• Published 27th Jan 2021
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Will You Ever Be Mine (Re-write in progress) - zodia

a brand new student that falls inlove with rainbow dash. Aka you

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Chapter 9: Fever Healer

It's been 3 months since the start of the year all of your friends are back to school again and so far it's pretty normal, Going home, going to school again just your daily routine. You even took Rainbow to different theme parks and even repeated what happened back then at the ApploosaCamp. But one day you heard that Rainbow had a fever and she's been absent for a couple of days yeah you visit her a couple of times but knowing that she's only living alone and no one is there to take care of her you decided to stay at her house and take care of her until she's well again you'll skip school for now but you need a reason so you decided to ask Zack for a favor.

You politely approached Zack" Hey Zack can I talk to you for a minute" you said, nervously.

"Uhh... sure what is it you wanna talk about?" said Zack, while eating some chips.

You deeply sigh "As you know that Rainbow has a fever... and since she's only living all by herself so I decided to stay with her until she got well" you said.

Zack raised an eyebrow "What is to me... I mean what do you want me to do about it?" asked Zack

"Pls... make something up to tell the teachers why I'm not gonna be able to go to school for a couple of days" you said, nervously.

Zack sigh "I'll see what I can do now go on now... take care of Rainbow" said Zack.

You smiled "Thank you I knew I can count on you" you said, then ran as fast as you can to a bus stop so that you can go to Rainbows house immediately. Then you think of something since you asked Zack to make a reason for you and knowing him he might say something that will embarrass you...uh your sure it's fine right?.

Then after a couple of minutes, you knocked on the door to let Rainbow know that someone is coming in, then you went upstairs to see her.

You smiled "Hey Rainbow how are you feeling?" you asked.

Rainbow was a little bit shocked "What! *cough* what are you doing here don't you have school day" said Rainbow, followed by a couple more coughs.

You pet her head "It's fine I took care of it and now I can stay here and look after you" you said.

Rainbow blushed "Wait so your gonna stay until I get well?" asked Rainbow.

You smiled then you hold both of her cheeks "Uh-huh I'm gonna stay here until you get well" you said, then Rainbow smiled and hugged you. Then a couple of hours later you heard a noise upstairs so you rushed toward Rainbows room to see whats going on.

"Hey Rainbow what are you... do..ing" you said, you saw her cleaning her with a towel but it looks like she cant properly reached her back.

Rainbow noticed you and she blushed deeply "Umm... can... you help me... wash my... back" said Rainbow in a fading voice.

"I uh... sure" you said, then you took the towel and rubbed her back while you're cleaning her back you noticed that shes twitching.

"Are you cold?" you asked, she nods shes feeling cold so you helped her put on her clothes and you wrap a blanket on her, and help her to lay down on the bed.

When you just about to leave she pulled your hand "Hey... can you... cuddle with me" said Rainbow. You went to bed with her and while she's cuddling you, Your heart is beating so fast even though this isn't the first time you shared a bed with her.

You looked at Rainbow and she's fast asleep, when you're just about to close your eyes you heard her say something "I love you" said Rainbow with a very soft voice.

"Rainbow?... I love you too" you said, then you just went to bed.

Then tomorrow morning you worked up from the singing of the birds you looked outside and you noticed that everything is wet.

You scratched your head "Did it rain last night?" you said, then you just went downstairs to make some breakfast. When you opened the fridge you saw a lot of burned food...

"Is she... practicing cooking? don't tell me she's eating this" you said, then you just took a couple of eggs and some pieces of bacon and some all-purpose flour to make some pancakes.

Then an hour later the food is finally ready your just about to go and take some of the pancakes that you made when suddenly someone knocked on the door, You went towards the door to see who it is.

"Oh, Ditzy what are you doing here?" You said.

"I'm here to give this Package to miss Rainbow Dash" said Ditzy, you took the package since Rainbow is still upstairs and just put it on the table. After that you just went up to bring her the food when you got there you saw that she's already up and waiting for you.

"Hey Dash I made pancakes" you said, then you sat right next to her and gave her some.

"This is really good Bacon and Pancakes" said Rainbow, seeing her with energy made you happy cause that means that she's getting better.

"Oh right hey Rainbow your package arrived today I just left it on the table downstairs" you said, then she got shocked.

"YOU DIDNT OPEN IT RIGHT?" shouted Rainbow.

"Umm no I just left it there" you said, then she sighs out of relief.

"What's in it anyway?" you asked, then she blushed.

"It's nothing special give it to me quick" said Rainbow, then you just went downstairs to get it and went up again to give it to her. Rainbow opened the box and inside the box are two heart lockets, but before she pulls it out of the box she took two pictures out of the drawer. Then after that she made you close your eyes.

Then you felt something Rainbow put something around your neck "You can open your eyes now" said Rainbow.

You opened your eyes and you saw that one of the heart lockets is on you and she's wearing one too.

You smiled "Wow this looks really nice is this custom made" you said.

"Yeah it is I asked a friend of ours to make it, and as you can see they may be both hearts but there a symbol on it see, you'll have my symbol and I'll have your symbol i also put your picture in mine and I put my picture in yours, *Smiles* this way if one of us have to go far away were gonna be able to bring that person through this locket... it's *cries* also my thank you for not giving up on me despite my cocky attitude that I show all the time... and i also want to thank you for loving me with all your heart I know that I may not be good on this speech and all but... i just for once want to do something nice to you cause your always giving me things that I like.." said Rainbow, you put your finger on her lips cause you to realize what is she trying to tell you.

"Rainbow I will never leave your side and I don't think you're cocky at all I know some people question our relationship but we don't care cause we will never stop loving each other... I love you Rainbow Dash" you said.

"I love you too *Your name*" said Rainbow Dash, then you hugged each other.

"Awwwwww that is so sweet" said Rarity, then she sneezed on her towel.

"Yeah I know what your two thinking yes we've been here the whole time" said Zack.

"Yeah sorry about that we just can't help our selves" said Pinkie Pie.

"So who are these people questioning your relationship?" said AppleJack, she looks kinda upset and she's holding a whip.

"I think we should just go guys and leave the two love birds do their thing" said Fluttershy.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" said Sunset, then they just left the room and went downstairs, then you and Rainbow looked at each other and laughed.

"Wanna go downstairs?" you said.

"Nah let's stay here for a while" said Rainbow, then you two just watch the sun from Rainbow's room.

Then Zack pop in again "Hey Rush before I forget I actually told the teachers the reason why your absent I said that you have a some rushes on your butt and I said that you said that is really itchy that you don't think you can go to school since its starting to have some bruises" said Zack, while giggling.

"You Did WHAT!?" you said, then Rainbow just laughed, note to yourself never ever make Zack make a reason for you ever again.