• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 416 Views, 21 Comments

Swallowing Ash - Takovsky

After the fires of the Third World War, three Soviet soldiers awaken 3000 years after the ash has settled

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Comments ( 19 )

A small nitpick id like to mention is that it takes a lot more than 3000 years for life to evolve so much that it'd be alien to modern world, and literal millions of years for continents to shift dramatically enough to have a noticeable difference to the continents we have today


This is true, but there is a reason for it which will be addressed further on in the story.

ohh thats interesting

An very interesting story , please carry on.

I was curious at first. And then I read this...

Bazarov Nikolaevich

🤣 You did well with two other characters' names, but this one is hilarious.

'Bazarov' is a last name, not first.

'Nikolaevich' is a patronymic. It is used with the first name ('Ivan Nickolaevich', for example) when you address someone respectfully or formally in civil manner. Sometimes it can be used on it's own in common talk if you know the person well.

behind him lurked a cruel looking mountain

How do you lurk when you are a mountain? :rainbowhuh:

The sharp bite of General Winter’s

Piling up all the clishes at once, are we? :ajbemused: Russians refer to 'general Winter', 'colonel Dirt' and 'major Rat' ironically, usually when French or German complain that they lost a battle or war only due to bad weather, bad roads or small rodents.

his Ushanka

I'm quite sure there is no need to capitalize 'u' in ushanka. It's just a nickname which means that the hat has 'ears'.

brown hat emblazoned with the ever watchful Red Star

Why capitalize words for shape and it's color? Also, why is our red star 'watchful'? If it was an eye of Sauron placed on the uniform of Mordor I'd get the idea.

Grabbing his old AK-47

It's always the old 47 one. While it's technically possible to find a really old weapon still in service, was AKM or AK-74 too much to ask by the year 1984? :applejackconfused:
Perhaps I should be grateful that it's not a bolt-action Mosin rifle?

the contents of the current loaded magazine


After two failed attempts to turn the damned thing on he finally smashes it against a nearby wall

Being sneaky is irrelevant when the author wants to pull another clishe and remind the audience that soviets suck in every way possible.

The sound of a handgun being cocked.

Is it an old revovler? If it isn't, there is no need to alert your enemy like that. I guess it's not stupid if Hollywood does this all the time?

And if its an old Nagant revolver, well... That's another hilariously rustic clishe. The one I could actually appreciate, since it was a good gun.


Eh, not to everyone’s tastes. I write for fun, I’m not going to stress myself trying to avoid every cliche while my heads buried in google searching to make everything as historically accurate as possible.

That’s not fun for me, and when writing becomes a chore it’s not worth doing.

The equipment is so poor due to the fact that Dimitri is a conscript pressed into service late during a losing war. Better quality equipment was reserved for better troops.

Though I’ll fold on the final sentence, it is rather silly, I had been struggling to find a good way to end things off so I could go to sleep and maintain my deadline.

Thanks for pointing out the grammatical errors though, I’ll get on those soon.

Fair enough.

If you have any questions about Russian names, language or other stuff, feel free to ask, though.

Though I’ll fold on the final sentence

I understand that fiction needs exaggerations and why movies do certain scenes this way. It's just that when funny movie stuff tries to migrate into books it stops working sometimes.

One author I checked out tried to do almost the exact same scene, but with a bolt-action rifle. It's hilarious when you think about it.


I’ll keep it in mind. Now that you’ve pointed out the name issue however I think I’ll have to change it, now it just bothers me lmao.

Thankfully not far enough into things that a change like that will effect anything.

Tulip #9 · Jan 27th, 2021 · · 3 ·

This is idiotic.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But, I’m sorry you feel that way. I knew writing this that some people wouldn’t be interested.

Question to the author, is this a fic with the overused and propagandists " commies bad" ?

"By god" should be "By God".

After a few more hesitant steps he removes the flashlight generously provided to he and all similar to him in profession by the ‘generous’ Soviet government.

After two failed attempts to turn the damned thing on he finally smashes it against a nearby wall, grinning as a flickering light begins to be projected.

‘Nothing like Soviet engineering.’

:rainbowlaugh: This reminds me of the joke from the HBO Chernobyl mini series.

"What’s as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a shit-load of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into three pieces?
A Soviet machine made to cut apples into four pieces."

I like the story. Keep it up.:twilightsmile:

Это отличная история

Waiting for more chapters, comrade

Grabbing his old AK-47 from the ground and slinging it over his chest for easy access he starts to head towards the mountains.

Conscript using Ak-47? Shit went down in 1984 or what, The Ak-74 was standard issue to the soviet army by then, the worst a russian conscript could have gotten is a AKM or some sort of variant. When it comes to Ak I am pedantic since what almost everyone says about the Ak : ,, That is an AK-47". No its not, there is a shit tone of variants to the Ak and the Ak-47 was quickly fazed out, type 1 replaced by type 2 to witch went a certain type number and after that came the AKM.

Is the title a play on a certain soviet-afghan war song?

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