• Published 21st Feb 2021
  • 194 Views, 0 Comments

Ring of Feathers - Himmelswachter

Hearts and Hooves day, big day, one question. Not that hard, right?

  • ...

Ring of Feathers

Ring of Feathers

The sun peeked through the window, crossing over the room and the stallion sleeping on the bed. The large blue-grey Pegasus groaned as he moved a hoof to cover his eyes, the lime-colored eyes not enjoying the morning light interrupting the stallion’s rest. He pushed his long messy purple mane from his face, the white streaks and length from his moms’ side of the family. “Sun…. stop it….” His voice was relatively soft and kind, one would think someone almost as big as Big Mac would sounds a little heavier. “By Luna’s moon…” He moved from the sheets and blankets, his fluffy coat and large chest floof was a mess from sleeping, not to mention the mess of his mane. His cutie mark of a castle tower in the sky lending to his name, Himmelswächter. Well, in Equus its ‘Sky Watcher’. But most just call him ‘Mels’, keeps it simple.

He looked around the room, his guard armor for Princess Twilight on a stand near the closet. But what really caught his eye, was the fact someone was missing. Specifically, some griffon was. “Quill?” He tiredly called out from the room, moving into the hallway. “Quill, you here?” He did not see him anywhere. “Where did he go this early?” Moving downstairs and into the kitchen, he found a plate of covered waffles with a note. “Oh, ‘Mels, I went out to handle a few things. Sorry to leave you this morning, but I left you some waffles. But they could be cold…’ Heh, thanks ya’ silly cat-bird. ‘I’ll see you later today, I’ll make it up to you. With love- Quill.’” He grinned and as wrote, the waffles were indeed cold, he still ate them anyway.

If Quill promised to meet him later, then he could go and do what he planned. Only had to hope it went well. “Okay. A few things to do and then I get the main gift. I’m so glad I got it before the whole Hearts and Hooves day rush.” He grabbed his necklace, a silver chain with two feathers twisting around each other, holding a white gem in the middle. It was last year’s gift, but the feeling of seeing it and wearing it still held. “He has no clue what I have planned. Oh, he will be so surprised! Well, at least I hope he will be….” Going about getting cleaned up and ready for the day, sadly not having his griffon to help preen his wings. But getting them perfect all the same. Getting his saddlebags and slipping a small box into it, he could get started on today’s plan.

When it comes to Hearts and Hooves day, the two basics are chocolate and flowers, easy for a pony-to-pony, bur pony-to-griffon can get tricky. Griffons are not known to celebrate this type of holiday. At least not to Mel’s knowledge. He would make note to ask about that later, never hurts to know a little more. Moving out into the town, it was obvious which day it was. Streamers, banners, heart balloons and all sorts of decorations were about. Small vendor carts sold various items and the flower sisters were the first stop for this day.

Rose saw the stallion coming and already had the order ready for him. “Good morning Mels, happy hearts and hooves day. So, still going through with,” She stopped and looked around. “‘The Plan’?” Keeping her voice to a whisper as if someone could be spying on them.

“O-oh…well…yeah. That is the, well, plan after all Rose. You think it will go well? I’m honestly aa little worried.” A bit of worry tugged at his voice, this plan was something that he had been planning, and he had to plan far ahead for it. “It took a while just to get the main thing. Good thing Princess Twilight had books on Griffon’s and flowers. Not to mention chocolate. Not much on the version of today though.” Taking the flowers and putting them in his bags and giving Rose the needed bits. The flowers being a combination of Roses, lilies, and tulips. The book said griffons associated these flowers with the same things as Ponies did.

“Don’t worry Mels, you two have been together for…. what…almost two years now. I am more than positive that this will work than Princess Celestia is about her love for chocolate cake. But that’s just a rumor.” She giggled and eyed the flowers that poked out of the bag. “But are you ready? You gotta be confident, you sure they got it right?”

“Oh, come on, don’t make me worry any more then I already am Rose….” A shaky sigh left him, and he took a deep breath. “Thanks. A little confidence boost helps, I am way more positive about this than the Princess and cake. Just gotta get a few more things. We planned to meet at the hill outside of town for fireworks tonight. Think he will be happy with that?”

“He’d be happy if it were pouring chocolate milk and cotton candy. Now get going you, remember, be confident!” She gently pushed him away and gave a playful ‘shoo’. Sending the stallion off to his next stop.

“R-Right, thanks again Rose! You girls are the best!” He trotted down the road with a semi-confident smile. Seeing other couples amongst the town. From young to old, it always made him smile when he saw them. But Quill made everything better, after his last relationship failed with a mare named Storn, which was not her fault, things just did not work. He was at an incredibly low point. He couldn’t be angry with her; she was a changeling. She felt horrible for leading him on but had to end it. Mels could only wonder if she was working with the new changelings under King Thorax.

But the low point lasted a while. His adopted mom and dad tried to help, his half-sister tried help, and even a few of his friends. It seemed like that was it at the time, no more pursuing any kind of love. That was until while on leave in the Crystal Empire, where he literally bumped into Quill. Not the proudest moment, knocking down a griffon in the middle of the plaza in front of the Empire’s castle. It was what Quill did when he could easily notice Mels was not in a good way, that captured the heart of the stallion. Staying with him for that day and then……. ending with a nice dinner. One could say it was some miracle of the Crystal Empire. Kingdom of love and all. He fell hard for the griffon and it was apparently vice versa. Quill just called it his heart telling him, but Mels thought he just got crazy lucky.

That was about two years ago, before Hearts and Hooves day, which they spent together in the Empire. Mels being a flustered mess as Quill kept with him and did everything to show his love that was decent for their relationship. The wing over him was one thing that made him lock up in embarrassment. Not to mention being at the front of the crowd during Princess Cadence’s speech, who made a comment of ‘No matter who or what you are, love always finds its way’ or something along those lines while looking right at the two. Was more cute cause Quill only coming up to neck level with Mels, so the wing draping was slightly goofy looking.

That was the day things got better, and only more so every day. He got better in the guard, got moved to be on the new guard for Princess Twilight, moving to Ponyville and having a house. Also having Quill living with him, Miss Pinkie Pie almost thought they were married. Which now, is not a bad thought. More so just makes his stomach flutter in the idea. “Oh wow…. still makes me feel all goofy…” He blushed and made his way to the candy store ran by none other than Bon-Bon. The cakes had deserts and all sorts of pastries, but Bon-Bon had the candy.

With a ding at the door, an almost empty store welcomed him, most customers getting their needed treats before today or getting only little things now. Only a moment after coming in, the cream-colored mare came out from the back, covered in all sorts of mess. “Oh, hello there! I’m assuming you’re here for the ‘package’, Mels?” She chuckled as the stallion flustered and stammered his words, still a little afloat from the previous thought. “I’m just messing with ya’. So, excited or nervous? Little bit of both?”

Mels nodded rapidly and took a moment to get a breath. “Y-Yeah. Little bit of everything….so, did they turn out okay? I know it was an odd request…”

“Oh, pssshh, I enjoyed the challenge. It turned out wonderfully. But ya sure you don’t want a heart box? That’s normally what we go for…. finding this type of box took some time.” And it costed extra too. But it was worth it.

“I’m sure. I read the books, and this is it.” The large box of chocolates was dark brown with golden markings around the edges. “Wow…. it’s perfect.”

“I did have to ask that Griffon chief fella to help get it delivered. Took a bit of work, but as you can see, it worked out.”

“Oh! H-How much did ordering it cost?” He looked up as he gave it back for her to put the ribbon on.

“That is on the house. You are not paying for that. Call it a favor for you two being too darn cute together. I mean, seriously, you two are perfect! At least Lyria isn’t here to try and ask those questions again…... she can be a little weird sometimes.”

It was his turn. “Oh? But you like that weird mare, don’t ya?”

She blushed and shook her head. “Q-Quiet! I’m telling her tonight. I’m hoping it goes as well as it does for you and Quill.”

“It’ll be fine. Knowing you two, I thought ya’ll were together the first time we met. What an awkward moment that was.” He chuckled as the memory came to him.

“Don’t remind me. But, hey, it is getting on in the day. You probably got more things to get, so get going,” Putting the box back in his hooves. “and go have a happy Hearts and Hooves day, Mels.”

“Thanks again Bon-Bon. See you later. Hopefully with good news.” Leaving the store, the stallion made his way through town. Making his way back home to drop off the collected items, it would be the hill where they would watch the fireworks when the mire important part of the day would be.


Entering the house, Mels heard something from the kitchen. “I’m assuming that’s you, Mels. Must have had some things to take care of out in town, well, ya just in time for a bit of lunch then.” Hearing the familiar voice of his griffon-love.

“O-Oh, hey, didn’t expect you to be back home so soon from whatever you were doing.” Quickly stowing the box of chocolate and flowers in the closet by the door -put them somewhere better when he could-, he moved to the kitchen and looked around for the griffon he had heard. “Where’d ya- ah!” He jumped a little as a beak snuck its way to his cheek from the right and nuzzled him a little.

