• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 2,004 Views, 18 Comments

Celestia's Star Son Was Shooting... In Her! - toddhoward314

Luna NEEDS her coffee and thinks Celestia took it as a prank. Sneaking into her room to retrieve it and for blackmail, she gets far more than she wanted and records Celly having kinky incest sex with her biological son. Luna, afterwards, isn't happy.

Comments ( 15 )

chocolate milk flavored coffee

This is called a 'mochachino'. Chocolate sauce in the bottom of your cup, add your espresso shot, then top up with steamed milk

Wait... how in the balls did you respond so quickly? Did you really read all that so fast? Also, the way I envisioned it, this kind of coffee would be unknown to Luna pre Night Mare Moon because, well, the medieval and renaissance periods didn't have chocolate flavored anything and barely had coffee at all, so chocolate coffee in any forth would have been hard to get even for royalty. And just to be clear, the chocolate milk flavored coffee is some sort of perfect magical blend between high grade coffee and chocolate malt mix.

Thank you though for helping me to learn this strange and alien word, 'mochachino.' I'll have to keep that in mind for the obligatory sequel.


chocolate malt mix

Tl;DR, chocolate malt is not chocolate. Chocolate can only be made from cacao beans.

Chocolate malt, or any malt, is made from grain, like barley and wheat. It's soaked in water, allowed to germinate, and roasted in a kiln to a deep brown flavour reminiscent of chocolate, but actually has no chocolate in it whatsoever. You'd use a malt to make beer like a stout, whisky, whiskey, and so on.

Most of the reason why chocolate wasn't avaliable during the renaissance would've been due to the fact that cacao beans hadn't made their way to Europe when the renaissance was in full swing. For the record, the renaissance period started around 1300AD, and chocolate didn't arrive to the region until the 1500's when Spanish friars and conquistadors made their way there.

Cacao trees grow in tropical climates, twenty degrees north and south of the equator. So, depending on your headcanon of where Equestria is located on its respective planet, if it's within twenty degrees north or south of the equator (assuming similar size to Earth, then it's not out of the real of possibility. Further north and south and you likely won't get any since cacao need an extremely high humidity to grow.

And given how royalty can procure most things within their power, I don't think it'd be out of the question for Equestria to have chocolate. Though, it would depend on trade routes and whether or not merchants would carry raw cacao, or refined chocolate. It could be a royalty-only thing, a luxury food for nobles, and so on down the ladder you get.

Also, I didn't read the story, I felt a need to explain what a mochachino, or "mocha", is.

Despite that, I didn't actually read the story, sorry, but it has a few kinks that are to my liking so I'll put it in my read later!

Regardless of my schpiel, chocolate-flavoured coffee with malt would likely amp up the flavour of the coffee and give it a nuttier, smoother taste reminiscent of chocolate, similarly to how you can get notes of chocolate and coffee from dark beer made with a malt. Coffee malt exists, also.

Fun fact, coffee beans aren't actually beans at all. They're the seed of the coffee fruit, which makes coffee a fruit juice believe it or not.

Additionally, if you want to make a cup of hot chocolate at home, put in a decent sized pinch of instant espresso to amp up the chocolate flavour. Chocolate and coffee go well together, so genuinely do not think there would be any reason why Equestria wouldn't have chocolate, geographic location pending, of course.

Chocolate malt is two flavours together and is not uncommon. The one I know best is admittedly not available in many countries: Milo; a choc-malt powder that is served mixed with milk. Reasonably popular in Australia and New Zealand, and also available in some other countries.
Some things put the chocolate with the malt instead of mixing it together, like Mars and Snickers. At least, I'm pretty sure the malt centre doesn't have chocolate; not certain.

As it just so happens, I live in New Zealand and I have a 2kg tub of Milo in my pantry hahaha

So, I guess it would be like using Milo powder to flavor your coffee.

I TOTALLY read all that and will definitely now not just make the mix magical enchanted to just taste like chocolate and malt in addition to premium coffee.

TOTALLY, muh dude.

Just like the next Bethesda Game will TOTALLY not have paid mods that are trash and not worth the price. ;)

Fret not! They didn't! Luna would never give such a ridiculous order... unless she didn't have her coffee for days, of course. And even then, it'd likely be done to the person asking it be done to the goldfish or someone else.

Milo? Ha! Ovaltine's where it's at baby, not that disgusting, watered down Nesquik repackaging without the recognizable brown bunny mascot non-Americans prattle on about because it's nostalgic to them and not because it's actually all that good. Like the first Matrix movie. The pre Omniverse Ben 10 franchise. Or The Beatles if you want something more boomery.

My family has always known that as a moffee. I don't know how much traction that term has for anyone else.

Well... You definitely have opinions.

And those opinions are wrong.

Let's be real here. The only reason people ever willingly choose Milo over a stronger mix like Nesquik or an even tastier mix like Ovaltine, aside from childhood nostalgia, is childhood poverty and or childhood parents being cheapskates. Seriously, Milo isn't a bad mix, it's just so... so weirdly mediocre and offbrand compared to other options despite coming from a brand label. It's like the Sense of Right Alliance of chocolate milk mixes.

Cheapskates just buy cocoa powder. People buy Milo because they like it.
I like the maltiness, and that's something that other powders largely don't provide, because those other ones are just chocolate flavoured, not choc-malt.

You have your opinions on Milo, clearly, but that doesn't make those opinions universally true.

Yes it does, because my taste buds are on right. So there! :rainbowwild:

Just for you, I'm gonna find some way to roast the shit out of Milo somewhere down the line. And I'm not just going to make a throwaway joke out of it. Oh no, no, no. I'm going to make it a plot critical running gag and find all the dirt I can on it and its history.

And there'll be nothing you can do about it to defend your precious Milo because I have the microphone and you don't! Muahahahahahahah!

I don't know what that image is. You should link the image itself, not duckduckgo's cache of it.
To me it just says "Upstream responses of unknown length not supported".

The correct word you're looking for is, 'vastly improved from an already incredible starting position.'
Appreciate it. It took a lot of metaphorical hemp before I was through. This chapter more than any since it was the great big 'climax.'

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