• Published 17th May 2021
  • 537 Views, 6 Comments

Influential Intermission - Nickyboy5038

A package is delivered to my door. Something is not right with it.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - The School

I had just had lunch, played with my birds, and went on a walk. On the walk I pondered what those panels at the back of the room could be. Could they be some type of scale? A speaking platform? No, they were in the corners. That didn’t seem likely. As I got back home I decided to find out.

I got a longer rope this time and tied it to my bed, Incase anything pulled on me. I was taking safety precautions very seriously. I jumped back through the portal. Nothing had changed since the last visit. Although I did notice that there was a faint layer of dust on everything. “Maybe this facility hasn’t been used for a long time.” I pondered out loud.

I went back downstairs to the navigation room. “Then how does this map still work? Maybe this place is powered by solar panels. That would explain why I can breathe and why the lights work.” I continued around the table and went toward the panels. They were flat on the ground and just looked like metal plates at first glance. “Why is there two?” I wondered.

Either way I stepped on the panel to my left and a portal appeared beneath me. I fell through, landing on the ground. I observed my surroundings and noticed I was in a library. It seemed to be in a back corner not even the librarians went to. I looked above me and saw the portal drop a remote on me and close, severing my rope. I was worried that I was stuck, but when I pressed the button that said ‘OPEN’ on the remote, the portal opened again. It stayed open for a while until I pressed the ‘CLOSE’ button. I was safe and had a way back. I sighed in relief that I was not stuck.

I walked down the aisle and looked down at the big center room. There were computers and the lights were off. “This looks exactly like the library at Canterlot High!” I realized. I was somehow transported to here through the panel portal. I looked out the big window and noticed the moon, with four bright stars in a square around it. “Yep, definitely at Canterlot High.” I affirmed.

I decided that this was enough exploration for today. Plus it was night time here and if the times were the same in both of our worlds. Then I should be in bed. I went back to the portal location. Pressed the ‘OPEN’ button and hopped back through. I found the end of my severed rope and coiled it up as I went back to the box portal. I went back through and checked the time. It was 10:36 PM. Our times were definitely synched. I decided to go to bed and find out more tomorrow, despite not having dinner.


I woke up the next morning wanting to explore more. I did my daily morning routine and got ready to head through again. I took a flashlight, a sandwich, and a pocketknife. You never know if everything will be safe.

I jumped through the box and went to the map room. I looked at the platforms again. There were two, I wonder if the other one leads somewhere different. I stepped back on the one I used yesterday, deciding to explore the other option later.

I went through the portal and caught the remote this time, putting it in my pocket. I checked my watch and noticed that it was around 8:34. “I wonder when their school starts?” I thought out loud.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bell. “I guess either school just started or they’re switching classes already.” I said. It turned out to be the first option as I looked out the window and saw multicolored pastel people walk into the school.

I thought about going out of the library to explore a bit. Where was this universe in the timeline? Had Sunset Shimmer stolen the crown yet? Had she even arrived? My question was again quickly answered when I saw Sunset walk into the school. Looking smug and like she was plotting something.

“Ok, so either she has separated Twilight’s friends and is planning to steal the crown soon, or is planning on separating Twilight’s friends now.” I said to myself. I considered the odds of each circumstance when again, my question was answered to me. “Wow universe, being real subtle there.” I annoyingly said. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all entered separately. Implying that Sunset had already succeeded there and planned on stealing the crown soon.

I decided to not mess with whatever timeline this universe was on and didn’t interfere. “Maybe I could influence some things and observe from the sidelines.” I pondered. Either way I would have to do it later, I had to go home and get some things done.


After doing some chores around the house, I planned what I would do in Canterlot High. I took many precautions in my planning, thinking what things would change or not depending on what I did.

After a while of plotting, I came to the decision of just observing from a distance. I didn’t want to mess with the outcome. So I went to bed that night, preparing to get up early in the morning.


Once I woke up, I got some breakfast. I also packed a snack and put it in a backpack, so I could fit in. I hopped into the box and went to the back room. I stepped up on the pallet and was teleported to the library.

I caught the remote and put it in my pocket. I didn’t want to lose my ticket home. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 8:04. I looked out the window and didn’t see anyone, so I assumed that school starts at 8:30. I sat down and locked at the sun, waiting for school to start.

Author's Note:

2nd chapter today to celebrate 100 views!
Please inform me on what I did right and/or wrong so that I can improve in the future! Thanks!