“Got ya’ goofball.” Chuckling as he moved pas t the taller stallion, dragging his tail under his chin to tease him. “Well, I’m curious wha’ ya got out in town, luv. Or is it for s’arvo?” The smaller than normal Griffon moved around him. The raven like feathers, beak, and tied back crest, his yellow eyes gazing over the stallion curiously. Black wings with tan tips shifted as he moved through the kitchen. Claws tapping lightly against the wood floor while the more cat like end with a dark grey snow leopard with spots that almost blended in, the paws softly moving over the same floor as the tail continued to move and tease the Griffon’s sweetheart.

“W-well, my dear outback griffon, it’s a surprise for sure….” He nervously chuckled. “Bu-But you’ll like it, I swear!” Watching Quill move about the kitchen presented some difficulty, mostly due to him purposely putting his rear in perfect view. “What are you making?” Change subject, distract brain, do not think of Griff-butt.

“Was thinking some simple salads, try and copy what you made the other week.” Moving to the cupboard to grab a few spices and such while he worked around the kitchen. “I know I’m not as good at this as you are. That’s why I let you handle the picnic makings for the firework show tonight.”

“I was going to get that started and prepared, store the food in the fridge for now till we get ready to leave. Just after I’m done, you can’t go into the fridge till later. I gotta put something in there to keep it till then. So…. mhm…close your eyes while I move it.”

“Alright,” The Griffon sat down and closed his eyes as requested. “Eyes closed and I promise to peak or look in the fridge.” He waited patiently as Mels moved to grab the chocolate box and put it in the fridge behind and under other things to hide it better just in case. “Sounds like you’re trying to hide it pretty well in there, I expect- “He was stopped as a pair of familiar lips kissed his beak.

“A reward for not looking, which you can now.” Waiting for him to open his eyes again and start to speak once more. Another kiss cut him short as the playful Pegasus chuckled. “That’s one is just because I enjoy kissing you.” His wings brushed under Quill’s chin as he moved to his own spot in the kitchen to prepare some food for the firework show-picnic thing. “I’ll make the little sandwiches you like, don’t worry.”

“Oh? Someone is looking for some brownie points with his special somegriff~” Quill chuckled as he did the finishing touches on their salads, setting the bowls to the side so he could lend a claw to prepare their picnic selection. “I’m excited for this year’s little firework show, I’ve heard they managed some new fireworks that are a little bigger.”

“’Ought to be interesting. Last year was a bit dangerous with those Dragon-Grade fireworks they brought, heh, Princess Twilight was not exactly happy that they almost burned down the old town hall building.” Finishing what they need and packing it away, making now to enjoying a small lunch. “Got that dressing perfect, sweet and slightly tangy.”

“Like you~” Quill teased lightly as he took a bite of his own salad. “A whole lot of sweet and quite tangy elsewhere. ~”

Hardly controlling his wings as they poofed up a little as the simple tease and rather bedroom level compliment flustered him up rather easily. “O-Oh well… I mean… you’re just… “Mels lowered his head and put his attention to a particularly delicious bit of salad. “y-you’re pretty tangy too…. “

Quill held a chuckle just barely and gave a satisfied sigh. “You make it easy hun’, I cannot resist teasing my favorite Pegasus. How about I make it up to you later tonight? Get ye’ to just melt.”

Wings snapped up and the stallion squeaked and scuffed a hoof nervously against the floorboards as his mind was bombarded with every little tease and innuendo the griffon -that he had quite a few bedroom escapades with- threw his way. “I don’t thi-think I’ll ever get used to how griffons can just say all that so easily.” Getting his wings under control and pulling his hindlegs in a little. “But I’d appreciate some ‘us’ time tonight. I am off duty this weekend so plenty of time to do, well, you know. Stuff.”

Blushing through his words as they continued the lunch and Quill surpassing him at every turn of teases. With things gathered for the day and still plenty of time to pass before the picnic show tonight, the two agreed on resting by the fireplace with a wing over each other and a quick little nap with a decent share of kisses and nuzzles. A comforting warmth and amusing sight of Mels trying to be under wing of Quill lent to an easy nap and simple discussion as they waited for it to be a bit later.

As the sun started to peek below the horizon to allow Luna’s moon to take its place, the large Pegasus got up and let the smaller griffon continue laying by their fireplace. Grabbing the things, he needed for their night. “Basket, blanket, sandwiches, chocolates, and….” The small box holding the most important part of the night. “Tuck that away, nice and safe.” Putting the basket on his back and heading back into the living room. “Quill, about time we get moving.” Nudging the griffon with a hoof and leaning his head down to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Come on sleepy bird.”

With a groan and a slow rise from the floor, the griffon did a cat like stretch and shook his wings a little. “Time already? No wonder you got me up so easily,” Quickly giving the stallion a pack on the lips and moving past him, letting a wing brush against Mels wing. “You got up, you’re comfier than any nest or bed.”

“W-Well, yeah…...I am pretty comfy I guess.” Waiting by the door as Quill grabbed a scarf and putting one around Mels. “It won’t be that cold will it? Also, I am a Pegasus, cold doesn’t- “He was stopped with a talon on his lips and the chuckle from Quill.

“Yes, I know. The whole ‘floof’ thing you got going for you.” He smirked and booped him. “It will be a touch chilly though and you’re cute with it on. Just wear it for me. Please?”

With a playful sigh and a smile, he nodded in surrender. “Alright, I can’t say no to you. Let’s get going, don’t want to lose our spot. Show will start once the moon is nice and high.”

“Let’s get going then, luv.” Heading out from their house, the pair made their way to the outskirts of town. Nice open fields with a hill or two. Perfect for a picnic, some fireworks, and some important plans. Getting to their selected hill and setting down the large blanket, they got their food out and enjoyed a small meal as others started entering the field for the Hearts and Hooves fireworks show.

“Looks like a good amount of folks coming out.” Mels looked around and recognized a few. He did see a little bit away from them, his adoptive mother and father. An older grinffoness and a large earth pony stallion. Pluma and Turquoise. “Heh, looks like mom and dad came to see the show too, I don’t think they saw us though.”

“Well, not surprised they’re here. It is the Hearts and Hooves day firework show. I knew they were coming, talked to them while I was out this morning.” Finishing his second sandwich and sipping on the bottle of cider.

“What did you need to talk to them about? I am rather curious why you left our bed so early. Normally you stay for a while and almost make me late for my job.” Setting his plate to the side as he laid his head down. “I mean…... not that I’m complaining….” There were a few great ways to wake up in the morning. A nice breakfast, coffee, or an incredibly snuggly Griffon.

The moon had reached its peak and before Quill could answer, light splashed across the field from a series of fireworks. More so reds and pinks, a few other brighter colors, and a shaped firework as well. “Oh wow, those are some excellent fireworks.”

Mels got up and grabbed the little box from the basket and took a deep breath. “Quill?”

The griffon had grabbed something from his bag he brought. “Yeah, one sec hun.” He turned around and had a small black box in his claws. Mels had a small black box too.

“I-I…. Quill….” He opened the box to show a gold ring that had two feathers wrapped around each other etched into the metal, a small white gen in the middle of them. “Will you…”

Quill opened his box and showed a ring on a necklace. It had green gem in the middle with two small yellow gems next to it. Two feathers etched in going around the ring. “Uh.... well…. “

Mels stammered his words and tears pricked at his eyes. “Q-Quill….” His eyes kept going from his box to Quill’s box, and to Quill. “You…”

“Well, I went to ask your mom and dad for permission to marry you. Ummm…. Didn’t know if ya’ll do hoof rings or what, not a unicorn but…. thought a ring on a chain wouldn’t hurt.” He scratched his head and chuckled. “Guess this answered our questions.”

“I had chocolate…flowers….” He produced the two items after setting the box down. “All that planning, I was just over thinking it I guess….” Picking up the box and taking a deep breath. “I still wanna ask. Quill, will you marry me?”

Taking the necklace out of the box, he held it out. “Yes, Mels, I will. Will you marry me as well?”

“Yes.” He laughed softly as he lowered his head so Quill could put the necklace on, and Quill gave him his left claw and Mels put the ring on him. “Wow. Look at us. Trying to get the perfect time to propose and we both do it on the same day.”

Scooting closer to Mels, Quill got under a wing as it was extended for him and rested his head against his new fiancés shoulder. “Well, I was honestly wondering when you were gonna propose. Was getting worried I wasn’t good enough. Sounds silly, I know, but…… we’ve been together for two years and I was starting to wonder.”

“Really?” The lights from the fireworks dazzled across them, emerald eyes locking with yellow. “I genuinely believe I will never find anyone as perfect to me as you. I was just stressing for two years about how I would propose. Don’t have to worry anymore I guess.”

“No, we don’t.” His beak met the stallion’s muzzle as the parted and kissed. A night neither would forget and was a new chapter for their life.

Two rings, given on the same night. Both with feathers for two lovers who shared their feathers before. A Pegasus and a griffon intertwining their feathers with one another. But proposing on the same night? On Hearts and Hooves day? Its’ really some fairy tale style stuff. But regardless, the two put their worries away as the fireworks continued and the two shared are rather important Hearths and Hooves day.

The End.

Author's Note:

Alright. First story in a long time and its a lot different than other things I've written. It's two characters me and a friend made. I made the pony while the griffon belongs to him.

I wanted to write this cause I thought it'd be nice, something cute, and our characters are a thing in a Fallout Equestria D&D/RP we do.

All critiques accepted, even wanted, and I hope you enjoyed this.

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