Fluttershy's Guide To Bestiality For Girls

by PegPony

First published

After an embarrassing episode regarding a horse, Applejack is introduced to Fluttershy's bestiality blog.

Applejack was feeling frisky one morning and decided to blow off some steam by visiting her favorite farm horse, Chester. Unfortunately, she's put in a rather tight spot and has to rely on her friends to help her out of it, only to find out afterwards that one of her friends could have helped avoid the situation entirely if only she had known about her blog....

As this is my first ever story, constructive criticism is welcome (and inevitable, probably).

Stallion Stuck

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"OK, one last time" Dash said, looking down at Applejack's face which showed a clear feeling of frustration and exhaustion after having to explain her embarrassing situation multiple times to the athlete.

"Land sakes Rainbow! How many times do I gotta tell ya before you stop askin' me?! I don't know how I could be any more clear! I came down to the barn for some alone time with Chester here, he gave me a real good poundin', but now he can't seem to pull out! He's stuck! Lucky for me I still had my cell phone on me, so I called you, Twilight and Fluttershy to come help me out!" she finished.

Applejack was bent over slightly, leaning up against some hay bales and partially naked, whilst Dash, Twilight and Fluttershy simply looked on with an uncertain air about them as if they weren't sure how to feel about the situation. However, it wasn't the fact that Applejack was partially naked that phased them, but rather the fact that stood over Applejack was one of the farms horses, Chester, with his cock firmly stuffed in Applejack's pussy, which according to her, was stuck inside and couldn't be pulled out by her or Chester alone.

Dash sighed and said "Yeah I got THAT Applejack but... why did you wanna get fucked by a horse?" she questioned.

Applejack groaned and said "Rainbow, I don't know if you can tell, but I'm really not in a position right now to go explaining myself!"

Despite this, Rainbow kept pressing, "But... aren't you worried about... I dunno, being caught by the cops or something?" it was after this question that Twilight chipped in.

"Well Rainbow, there isn't actually a law against bestiality. Certainly it is still somewhat taboo and isn't actively encouraged, but it's perfectly legal." Dash turned to Twilight looking surprised, though Fluttershy for some reason didn't even flinch. Twilight realized what she had just implied "I don't know that because I'm interested in engaging in the activity! I was studying our legal system! I study more than just maths and science you know!?" clearly offended, though whether it was the unspoken accusation that she might want to fuck an animal or that she didn't know anything outside of maths and science she was offended by was unclear at best.

Dash decided to leave the subject alone and returned her attention back to Applejack "Alright, final two questions and then we'll start helping, first of all have you tried just pulling yourself off of him?" Applejack looked at Rainbow with great disdain.

"You don't think I've tried that already? I can't pull myself offa him and he can't pull outta me, I'm as trapped as a sheep in a pen!" she said.

Dash moved on to her second question "Well then the big question is, why call us three?" she gestured to herself, Twilight and Fluttershy.

Applejack let out a breath and said "Well, I called you for your strength, Twilight for her smarts and Fluttershy for her way with animals. Plus I doubt Pinkie and Rarity would be much help here". Everyone agreed on that statement.

Twilight turned to Fluttershy, who thus far had remained silent on the subject "Fluttershy, what's your opinion?".

There was a brief silence before Fluttershy walked up to Applejack and crouched to look at her stomach, observing the very obvious bulge of a horse cock, she then stood up and said rather brazenly "It's your cervix, Chester here has obviously managed to breach that particular barrier and when a horse cums, the head of his cock flares out. Essentially he's locked inside you.". Applejack looked at Fluttershy, puzzled at how matter-of-factly she had explained her predicament.

"How in the sam hill can y'all figure that out just by lookin' at my.. er.. bulge?" she asked.

Fluttershy explained "Well his dick looks way too far in to still be in your pussy, beyond your pussy there is only one place for him to go", she said.

Dash re-entered the conversation "OK, now we know how it happened, how do we get it to un-happen?" she said.

