• Published 3rd Feb 2021
  • 10,895 Views, 61 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Viper Kai - AmethystMajesty25

The Young Ninjas participate in a martial arts tournament to save their school program.

  • ...

New Recruits

Two weeks ago, in the Viper Kai dojo, the students were sparring and practicing their karate techniques until Kai exited from his office and told them with his hands behind his back, “Class. You worked hard today,” His students gathered around and paid attention to their sensei. “So before you’re dismissed, I have a little treat for ya. I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine.” Kai put his hands upfront and showed his students a white, adorable mouse.

Sone of the students were surprised to see the mouse while others had the opposite reaction.

One of the students, Silver Spoon, asked Kai, “Aww, what’s its name?”

“I don’t know. What should it be?” Kai asked his students, pretending to be like a nice caretaker.

Diamond Tiara, another student of Viper Kai, suggested, “Diamond Junior.”

Sensei Kai chuckled until he asked, “Silver Spoon, what do you think?”

“Um... Clarissa?” Silver Spoon suggested.

“Clarissa. Good. Here, take her.” Kai said as he give the mouse to Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon couldn’t help but looked at the cute, little mouse. “Aww, she’s so cute, guys.” She said as the rest of the students along with their sensei chuckled.

“You know, it’s almost lunchtime,” Sensei Kai informed everyone until Silver Spoon abruptly asked him, “Ooh, can I feed her?”

“No,” Sensei Kai answered until he walked over to an item covered in a sheet. “But you can feed him.” He said as Sensei Kai unveiled the sheet, revealing to be a viper hissing in its tank.

The students were intimidated by the viper and they all whispered, feeling that they were uncomfortable seeing a viper.

Silver Spoon got nervous and asked Sensei Kai, “Uh... what does he like to eat?”

“He likes to eat... Clarissa.” Sensei Kai answered.

Some of the students gasped, shocked by his decision, and Silver Spoon felt sad after hearing her sensei’s answer.

Sensei Kai instructed her, “It’s okay. Come on.”

Silver gently walked towards the cage and stopped as Kai said, “There you go.”

The sensei opened the roof door to the cage as the viper hissed and the mouse squeaked. Silver Spoon couldn’t bear to watch the poor mouse getting eaten. So, she got rid of her nerves and stood up for herself. “I can’t,” Silver Spoon said.

Sensei Kai understood her emotions and replied, “It’s okay,” He gently took Clarisse back from Silver Spoon. “I understand. Clarissa is your friend. It’s okay to object.” He said.

Then, Sensei Kai looked around and asked the students, “Anyone else objects?”

Half of the majority of his students raised their hands, especially Babs Seed and Diamond Tiara. Sensei Kai was disappointed and told them, “You’re off the team. Get out!”

Shark looked around and was shocked by his uncle’s decision.

Silver Spoon begged her sensei, “But...”

“I said OUT!” Sensei Kai shouted right in her face. “GET!” He added.

Silver walked out of the dojo along with Babs Seed and the other rejected students. However, Diamond Tiara couldn’t stand of her best friend feeling sad and spoke up to him, “You know what, if she’s leaving, I’m leaving too! You’re no sensei, you’re nothing but a bad teacher!”

Sensei Kai understood her words and Diamond Tiara stormed off from the dojo. After that, he looked at the remaining students who were still in the dojo and never said a word. They were Shark, Rumble, Lightning Dust, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Heath Burns, Thunderbass, Crimson Napalm, and Valhallen. They all watched as Sensei Kai dropped the mouse inside the snake tank, leaving Clarissa trapped to her death by Sensei Kai’s pet viper and Kai grinned after that.

After the dojo was closed for the day just half an hour later, Shark, entered his uncle’s office as his uncle was about to use a cigar. Kai looked up to his nephew and he can tell that Shark was upset.

Sensei Kai asked his nephew, “Are you sad to see your friends go?”

“Uh... No, sensei.” Shark nervously answered.

