled Cole went inside to help the villain do the deed.

As he went inside, he was able to pass through by his fellow workers, and his way into the lab.

In the lab, Nate was testing a brand new invention. It looked like an arrow, and it already had gorilla and jackrabbit DNA imprinted on it. As Cole came in, he put it down. “Is that for me?” He asked quizzically.

“Special delivery for Nate Silva.” Cole just said, monotone-like, and exited the lab.

“Weird. I’m not expecting anything.” Nate said, as he inspected it. “Who’s it from?” But, Cole had already left before he could ask.

He opened the box, and saw the puppet. “A hand puppet?” He asked. “It kind of looks like...” but, the puppet had already gone into him, and he was now being controlled!

Meanwhile at Riptide Gym, the 3 rangers, Beast Bot, Pegasus, and alicorn filly, Cozy Glow were hanging out, ordering some fruit smoothies.

"Hey, guys." Steel said as they saw him at the table.

"Golly, what took you so long, Steel?" Cozy asked. "Where's Nate?"

"He's working in the lab." Steel answered, as he joined them. "And, I've been busy trying to help better my fellow humans."

"Ahem!" Cozy cleared her throat and signify her and Fluttershy's presence.

"Oh." Steel said, accidentally. "..and ponies."

"Meaning what exactly?" Zoey asked, uneasy.

"Well, let's see..." Steel started to explain. "First I caught some technicians driving their cart too fast through the base."

Back at the Grid Battleforce hangar, a few workers were driving their cart to get to more tasks, and were just about to cross though, had Steel not stopped them.

”Whoa. Whoa. Whoa!” Steel said in a serious tone. “STOP! Over the speed limit, aren’t we? You can think about that, while you’re cleaning the toilets!” He strictly pointed to said lavatory items to the technicians.

"Then, another technician had untied shoelaces." Steel continued.

As one of the workers was entering, Steel stopped her with his hand up. “HALT!” He said, as he pointed to the untied shoelaces. “The rules clearly state why THAT is a tripping hazard! Fix them!” The worker did so, as he saw her tie her shoelaces.

Fluttershy and Cozy both gasped in shock at what Steel was telling them, and how he was trying to 'better' the workers there. "And how did you punish them?" Devon asked. "Clean your zord with a cotton swab?" He and Ravi shared a giggle at that.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Steel said to them. “I TOLD her to use a sponge!” Just then, as the server was serving their drinks, Steel noticed the waiter had gum sticking out from his mouth.

“Well, I never! Is that GUM in your mouth?!” Steel asked, as he pointed to the server’s mouth.

“Uh...yeah.” The server said.

“It’s AGAINST to chew gum in the gym!” Steel pointed out strongly, as he got out a napkin for him. “Spit it out! Go on!”

The server spit the gum out. “Sorry?” He asked.

“Steel.” Fluttershy started to say with a calm, but serious tone in her voice.

“Sorry isn’t enough!” Steel barked to the server, completely ignoring Fluttershy.

“Steel...” Cozy started to say kindly.

“As a punishment...” Steel continued. “How about...”

“Steel!" Fluttershy said, on almost shouting level. “That’s enough!!!”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Devon said, before turning to the waiter. “That‘ll be all. Thanks.” The waiter left the table, while the others wanted to talk with Steel about his recent actions about discipline.

“Okay, as your friend, this is too much. Even for you.” Zoey started to say.

“Cram it, Zoey.” Steel put in. “I’m just doing the right thing.”

“What is wrong with you?!” Fluttershy spat out in shock. “You're acting so assertive, which is not so normal for you!”

“Well, whatever do you mean?” Steel asked confused. “This is just me being me.”

“No, it's not!” Fluttershy started raising her voice. “It's you being like me when I was assertive!” She covered her mouth in shock, as she realized that she said something that sparked up a memory.

“Don’t you think you might be going overboard with enforcing the rules?” Cozy asked the bot.

“What are you talking about?” Steel asked. “I’m teaching everyone important lessons about rules and safety!”

“Yes, but that is making others feel small around you!” Fluttershy said, seriously again. “How would you like it if I yelled at you for making just a silly little mistake.”

“Well, I’d feel...” Steel started.

“Exactly!” Fluttershy interrupted. “Humiliated!”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” Steel said fully, as Fluttershy just seethed.

“Speaking of which...where were we exactly?” Zoey asked. “About being assertive?”

Fluttershy thought about it for a few moments, and finally realized where she was. “Oh yeah.” She said. “I know I should get tough with my animal friends, and I’m trying with Steel, but it's just so hard.”

Cozy gave her a reassuring pat. “Being assertive doesn't exactly come easy to you, but you've gotten so much better at it.” she said to her.

“It's hard to figure out how assertive to be.” Fluttershy said, feeling defeat and worry all at the same time.

“I'm sure you'll figure it out.” Ravi said, as the others...except Steel (because he needed to be taught a lesson) nodded. “When it comes to animals, you always do.”

“Plus, you have Angel helping, so...” Zoey started, just as the team got a call on their wristcoms. They answered it.

“Rangers...” Commander Shaw said on the wristcoms. “A robotron has been spotted outside the base.”

“Got it.” Devon said. “Have Nate meet us there.”

“Nate’s not answering his com.” The commander told him. “But, I’ve sent someone to find him.”

“Nate’s not answering his messages on his wristcom?” Cozy asked in worry. “That’s not like him to be late for such an emergency like this!”

“I concur.” Fluttershy added. “I know Nate is working on some new invention in the lab. But, this just doesn’t feel right.”

“Yeah.” Steel added. “Not even Nate would ignore a call like that.” Fluttershy and Cozy looked like they wanted to give him the stare.

“Copy that, Commander.” Devon said, as he wrapped up the call. “Come on!” The team got up and left the gym, and over to the scene of the crime. Little did they know, they would face not only a robotron, but a familiar face as well.

Author's Note:

And, that's all for the first part. Steel is taking the concept of discipline a little too far, but he'll learn it soon enough! Also, how will the rangers face the new Controlatron? And what of the new familiar face? Who will the heroes ALSO face? The answer will shock you immensely! As for Spike and Starlight, well...you'll just have to wait and see WHEN they will appear in this story. Find out in the next chapter what will befall the heroes!

Flashback(s) Used In This Chapter:
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Fame And Misfortune
Putting Your Hoof Down
Fake It Till You Make It
Power Ponies