Twilight pondered for a moment and said "Well, assuming that there is no damage..."
Fluttershy briefly interrupted with a quick "There isn't" before Twilight continued.

"Well, there are only two situations in which the cervix may open so wide as to allow this kind of thing to happen, one is before giving birth and the other is...uh..." Twilight hesitated.

Applejack went "The other is what Twilight? Whatever it is I can handle it".

Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat and said "Orgasm...a lot of muscles contract during orgasm and that's the only other time a cervix might open somewhat, considering the particular activity you were engaging in, I think we have the full story" Twilight said.

Dash again interjected with "Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying we gotta get Applejack to cum just so we can pull her off of that thing?" sounding very shocked, but not particularly disturbed.

Twilight replied with "Well...yeah". Everyone was silent, not quite knowing how to proceed, eventually Applejack got tired of it and decided to break the silence.

"Alright, here's how we're gonna do this, Fluttershy is gonna help Chester here to pull out without causin' too much discomfort and hopefully make sure he doesn't get hard again, Dash is gonna be pulling me at the same time, which means Twilight is gonna have to...well, please me.".

Twilight became immediately flustered, blushing intensely "Me?! But I...I've never...and I don't even..."

Applejack cut her off by saying "Look Twilight, all you gotta do is get me off, in more ways than one! I don't plan to spend any more of my time with a horse cock stuck inside me, so dig down deep and find the courage to do whatever it is you have to do to make me cum, you got it?". Twilight, starting to sweat, simply nodded with a nervous smile as she made her way over to Applejack and kneeled down by her side.

Fluttershy followed by stroking Chester's back a little in order to relax him before gently yet firmly wrapping her fingers around his cock, gripping it in preparation to pull, on the other side Dash hooked her arms around Applejack's shoulders, prepared to pull her, everything was in place. Twilight took a deep breath and took to licking her index and middle finger, after she was satisfied that they were suitably coated with her saliva, she crawled underneath Applejack a little and after a brief bit of prodding around at Applejack's pussy, found the clitoris and started to rub it at a moderate pace.

Stallion Freedom

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Applejack felt the effects immediately, letting out a series of moans. "My goodness..." said Applejack "That feels amazin' Twilight! Keep it up!". Twilight paid no attention and kept up the pace of her rubbing. Minutes went by, with nothing much happening other than Twilight concentrating on bringing Applejack to orgasm and Applejack just moaning with the occasional word here or there about how good it felt, Dash and Fluttershy were just about to complain about how long it was taking when Applejack suddenly cried out "Oh fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck I'M CUMMIN'!" Twilight didn't stop as Applejack's pussy began to squirt, immediately Fluttershy started trying to tug Chester's cock out of her while Dash pulled on Applejack as hard as she could.

After a few seconds of Chester's dick seemingly not budging, it suddenly slipped out and began to shrink back into its sheathe, leaving Applejack and Dash to tumble to the floor, but finally Applejack was free. Twilight stood up and said "Well...that was an experience"

Applejack, on slightly numb legs stood up shakily whilst pulling her jeans up and said "Whoo, I'll say. You really did a number on me Twilight"

Twilight giggled a little and said "Well, it pays off to study as much as possible".

Dash muttered as she stood up to dust herself off "Yeah, but can we make sure this doesn't happen again? I don't wanna be part of your friends-to-call-in-horse-cock-related-issues list" she said, beginning to leave immediately.

As Twilight was taking off she noticed Fluttershy, having now let go of Chester's cock, had opted to stay behind, "You coming Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy said "Oh, in a moment Twilight, I just need to have a little chat with Applejack first" she said, Twilight shrugged and left, leaving Applejack and Fluttershy alone in the barn with Chester.

" Look..." said Applejack "I know what you're gonna say and I-" Applejack didn't get to finish her sentence, as she was cut off when Fluttershy, rather roughly pushed her against the wall of the barn and started kissing her passionately. Applejack while shocked beyond all belief, didn't particularly mind what was happening, to the point that rather than rejecting the advance to ask what was going on, she began to reciprocate and even embrace the kiss, it wasn't until a minute or two into the make-out session that Fluttershy finally pulled away, breathing heavily before finally talking again.