“Go on. You can speak freely. You’re my nephew. You can tell me anything.” Sensei Kai encouraged his nephew.

Shark gulped and replied, “First, my girlfriend, Diamomd Tiara broke up with me. Second, is this the right time to make cuts? We’re already down students just minutes ago.”

“This is addition by subtraction. A true snake feels no sympathy for its meals.” Sensei Kai informed Shark as he felt a bit shook up. “Do you have a problem with that?” He asked.

“No sensei.” Shark answered.

“Good.” Sensei Kai replied.

“I just don’t understand the plan. With the karate clubs from schools in our area are shutting down, we might be able to get some new recruits.” Shark suggested.

Sensei Kai responded, “But we will. In due time.”

Shark listened very carefully as his uncle continued speaking, “But first, we need to strengthen our core. Then we’ll find some new recruits who doesn’t show fear and weakness. Would you agree?”

After hearing out his uncle’s plan, Shark nodded.

In a flashback, Kai was a young adult and he was in the military. He was stationed in a military camp in Vietnam.

While Kai was hanging out with two of his best friends, a sergeant came by and called, “Kai.”

Kai replied, “Yes sir.”

“Command tent. Some captain’s in there asking for you.” The sergeant informed Kai.

“Uh-oh.” Soldier #1 said.

Soldier #2 told Kai, “Oh, good luck.”

Kai entered the captain’s tent and saw the captain practicing his combat skills on a wing chun bamboo dummy and broke the part of the dummy with his fist. The captain was old, but tough. Probably about between 50s and 60s.

Kai stood up front and called, “Captain.”

The captain saw Kai and told him, “At ease.”

Kai relaxed and stood up straight as the captain picked up his towel to wipe off the sweat on his face. “You must be Kai?”

Kai nodded as his captain informed him, “Yeah. Well, your CO tells me you’re a real go-getter. Volunteerin’ to walk point. Joinin’ ambush teams. You got a death wish, kid?”

“Not wishin’ for it, just not afraid of it.” Kai answered.

The captain asked, “Is that right?”

Kai answered again, “Some people can’t tell the difference, sir.”

“You have any idea how many men we have in this camp?” The captain questioned Kai.

Kai replied, “In ‘Nam?”

“Yeah.” The captain said.

Kai thought about it and answered, “Probably half a million.”

“Most of ‘em don’t make a bit of difference,” Then the captain pointed his finger at Kai, “But you... you can make a difference.”

“That’s why I’m here, sir,” Kai said.

“Mm-hmm.” The captain nodded.

“Defend my country. To be a hero.” Kai stated as the captain put a cigar in his mouth.

“Be a...” The captain laughed before taking the cigar off his mouth, “That’s good. Because I’m formin’ a team. We’ll work out of CCN. Direct action missions into north Vietnam. This is the real war. We’ll go sterile into triple canopy jungle. No insignias, no ID. The team will be you, me, and a few specialists.”

“I know a couple of guys, sir.” Kai answered.

The captain informed his cadet, “I’ll train you myself. Guerrilla tactics, demolitions, hand-to-hand combat.”

Kai asked the captain, “What kind of hand-to-hand we talking, sir?”

The captain explained to him, “You wanna defeat your enemy, gotta learn to fight like your enemy. That’s how I learned Tang Soo Do during the Korean War under Master Kim SunYung. You’ll learn the same. If you think you can handle it.”

Kai smiled and felt ready to learn some new combat skills from his captain. So, he said, “You’re gosh darn right I can... Sir.”

“All right, you make it through, you’ll get your beret...” The captain laughed. “...A few scars, maybe even a battlefield commission to boot.”

Kai asked, “And if I don’t make it through?”

“Well, then you’ll show up on some MIA list in 30 years when they declassify all of this stuff. I’m asking you to become more than just a soldier, son. Understand that?” The captain asked.

Kai nodded and his captain told him, “If we’re going to do this, we need the absolute best.”

