• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 780 Views, 18 Comments

Duel of The Fates: Friendship Unleashed - An_Obsessed_Fan

After Jedi master Twilight sparkle turns to the dark side she must choose whether to turn back to the light or remain loyal to the sith.

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The 1st phase

Twilight pulled her hood farther over her head as she exited the alley into the bustling streets of the Republic core world. Her eyes were closed and the sounds, shut out as she made her way through the crowd with the force guiding her path. Captain Wallflower follows closely behind trying frantically not to get lost in the crowd.

Twilight steps onto the back row seat of a hover taxi and when her companion sets down next to her the vehicle takes off.

“How are we going to do this? We can’t just take on the entire council of friendship by ourselves.” Wallflower whispered.

Twilight’s explanation came in a low monotone voice, “just find us a getaway ship with Republic credentials, I’ve taken care of the rest.”

Wallflower studies Twilight, the knot in her stomach didn’t do anything to remedy her skepticism but Twilight had gotten this far. If Twilight was as powerful as the Dazzlings claimed them maybe she could hold her own. She sighs and closes her eyes.

In the Jedi temple Sunset Shimmer meditates. Her chamber is dark and her steady breathing is all that can be heard. For the eighth time in the month she reaches out in the force, she calls for twilight. There is something there but there is darkness covering it. She feels a smile tug at the edge of her lip, the dark side no longer feels familiar though the connection is still present. It’s more like an old acquaintance.

Sunset takes a deeper breath as she refocuses. She tries to break through the veil that has corrupted this spot in the force. Pinkie Pie offered her the advice of offering it a connection as if she were offering someone friendship and as Sunset began to test this idea she did indeed make a connection. She felt the magic of what she was searching for her eyes snapped open.

The council of friendship sat in their chambers meditating. Group meditation was a common practice in the order as it was believed to be a bonding activity to bring harmony to the self. They were all completely still except Pinkie who always tapped her fingers when meditating. Suddenly they opened their eyes in unison as Sunset burst through the door and exclaimed,
“She’s on the planet!”

“Hello Mandalorian, you’re late,”Twilight told the blue armored warrior.

“I just wanted to make sure you valued me enough to wait,” Tricia said as she brushed her palm over her holster.

“I value you only as much as your skills will get me,” Twilight replied.

“”Well I value you only as much as you’ll pay me so let’s get down to business,” Trixie replied.

“What if I offered you power instead of money,” Twilight continued.

Trixie smirked under her helmet, “you have my attention.”

Twilight unclipped a box from her utility belt and held it up for Trixie. Unknown to either of them a figure watched from the shadows.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading :)