• Published 27th Jan 2021
  • 1,970 Views, 65 Comments

Will You Ever Be Mine (Re-write in progress) - zodia

a brand new student that falls inlove with rainbow dash. Aka you

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Canterlot High

It was Monday morning, and you woke up to the sound of your alarm clock. It marked the beginning of a brand new week at a brand new school. You had to transfer schools because your parents had found better job opportunities elsewhere. They assured you that this new school would be much better than your old, boring one.

Excited by the prospect, you quickly got ready for the day. You brushed your teeth, changed out of your pajamas, and took a bath. As the water cascaded over you, you couldn't help but exclaim, "Jesus, the water is cold!"

After a little while, you made your way downstairs to the kitchen. There, on the table, you noticed a note left by your parents.
"Sorry, Rush, we have to leave early since our new job has strict timing. But don't worry, we'll be back at 4 pm. Your breakfast is ready, and don't forget your lunch money on top of the fridge. Eat well." You folded the note and placed it on top of the fridge after retrieving the lunch money.

Sitting down to eat your breakfast, you tried to savor the food, but the absence of your parents' usual morning chatter made the silence unsettling. With a sigh, you hastened to finish your meal, eager to arrive at school early. Walking towards the bus stop, you listened to one of your favorite songs when suddenly it started to rain.

"I guess no matter where you go, Mondays always suck," you muttered to yourself. Retrieving your umbrella from your backpack, you hurried to the bus stop. You waited for 15 minutes, growing increasingly impatient for the bus to arrive.

"Why on earth isn't this bus coming?" you exclaimed slightly out of boredom, when a young person rode past on their bike and stopped nearby.

"Hey, buddy, if you're waiting for the bus, it's already gone. You should have been here much earlier. Are you going to Canterlot High? 'Cause I am," they said. You confirmed that you were indeed headed to Canterlot High, feeling a bit confused about whether this person was a guy or a girl.

"Stop staring at me. Hop in if you don't want to be late." Since the bus wasn't coming, you had no choice but to ride on their bike. This person's appearance was confusing, as their face appeared feminine, but their body seemed masculine. Curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't help but ask.

"Um, excuse me, are you a girl or a boy?" The person laughed, leaving you even more perplexed.

"I'm a dude. I know I have the face of a cute girl, but don't let it fool you," they chuckled, further adding to your confusion.

"Well, here we are. Let's go in together. I'm Yuzuru Zackodia, but just call me Zack"said Zack.

"I'm Emerald Rush. You can just call me Rush," you replied, exchanging names. Together, you both walked towards the entrance, where Vice President Luna greeted you at the front door.

"Well, well, well, you're late again, Mr. Zackodia," Vice President Luna told Zack, and you glanced at Zack, who wore a nervous grin. Since he had given you a ride and emphasized the importance of arriving early, you decided to help him out of this situation.

"Um, Miss, it's not his fault. He actually helped me get here," you interjected, hoping to persuade her. However, she appeared skeptical and unconvinced.

"Is that so? Well, then, you're the new student, right? I suppose I'll expect both of you to be in your class much earlier tomorrow since your class is scheduled to start at 7 am. Have a nice day," she remarked, leaving you even more bewildered. Can this day become any more confusing, you wondered aloud.

Afterward, you discovered that you and Zack were in the same class.

"Huh, what do you know? We're both in the same class. Welcome to Class C. Don't worry, we're the third-best class, and there are still Class D and E, so you'll like it here," Zack informed you. Curious about where you were supposed to sit, you inquired further.

"Oh, well, you can sit here, right next to Dash," he pointed out, referring to someone named Dash. You asked Zack who Dash was, seeking more information.

"Her. Well, she thinks she's the best at everything, and now she thinks it even more after the recent magical events. I suppose that's an added bonus for a brand new experience. Anyway, I'm heading out since I'm part of the gardening club. See you around," Zack bid farewell, and you waved back, pondering his mention of magical events and feeling curious about what he meant. With the classroom seemingly empty, you decided to explore.

