> Influential Intermission > by Nickyboy5038 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Package > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day, my birds were singing, my flowers watered. Until a package was delivered at my door. I was playing on my computer when the doorbell rang. I got out of my chair, slightly annoyed that my game had been interrupted. I walked down the stairs to the front door. Opening it I found a lone package sitting there. The box was around the size of a computer, except maybe a bit wider and taller. I took it inside without a second thought, thinking someone must have doorbell ditched me. As I pondered who it could be, my phone rang and I answered it. “Come on Nicky! Are we gonna continue this game?” My friend said hurriedly. “Yeah, yeah I’m coming.” I replied. I put the package on my table and went upstairs to finish my game. I went to sleep that night, thinking nothing of the package. Unknowing of the consequences that it will have in store for me. ======= When my alarm woke me up in the morning at 7:00 AM, I slowly got up and started my morning routine. After I took a shower and got dressed I went downstairs to go get some breakfast. I saw the package on my table recalling how it got there and why it exists. I thought, “I should open that after I get ready for the day.” I got my breakfast and poured it into a bowl, getting a glass of milk to go along with it. After my breakfast I put it off no longer. I took the package upstairs into my room to open it. When I cut off the tape to open it, I noticed that it had gotten really quiet. As if the universe quieted down to hear this important moment. “My birds are usually noisy around the morning. I wonder why they’re being quiet.” I silently said to myself. I opened the package, astonished at what it contained. It seemed to contain some kind of portal! I dropped the package in surprise, immediately wondering how and why it was there. When it hit the floor something popped out of it. It was a large pennant with a symbol on it. I immediately recognized it as Twilight Sparkle’s Cutie Mark. While I was distracted questioning why something like this would pop out through a portal; I was not paying attention, for the pennant fell back into the portal before I could react. While I just stood there flabbergasted, the package closed itself, possibly to stop more items from popping out. When my brain finally processed what happened I freaked out and ran to where I thought my bed was. Only to run into a wall and bonk my head against it. I fell over and laid on the floor, wincing in pain. When the pain subsided I got up and put the package on my desk, deciding to resolve it after a game. After playing a game with my friend I realized that it was getting late. I closed my laptop and got in bed. I looked at the box on my desk and thought about the events prior to my game. “What even happened? Why is it here? How does it work?” I thought out loud. I was tired and wanted to sleep but I couldn’t resist. I need to know what happened. I sat at my desk looking around the sides, trying to find something to tell me why it was a portal. Maybe there was a label or a manufacturer. I looked for a few minutes only to come up empty. Then I opened the box once more, scared as what could come out. After a minute of waiting nothing happened. Nothing came out of the portal and there was nothing it seemed to be doing besides a continuous hum. “I wonder what will happen if i drop something in?” I picked up a pencil from my desk and dropped it in. When I did nothing seemed to happen. There was no sound coming back through and I couldn’t see through the portal either. “Hello?” I whispered into the portal. No response. After dropping a few more pencils in I kept getting the same result, nothing. I wondered what was on the other side. Something dangerous and silent? Or maybe nothing at all? After pondering for a moment I decided to stick my hand in. When I did it felt, cold. I pulled my hand back out only to notice a little layer of frost covering my hand. “Strange, what could’ve caused this?” I said to myself silently. Eventually I had enough with my testing for now as my brain said I was tired and needed to go to bed. I got into bed begrudgingly, deciding to experiment a little more in the morning. As I drifted off into unconsciousness I wondered, “What was on the other side?” ========= In the morning I did my normal daily routine, this time checking on my birds and tending to their needs, refilling food/water, changing tray, etc. After breakfast I went upstairs to my room, determined to find out what was in that box. After putting my hand in there I realized that it was no longer cold. It was room temperature and I wondered how it was different from yesterday. I prepared myself and stuck my head through the portal. What was on the other side was astounding! I was in a cave on the moon! I could see outside of it looking down at Earth. After closer inspection