"So Applejack, how long you been into bestiality?" she asked, as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

Applejack, stunned just went "Uh...I think it started with Chester, after all my nickname for him is uh...kinda hidden" she said, Fluttershy intrigued simply raised her eyebrow, expecting an explanation. Applejack said "His name is two different names mashed together, Chestnut and Buster, so..."

Fluttershy immediately caught on "So in your head his real name is Nut Buster huh? Kinky" Fluttershy giggled, then taking on a lustful tone again she said "Now, turn around and lets get a look at that ass" before Applejack could even begin to move Fluttershy roughly turned her around and pressed her against the wall before tugging her jeans down "Mmm, damn, look at this fat ass" said Fluttershy, before delivering a hard smack onto Applejack's right cheek, enjoying the way it wobbled and shook afterwards.

Applejack wasn't able to restrain herself from letting out a yelp of pleasure, due to the size of her rear it was quite sensitive, so being spanked was something she knew she would enjoy and she wasn't wrong. Fluttershy was still obsessing over Applejack's ass "Damn, it's times like this I wish I had a dick, though I'm guessing humans aren't exactly your thing huh AJ?" Fluttershy giggled yet again as she took her own skirt off, before grabbing onto and taking hold of Applejack's hips and delivering a firm thrust against Applejack's butt, though there was no penetration involved, the resulting clap of hips against ass flesh was immensely satisfying.

Fluttershy turned Applejack back to face her, only to then turn herself around and bend slightly and press her own bare ass against Applejack's groin."How's mine?" Fluttershy asked, giving her butt a little wiggle, grinding against Applejack "Not quite as big as yours, but I bet you'd still love to fuck it huh?" Fluttershy said, pressing herself back more against Applejack. Applejack was still at a loss for words, but found her hands had drifted to Fluttershy's hips, Fluttershy smirked and said "Go ahead AJ, give a little thrust, imagine what you would do if you had a cock and then do it" she said "Don't keep me waiting".

Applejack, feeling a little nervous, gave one firm thrust, her strong hips smacking up against Fluttershy's ass, Fluttershy let out a low moan and that noise alone triggered something in Applejack. Fluttershy got the shock of her life when Applejack started repeatedly thrusting against her ass, almost as if she had suddenly grown herself a dick and was desperately trying to ram it into Fluttershy until she came.

After a few seconds Applejack stopped, having ran out of breath and blushed a little at the realization of what she had done, she didn't blush often, but then again it wasn't often that she tried to rail one of her friends with a cock that didn't exist "Uh...sorry there Fluttershy, I got kinda carried away..." she smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed.

Fluttershy stood, pulling up her skirt and turned to face her, a cheeky smile on her face "No problem" she said "Well anyway, I better get going before the girls get suspicious but...call me" said Fluttershy, giving Applejack a wink. Just as she was leaving the barn Fluttershy quickly said "Oh and before I forget, next time you're thinking about fucking a horse, give this website a visit" she pulled out a card and gave it to Applejack and then left her, somewhat half-naked, in the barn.

Applejack looked at the card, it read https://www.beastblogs.com/user/fgtbfg
Applejack just stared at the web address "huh...".

Stallion Foreplay

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Hello there ladies and welcome to Fluttershy's Guide To Bestiality For Girls!
Now I know I may not be the best beast blogger out there, but if you need tips, merch or even a little meet-up with yours truly for some fun, then you've come to the right place!

Now I've had a lot of girls recently come to the blog asking me one question here and there, some easy and some difficult. After a while I figured, I didn't call this a bestiality guide for nothing! So for a very special post today I'm going to be giving you a full run down on how to get down and dirty with your favorite furry friends! Let's start off with stallions shall we?