Back to present-day, throughout the past week, Sensei Kai had been searching and observing every teen from CHS and Crystal Prep. First, he observed Dumb-bell who was lifting a heavy barbell while the other two boys, Hoops and Score, were watching him in case he needed help.

“We need strength.”

Then, he observed one of the girls in the Crystal Prep basketball team who were practicing on the court.

“We need determination.”

“What?!” The girl named Cold Forecast shouted, getting into her opponent’s face while guarding the ball.

“We need brutality.”

Finally, he observed Rover who was now a part of the CHS Wrestling team and put his opponent into a headlock until he tapped out in submission. Rover planted his opponent’s head on the mat and laughed as an insult to injury after that.

“And all you have to do is say yes...”

“...and I will mold you into the ultimate weapon.” Sensei Kai informed the Diamond Dogs after the wrestling competition in CHS was over.

“So, are you in, or not?” Sensei asked Rover.

Back to the Vietnam flashback, Kai was given the same question.

Kai answered, “I’m all in, sir.”

“Excellent.” The captain said as he smiled.

Back to present-day, The Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies were rounding up some Purple Dragon thugs including Hun after the heroes defeated them in an attempt to steal money from the bank.

“Woo! That felt great!” Mikey said.

“You said it, Mikey!” Pinkie cheered.

The ninjas celebrated until Sunset’s phone was ringing. “Excuse me, guys. I’ll be right back.” Sunset said as she walked to the nearest phone booth. She picked up her phone and said, “Hi Bright Eyes. What’s up?”

After letting Bright Eyes talk, Sunset told her, “Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. Tell me exactly what happened.”

Minutes later, Sunset was feeling upset and walked towards her friends and alerted them, “Guys, we need to go. Now!”

“What’s wrong, Sunset?” Leo asked her.

“It’s Bright Eyes and her friends. They’ve been attacked.” Sunset answered.

The ninjas gasped.

Later in the evening, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies arrived at Pinkie’s house to check on the Young Ninjas. Everyone was feeling upset and Lancer was already in the hospital.

Sunset asked the kids, “Why would guys go after the Viper Kai students?!”

“They stole all the charity money!” Half Note answered.

Rainbow Dash felt angry and shouted, “They did what?!”

“And beat the snot out of me too!” Logan added.

Smolder also informed their mentors, “And when we got in trouble at the soccer game, they weaseled their way out of punishment, and bamboozled Celestia into giving all the blame to us!”

“They came after us, so we had to fight back! And we would have beat those jerks if Bright Eyes hadn't chickened out on us!” Patch said as she and everyone else locked eyes onto Bright Eyes.

Bright Eyes felt sad and told their mentors, “Shark broke Lancer's arm! And I couldn’t save him because I was too afraid of Lightning Dust! Lancer got hurt and we lost, all because I was too much of a coward!

Leo calmed her down and said, “Hey, hey, Bright Eyes. It's not your fault.”

Bright Eyes teared up and shot back, “Yes it is! It was my idea to get payback on them! I just wanted to show them that we couldn't be bullied!”

After that explanation, Leo hugged Bright Eyes to comfort her. “It’s okay, we’ll figure out a way to stop this. We promise.”

“Yeah. Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie added while being happy as always.

The Young Ninjas nodded and understood their mentors.

“Can you all stay here and watch over them?” Leo asked them as he was ready to walk out.

Sunset stopped him and questioned his motives, “Wait, where are you going?”

“I’m going to have a little chat with Sensei Kai.” Leo told her.

Sunset responded, “Are you nuts? He’ll set a trap for you over there or his students might show up and beat you up.”

“Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Please?” Leo begged Sunset.

Sunset sighed, “Okay, but don’t come crying if you got yourself bitten by those vipers.”

After their conversation, Leo went off to find the Viper Kai dojo while Sunset went to take care of the Young Ninjas with her friends.