the continents and oceans did not look the same as usual. Putting off that discovery for now I pulled my head back out of the portal with new information running through my head. After processing that information for a while I decided to step fully into the portal. To explore the contents of this moon cave. I took a flashlight and tied a rope around myself and tied it to my desk. I wanted to take safety precautions so I could make sure I didn’t get stuck there or lost somehow. I stepped into the portal sinking through to the other side. When I got through the portal I turned on my flashlight and looked around. What I saw was amazing! It was like a moon base built into a natural cave! I could see through the window of the airlock back at this ‘Earth’ pondering why it was different. I looked around more and found a light switch on the wall. I headed over to it turning the lights on. When the lights were turned on I could see the room in its entirety. The was a center table and near the airlock were four space suits. I was ecstatic! There seemed to be doors that lead to other rooms but for now I kept observing the room with fascination. There was a small kitchenette with a mini fridge, a microwave, a few cupboards, and an oven. It looked like one of those small kitchens you would get at a hotel. I kept exploring finding little else to excite me. There was normal things for a house. Bathroom, bedroom, laundry room, and a downstairs with a navigation table on it. This piqued my interest, it was a holographic map of the ‘Earth’ outside. There also seemed to be two panels in the back corners of the room. Upon closer inspection of the map I realized that it was map of Equuis. The planet that housed Equestria from MLP. Although it looked a bit different. There seemed to be modern buildings and many more places on the globe. As I thought back to Twilight’s pennant I wondered if this was the Equestria Girls world. It seemed logical as it was different, more modern, and they had this advanced technology. I don’t remember them having this though. After inspecting the map for a while I wanted to inspect the panels at the back of the room but the rope tied around my waist stopped. “I guess I ran out of rope.” I said to myself. I decided to head back, as I was starting to get hungry anyway. After leaving through the portal the box closed itself and I thought nothing of it at the time. I headed downstairs to get myself some lunch. Thinking of what I would do next. > Chapter 2 - The School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just had lunch, played with my birds, and went on a walk. On the walk I pondered what those panels at the back of the room could be. Could they be some type of scale? A speaking platform? No, they were in the corners. That didn’t seem likely. As I got back home I decided to find out. I got a longer rope this time and tied it to my bed, Incase anything pulled on me. I was taking safety precautions very seriously. I jumped back through the portal. Nothing had changed since the last visit. Although I did notice that there was a faint layer of dust on everything. “Maybe this facility hasn’t been used for a long time.” I pondered out loud. I went back downstairs to the navigation room. “Then how does this map still work? Maybe this place is powered by solar panels. That would explain why I can breathe and why the lights work.” I continued around the table and went toward the panels. They were flat on the ground and just looked like metal plates at first glance. “Why is there two?” I wondered. Either way I stepped on the panel to my left and a portal appeared beneath me. I fell through, landing on the ground. I observed my surroundings and noticed I was in a library. It seemed to be in a back corner not even the librarians went to. I looked above me and saw the portal drop a remote on me and close, severing my rope. I was worried that I was stuck, but when I pressed the button that said ‘OPEN’ on the remote, the portal opened again. It stayed open for a while until I pressed the ‘CLOSE’ button. I was safe and had a way back. I sighed in relief that I was not stuck. I walked down the aisle and looked down at the big center room. There were computers and the lights were off. “This looks exactly like the library at Canterlot High!” I realized. I was somehow transported to here through the panel portal. I looked out the big window and noticed the moon, with four bright stars in a square around it. “Yep, definitely at Canterlot High.” I affirmed. I decided that this was enough exploration for today. Plus it was night time here and if the times were the same in both of our worlds. Then I should be in bed. I went back to the portal location. Pressed the ‘OPEN’ button and hopped back through. I found the end of my severed rope and coiled it up as I went back to the box portal. I went back through and checked the time. It was 10:36 PM. Our times were definitely synched. I decided to go to bed and find out more