1: Foreplay

That's right ladies, even a horse wants some fun before the main event. What you want to do first is make sure your horsie friend is relaxed, stroke him, pet him, feed him some hay, give him some water, whatever makes him calm, it will make him more willing to allow you to go to his more sensitive areas where the real fun begins. Now I'm not gonna jump straight in explaining what you should do with his cock, we'll get to that in a bit, but I'm going to talk about an area you probably wouldn't think to play with before fucking - the ass.

You may not realize it girls, but the ass is a sensitive and pleasurable area on a stallions body. If you're preparing for a session where your favorite stallion is gonna be cramming himself into your baby-maker, then you're going to want to be nice and tender with ass. First I would recommend some tongue action, make his ass nice and slick with your saliva, not to mention you should push your tongue in for that little bit of extra excitement, even give a kiss if you're feeling particularly amorous.

After that you can be more hands on, literally, start by gently stroking around the hole, remember he needs to be relaxed. When you think he's ready you can try inserting a finger, making slow in and out motions, or even just some light stroking on the inside, that's when you can try inserting a second finger. I would say two fingers is the limit for this particular situation, after you've had some fun with his ass, we go somewhere more obvious - the balls.

You need be careful with a stallions balls, after all those are the things that are gonna be pumping all that cum into you, so you better get them prepped and ready to deliver a full and thick load. You're going to want to stroke them, maybe even lift them a little to feel the weight of the hot creamy jizz that's stored up and waiting for you, you can squeeze them too but be very very gentle, you don't want to kill his boner.

Again with the balls, tongue action is recommended, both licking and sucking, not just for his excitement but also for you taste buds, believe me, the taste of a stallions salty sperm sacks are second only to the taste of his cock, again it will be hard to resist kissing those bad boys. Probably the most popular activity though is nuzzling, basically it's just a soft motorboat, get your face in between his nuts and move your face from side to side. It may seem odd, but your stallion will take that as a sign of appreciation, besides, what girl doesn't want to feel the warmth of a couple of equine cum factories envelope her face? If your answer was even close to the word "me" then you're on the wrong blog. But now we move on to the most important bit of all, the thing that probably attracted all of you girls to your favorite stallion in the first place - the cock.

That's right ladies, time to move on to the most intense form of foreplay before you get to the nitty gritty of doing the deed with your handsome steed. Now, assuming you've played with the ass and balls, chances are you're not going need to worry about coaxing his cock out of it's sheathe, if he's even remotely interested, that cock is going to be on display for you.

When it comes to cock foreplay, it's pretty simple, you're going to want to jerk him off a bit, I would suggesting using both hands with one hand nearer the base and the other nearer the tip, it's going to be hard work but you want to pump that whole thing, there's a lot of cock to handle and your stallion wants all of it to be tended to. Of course, as with all foreplay, the tongue is gonna come into play, licking is a good start but don't dwell on it too long, you're stallion needs to be blown, not given a tongue-bath. After licking and/or kissing depending on how romantic you're feeling, it's time to suck. Now girls, I'm not expecting you to be able to deep-throat several inches of horse cock, that's a pro level move, but if you can suck the head and maybe even an inch or two on top of that, then your stallion is going to be ready to rail you.

Now with all of this foreplay, you want to make sure you're not too rigorous or go on for too long, otherwise you're going to make your horse cum before he gets the chance to penetrate you and while horses do have a short refractory period, they usually only have a maximum of two ejaculations in them in any one sex session. Obviously, all of this foreplay can be combined, you can lick the ass whilst fondling the balls, you can suck on the balls while stroking the cock, but that kind of thing can be found in my foreplay pamphlet in the merch tab, so go check it out!

Stallion Fucking

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2: Pussy

Alright girls, ready for a pussy pounding? Well now that your horse is nice and prepared you just gotta choose a position, the two best positions are bent over in front of him and missionary, missionary allows you better control of the pace and also allows you to tease him a little and get him even more interested in getting himself into your pussy.