Later on, Leo found the Viper Kai dojo downtown from Canterlot and entered inside. He looked around to find anyone inside and asked, “Hello? Is anyone here?”

Sensei Kai entered from his office and saw Leo. Kai told him, “We’re closed, son...”

Leo looked at the sensei with anger in his eyes as Sensei Kai smiled. He said, “Oh, you must be one of those ninja turtles. Leo, is it?”

“How do you know who I am?” Leo interrogated him.

Sensei Kai answered, “I’ve been spying on you and your friends for quite a long time since the summer. Anyway, tell me why you are here in my dojo?”

Leo had no idea that Sensei Kai saw through him, but Leo responded, “You taught your students how to fight. I respect that. However, are one of those lessons taught your students how to jump a bunch of kids and break one of their arms? ‘Cause that’s what your students did tonight.”

Sensei Kai wasn’t sure what Leo was taking about, but he decided to go with the flow and asked, “Did they?” He approached Leo and said, “Must’ve had it coming. Well, it's not my fault that your student was a spineless coward!”

Suddenly, Sensei Kai was grabbed by Leo and thrown across the room, smashing into his display case of medals that he earned during his time in the military. As he got up, Leo had his sword aimed at his throat.

Leo threatened him, “If you, or any of your students, EVER hurt our friends again, you'll answer to us! And we'll show you the meaning of 'no mercy'!”

Sensei Kai never spoke a word as Leo put his sword away and exited the dojo. He smiled after the confrontation between them, knowing that it won’t be the last time he’ll see him again. So, he cleaned up the mess in the dojo before he went to sleep.

The next day in Viper Kai dojo, as the viper hissed in its cage, Heath was telling his classmates about what happened in the arcade yesterday.

“Man, it was so sick! Lightning was just kickin’ butt. I took care of Teddy. Oh, and Shark got that baby Lancer in an armbar like Chris Jeircho and just...” Heath said as he mimicked the breaking sound. “Cold-blooded. No mercy.” He said as he fist bumped Rolling Thunder.

“Way to go, Shark.” Crimson Napalm congratulated Shark.

Lightning Dust came by to talk to Shark and said, “You know, I didn’t think you were actually going to do it...”

Shark thought about it and replied, “They got what they deserved. No question about it.”

“Yeah. They should’ve thought about the consequences of going into battle against us.” Lightning suggested.

“Agreed.” Shark said as the doors of the dojo opened.

The students of Viper Kai turned their attention to the visitors coming in, but the only person who was shocked was Shark. Aside from the students of Crystal Prep and CHS, Shark saw the Diamond Dogs along with the Boy Bullies and he was... scared. He started to have flashbacks remembering those six bullies in CHS.

A long time ago, Lancer and Shark with short, wavy hair used to be friends. When they were in the library of CHS, Hopps, Score, Dumb-bell, and the Diamond Dogs were picking on Shark while Lancer and Ace were uncomfortable watching the confrontation.

Rover grabbed his head and told his dawgs and the Boy Bullies as they laughed, “Look at this freak. What kind of girl would ever kiss that lip?”

Shark’s old self was more nervous and scared than ever.

“Class. Welcome our new students.” Sensei Kai informed his students as Rover locked eyes on Shark. Then, Heath approached the Diamond Dogs and insulted them, “I’m gonna call you guys... Shortstuff, Chodenose, and Taintbreath.”

The Diamond Dogs never liked that comment as Rover said, “What the heck did you just say?”

“Oh, uh, nothing. It’s just this thing we do around here sometimes,” Heath explained as Rover was about to make a move on him, but Heath flinched and walked back to his spot, “OK.”

Shark went to talk to his uncle and told him, “Sensei, I don’t think these guys are Viper Kai material.”

“Weren’t you the one saying that we should get new recruits?” Sensei Kai questioned his nephew.