tomorrow, despite not having dinner. ====== I woke up the next morning wanting to explore more. I did my daily morning routine and got ready to head through again. I took a flashlight, a sandwich, and a pocketknife. You never know if everything will be safe. I jumped through the box and went to the map room. I looked at the platforms again. There were two, I wonder if the other one leads somewhere different. I stepped back on the one I used yesterday, deciding to explore the other option later. I went through the portal and caught the remote this time, putting it in my pocket. I checked my watch and noticed that it was around 8:34. “I wonder when their school starts?” I thought out loud. My thoughts were interrupted by a bell. “I guess either school just started or they’re switching classes already.” I said. It turned out to be the first option as I looked out the window and saw multicolored pastel people walk into the school. I thought about going out of the library to explore a bit. Where was this universe in the timeline? Had Sunset Shimmer stolen the crown yet? Had she even arrived? My question was again quickly answered when I saw Sunset walk into the school. Looking smug and like she was plotting something. “Ok, so either she has separated Twilight’s friends and is planning to steal the crown soon, or is planning on separating Twilight’s friends now.” I said to myself. I considered the odds of each circumstance when again, my question was answered to me. “Wow universe, being real subtle there.” I annoyingly said. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all entered separately. Implying that Sunset had already succeeded there and planned on stealing the crown soon. I decided to not mess with whatever timeline this universe was on and didn’t interfere. “Maybe I could influence some things and observe from the sidelines.” I pondered. Either way I would have to do it later, I had to go home and get some things done. ====== After doing some chores around the house, I planned what I would do in Canterlot High. I took many precautions in my planning, thinking what things would change or not depending on what I did. After a while of plotting, I came to the decision of just observing from a distance. I didn’t want to mess with the outcome. So I went to bed that night, preparing to get up early in the morning. ====== Once I woke up, I got some breakfast. I also packed a snack and put it in a backpack, so I could fit in. I hopped into the box and went to the back room. I stepped up on the pallet and was teleported to the library. I caught the remote and put it in my pocket. I didn’t want to lose my ticket home. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 8:04. I looked out the window and didn’t see anyone, so I assumed that school starts at 8:30. I sat down and locked at the sun, waiting for school to start. > Chapter 3 - Exploration & Knowledge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waited around until 8:30 when I decided to leave my little alcove of the library to look around it some more. I was apparently on the second floor of the library and went down the stairs towards the center table with some computers in it. I checked to see if any were on. They weren’t. I went towards the closest one and examined it. It had a keyboard and a monitor with the computer tower off to the left plugged in. I found a power button on the tower and monitor and pressed them both. The computer turned on with a Windows esc type background. Except it had a horse for the logo instead. I fiddled around and found you needed to log in. This was a problem. If there wasn’t a guest login I would have a hard time getting access. It was at this time the bell rang. I looked at my watch and it said 8:35. That must be when school starts. I walked away from the computers to go examine some books. So I could look as inconspicuous as possible. At that moment the doors to the library opened. <><><><> Ms. Cheerilee was have a good morning. It was mostly the same as usual so far, but she liked that. She opened the library doors, getting ready to prepare it for the day. She noticed something out of place right away. One of the computers was on. This struck her as suspicious and she wanted to know why it was on. She looked around but couldn’t see anyone from her current view. Just then a person she’d never seen before had come into the library. He had slightly lightish-dark peach skin and darkish brown hair and eyes. She instantly stopped her suspicious demeanor and took on a sweet smile. “Hello there! Are you new to this school? I haven’t seen you anywhere before.” <><><><> When the doors opened I went to the far side of the bookshelf and peeked in between the books to see who had come in. I immediately recognized her as Ms. Cheerilee. “Of course! She was portrayed as a supervisor of the library in the movie!” I silently berated myself. I quickly and silently made my way toward the entrance so as to seem as if I’ve just