• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 4,553 Views, 50 Comments

Fluttershy's Guide To Bestiality For Girls - PegPony

After an embarrassing episode regarding a horse, Applejack is introduced to Fluttershy's bestiality blog.

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Comments ( 23 )

Why is there a link in this

Do you mean the link Fluttershy gives Applejack? It's not a real link so far as I'm aware, I put that in for the sake of making Fluttershy's blog seem more believable, that's why it looks like a real website link 😊

Ah lol then why did you make it touchable it shows up like click the link

I noticed that, very odd. I didn't make it clickable though, so I'm not sure what is going on there.

This was kinda funny. For a moment I thought you were going to write her doing a blog post on gerbiling. If that had happened, I'd have pissed myself.

Well I'm glad you liked it! The idea of gerbilling didn't really enter my mind and I'm sorry to say that any future stories I do probably won't feature that particular practice.

You know gerbiling never actually happened? It was entirely made-up by the news papers in an attempt to sell copies.

Really? Wow, that's interesting. Seems like that effort to sell more copies came with a side effect.

Gerbiling never really took off, there was never a single er report about a doctor pulling a dead small animal out of someone. Snopes did an article about it.
It was created as homophobic propaganda back in the 80's, just like in the early 2000's the whole fake story about rainbow parties was created to make young women feel ashamed about wanting to have sex.

Ugh, the world sucks sometimes, but it can only get better from now on (hopefully).

Everyone generally knows that gerbiling is utter horse shit, that doesn't mean I still don't nearly piss myself every time I watch the Lemmiwinks episode of South Park. The whole thing that proved rainbow parties proven to be fake was as the story started going around, a couple of journalists started asking questions of young people in the area the story supposedly popped up from and none of the teens or young adults had even heard of rainbow parties. The same thing with the Tide pod challenge, it started out as a series of memes on 4chan(and we know that on there is othing but a bunch of trolls, pedos, racists and conspiracy theorists) that CBS news blew up to increase their ratings. A bunch of people started looking up reports from poison control centers and er visits and they found that during the time that the Tide pod challenge was supposedly going on, there were almost no reports of teens and young adults being reported with detergent poisoning, just infants, toddlers, the elderly who had dementia and pets.

But back to my original comment, the reason why I said I would have pissed myself if you had written Fluttershy's blog about gerbiling is because I could see a gerbil trying to mount her and go at it.

I have to agree, that is a very funny image to imagine! Also thank you for an interesting conversation :)

No prob. It's actually refreshing to talk with someone who would look at the sources I provide and even consider my points, even if they're not willing to accept them. Normally the discussions quickly steer off into...well to avoid unwanted political discourse...Q-Anon territory.

It was an interesting story, I enjoyed the beginning and the epilogue. The blog stuff felt boring, that's probably just my preferences though.

The only major thing that broke my suspension of (dis)belief is the horse entering into a human female's womb by breaching the cervix.
I understand, fictional smut. It's just one of those medical tidbits that annoy me.

Perhaps the use of magic allows this to occur ... actually that would be horrifying. Fluttershy and Applejack can have a horse's penis enter their womb and they give such advice through the internet/blog. Then it results to multiple emergency room reports of female internal bleeding through the vagina + decent probability of death.

Best of luck, eager to see what your sequel will tackle.


Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed my story and are looking forward to the sequel, that makes me feel confident in that I must be doing something right :) I understand completely if you found the blog stuff a little boring, after all it is just basically information. As for the whole womb/cervix thing, I totally get where you're coming from, it is a little bit of a stretch (in more ways than one!), so you'll have to forgive me on that one. It's interesting that you brought up magic, because while this (sort of) technically exists in the EQG universe, magic isn't something I intend to bring into the continuity. But I digress, thank you for reading and enjoying my story, I hope you'll like the sequel :)

thanks for answering me friend and if it would be great to see how applejack had sex with the horse it would be great to see that

and how I would not like to know if applejack was a virgin before having sex with this horse (see if she was deflowered by the horse)

you know you could add that in part 2 where flutershy and applejack both talk and mention or say how was their first time in bestiality

Thanks for your feedback! While I haven't written anything specific about Applejack and her horse having sex before they got stuck, that doesn't mean I couldn't do some sort of flashback or conversation between her and Fluttershy about it. I'll keep it mind, but I don't know if I necessarily want to mention it in this series, I might do a separate mini-story about it, but I wouldn't hold your breath.


Seems odd that someone who loves animals so much would be so into an activity that is effectively rape.

An animal cannot give a person informed consent.

I completely understand your point, for genuine consent to sexual relations to be present both participants must be conscious, fully informed and positive in their desires. That's not just me talking scientifically, that's a quote from Wikipedia describing what sexual consent is. I'm not trying to make excuses here or claim that it isn't rape, I am just reporting the facts and my opinion, in my opinion, the way I have Fluttershy describe how to have sex with animals and the way sex with animals plays out in the sequels, suggests that all of the above requirements for consent have been met, to the point where some of the animals actually initiate copulation of their own volition. No animals are affected negatively in a physical or psychological way in my stories, far from it, the animals are feeling pleasure and are fully consenting to the sex.

Yeah, my bad :P

This story is … really rough. Grammar issues abound, and most of it isn’t really a story at all, mostly just recapping Fluttershy’s blog … which is too abstract to be enjoyable.

I'm sorry to hear that you found this story disappointing, my issues with grammar are an unfortunate hindrance that I'm unlikely to ever truly be able to conquer and I believe that the same could be said about most people. I do admit that having a story that focuses on a blog is an odd premise but that's just the way I imagined it in my head when writing it, not to mention that I'm almost certain there are other stories that have a similar structure. That being said, I think that this story, if anything, does at least set up a universe that a lot of my better stories take place in.

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