Shark answered while feeling nervous, “Well, yeah. But... Look, I know some of these guys and they’re --”

“Natural athletes. Which is exactly what’s been missing in our dojo.” Sensei Kai informed Shark, continuing to feel nervous. “Everyone, fall in.” He instructed everyone and gave his nephew an icy glare. Shark bowed and went to his spot as everyone gathered around.

Sensei Kai prepared a speech and stated, “Joining Viper Kai is a privilege. It’s not a gift. Which is why our recruits must earn their position in this dojo,” Shark looked back at Rover as Rover glared back at Shark. After Shark glanced at Rover, he and Rover looked at Sensei Kai and continued listening to him. “Prepare yourselves for combat. Only the strong will survive.”

Meanwhile in Pinkie’s house, the Rainbooms and Turtles were watching over their students until Sunset entered the house and informed everyone, “Everyone, I just got a call from Principal Celestia and I got some news to share with you. You guys want the good new or the bad news first?”

“Start with the bad news please? Just get over with it already.” Smolder suggested.

Sunset sighed, “Well, the bad news is, the Rainbooms will not be competing in the tournament.”

Everyone shouted, “WHAT?!” After hearing the bad news, everyone started talking different questions and comments to Sunset at the same time until Sunset yelled, “QUIET!”

Her friends stopped talking and Sunset said before taking a deep breath, “Anyway, the reason why my friends and I we’re not competing in the tournament is because of our magical powers. We can’t use them because it’s not right and that’s cheating.”

“What if you take off your necklace?” Ocellus asked.

Sunset answered, “If we do that, then our enemies will have the chance to steal our geodes from us.”

“Fair enough.” Gallus commented.

“Now the good news is, our school will be hosting the tournament.” Sunset announced as everyone celebrated.

“So does this mean that my brothers and I can go to the tournament by being their sensei?” Leo suggested.

Sunset answered, “Unfortunately, no. You guys don’t even go to our school. That’s what Celestia told me.”

Donnie commented, “Fair enough.”

“So, who’s going to be our sensei for our school’s karate club?” Bright Eyes asked Sunset.

“You’ll find out tomorrow after school.” Sunset replied as Bright Eyes nodded.

Rainbow put her hand in and ordered her friends, “Oh yeah. Let’s show Viper Kai that we’re no slouches and we’re going to win this tournament and save our school. Who’s with me?”

Everyone put their hands in and shouted, “Go, Hamato Clan!”

Back in the Viper Kai dojo, Sensei Kai instructed everyone, “Class, prepare for combat.”

“All right.” One of the new students said.

Fido exclaimed as he saw a snake in its tank, “Pet snake! Legit! Yeah.”

Then, the Diamond Dogs and the Boy Bullies looked at Shark until he remembered who he was and told his dawgs, “Holy smokes! You remember? Look, it’s the kid with the lip.”

“Yo, I thought he moved.” Hoops suggested as he remembered as well.

Fido remembered and added, “Oh yeah. You’re right! Right.”

The Diamond Dogs weren’t talking to Shark, they were talking about Shark’s old self.

“And the hair kinda distracts you from it.” Dumb-bell said as the rest of the bullies laughed while Shark hid his lip.

Sensei Kai informed everyone on the mat, “All right, class. Let the games begin,” He looked around to pick a student until he picked Rover first, “You.”

Rover was pumped up as Spot cheered, “Oh yeah.”

“All right, bro. You got this.” Fido motivated Rover.

Then, Sensei Kai looked at Heath and laughed, “You.”

Heath nodded as both opponents entered the mat and Heath bowed to him.

“Ready?” Sensei Kai asked.

Both opponents got into their fighting stance until Sensei Kai shouted, “Ai!”

Rover was about to take him down, but Heath kicked him in the face and Heath gets a point. Rover groaned after that kick from Heath, but he went back into the match and told him, “Now you’re dead.”

Heath started swinging some punches and kicks, but Rover dodged them until he threw Heath over with a wrestling takedown and put him in a tight headlock. After that, Heath tapped out and Rover won the second round. Sensei Kai looked at his nephew with contempt and concern as Shark looked down.

“Finish him.” Sensei Kai ordered Rover.

The Diamond Dog leader lifted him by the collar and punched him in the face.

“Oooh...” Everyone reacted.

Fido and Spot laughed and Rover said as he gave them high fives, “Yo, lights out, baby.”

Heath got up and walked slowly towards his spot but Sensei Kai stopped him. “Where are you going?” He asked.

Heath answered, “To my spot.”

“You lost to an untrained fighter. He’s going to take your spot on the team.” Sensei Kai informed his weak student.

The Diamond Dogs celebrated until Shark spoke up for Heath, “Sensei, Heath has been loyal to the dojo.”

“I’m afraid he’s not... Viper Kai material. I told you, only the strong will survive.” Sensei Kai reminded his nephew.

Shark was all on board with his plan, but deep down inside, Shark didn’t like where uncle’s plan was going.

Back to the Vietnam flashback, Kai was having a sparring match with his general in the concentration camp while two of his comrades watched them fight.

“Combat! Ready? Fight! Come on, kill me.” Kai’s captain ordered.

A young Kai in his 20s started throwing punches, but the general dodged them until Kai swung a right to the general’s face. However, he went to check on the general instead of defeating him, which was an unwise choice by Kai. The general suckered Kai right into his trap by throwing him down on the ground and proceeded to punch Kai in the face, but he stopped. Kai’s general put his fist down and taught him a lesson, “You lose concentration on the battlefield, and you’re dead meat! You understand?”

“Yes, sensei. Sorry, I just thought--” Kai explained before the general cut him off.

“Don’t think! Your enemy wants you dead, so you got two choices. Kill or be killed. No hesitation, no second thoughts, and no mercy!” The general stated, ready to pop a vein out of him.

Kai suggested, “What if they surrender?”

“Never trust your enemy. You can leave all of that peace and love stuff for the college sissies back home! Now gentlemen, we have a mission tomorrow. Are we ready or not?” The general asked.

Kai and the other two soldiers replied in unison, “Yes sir.”

“Yeah, well, you better hope so. Now go get some rest. You’re gonna need it.” The captain told his men until his sergeant called, “Captain.”

The captain walked towards him and he gave his captain a red envelope. He took it and read the letter after opening it. After reading the letter, the captain glanced at Kai as he was looking at a photo of his girlfriend back home. “Oh crud. Not a word of this to Kai, understood? A distraction like that could get him killed.”

The cap’s sergeant nodded and walked away as the captain glanced at Kai, feeling concerned of what would happen if he told Kai about the letter.

“I’ll be home soon, doll face.” Kai promised as he continued to look at the photo.

Meanwhile in New York, Karai was on the rooftop of her hideout to get some fresh air until she sensed something.

“Hello, Leo. Long time no see,” Karai said as Leo appeared from behind. “So, what’s up?”

“We got a problem. Kai is back and he's up to no good again.” Leo warned Karai.

Karai remembered that name and responded, “I see.”

“Plus, he's using our moves against us.” Leo informed Karai of their situation.

Karai started to connect the dots until she found an answer, “So, his karate students beat up our ninja friends with ninjitsu? That’s very intriguing. Ninjitsu takes a long time to practice... unless... Kai taught his students ninjitsu and combine it with karate. That’s my case.”

“Well, my friends and I were thinking the same thing. So, we need your help to rat him out of town.” Leo offered.

Karai thought about his offer and she answered, “Hmm, I’m not sure, but I’ll see what I can do. But in the meantime, I’m helping Cadence’s Crystal Prep Karate Club to get them trained for the tournament. And when the day of the tournament arrives, I hope your students are ready.”

“Oh don’t worry, we will. Nice talking with you, Karai. I’ll see you at the tournament.” Leo said as he left her hideout.

“Yeah, you too.” Karai went back to her hideout, still thinking about Leo’s offer.