entered. When I did I walked nonchalantly into the library as if nothing had happened. Ms. Cheerilee instantly turned her attention toward me. “Hello there! Are you new to this school? I haven’t seen you anywhere before.” She said in a sweet manner. “Umm hi! I’m a... uhh... new transfer student! My names Nick! What about yours?” I responded somewhat nervously. Obviously I already knew her name but she didn’t know that. Neither did she need to know either. “Oh I’m Ms. Cheerilee, the librarian here at Canterlot High.” She said kindly. “What are you doing here so early? Shouldn’t you get ready for class?” She questioned. I had to come up with some kind of reason quickly and wracked my brain for excuses. ”Oh! Um I need a book about the school! I was hoping you could help me find one?” I responded “Of course! I would be happy to! I know just the book you need!” Ms. Cheerilee said enthusiastically. She went to one of the many bookshelves and took out one book. “Here you go! Hope you like it here Nick!” “Thanks so much! I’ll come around sometime to return it when I’m done!” I told her. I turned to leave the library, book in hand. ====== I wasn’t really going to be a student at this school. I’m already in one, I don’t want to go through it again. Although I could learn some stuff about this world. Maybe I should. It’d help me out in the long run anyways. I walked though the halls passing by various people of those in Equestria Girls. None seemed to interested or didn’t notice me. That was good for now. I should be incognito until I want to act. “I wonder when Sunset is going to steal the crown.” I thought to myself. Would it be in a week? A few days? A month? I wasn’t sure yet, and to be fair no one really mentions the date in the movie anyway. I found a bench nearby and sat down opening the book I had. I found out a lot of things at this school! Maybe I didn’t have to take those classes anyway. Although it seems this book was made recently. It only went back to when Sunset first showed up. “Smooth, real smooth universe. Very subtle.” I said to myself. ====== I read that book for maybe a good 45 minutes. It was a long book. I lost my focus due to a bell going off. “Oh right, this is a school.” I silently reminded myself. I was pretty much finished anyway. I was in the last section which was just about who won the Fall Formal. I already knew who won all of them anyway. ====== I headed back to the library through the sea of students. When I opened the doors I was happy to see Ms. Cheerilee there, sorting some books. “Hi! Thanks for letting me borrow this book for a while! I learned a lot of things about this school!” I told Ms. Cheerilee. “I’m glad you learned so much Nick! I hope you like it here!” She responded. “I hope so too.” I muttered quietly. I returned the book and decided to go back home. It was a eventful morning, enough for me to want to take a break. I got back home through the portal box without much trouble. I’ve learned many things, most of which I already knew, but that’s besides the point. I planed out what I would do tomorrow. I would set up a few cameras here and there in some important spots. The portal to Equestria, my portal back to the moon base, and a few others mismatched around. I would monitor things and make sure I didn’t influence anything too much. I would also look out for when Sunset went through the portal. I was still yet to go through it after all. Even though it wouldn’t be open for maybe a week or so. In any case, I was planned out for tomorrow, and went on with the rest of my day. Going to sleep that night happy at what I’ve accomplished so far. > Chapter 4 - Preparation & Observation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I continually worked throughout the rest of the week to install some cameras in specific places around the school. I’d set one up in the library where I arrive, one overlooking the Equestrian portal, and one getting a wide view of the moon base. It had taken some time to install correctly without getting caught. I had some very close calls and hiding them without sacrificing view was quite difficult. I did eventually get everything installed properly after a few errors and I could view them with my computer at home. I found out that the remote had some wireless communicator that was able to get a great connection to the moon base! It took a lot of fiddling and repair to understand how it worked. Thankfully I was able to reverse engineer it and use the technology myself. ====== It was another day of my recently distracted life when something strange appeared on the camera looking at the Equestrian portal. It started to glow and for a moment, looked a little translucent. I figured this was a sign of the portal opening. I set the camera to record everything it saw from here on out and went to bed. In the morning I quickly reviewed the footage, skipping through most of the empty night. At around 7:00 AM Sunset was seen going through the portal. About a half an