• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 1,495 Views, 6 Comments

Discord's Job for Zephyr Breeze - BlueHeartTattoo

Set during 'Flutter Brutter'. Fluttershy turns to Discord to help her arrogant brother find a job... Hope he doesn't mess it up!

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Next Job

“Ooh, that friend of yours was sooo demanding; very much of my teachers were back at Mane Therapy school.

Fluttershy didn’t bother hearing Zephyr Breeze's complaints as she walks with him further away from Ponyville. From the crack of dawn, she has been trying to give her little brother a job so that she can let him stay with her in her cottage. Until now, when he quit after his first job with Rarity, she realizes that this will be harder as she thought.

But she wasn’t planning to give up so soon. She needs to put her little brother’s hoof on the right track after years of taking advantage of her parents’ hospitality. Unfortunately, the jobs from Rarity and Twilight didn’t turn out like she planned. But she had something in mind for Zephyr as she walked closer to a large clearing.

“Um, big sis,” Zephyr Breeze asks, “What are we doing far away from town? Oh! Is it because you want to show me how to communicate with animals properly; because, heh, I don’t think I’ve gotten the right approach to it.”

“Actually, Zeph, I think I might have another job opportunity for you.”

Zephyr looked at her confusingly, “But there’s nopony here.”

“Not everypony,” Fluttershy said with a knowing smirk on her face.

Before Zephyr could ask any further, a squirrel came out of nowhere, runs towards Fluttershy, and hands her a whistle tied around his neck. She untied the whistle off its body and petted it with gratitude while she puts the whistle around her neck. Licking her lips and holding the whistle steady in her hooves, she blew into it, which instead of a high, piercing shriek, came to an enormous blow of a foghorn.

Zephyr covered his ears in surprise, “What kind of a whistle is that?!”

Fluttershy replied to him as she stopped blowing, “A friend of mine gave it to me. You’re actually going to meet him right now.”

And right on cue, a flash of light appeared behind Fluttershy, and there stood the very draconequus she was whistling for. Only that he appeared with a pink robe and a mug in his claw.

“Fluttershy! This is a surprise! You know Tuesday Tea is only a few days away,” Discord says coyly as he opened up his arms and gives Fluttershy a hug, with her returning it. They break the embrace as he lets out a long yawn, “Not to mention that you caught me at a bad time.”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but I need a favor. It’s about my brother,” Fluttershy then gestured to Zephyr, who is looking in awe at the creature who is embracing his sister in his arms.

“Wow, sis! I guess your animal business is more immerse than I thought,” Zephyr marveled while retorting back to his savvy impression.

Discord’s interest peeked at the sight of the green pegasus.

“Fluttershy, you never told me about this brother—or your family now I think about it. What’s the occasion?”

Fluttershy replied with a slight hint of stress, “Job hunting.”

Discord’s eyebrows frown with confusion, “Job hunting?”

“I convinced my parent to kick him out of their house, and then he moved into mine. I told him if he wants to stay, he needs to find a job first.”

“Yeah, but the first jobs I had so far didn’t appreciate my artistic approach,” Zephyr intervene. “Neither did Mane Therapy School, for that matter. I’m guessing, Flutters, you’re leading me to something a little more… frisky?’

Fluttershy rolled her eyes at her brother’s arrogant demeanor but remained steadfast in her task at hoof. Discord could tell something was off between them, but he would consider it rude to ask Fluttershy about it now, so the best he could do is observe Zephyr with indifference and caution.

Fluttershy turned to Discord, “I was hoping if you could help with him. Do you have any jobs that you can give him?”

“Me? Whoa, whoa, I think you’re a little much here,” Discord shrugs Fluttershy off from their embrace as he defends himself, “A spirit of chaos doesn’t exactly offer career opportunities.”

“Please?” Fluttershy pleaded, “You’re the only pony I can turn to now. Rainbow’s still at Wonderbolt practice, and everyone else is busy.”


“It doesn’t have to be big. Just one small task that Zephyr can do. Please?”

Fluttershy had just stares at Discord with her big, pleading eyes that would usually have him reconsider. It was working.

“Still, this is sudden,” Discord defended, “I don’t know what to do with him.”

“I’m sure you can think of something,” Fluttershy then thought of an idea to coax him, “Maybe you and I can go do a little shopping while he works. We can go to that comic shop.”

Discord’s eyebrows arched with interest, “The one where they kept the O&O supplies—the dices, world books, and figurines?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I’ve already had tea cakes with Twilight, but I can treat you to something special…. Anything you want.”

Just like that, Discord’s eyes brighten up with opportunities, and he quickly turned to face Zephyr.