Back in the Viper Kai dojo, Cold Forecast and Lightning Dust squared off in the middle of the mat. Cold Forecast threw some punches, but Lightning Dust ducked and kicked Forecast on her left knee, making her kneel down, followed by a back kick to the face of Cold Forecast. After Cold Forecast was down, Lightning Dust proceeded to kick Cold Forecast in the face again, really hard.

Cold Forecast started to feel pain from her tooth and told Lightning, “You chipped my tooth.”

“You needed braces anyway.” Lightning Dust shot back as an angry Cold Forecast got up.

Sensei Kai congratulated Lightning, “Good job, Lightning Dust,” And when he looked at Cold Forecast, “You know the drill. Off the mat.”

Two girls locked eyes on each other once more, knowing that it won’t be the last time they’ll see each other again.

Dumb-bell commented, “Dang, girl.” He told his buds, “You see that?”

Sensei Kai locked eyes on Fido and said, “You, big boy.”

Shark looked at him like he was fresh meat while Dumb-bell was pumped up and laughed as he moved to the center of the mat, “Oh yeah! All right, who’s going down next? Woo! Come on.”

“Let’s go!” Hoops cheered.

Shark fiercely demanded, “He’s mine!”

The bullies were even more excited as Rover smiled and told Shark, “Get him, Lip!”

Dumb-bell was feeling confident and said, “OK, all right. Let’s see if I can fix that lip of yours then.”

As the mohawk punk entered the mat, he slowly took off the top of his karate gi, revealing his tattoo of a shark on his bare back and a little grim reaper on his left pec.

The big guy was intimidated by Shark’s tattoos and commented, “Dude.”

Sensei Kai looked at Valhallen and waved his hand, signaling Valhallen put down the flags for scoring. Shark’s uncle knew what he was doing, knowing that his nephew was going to win the match easily. As both fighters got into their fighting stance, Sensei Kai nodded and signaled Shark to go ahead and start the match. The match started and Shark hit Dumb-bell with a fast spinning front kick to the face. Hoops, Score, Rover, and Spot’s smiles turned upside down as everyone watched Shark beat the living snot out of Dumb-bell without giving him a chance to strike back.

Dumb-bell felt dizzy and begged Shark, “Please, stop?”

Shark didn’t bother to show Dumb-bell mercy and threw him down to the ground.

“Finish hi--” As Sensei Kai was about to finish his sentence, Shark severely punched Dumb-bell in the face repeatedly in revenge for bullying him, this sparked fear into the Boy Bullies and the Diamond Dogs. The rest of the students were uncomfortable watching the beatdown except Sensei Kai who was chuckling. After it was over, Shark looked at the five bullies dead in the eye, letting them know that he’s not the same kid that they picked on anymore. The only thing Hoops, Score, and the Diamond Dogs could do now was to watch his friend suffer as Dumb-bell groaned weakly.

“All right, class. I think we’ll call it a day. Somebody pick him up.” Sensei Kai instructed his students as he went back to his office while Hoops and Score went to help Dumb-bell.

Back in Kai’s office, Shark went to confront his uncle.

“The Diamond Dogs cannot be on our team.” Shark informed him.

Kai grabbed his mug of coffee and said, “With the tournament coming up, we need as much strength as we can get.”

“We don’t need them. They bullied me before. They’re the enemy!” Shark rebuffed.

Kai gave his nephew advice, “You know when I was at overseas, it’s hard to tell who was the enemy. A defenseless local woman would pull a knife on your throat the next. Do you know what I learn?”

“What’s that?” Shark asked his uncle.

Kai answered, “The enemy of your enemy is your friend.“

Author's Note:

The second Vietnam flashback between Kai and his captain fight in a sparring match scene is based off from Kreese’s captain teaching the same lesson to Kresse in Cobra Kai. Plus, Kresse used that same lesson to one of his students in The Karate Kid