hour later, some students were coming in early, including Fluttershy. She was trying to pass out flyers for the animal shelter when the element of magic came through the portal and hit her. Fluttershy took it and assumedly went to give it to Principal Celestia. A few minutes later Sunset came through the portal holding a smirk. It quickly turned into a frown as she looked around and didn’t find the crown. Then she went into the school to probably try and find it. I looked at my clock and it said 8:50 AM and I realized that Twilight and Spike might come through soon. So I turned off the recording, shut down my computer, and went and jumped in the box portal. I ended up in the moon station and quickly went to the teleport room. I went on the left pad and pressed the button. I had a sense of vertigo as I landed in the library and the remote hit me on the head yet again. “I’ve gotta get used to that.” I told myself. I went to the nearby window overlooking the front of the school and sat down, waiting for Twilight and Spike to come through. ====== At around 10:12 AM Twilight and Spike came through the portal, I had started to suspect they weren’t coming at all. Thankfully they came through and I took it as my signal to start my observations. I headed down through the library, Ms. Cheerilee was there and I asked, “Hey Cheerilee! Do you have any physics books I could borrow for a while?” “Sure! The physics section is in section L over there.” She replied, pointing to a few bookshelves. “Thanks!” I replied, and went over there to pick a few books. I grabbed three books and started out to the halls. I went to the front lobby and sat down on a bench, waiting for Twilight and Spike to come in. I picked up one of the books and started reading when I heard a loud smack against one of the glass doors. I looked over to see Twilight back away from the door in confusion, perplexed at her absence of magic. Spike said something and pointed to her head and I heard a loud scream through the doors. After she ‘calmed down’ Spike pushed open the door with his paw, not noticing me and ushered Twilight inside. I buried my nose in my book, pretending to not be looking. They seemed to not notice me at first as Twilight talked to Spike about the trophies and awards the school has, looking for her crown. Then Spike noticed me and poked Twilight in the leg to get her attention. Fortunately, just then, the bell rang before she could see me and a wave of students entered the hall. I stayed away observing as Twilight had a struggle through the crowd and ran into Flash Sentry. Things were going well and I hadn’t seemed to effect anything important at all. I inconspicuously followed Twilight and Spike throughout the day. Who were subsequently followed by Snips and Snails after a bit. I hid myself from them so to not change any events from happening. Twilight and Spike went throughout the day the same way in the movie, I’m sure I don’t need to explain it to you people who already know. After all, why would you be reading this if you haven’t seen Equestria Girls? If you haven’t though, I suggest you do, it will help you understand most of the events in the story. Anyway, back to the story, sorry. I followed her throughout the day and was only spotted one more time by Spike when Sunset was monologuing to them. Thankfully either he didn’t care enough to tell Twilight or Sunset or he was afraid of talking after Sunset shushed him. Unfortunately, I forgot about where Twilight and Spike slept for their first night here. Right where the portal to take me to the moon station is. I don’t know how I completely forgot about that, maybe I was to focused on observing and hiding. I was metaphorically trapped. I didn’t want to show myself to Twilight yet, in fear of changing events. I sat down on the other side of the bookshelf from Twilight and Spike and thought about how I would get out of this conundrum. After a few minutes of going through possibilities I decided to just wait for them to fall asleep. Then I would open the portal, sneak past them, and jump in. I waited until around 10:50 PM to make sure they were asleep. I pressed the button to open the portal on the remote and now heard a faint humming sound. I sneaked around the bookshelf and crept quietly to the portal. When I was a few steps away, a board I stepped on made a very loud squeak. I froze, not making any movements. Twilight stirred a little, but stopped after the noise faded away. I slowly took my foot off only to awaken Spike, who looked up at me. We stared at each other for what felt like hours until I sprung into action and leaped for the portal. I obviously awoke Twilight with the noise and quickly dove through the portal. Spike almost tried to follow me but I got through and closed it just in time. Spike saw me for sure, but I hoped Twilight didn’t, although I’m sure Spike would tell her. I went back to the area of the box portal only to find it missing! I looked through the entire station and