Bent over is more for your stallions comfort, he's a quadruped after all! Bent over also gives him the prime opportunity to absolutely fucking wreck you in the best way. A word of warning, you may want to warm up your pussy a little before you get to the penetration, either before or during the foreplay ideally, you can't keep him waiting too long or he'll lose interest.

There are two positions that you absolutely should not do, one is you being on top, trust me it just doesn't work because either his legs get in the way or he'll just fall onto his side instead of staying on his back. The other is being on your side, reason being that if your leg is lifted up then the only place for it to go is the horses stomach, so he is going to have trouble getting into your pussy if your leg is pushing against him because your legs simply can't stretch far enough to let him move forward. Also, if your legs are down, it will be more difficult for him to get into your pussy and it's likely he will end up accidentally pushing into your ass.

Some girls have asked if they should worry about the cock getting in or out, the short answer is yes and no. If you're following my advice, then that horse cock will enter your pussy no doubt and after he is done fucking you, your pussy will be so stretched he'll have no problem pulling out.

However, the cervix is a different matter, if a stallion feels like he hasn't got enough of his cock inside you he might decide to squeeze himself into your cervix and that is where problems begin. Whether your cervix opens up during orgasm or your stallion decides to use brute force, your cervix will end up accepting his cock inside and just like that, he's trapped. You see girls, not only is the head of his cock slightly flared, but if he manages to breach your cervix and cums, his head flares even more, leaving him unable to pull out.

Now you may be wondering how to avoid that, well lucky for you I have invented a little something to stop that from happening, I like to call it the cock blocker! It's basically something that will keep your cervix blocked up, nothing goes in or out, you'll find it on the merch tab.

One last thing, cum is messy, very messy, any holes that your stallion fills is gonna require some serious clean up and cleaning products are the one thing I don't have in my merch collection, all of my merch is specific to me and the blog. The reason I mention this is that if you're happy to let your stallion pound his way into your womb and empty his balls inside you, you might not want to have sex with him too often, because if you're going to continually drown your eggs in horse spunk then eventually one of those loads is gonna take, especially since getting cum out of your womb takes way too long.

So unless you really want to get pregnant I'd suggest you don't let a horse fuck you every day.

3: Anal (receiving)

I already know what you're thinking and I'll explain why I've specified this as "receiving" later, for now let's talk about how you're gonna take some horse cock up your ass.

There is one word I need to emphasis here - LUBE. Lube lube lube girls, it's an absolute must. You think a long thick cock is gonna slide into your ass without a little help? No way, you need lube up your ass and his cock, really lay it on thick, better safe than sorry. Trust me, you want it very slippery, because the kind of sorry you'll be if you don't lube up enough is a sorry that I'm not sure I want to explain, which is a bold claim considering I help girls fuck animals as a hobby.

The kind of lube you'll want to use is your traditional lube that you can buy at any sex store, so again you won't find it among my merch, though if you're an expert cock sucker and can deep-throat your horse partner, saliva is an acceptable substitute if you're really that desperate, but I suggest using proper lube.

Next item on the list, loosening up, literally. You'll want to open up and train your hole a bit before taking anything large up there, there isn't really any wrong way to train, butt plugs, dildos, fisting yourself, so long as you get that hole nice and gaped you should be able to take a stallion up there somewhat comfortably.

Positions suggested for anal is something I've briefly touched on already, you can go bent over or you can lay on your side, going on your side is good if your after an anal pounding where you can relax, though if you're after a good hard ramming then bent over is the way for you. You've got to remember that your ass doesn't have a barrier like your pussy does, so chances are you're going to end up taking the whole thing.

4: Anal (giving)

So ladies, if you ever ask a guy if he likes pegging and he says no, that means he hasn't tried being pegged, because trust me when I say that all guys love being fucked in the ass once they've tried it, same goes for stallions.

That's right, you're in luck if you're a bit of a dom and like being the one with a cock for once because a stallion will happily get fucked if he's in the mood. Now I've already mentioned the necessary foreplay this kind of thing, stroke to relax him, play with hiss, fondle his balls and give some love to his cock, after that you'll probably want to find something to stand on, your stallion isn't going to kneel, not even for sex.