As you stood up from your seat, you began to explore the classroom. You noticed numerous trophies and awards that the school had won, indicating its achievements. Soon, you came across a bulletin board filled with upcoming events. It dawned on you why the students were outside the classroom—they were getting ready for the upcoming Canterlot Ball, scheduled for the following Friday.

While you were looking around, you heard a voice singing coming from the gym. Intrigued by the captivating music, you decided to investigate and see what was happening. Upon entering, you witnessed seven girls on the stage, playing musical instruments and singing. Mesmerized, you watched their performance for a while, but someone else caught your attention. Amidst the music and the song, you laid eyes on her—a beautiful face, a slender body, a confident smile, and silky rainbow hair. Your heart raced, and you found yourself sweating profusely.

"Hey, buddy, are you okay? Your face is really, really red," a voice broke your trance. You hadn't noticed that she had approached you.

"Huh? What, me?" you stammered, and she reached out to touch your forehead, causing your blush to intensify.

"Hmm, you look fine to me. I'm Rainbow Dash. What's your name? I bet it's not as cool as mine," she said, and you nervously introduced yourself to her.

"Oh, you're the new guy! Welcome to Canterlot High. You'll love it here," you assured her, still blushing uncontrollably. You had never seen someone so beautiful before, and you struggled to react appropriately.

"Oh, the band needs me. I'll see you around in class," she said, waving lightly before leaving the gym. You covered your face with your hands, convinced that you had completely botched your first impression on her. Suddenly, someone patted you on the back, and you turned to see Zack.

"Well, you did a great job on your first impression on Dash," he remarked. Intrigued, you asked him how long he had been watching.

"Long enough," he replied with a sly grin. Curiosity getting the better of you, you inquired whether Dash had a boyfriend or a love interest, which prompted Zack to burst into laughter.

"Are you serious? Don't tell me you like her. It's not that I'm being a jerk, but just don't think about it. Many have tried to win her heart, and no one has succeeded. They all failed. But if you're still willing to try, I can help you hook up with her... I mean, date her. I still don't know the right word. But don't get your hopes up, okay?" You nodded and asked for more information about her, amazed at how close she seemed and how close she was to her friends.

"I'm pretty sure you believe me now when I said this school has magic. I mean, you saw it at the gym. They had wings and tails," Zack added.

You were still having trouble believing it. It might have been just a costume, right? After a long day, you returned home, unable to stop thinking about her. Suddenly, you heard her voice again from around the corner. Curious, you rushed towards the source of the music and there you saw it—she was flying! How was she able to fly? You approached them, unable to contain your curiosity.

"Um, how can you guys fly and glow like that?" you asked, and one of the girls approached you.

"Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. I'm pretty sure you're freaking out right now, but this is magic. I'm sure you've already heard about it from other students you've encountered today," she explained. Your jaw dropped in disbelief. It was true, then. Magic—actual magic—existed in this world.

"Um, are you guys practicing or something? Do you need another band member?" you asked nervously, eager to get closer to Dash.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but we're already full," said Sunset, and you went home feeling sad because you couldn't join their band.

"Don't worry, I'm still here to help you out," Zack said, appearing beside you on his bike, causing you to jump to your feet.

"Do you have magic too?" you asked, and he just laughed again. Why does he laugh every time I ask something?

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't have magic. Want to ride again? I can take you home so you can save money for your first date," he suggested. First date? What is he talking about? But you decided to ride with him, holding onto him tightly as he pedaled hurriedly.

Lost in your thoughts, you didn't realize that you had already arrived at the bus stop where you first met.

"Hey, buddy, we're here," you said, apologizing for not noticing. He reassured you that it was okay and rode away, while you walked the short distance home. Opening the door, you were greeted by your mother.