couldn’t find it! Thankfully, thanks to my previous explorations I knew there was food, water, and beds. Though that didn’t make me any less worried. I couldn’t really do anything about it right now and I was tired. So I decided to have a small meal and retire for the night. Hoping I would be able to fix the portal soon. > Chapter 5 - Correction & Misfortune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with a sore back this morning groaning in annoyance. Even though they did have beds here, they weren’t exactly the comfiest things. I remembered that I was still on the moon base and started to get out of bed. I tried to go through my daily routine as best as I could, though it wasn’t great. The shower water was cold, though that was kind of to be expected, along with only freeze dried foods. Once I was done I remembered about my birds at home. “Oh fudge nuggets.” I silently berated. Now I knew I needed to get back as soon as possible. I wasn’t really sure how I would start getting back anyway. I only mostly studied the teleportation portal remote and I didn’t think that and the box were related at the time. Oh how much time I wasted because of that. I brainstormed for probably a few hours until I though that the remote and box might be connected somehow. Now I just needed to find a connection. “Maybe it could change to a different frequency for a different portal?” I thought. Now I would just have to find out how to do that. I went down to the ‘navigation room’ as I had now dubbed. I remembered that Twilight and Spike were still trying to get the crown and I quickly checked my watch. It read 2:30 PM and I thought about what was happening now. “They are probably almost done with school today.” I said to myself. I decided to fiddle with the remote to see if I could get it to work. I tried for a few hours to no avail. I couldn’t find any way to change the frequency from how the remote was now. It was getting close to nighttime so I decided to retire for the day and continue my work tomorrow. ====== I woke up and did the routine the same as yesterday, determined to find a way to get back home. Unfortunately I still had trouble finding a way to improve my situation. Eventually it got to around 11:30 AM and I decided to go get some lunch at Canterlot High. The reason why I decided to get some lunch at Canterlot High is that I could get more associated with everything there. Plus, more people would get used to seeing me, if they noticed. Everyone was probably talking about Twilight right now after Sunset posted that video I assume. Either way I was now waiting in line at the cafeteria and after a little bit I got my food and sat down at an isolated table near the back. I looked around a bit and saw many of the mane six in blue shirts putting on pony ears. I glanced around some more and saw Spike in the corner near me. Thankfully he didn’t see me yet. I quickly obscured myself from his view and waited for the mane six to start their song. After a minute or two they started a beat out but I continued eating my lunch and trying to be invisible. Then Spike turned on the music and the mane six started getting up and singing. Thankfully I was far enough away to not get included in the song. Though a headband with pony ears did hit me in the head after I didn’t catch it. I seem to be having more things hit my head recently. I finished my lunch during the song and slowly made my way out only to run into Sunset Shimmer. <><><><> After that video I posted yesterday everyone will have to vote for me instead of Twilight. It was ingenious and everything was going according to plan. I went through the day until lunch when I heard singing on the other side of the doors. I looked through and it was Twilight and her friends! I was very annoyed until the door I was looking through had someone come over and open it. <><><><> “Oh fudge nuggets.” I said. Sunset was right in front of me and she did not look happy. I thought very logically and my brain came up with a simple solution. Run. I sped past Sunset slightly bumping her away and weaved around Snips and Snails. I heard Sunset call after me but I couldn’t tell what she said. I was just running away as fast as I could. I quickly turned a corner and saw the doors to the library. “Perfect!” I ran through the doors and up the stairs to where my portal would be. I reached into my pocket and found nothing. “What?!” I had dropped the remote when I fled! This was very very bad. I had to get it back! ====== I searched everywhere where I had ran. I couldn’t find it. I went to the lost and found and I couldn’t find it. The only possibility left was that Sunset had taken it. If she pressed the open without knowing where it is it could let almost anyone in! Although no one usually went up there, someone might hear the ominous humming. Especially in a quiet library. I was walking along the hallway somewhat defeated. I was stuck and I couldn’t get back home. I had lost the remote to get to the