“Actually, now I think about it, I just might have something simple enough for your brother,” Discord glared at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Oh, yeah?” Zephyr tries to stand confident, but he is nervous about what this creature has in mind for him. He had a history of torturing ponies in the past, and even though his sister had supposedly changed him for the better, he can’t help but wonder.

Discord snaps his fingers and, in a flash, He and the two siblings appear inside Discord’s home.

“I’ve needed someone who can tidy up the place and do a little organizing for me. It’s tough for me to keep track of all my creations and where they go.”

Zephyr’s eyes widen at the chaotic sight of his home. The house was already neat as cleanliness goes. Still, with his walls melting with lava (having no signs of heat and blacken char whatsoever), a large branch poking out of its frame and reaching halfway across the room, and various objects flying in the ceiling and crawling on the floor—it was nothing short of hectic.

“The dishes in the kitchen need some washing, and my roommate, Smoozey, needs his bath.”

“Roommate?” Zephyr questions, “Why can’t he wash?”

“Oh, he’s never fully aware of his hygiene. In fact, he doesn’t even have a skeleton. Just put him in a bathtub, and he’ll be fine. But I do expect this place to finish the moment I get back.”

Zephyr only stood in his place, nervous. Fluttershy patted his shoulders in comfort.

“We won’t be gone for long. But you’re not weaseling your way out of this,” Fluttershy warned.

“Oh, don’t worry, sis,” Zephyr once again spoke confidently, “I got everything covered.”

“Okay, well, see you later,” Fluttershy said goodbye in an almost hesitant tone.

“Toota-loo,” Before Discord snaps his fingers and leaves with Fluttershy, he gave her brother a grin that could be interpreted as mischievous or judgmental.

Once they were entirely gone, Zephyr’s façade fades, and he turns to stare at the literal chaos before him.

It has been hours already since they left Zephyr in Discord’s home. Fluttershy and the draconeqqus spent the day shopping and treating him to some food. They went to the comic store for anything related to Ogres and Oubliettes, then they went to a record store to help him find collections of old-style jazz music. Then they went to an animal supply store for new toys and treats that she could give to her animals. At this point, they sat at a small table at an ice cream parlor. Discord treated himself with a gigantic sundae with a concoction of flavors and toppings that made the ice cream colt sweat with fear and exhaustion. Fluttershy was only picking on a scoop of strawberry ice cream in her small cup, her mind already full of her brother and the mess he’ll bring.

Discord notices her sad glance on the ice cream and realizes quickly what she’s thinking. Throughout their trip, Fluttershy explains her brother’s job issues and how he has taken advantage of their parents. That she had to explain how stressed she is and why she summoned him, and frankly, he is concerned for her wellbeing.

“You know, I may have left your brother with a hefty responsibility—especially coming from someone like me,” Discord spoke out, “But I can assure you that he’ll be fine.”

“I hope so,” Fluttershy sighs, “If he fails on another job, I don’t know how much more I can take for him. I know he’s doing all of this on purpose--- he doesn’t even try to put in the effort for it.”

There was a short silence before Discord can speak again, “then kick him out.”

Fluttershy’s eyes snap up to his in shock, “what?”

“You heard me,” Discord said sternly, “If he isn’t going to straighten up on your terms, then you tell him to leave. That was part of your agreement, wasn’t it?”

“But…. It hasn’t come to that yet! He still has a chance.” Fluttershy defended, almost like she was trying to find an excuse for it.

“You know it’s going to end badly. Why bother sticking up for the guy? He wouldn’t do the same for you if you were in his place.”

“It’s not that easy, Discord!” Fluttershy shouted more than she wanted to because she wants to let out some frustration. Discord is somewhat surprised at her tone, not too much as if it was out of character—but this side of her was something he hasn’t seen before.

She sighs in defeat, “He’s my brother. It’s my job as his sister to look out for him. I want him to succeed, but it hurts me to see him suffering like this. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many times he tries to change, he would later fall back to where he was before—back to my parent’s house, taking all of their space and their procession just to treat himself. I can’t let him do that to himself again. I’m the only one who can help him now. Maybe if he can put in a little effort, I know he would do great things. I’ve always known that he can.”

Discord has known her to see the best of ponies—it’s because of that, he changed to where he can live in Equestria freely and happily. He doesn’t know much about having a family to take care of, though Fluttershy is the closest thing to having one. He definitely will put himself in harm’s way if it meant seeing her safe with a sweet smile on her face. But she is throwing herself into a lot of effort for someone who doesn’t want it. All the things she would give her brother would be useless for him.

But then again…. He didn’t appreciate the effort she gave to him when she is trying to reform him. Only then, he let down his guard to see the friendship she is giving him and learn how happy he is with her. Even if that feeling hasn’t grown much more substantial than it is now, he is grateful for her giving him the chance to live happily. Maybe that same chance could happen to her brother. Though there’s a slight chance it won’t.

Discord sigh with a hint of understanding, “I’m sorry. I’m just worried that your brother will hurt you from this. He really doesn’t deserve the care you’re giving him.”

“I know,” Fluttershy replied sadly, “But it could work this time. Maybe even better than when I helped you.”

“Fluttershy, you can’t blame yourself for all the things I did. But I changed because of the friendship you gave me. There might be a slump chance for him….” He paused for a moment, reaching his hand to cradle her face, “But if that ever happens, I’ll be here to support you.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I know you would. Thank you.”

Fluttershy kissed his hand as a sign of gratitude. Discord slightly turned his head away so she wouldn’t see the small blush on his cheeks.

“Well, I’m quite stuffed,” Discord got up from his chair and poofed the two ice cream bowls away, “How about we head back to my place to see Zephyr’s makeover.”

Fluttershy got off from her chair and follows him, “Honestly, I’m afraid to find out.”

Discord reached out his hand for her to grab, “Whatever happens, there are no hard feelings.”

Fluttershy smiled as she places her hoof in his hand. Discord returned his smile before he snapped his fingers, taking their shopping bags with them.

Discord and Fluttershy flashed into Discord’s home.

“Zucy, we’re home!” Discord gasps in shock.

Fluttershy was about to question Discord until she saw what he was looking at. The front room was even more of a mess compared to last time. The furniture, picture frames, and relics were crooked and misplaced from the walls. A new coat of paint is smeared across the wall in different bright colors (red, yellow, and purple). At the top of the stairs that lead to nowhere lies The Smooze with a bath towel around him. The Smooze left a trail of slime across the floor and on the steps.

Then Fluttershy spotted her brother, using tape to piece together what looked to be a collection of broken vases. She shouted in anger, “Zephyr Breeze!”

Zephyr snaps his head up, and his eyes shrunk on his sister.

“Flutters!” Zephyr greeted nervously, “Back so soon?”

“What happened here?!” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, heh, it was actually a funny thing. When you guys left, I went to find your friend’s roommate to give a bath—just like he asked. But when I saw him, things have gotten…. Complicated. There’s green ooze all over me; I tried painting the walls using the furniture—thought I would give a little pop of color—and then I—”

“Discord asked you to tidy the room and organize his things. This place is a total mess!”

“Well, it’s not my fault I don’t know the basics of housekeeping.”

Fluttershy growled in an almost animalistic way, something she tried to hold back until now, “Zephyr Breeze, you—”

“Now, now hold on there, Fluttershy,” Discord interrupted, making the siblings’ brow farrow in confusion. “I think Zephyr is up to something here.”

“What?” Both Fluttershy and Zephyr said in unison.

“I really like what you’ve done so far. The touch of color is nice. And I’m glad you got Smoozey to help you.”

“I did?” Zephyr absentmindedly said before he corrected himself, “Oh, I mean I did!”

“Even though I think the furniture is placed clumsy and the painting might be tweaked a little, I say you’ve done a good job.”

Zephyr was pleasantly surprised by this compliment, while as in truth—he didn’t do exactly as he was told to do and didn’t bother to fix any of it. In fact, as soon as he saw a glance of the Smooze—realizing it wasn’t a pony but a sentient pile of goo, he ran away out of fear and gotten himself falling down the stair which was supposed to lead to nowhere and break his collection of glass vases. He didn’t like handling all of the weird, bizarre things around him. Still, it was nice for him to be acknowledged for his artistic abilities.

“Oh, well… thank you,” Zephyr replied to the draconeqqus, “Thank you very much. It wasn’t easy, but I’m sure this is sufficient for a creature of your taste.”

Fluttershy stared puzzled at the two stallions. She wasn’t sure what is going on. Either Discord is pretending to like her brother’s obviously lazy attempt, or he’s just warming him up for an explosive angry rant? Whatever it is, she hoped it would end nicely.

“It’s good enough as it is,” Discord replied to Zephyr, “But I’m sure we could improve on it. So when are you available next time?

Zephyr blinked, “next time? I-I thought this was only a one-time gig.”

“Oh, ho, but the fun has begun. And Fluttershy said you needed a full-time job—That’s what I’m offering. You and I are going to make some great chaos together. We can finish painting the walls—I think a Van Gogh’s starry night or an Escher’s illusion style would be splendid. Then we would my portal to a different dimension on some stairs, hang my couches on the ceilings—I would use my anti-gravity spell for that. We could out trampolines on the walls for fun, my cacti garden in the hallway right my pet plant Octavius--” he then gasped in excitement, “I’ll even bring out my collection of moving paintings!”