"Hi, honey, how was school?" she asked. You replied that it was fine, but you wanted to tell her that you liked someone. Maybe she could give you some advice. However, you didn't say anything and instead went upstairs, locking your door. Lying down on your bed, you couldn't help but think about what you had witnessed. Despite the magic and everything, you still wanted to be with her, to be by her side. Hours later, you drifted off to sleep without realizing it. Your mother knocked on your door and called your name worriedly, so you hurriedly opened it. She asked if you had fallen asleep and handed you your dinner, suggesting you leave it on top of the drawer next to your door after you finished eating, allowing you to return to resting. Not much had happened today, but you nodded in response, and your mother left you alone. As you ate your dinner, you began to think about something else—you thought about practicing, pretending that you were on a dinner date with her.

"So, umm, did you like the food?" you pretended, envisioning yourself as her.

"Yes, I really liked it. I think I love you," you imagined her response. What am I doing? This isn't realistic. Maybe I'm fantasizing too much. You attempted another scenario, but it felt too cheesy. You tried again, but this time it felt too weird.

"What am I doing with my life? I feel like I'm weird now," you muttered to yourself as you ate a piece of chicken and heard a crunch. Suddenly, you screamed because Yuzu was in your room. You asked him how he got in, and he replied, "The window, duh... Also, you left your window open. I can hear you from my room. Also, we're neighbors, so what do you know? Want some popcorn?" You declined the offer and inquired how long he had been there.

"Long enough to see the end," he teased, and you asked for his help. Since he looked like a girl, you thought he could pretend to be her so you could practice your confession and asking her out.

"Hey, can you pretend to be her so I can practice my confession?" you asked. Yuzu looked at you and, as expected, was about to laugh again. Why did you even ask?

"Well, if it can help you gain more confidence, go ahead," he agreed. You tried and looked into his eyes, stammering, "Umm, I... I like you. Please go out with me." He slapped you, and you asked why.

"You sound like a thirsty high schooler desperate to get laid. You need more passion and confidence. How are you going to ask her out if you're already like that during practice?" His words hit hard, but he was right. You needed more passion and to be yourself. You asked him to try again, and as you held his cheek, he looked disgusted, but you went on.

"I know we only met yesterday, but I know in my heart that I like you, and I want to get to know you more as a woman. Will you go out with me?" His face was about to laugh, and he pointed to your mom. Wait, your mom! She must have seen the whole thing. When did Zack know your mother was in the room?

"Mom, Mom, it's not what you think," you rushed to explain, but your mother rushed to Zack and held his hands.

"I'm so proud that my son found a girl, and he's asking you out. Will you give him a chance?" Zack smirked, and you could see he was about to do something stupid. You told him not to, but he blurted out, "Oh, I hope you won't get mad at him; he got me pregnant!" WHAT!? What the hell did he say? Your mother looked at you and fainted, and Zack burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I can't believe it. Haha, ouch, my stomach. Haha." Why were you not surprised? You told him to tell your mother the truth and apologize. A couple of hours later, your mother woke up and suddenly slapped you in the face. You knew it was coming.

"Rush's mom, I'm actually a guy. I'm sorry for that. Your son is actually practicing his confession," Yuzu confessed. Your mother took a deep breath and also slapped him.

"Worth it," he said, and your mother laughed, and you joined in too.

"Geesh, you two. Good thing you found a friend immediately. Well, I can only give you one advice: just be yourself. I don't think confessing immediately will work. You have to get to know her first, understand and embrace who she is. When you feel your bond with her has gotten stronger, then it might be the best time to confess," your mother offered surprisingly wise advice. You hugged her and thanked her. Now, you felt more confident than ever, determined to follow your mother's advice.

"Hahaha, well, I better get going. I still need to do some cleaning since I'm living on my own. See you tomorrow, and good night, Rush's mother," Yuzu said as he left. You and your mother told him to take care, and after he left, your mother instructed you to go upstairs and rest. You went to your bedroom, slept, and thought about all the possibilities and outcomes.

Author's Note:

( Yuzuru Zackodia is my oc he will be your bestfriend on your journey in this story and he will help you to win Rainbow Dashe's heart dont worry hes not interested on rainbow dash )
i know that whole chapter is day one hahahahahaha.