base and I had no way of opening the box portal so far. I was doomed. Just then I saw into the gymnasium/auditorium (where ever the fall formal was held). Sunset was talking to Luna in a very “innocent” voice and I knew what was happening. I looked and saw my remote in Sunsets pocket! How would I get it though? Could I just pickpocket it and run? Or would I follow her until a good chance? I decided on the latter in the small time I had and ran away to wait. After Twilights accusation and Flash saving the day, I knew they would start cleaning up soon. I decided to hide in the sports closet to wait for Sunset and my chance to get the remote back. I could’ve helped with the cleanup but I didn’t want to get noticed and cause suspicion. ====== I waited in there for about an hour when Sunset finally came in to watch the cleanup and scold Snips and Snails. I waited a bit longer and after Snips and Snails left and Sunsets back was turned I made my move. I snuck up and quickly yoinked the remote and dashed back to my hiding spot as quick as possible. I must not have been sneaky enough because Sunset noticed. She started searching the closet and when she got close to my hiding spot I bolted. I pushed her out of the way and ran back to the safety of the library. Once I got there I could observe unnoticed and wait for the Fall Formal to begin tonight. > Chapter 6 - The Fall Formal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After I successfully got my remote back and situated myself back where my portal would open, I went to the window and looked out, waiting for the scenes to unfold. ====== Everyone was arriving to the party and I saw the mane six enter with Sunset nowhere to be seen. A little while after the party got started I saw Sunset with Snips and Snails walk up to the school. Sunset had her sledgehammer and ordered Snips and Snails to get Twilight there. At least that’s what I thought she said, she was kind of quiet. I didn’t want to join in on the party itself, I might mess something up. Plus, I didn’t want to become a mindless puppet when Sunset hypnotized everyone. I lie up here, ready to leave if anything went wrong. Well, anything more wrong than what would happen. As I expected Snips and Snails came out with Spike, the mane six not far behind. Sunset made her speech and everyone did the whole catch the crown thing. Passing it from one to another, getting it stolen until it ended up in Sunsets hands. She did her whole she-demon transformation and hypnotized everyone. I made sure to look away during that part, just in case. I also opened my portal, so if anything happens that is out of the ordinary I could escape. Twilight and the rest of the girls did their friendship spiel and defeated Sunset Shimmer. I admit, I did clap a little when they won. It’s a different experience in person! There was one oddity that I noticed that no one else did though. A small piece of the rainbow friendship laser went into my portal. I don’t know why or what it did, but it went in there, and I decided to find out why. ====== I went into my portal, leaving everyone else to do the rest of the party. I didn’t feel like joining in, especially when some investigating needed to be done. When I arrived back at the navigation room, the rainbow strand seemed to be waiting for me to follow it. I conceded and followed it and it led me to where the box portal would be. It started spinning into a circle and suddenly the portal was back! I could go home! “Thank goodness for plot convenience!” I shouted aloud! Just when I was about to go back through the portal home it popped and left something. A little rainbow computer chip landed on the ground. “Wat?” I spat out. I picked it up and examined it. It looked a little like an SD card and I silently questioned why this would happen. I thought about a place that it could go. I went to the navigation room and looked around for a slot that it could fit in. I looked around the room for a while and couldn’t spot anything. That was until I looked on the underside of the navigation table. There were two slots for SD cards and one was already in! It was labeled [TelePorter_1] and the other which was empty was [TelePorter_2]. I carefully slotted it in and the other pad in the room opposite to the School Pad hummed. I stepped over to it and stepped on it. A portal opened beneath me and I fell through only to end up in, my room? I turned around and saw the Box! I was home! I was very happy that I made my way back. After I got stuck there I was really worried. It was around 11:56 PM and I realized that Twilight would probably go home very soon. I jumped back into the Box and ended up back in the navigation room. I would have to study these things later more extensively when I have the time. I grabbed a card that I had made earlier just for this moment and went back to Canterlot High. I looked out the window and saw that Twilight and her friends weren’t there yet, I still had time. I jumped down the stairs