• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 1,254 Views, 11 Comments

Summer Camp Fun - FireworksPOP

Sunset Shimmer made a promise to keep things secret, tenth grade is over, and her past is not what it seems, the CMC didn't think something good actually came out of the Anon-a-Miss mishap.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Back home: Part three

Twilight's house

Twilight Sparkle, (Not the princess), ran around her room taking notes from different monitors. Small light's flashed everywhere, with one small piece of paper causing the chaos. Twilight grabbed a piece of paper from the printer, expecting results, but there were non. She checked to make sure the printer had ink, and it did. Twilight began to get frustrated.

"Twilight? Are you okay? I've heard you up all night!"

"Not know Shining! I'm running tests on a magical piece of paper from another dimension!" Shining Armor walked into the room with Spike fallowing behind him.

"Listen, I know you eer...turned into something during the friendship games, and you really want to figure out how magic works, but from what I have herd, when your friend Sunset tried that before the friendship games it literally blew up in her face."

"How did you know that?"

"Cadence became a friend of hers after what happened and you transferred schools, and she and Sunset talked about what they did leading up to the games."

"This is going to get so weird."


"We went to Equestria while Sunset was visiting from summer camp to go see other me and her- I just found out something that will happen in the future of this would and since your part of it if I tell you, it might not happen and it could potentially rip apart the fabric of space and time leading up to our doom and destroying earth and other galaxy's around it."

"Okay...and what were you saying about a magic piece of paper?"

"Well, it's really a whole book, but I'm studying on piece to find out what the paper inside has to do with it, it used to be Sunset's, but she let me use it to study magic and figure out how it works."

"Can I see it?"

"Sure I guess." Twilight took the book out of the drawer of her desk and handed it to SA. He opened it and flipped through a few pages.

"I'm guessing princess Celestia is your principals counter part?"

"Yes, she's the one who gave her the book in the first place, I don't think it's right to read anything in there from when she was Celestia's student."

"And everything else is from Sunset or umm... other you?"


"And how do they communicate know?"

"Well, Princess Twilight, still sounds weird when I say it, gave her another book, or they visit each other using the portal outside the school, the one I... temporarily broke."

"So anyone can go through it?"

"No, unless your connected to magic or someone connected to magic comes with you, you can't go through, other me cast a spell on it."

"That's a good thing, hey, I think I figured something out."

"What?!" Twilight was eager for information, and went to her computer and imediently started typing.

"Well, look closer at the pages." He placed a small piece of the paper under Twilight's microscope.

Twilight put her eye up to the lense after taking her glasses of and her mouth dropped open. "What the HECK?!"

The pages, they had something in them, like microscopic bit's of bright yellow and red weaved into them. "HOW DID I MISS THAT?"

"You were working so hard you over looked it, you need to relax a bit more Twilight, your not seeing things that are right in front of you, just calm down and take things slower."

"It's magic! Unicorn magic! But the yellow is brighter! That must be the princesses aura of magic, and the red must be Sunset's! Thank you big brother!" She pulled him in for a tight hug.

"Your welcome, but Twili I can't breath!\

"Get away from me Zephyr!" Rainbow activated her magic and shot into the sky. Fortunately, she got away from Zephyr, unfortunately, a duck decided to fly in front of her and she fell to the ground in the soccer field behind the school.

"Wow, Crash? You okay?" A familiar light blue hand reached out to her.

"Yhea Sorin, just getting away from Zephyr again, that dude is crazy." Rainbow took Sorin's hand and stood up. "That guy needs to find a hobie, you know other than flirting with me."

"So, you sure your okay?"

"I'm fine, stupid duck, don't tell Fluttershy I said that."

"I won't, so see you at the game next week?"

"You bet, where gonna beat those Crystal Preper's and take that trophy! You know, so coach Spit Fire dosn't kill us."

"Bye Crash, see you later."

"Bye Sorin, thanks."

The Apple family walked around the field and checked the trees. "Why are they still not ready? They were supposed to be ready for harvest a week ago." Applejack looked up at a tree with a frown on her face. All the sudden, Apple Bloom Ran past her screaming, "SINGING APPLE'S! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

"Apple Bloom, get back here! There are no such thing as singin apples."

Apple Bloom ran back to her sister. "I swear I saw them! They was singin I tell ya!"

Applejack sighed and marched to the group of tree's Apple Bloom had been looking at. There was nothing but un ripe apples and leaves and bark. "See, nothin there, now get on with your chores."

"Fine, I did see them though." She mumbled as she walked off to finish checking the apple check.

Savvy Saddles:Hey Rarity. So which color is the trim be on the third dress in the summer line?

Rarity: I'm a little busy know, the trim should match the design on the picture of the bracelet I sent you.

Savvy Saddles: You want all of them to match the different bracelets?

Rarity: Yes, there all inspired by the friendship bracelet's Sunset has from camp.

Savvy Saddles: Whatever you say boss, sounds good, I'll get back to work know.

Rarity: Good to here, I'll be at the boutique in an hour, see you then.

BOOM! "I think I added just a little to many toss it in explosion magic sprinkles, opsie, sorry Cheese Sandwitch."

"It's fine, not the first time a cake has blown up in my face."

"Sorry Angle bunny! I didn't know you wanted that special salad, I don't have any cherries! Let me go get some!"

Author's Note:

I know this seem's a little rushed, I need to start my homework, let me know what you think in the comment's, also, I totally ship Sorin and Rainbow Crash.:heart: