• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 780 Views, 18 Comments

Duel of The Fates: Friendship Unleashed - An_Obsessed_Fan

After Jedi master Twilight sparkle turns to the dark side she must choose whether to turn back to the light or remain loyal to the sith.

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The Disturbance

"The sith are aware of many secrets that the jedi, in their arrogance are incapable of learning," the hologram of Adagio states.

Twilight had isolated herself for hours listening to the hologram, meditating on its teachings, and she had watched it once more.

"Some wider known facts such as yellow eyes indicating an avatar of the dark side and force lightning give only a glimpse into the wider power of the dark side. While many sith artifacts recreate this power none are a match for the power of a true lord of the sith. The sith of ancient past were capable of generating powerful force storms, harnessing not just force lightning but the realm of hyperspace to destroy entire fleets. I have no intention of teaching you any of these rituals, although there is one . . ."

The device in her hand was crushed in almost an instant. While her power had grown since turning to the dark side her knowledge had seemed to shrink. Wallflower was the only one who had seemed to help her in any way, perhaps she could have been a friend if Twilight could be bothered to care for such things. Her goal is all that matters, the destruction of her greatest obstacle.

"Did she tell you how to use the memory stone?" Wallflower asked.

"Yes, many of the more powerful sith artifacts such as this one are powered by anger . . ." Twilight had to stop herself from going on a rant about what she had learned. Wallflower was only an asset to her goal, she couldn't waste time educating her on what she wouldn't understand.

"Applejack, its good to see you again," Flash exclaimed.

"What happened to you," Applejack asked as Flash knelt down to rest.

"Twilight happened," he replied.

"Why would she go after you?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know, but she did this," He held up his hands to reveal that they had burn marks on them.

The two jedi gasped in horror at the sight. As Flash held up his hands they started to shake slightly so he let them drop them down.

"I don't think I'll be able to use my lightsaber anymore," He muttered.

Applejack paced around and bit her lip while Sunset crossed her arms and let her mind race.

In the brightly lit halls of the jedi temple, three cloaked beings walk past the different rooms. They make their way to the main hall where they pause to look around before continuing to move toward the library where many jedi are deep in study.

"Looks like it's going to be easier than we thought," Adagio says.

The other two chuckle and reach for their amulets. Upon activation the crystals glow and emit a powerful aura of dark side power. Negative energy began to weave its way through the room and though many of them did not notice it, they began to feel its affects.

Many of the jedi who were sitting peacefully began to become impatient and arguments broke out at shared tables. The Dazzlings reveled in the chaos and fed on the negative emotion.

"Looks like we found who we were looking for," Sonata stated as the Council of friendship was seen mooving through the libriary.

The dazzlings watched in amusement as the council scrambled to figure out what was happening. Pinkie Pie and Rarity tried to break up the arguments and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tried to calm everyone else down.

"I could watch theat animal lover struggle all day," Sonata exclaimed.

"Yeah, the rainbow haired one Is having a hard time too, what was her name again," Aria said.

"I think its time to make our exit," Adagio stated softly.

The four council members began to make their way toward them.

"So what next?" Aria asked.

"A surprise," Adagio replied.

"Who were they," Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know but if they ran they're probably not good, they must be the reason everyone started being mean," Fluttershy added.

"We should go after them, see where the trail leads," Rarity exclaimed.

"As much as I like a good treasure hunt, I think we should tell Applejack first," Pinkie Pie said.

"I agree with Rarity, besides their might not be enough time to tell Applejack," Rainbow said.

"Well if we just stand here there won't be a trail to follow," Rarity added.

"I still don't think we should, it might be a trap like -," Pinkie was cut off by Rainbow.

"Fine if you want to go call Applejack then go, but I'm following those intruders.

"But I thought we were supposed to stick together," Pinkie asked.

"Honestly dear we don't have time for this, "Rarity said putting her hand on Rainbow's shoulder, " If we're going to go then we need to do it now."

Pinkie huffed and Fluttershy shivered as their friends left them on their own.

"Fine we can do this ourselves," Pinkie exclaimed dragging Fluttershy with her.

"Hello, AJ come in," Pinkie yelled through the intercom making Fluttershy cover her ears.

The holographic image of Applejack appeared, "Howdy Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, what happened."

"Three creepy ladies came into the library and did some wierd stuff and now everyone is yelling at each other," Pinkie exclaimed without taking a breath.

"Oh dear," Applejack muttered, " We,ll be there as soon as we can, I just hope its soon enough. Has anyone gone and done anything rash?"

"yes Rainbow Dash and Rarity chased after them," Pinkie replied.

AJ began to look really worried. They both that the two of them could handle themselves, but none of them knew what they were up against. Applejack looked behind her and motioned for someone else to come forward and Sunset Shimmer appeared.

"Sunset, can you tell us anything about the dark side making people go crazy?" Pinkie asked.

"Or how it affects friendships?" Fluttershy added.

Sunset looked nervous and she was going deep into thought.

"Are you sure its the dark side?" She asked.

"No but its the best guess we have," Fluttershy explained.

"Look we know you don't like talking about it but it sounds like they really could use your help," Applejack said.

Sunset took a deep breath, "I know that the dark side alters your mind, it brings out your worst traits and twists things even as pure as friendship into dark desires."

Pinkie and Fluttershy glanced at eachother nervously.