As Discord lists off the possibilities for chaotic decorating, Zephyr was getting nervous. He already had an experience of a lifetime exploring through the chaos in his home—how could he possibly go through days, months, even years trapping himself with such a maze full of unusual, unexplainable phenomena. If his fear of failure wasn’t enough to commit to a full-time job, this would take the cake.

While Discord was in the middle of his rant, Zephyr interrupted, “Oh, wait! You know what? Heh, it- it- uh- I think I should look somewhere else. I don’t think housekeeping is up to my artistic skills.” Zephyr chuckled nervously.

Fluttershy can see that her brother was backing out, yet she can see how nervous he’s acting. She would suspect he had gotten more into Discord’s chaos that frightens him. And honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised. Some ponies still don’t appreciate the magic Discord brings to their world—even her friends often complain of his tricks. But at least they all remain tolerant or adaptable enough to where Discord can be comfortable using his magic freely—as long it doesn’t involve a cruel prank or an act against Equestria.

“Really?” Discord asked, his brow furrow confused, “But from what Fluttershy told me, you love redecorating.”

“Oh, yes! Yes, I do! But um—” Zephyr was desperate to find an excuse, “I- I just feel like I am needed somewhere else.” He chuckles nervously.

Slowly and surely, he steps backward, cautiously, towards the door.

“Zephyr don’t back out on this—” Fluttershy warned. But Zephyr ignores his sister’s pleas for his own sanity.

“Oh, I better be going!” He giggled as he tries to grab the doorknob and opening the door. When he finally did, he slips through it so fast and hastily as he yells, “Bye!”

Both Fluttershy and Discord looked through the window to see Zephyr running down the stone path before he halted, realizing there’s was nowhere he can go without floating out into the abyss. His head snapped back, his focus on the house. They can hear his panicked exclaim through the window, “You coming, sis?”

Fluttershy sighs in distress. Another job attempt failed miserably.

“Don’t feel bad, Flutters,” Discord patted her shoulders in comfort, “I knew he couldn’t handle my chaos. It’s written all over his face. Besides, I’ll turn the place back where it was.”

Fluttershy thought of something, and her face puzzled, “You didn’t just set this up so you can punish Zephyr for using me?”

Discord made an indecisive but playful shrug, “Ehh, a little bit. Still, it would be nice to have more ponies appreciating chaotic magic. You seem to be the only one I know that does.”

Fluttershy smiled, “Because it’s a part of you. And I wouldn’t let you change that for the world.”

Discord returned the smile, his blush slowing rising on his cheeks. Though he noticed on close inspection that Fluttershy was blushing too.

Discord broke the tension, “Well, I better poof you back to Ponyville now before the flying badgers take him.”

“Of course. See you for Tuesday Tea?”

“Always,” Discord said before he snaps his finger, sending Fluttershy and her brother back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

I had this idea for a while but I didn't know how to write this or how it should end. I originally wanted Discord to like Zephyr's mess at first before Zephyr started to criticize with his chaos and expanding his chaos until Discord lets him go, crossing the line between having too much chaos without meaning. But it didn't fit well in this format so I revised it to where Zephyr is spooked by Discord and his magic.

I wanted to thank Lilcymoe21 (or Lilcmoe here) from the Fluttercord Discord Server for proof-reading and help editing this <3

Comments ( 6 )

Great story for the Fluttercord week!

I have not gotten that far in the show, but I do like how you showed Zephyr and Fluttershy wanting to help her brother. As well as Discord being understanding to Fluttershy, showing how much he has grown over his time at Equestria.

This was a cute story. Good job. :twilightsmile:

Wonderful story! :heart: Fluttershy and Discord's interactions were all very sweet. I liked their discussion about her helping Zephyr, with both of them giving their honest thoughts and understanding each other's view...and that mention that Fluttershy is the closest thing Discord has to a family? :rainbowkiss:

And oh, the interactions between Zephyr and Discord...quite fun to read! Especially since Discord loves the mess Zephyr made...and Zephyr finds it more terrifying to keep working for him than being "fired" and risking his sister's wrath. :rainbowlaugh:

There were a lot of other little details I loved—from the foghorn-whistle than Fluttershy uses to call Discord, to how Discord perks up at getting more O&O things and being treated to ice cream by her.

"There might be a slump chance for him….”

I think you meant "slight". There might be a few other misplaced words, but this is the only one that really jumped out to me.

"my pet plant Octavius--”

Is that a reference to "The Element of Kindness" I see?

Thank you! It was a lot of fun to write.

And you were right about Octavius. I thought it would be funny to put in a Easter egg.

I know this is a Fluttercord story, but I think we needed to see more of the story from Zephyr's perspective. I actually want to see how exactly he ended up where he did.

This was a great story to read! Plus, it was funny at the flying badgers part I read, lol. Good job on this!

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