• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 1,255 Views, 11 Comments

Summer Camp Fun - FireworksPOP

Sunset Shimmer made a promise to keep things secret, tenth grade is over, and her past is not what it seems, the CMC didn't think something good actually came out of the Anon-a-Miss mishap.

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Chapter 4: During the wrath of Anon-a-Miss

Author's Note:

This chapter talks about Anon-a-Miss a bit, just saying in case some pony hasn't read the comic.

Yelling, arguing, name calling, secrets spread for the school for everyone to see. Everyone was fighting, her friends thought she was the cause of all this, but she wasn’t. No one trusted her, everyone completely hated her instead.

Who’s been doing this? Sunset’s thoughts were only on trying to get her friends back and staying away from as many angry students as possible. Why are they targeting the blame on me? Why do my friends not believe I'm innocent, well ex-friends. If I did manage to somehow earn their trust again, if something like this happened again, will I be the first to blame? Would they just push me out again? With only a book that she got messages in from Twilight? Princess Twilight was probably the only one that believed her, and she had her problems to deal with in her world, so she couldn't come and help. Sunset didn’t expect her to come every time something magical happened, much less come when a cyber-bully showed up and tried to pin everything on her.

Leaving her last class, everyone glared at her in the hallway, and said offensive words as she walked by, this had been happening for nearly a week, she was used to it. Just a few days ago someone had taken a red permanent marker, somehow managed to open her locker door, (Which was thankfully empty) and wrote ‘Everyone hates you Anon-a-Miss.’ She had managed to get it off, after spending every ten minute break in between each class washing it off.

The hallway was empty, and just as she turned the corner something made a chill go up her spine. She turned around and saw the scariest part, a group of four or five students where rushing at her, and the next thing she knew she was on the floor in the corner and they punched her and one who had extremely sharp nails scratch them across the side of her face and blood started to slowly fill the scratches. She heard what had to be the leader of the group laugh in a menacing way. “Kill her.”

No, I’m not going down today. Sunset threw a fist at the person in front of her causing them to fall down in shock. Sunset ran, faster than ever, toward the exit of the school. They ran after her, out the back exit. As soon as she had turned the corner, something hit her and she fell to the ground, the same thing that had happened in the hallway repeating itself. They punched her harder than before, more sharp nails digging into the side of her face.


Whoever it was had just come to her rescue, because all of the angry students seemed to be distracted. “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO HER!?” The voice was loud and sounded extremely angry. Everyone who had been attacking her ran off, afraid the loud voice would catch the principal's attention.

Then everything went dark.

Sunset’s eyes blinked open and she sat up. She looked around. A soft blanket was wrapped around her and she was on the couch in her apartment. She looked down at her arm and noticed there was a cast wrapped around it, then felt her face where a bandages where covering the scratches along it. I was so hoping that was just a dream. Wait a minute, how did I get back home?

“Oh thank goodness you're awake.”

Sunset stared at the person smiling at her. “Flash? What happened? I feel like I just awoke from the dead.”

Flash sighed. “Those kids at the school gave you a hard time.”

“A hard time?” She pointed to a bandage on her face. “That girl's nails are like daggers! But that doesn't explain how I got here, and why you're here.”

Flash sat down next to her and sighed again. “Well… I was leaving school when I heard shouting, so I followed it to the back of the school. I saw them surrounding you, hurting you, I got mad and they ran off because I threatened to take it to vice principal Luna, she’s a lot scarier than principal Celestia. Anyway, they ran off, but you had blacked out, so I carried you to my car and brought you back here after going back to my place to get a first aid kit.”

“You keep a first aid kit at your house?”

“I have a crazy little sister.”

“Okay.” Why out of all the people in the world would he help me?

“I left you here that night and came back around an hour ago to check on you, I was even more worried when you were still asleep and had a fever.”

“Wait, Are you telling me that I was asleep for a full day, and that you were the one who helped me?”


“Why would you help me? The whole school hates me, even my friends, Rainbow Dash said she hated me herself and then said she wished I had never come here in the first place, then tore a picture of us all together into shreds.”

“She said that to you?”

“Yes, you know how she can get when she’s angry.” Sunset stared down at the floor as tears started to fill her eyes.

“I believe you.”

“You… what?”

“I believe you, I know you better than anyone, you're way too smart to make that account so obvious that everyone thinks it’s you after only the second post, you’d never do anything this bad even before the fall formal, and I…” he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

“Flash I’m so sorry!” she cried, tears spilling from her eyes. Why does he still like me? After all that I did? Is he the only one who cares?

“Shim-shine, please don’t cry, you have nothing to be sorry about.”

Sunset looked into his deep blue loving eyes, there was no hatred, just sadness and love.
Why did this have to happen? It’s like when the sirens showed up but a thousand times worse. Only one person believes me, the guitar playing all smiles goofball that I met when I first came here. She forced the blush off her face when she thought about the time they shared together.

Flash smiled at her. “You want something to eat? I know you have to be hungry.”

“A little.”

“A little you say? You haven't eaten since yesterday morning.”

“How do you know that?”

“I was looking for you in the cafeteria, you never showed up.”

“Fair enough, I was reading a book in the library.”

Flash stood up. “I know your favorite.”

“Fine, see you in a little bit.” Sunset tried to stand up but fell back onto the couch. “Don’t tell me, my ankle is sprained too.”

“Yep, hey if I see the Rainbooms I’ll give them a taste of their own medicine for making you so sad.”

Sunset giggled. “Flash your such a goofball.”

“I was trying to get you to say that, but I’m serious.”

Sunset shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind this Anon-a-Miss to, *air quotes*, “Take a hike.”

“Me neither, but remind me never to cross you.”

“Whatever you say.”