Before you properly fuck your stallion, fisting is a nice way to warm him up, but again you'll want some lube on both his ass and your strap-on, plenty of it. Once you've got all that done you're all set. The kind of strap-on you use isn't particularly important, whether it's a human dong or a horse one is fine, but make sure it's a decent size, you want him to be able to feel it after all! Again horse and human strap-ons are available elsewhere, not on my merch page.

Also one word of advice, if you're gonna peg your stallion, it's the one time where you don't want to be gentle, if you're going to fuck him you need to FUCK him. You give him a good pegging and do it just right, your stallion is going to cum and cum HARD, so workout those hips ladies, short and long strokes are good.

5: Oral

I don't think much needs to be explained with oral, do some foreplay, take as much cock as you can and suck - simple. Obviously you'll want to do the usual things, move your head back and forth and be sure to jerk off the rest of his cock that you can't get your lips around. When he cums, don't worry, it will be a substantial amount but you should be able to hold it in your cheeks so you can decide to spit or swallow, unless he's in your throat in which case you don't get that choice.

It's unlikely that the stallion will thrust during a blowjob, even if he does they won't be large thrusts, but you'll want to look out for those thrusts and keep an eye on his balls if you're the kind of girl that prefers to finish off a blowjob by jerking it to orgasm, because those are the only signs you'll get.

Phew! What a mouthful! That's just the stallions though, let's move on to some girl-on-girl.

Female Fucking

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Even when it comes to animals, you sometimes need a woman's touch! Now mares have much less parts than stallions but that doesn't mean that it can't be fun! Let's start with the obvious.

1: Foreplay

Now obviously, mares don't have the required equipment to fuck you girls and trust me, no mare would have any idea how to use a strap-on even if you somehow managed to find one big enough for them to wear, so you're going to be the giver on this one.

A mares pussy is very big, so you can't really go wrong on this one. However, you want to get a girl to relax before you start going in for the kill, so stroke her to make sure she's relaxed and start off with some gentle pussy rubbing, making sure to rub more firmly as time goes on. The point of this is to make her wet, so don't be afraid to pause briefly to switch over to some licking, at this point you'll probably want to leave anal foreplay out of it, stick to one hole.

Once the mares pussy is nice and prepared she'll start the famous clitoris winking that mares are known for, feel free to try and play with it but chances are it will be winking too fast for you to get any real purchase on it, besides you don't want to keep a girl waiting!

2: Pussy

Obviously, the rules of using a strap-on still apply here, how the mare likes to be fucked is a matter of personality so I'm afraid that's one you'll have to figure out yourselves, long strokes are usually a safe bet though. Fisting is also a good way to get her even more warmed up, though of course you still have the option of using your hands and mouths to make her cum. Word of advise though, all mares are squirters and big ones at that, so make sure you're ready for a shower afterwards!

3: Anal

Anal sex is actually more straight forward than vaginal when it comes to mares. Again, you want plenty of lube on cock and ass, plus some gentle warm up with your hands, tongue etc. The reason I say it's straightforward is because all mares like it one particular way, long gentle strokes.

A mare doesn't want to be fucked in her ass roughly, if you really want to make her feel good, have fun and manage to make her have an orgasm, you need to find the right pace.

Since we are talking girl action, let's talk about bitches.

Alright girls, we've talked about horses long enough, time to move on to dogs!

1: Foreplay

Now bitches are called bitches for a reason, you wanna approach carefully because they are very touchy when it comes to taking any kind of penetrative pleasure. If you're a girl that wants to do some finger and tongue fun you should be alright, just be sure that your gentle with it, especially if you intend to actually insert a finger.

Speaking of fingers, one in either bitch hole is enough, trust me you don't need more than one, both holes have very narrow passage ways. Sure both holes can stretch enough to take a cock (or in our case strap-ons) but that's just it, they'll only take one of anything.

