• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 649 Views, 9 Comments

The Big Apple - Womboman666

Small Town Musician seeks out bigger things in Manehattan

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It was strange leaving, I've rarely been away from Ponyville even to visit family. It was going to be different being somewhere else, especially comparing the sizes of Ponyville to Manehattan, I've only seen pictures but it looked huge. All the streets looked the same and it all seemed to go on for an eternity.

I'd get use to it, I was always quick on change and adapting to it. This should be no different.

I continued thinking about the city the whole trip there, what it would be like, who I'd meet, sold out shows, insane after-parties, ponies having a good time all the while listening to great music.

My music.

* * *

I woke up and the train had been stopped for a while, I rubbed my eyes to help bring back light into my vision. The conductor was yelling at me to get up and out.

“Wake up you bum!” Bum? I paid for my ticket though. “We're here, now get out! We have other ponies who need your seat.” I looked past him and there was a few ponies looking at me impatiently.

“Sorry.” I grabbed my bag and left the train with a few insults thrown my way. I couldn't have been sitting there all day could I?

I shrugged it off and studied my environment. It was a huge station with a lot of ponies scurrying to whichever platform they needed to be at.

Speaking of needing to be places, I left the station and stood outside it's doors. It was early evening and things were happening everywhere, the streets were filled with cars, buildings playing loud music

“It's go time.” and I headed off to where the majority of life was taking place, I could only assume it was where I could get some thing going on. The sooner I was playing the better.

As I was making my way to wherever music was playing I let my ears be my guide, I listened for any word of a club or a bar where I might be able to get noticed. I imagine if anything I should find somepony who's been playing and already has it in with a few places and would be looking for somepony to open up.

My plans weren't much but they were something and that's all I needed to get started. I walked down what seemed like endless sidewalks and my hooves were starting to hurt, I'd normally start flying but my bag would only make it more difficult than it should.

I searched for what seemed like hours for something but there was nothing I could find, looking at my phone it was five in the morning. I was still ready to go do something but nothing would be open. So I had to wait for time to slowly die.

I searched for something to do but not knowing anything around here or anypony made it difficult to be able to do something about it.


Fuck, I didn't realize it but I hadn't eaten since.. My parents.. Ungh. Sadness started to rear it's depressing face my way but I couldn't let that shake my resolve.

I was able to shrug it off and focus on what I needed to do. Which was kill time and the best way to do that right now was eat. I remember seeing a nice little diner on the way down here that said it was open all day and night.


As I made my way towards it a lone pony made his way towards me he looked kinda shady but who doesn't at five in the morning? I decided to let go of my silly prejudice and continue my way past him.

As we made our way past each other he bumped into me and held out his hooves “Sorry bro.”

“It's fine, just be careful.” I turned away and kept walking, I looked back for whatever reason and he was long gone. “Weird, what a strange pony.”

A few minutes later I had arrived at the diner, Mitch's diner. I made my way inside to see very few patrons. In fact besides the waitress and the cook, it was just me and some guy who was sitting by himself reading a book who looked up for a brief second to look at me and then dive right back into his novel.

“Hello!” Is what the waitress said to me I returned her greeting with a smile “Will it just be yourself?” I nodded my head and she continued, “Okay right this way.” she walked me to the opposite side of the diner and put down my menu so that I would be facing the avid reader. “Can I start you off with something? Coffee? Water? Juice?”

I blankly said “Water's fine.” and she left me alone to gaze at their dishes. Everything looked good from the benedicts to the pancakes. Just as soon as she left she had came back with a small glass of water.

“Have you decided on what you'd like to order?” she looked at me expectantly.

“Uh, yeah I'll have the hashbrowns with the blueberry muffin if that's okay.”

“It sure is, would you like anything else to drink besides the water?”

“No, thank you.”

“All righty then.” I handed her my menu which she thanked me for and walked off yelling at the cook my order with a scream that could've woken the dead. I looked at my drink and from what I could tell it didn't look like water but more or less it looked like the cook took a piss in the glass and tossed a few ice cubes in it and called it sqauare.

Tearing myself from my questionable drink, I stared outside the window in far distance to see the sun being brought up slowly over the tall buildings that were all centered around each other in a big group. It was as if a postcard was being made.

“Here you are sir. Enjoy your meal.” I looked to my left to see the waitress with my order.

“Thanks.” she laid the plate in front of me with my hashbrowns that looked as if it was bleeding grease and swimming it's own fluids and my muffin that looked fresh enough to still be called food.

She walked away leaving me to my meal and I just stared at it, this wasn't going to be good at all but my stomach made it apparent that I was on low with another growl that made the guy reading his book look up.

I gave a look of disgust before eating what little I could before deciding I was done. Which only consisted of a two bites of the hashbrowns and just picking off pieces when it came to the muffin. Hardly satisfying but it'd get me through today.

The waitress came around and took my plates “I'll be right back with the check.”

I checked my bag to look for my bitbag and wasn't able to find it, I searched one more time and I still couldn't find it. I thought of where it could be when something crossed my mind.

That one pony on the street acted kind of weird towards me when he bumped into me, as if I was going to kill him or something. But when I turned around he was already gone.

Was I robbed? I searched one more time and I couldn't find it.

How was I going to pay for this? She came up to me again with my check and said “Have a good morning sir.” and then she made her behind the kitchen.

I couldn't pay for this, and I didn't want to do dishes. I had to go now before she noticed something was up, how she would do that, not too sure but I wasn't sticking around to find out.

I grabbed my bag and left my seat and made the door my target, as I was leaving she came around and yelled out to me. I took off galloping full speed out of the door.

“Come back here you cheap bastard!” I looked behind me and sure enough she was chasing after me, her expression full of unforgiving rage.

I took the corner and broke her line of sight, when I noticed an alley half-way up the block on the opposite side of the street, surely there must have been something in it that I could hide behind. I raced to my means of possible escape when I could still hear her yelling for me “You're going to pay you rotten scumbag!”

Reaching my last hope of salvation, there was little I could find, the only thing that was there was a pile full of garbage bags which were deeper inside.

“There you are you son of a bitch!”

Without any hesitation I tossed myself into the slimy bags and buried myself in them, leaving a hole for which I could peek through and see her searching for me. She looked past the alley and ventured slow further, my heart was pounding as she drew closer to my location.

“She's going to find me.” she was standing right in front of me but not looking at me, although I felt it was only a matter of time before she picked up a bag and I would be reveal

“I'm screwed!”

The me that she was standing there was probably five seconds but it felt like five hours,

“Shoot, I lost him" she turned around head hung low and began walking away from me.

Relief exuded itself from in the form of a sigh, I left my disgusting sanctuary and proceeded to shake off whatever it was that was in my mane and tail. Rotted food, and other things flew from my body and I couldn't help but feel slightly dumb for choosing the garbage as a hiding spot.

When I was content that I had picked out whatever wasn't mine off of my body, I picked up my bag and continued down the alley wondering what other surprises would happen the rest of this day.

Comments ( 1 )

For those of you who are following this story, I've decided to make chapters shorter than they have been due to what I believe too much time in between chapters. If you would like the chapters to be longer and are okay waiting just let me know and I'll do my best to deliver

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