2: Pussy/Anal

I would suggest using lube whether you intend to fuck the pussy or the ass, like I say, bitches are called bitches for a reason and this time saliva won't do it. You can fuck a bitch, but you'll be fucking them on their terms, not yours.

Stud Study

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Stud is probably a word more associated with equines, but the correct term for a male breeding dog is a stud and it's a dog that's been born to fuck that we want ladies!

1: Foreplay

Now girls, there is really only one position that works whether it's pussy or ass, it should be obvious, doggy style. That's right, on all fours, literally like a bitch in heat. Missionary is possible, but doesn't allow the dog proper fuck power and cowgirl is usually uncomfortable for both the stud and you.

Foreplay for a dog is simple, a bit of "lower belly" rubbing and some blowing usually does the trick, though you'll probably want to leave the balls and ass alone, a breeding dog won't be too into that I'm afraid.

2: Pussy

Well, so long as you adhere to the advise above and really wet and open for him, you're golden! Though one thing plenty of you girls have asked, what about the knot? Well my advise is to try your best to take the knot, for two reasons.

One, it feels fucking amazing and two, the dog is more likely to cum if you do. If you don't take the knot in, chances are your stud will just keep fucking and lose interest and blue-balling your stud is a total dick move, don't do it. The knot of course will lock his dick inside you, but that's only temporary, after he finishes blowing his load, the knot deflates and with a little bit of tugging it comes out, no sweat.

Another thing to mention, no offense to the dog, but he won't be able to fertilize you. There isn't enough cum to do it and even if there was, even the biggest dog dick doesn't reach far enough into your pussy to get the job done. So sorry any girls out their who wanted puppies, but the silver lining here is this - easy clean up!

3: Anal

With anal, it's much the same process as pussy fucking, just make sure your hole is lubed up, stretched a little bit just so that it's only a bit looser than usual, as I said before things like butt plugs and dildos are the best way to train your ass to take cock. Dog dicks are special in that they tend to lube themselves up so lubing up their cock isn't really necessary.

4: Oral

Take that fucking dick in your mouth and suck until he cums. Dog dicks are of a size where your hands aren't necessary, you can take the whole thing and still have room to hold his cum in your mouth. Jerking a stud off is just as easy a process, not really much explanation needed.

Well there you have it girls! I did try to cover as much as I could, but there will be things you'll have to pick up on and learn for yourselves depending on what animal you're fucking and how you're doing it, but I hope this was helpful! Ciao!


Applejack leaned back in her chair away from her computer screen, sweating profusely with her hand stuffed down the front of her drenched jeans as she finished her third orgasm of that night. "Damn Fluttershy..." she said "I am definitely gonna start hangin' with you more often!"


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"So how long you been runnin' that blog?" asked Applejack, she and Fluttershy were sitting in Sugar Cube Corner, both enjoying a milkshake together.

"Oh, about a year now, not very long. I'd always been into it before then, but when I started out dabbling in that very particular interest I never found anything useful online, so after I'd learned every trick in the book I figured, hey, I'll set up a blog to help others like me. The rest is history." said Fluttershy, giving a far too innocent smile for the kind of girl she was.

Applejack was fascinated that she had known her friend so long and had never noticed it, especially considering that it was only a month ago that she decided she was finally going to indulge in the same fantasy. As she was thinking about it, Fluttershy broke her train of thought "Oh, that reminds me Applejack, I wanted to ask you something"

Applejack was all ears, "What is it Fluttershy?" she asked.

Fluttershy took another sip of her milkshake before saying "Well, the blog had always had a decent amount of girls following, but that post you read really gave it some traction and I've been getting messages and requests from every direction, so I was wondering..." Fluttershy petered off, clearly a bit nervous about her question.

Applejack was intrigued, too intrigued to not know "Well what Fluttershy? What?".

Fluttershy smiled and said "Would you like to get involved in some demonstrations?".

The End.