of the library and ran through the halls to the front. I went through the wreckage that Sunset had caused right towards the portal. Sunset was there and noticed me but didn’t say anything as she was probably still in shock a bit from earlier. I went around the portal and leaned against the base to catch my breath. I waited for the mane six to come to the portal to say their goodbyes. ====== A few minutes later they came over. I checked my watch, 11:59 PM, cutting it close huh? Before they got to it I quickly ran around and chucked my card through the portal and ran back into the school. Obviously everyone noticed and Twilight yelled something at me that I didn’t hear. Hopefully they don’t chase me and let Twilight get through the portal. I sped my way back through the halls to the library and up to the portal spot. I looked out the window and saw Twilight and Spike leave through the portal, I checked the moon and my watch. 12:00 AM with the moon about to cover the star. Just in time. Then the star was covered and the long hair, pony ears, and wings disappeared from the five friends. My work here today was done. I went back to the navigation room and back to my house for a well deserved rest. <><><><> Spike and I* had a great night, ignoring the Sunset Shimmer she-demon fiasco. We were heading back to the portal with our friends when a strange guy I hadn’t seen before ran in front of it and threw something in. He then ran away towards the school. “Hey! What did you do?!” I shouted after him. He didn’t seem to hear or he didn’t care as he kept running. I had half a mind to run after and question him but I had to go now or wait another 30 moons. I decided against chasing after him in favor of leaving now. I said my goodbyes to my friends here and went with Spike through the portal. *(I never know if this way of saying it is correct, please inform me if I am wrong.) ====== I wobbled on my hind hooves and then landed on all four as my friends greeted me back. Everything seemed ok, but what did that guy throw through the portal? After I greeted my friends I looked around and saw a small card in the back corner of the room. I picked it up in my magic and flipped it over. Looking at what was written on it. > Chapter 7 - Research & Familiarization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in my bed, glad to be back home. It had been a strange three days being stuck without a way back. I had learned a lot more about the moon base when I was there though. The navigation table was a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. I wanted to learn more about the SD cards and what was on them. Especially the rainbow one. Also what happened if I put a different one in. I decided to do more research. After my daily routine. ====== I decided to take my laptop through the box portal to inspect the contents of the SD cards. I hopped through with it in hand and landed in the navigation room. It seems this is the “entrance” now. I got my laptop and put it on the table. I looked under the table and took out the SD card in the slot [TelePorter_1]. I started up my computer and put it in. It opened a file with only one folder. I opened it and inside was a single text file. I opened it and it only read some numbers. It seemed like it was coordinates or something, which made sense. I took it out and put it back in the table, taking out the rainbow SD card. I put it in my computer but it came up with an error that said “Drive not recognized.” I pulled it out and put it back in only to come up with the same error. I tried to open it anyway but nothing I did worked. I really wanted to find out what was on there but I guess I couldn’t for now. At least it was able to take me home. I put it back in its slot and took my computer back home through the portal. ====== I went through the rest of my day normally for the most part. I was a little tired of being stuck there for a while. I decided to take some time off and relax at home. <><><><> I silently took the note with me as I headed along with my friends, glad to be back in Equestria. ====== “And after all that a random guy threw a thing through the portal like woosh! Right?” Pinkie spat out. “How did you know all that?” I frighteningly asked. “Just a hunch!” Pinkie causally replied. I didn’t want to delve deeper into Pinkie’s antics and let it go. I took out the note and read what it said again. -Dear Twilight Sparkle You are probably confused about this, but don’t worry! This is just an experiment, I know you like doing them. If you see me again, which you most likely will, just remember these words: “განზომილებიანი ქაოსი (ganzomilebiani kaosi)” I wish you to come disguised or unnoticed when you approach me to talk. I will see you again, another time, another place. -[CLASSIFIED], for now. I still did not know what to think about this. I will have to look into it later, after all, the portal is closed anyway. <><><><> I hoped Twilight would somewhat understand my message. Maybe I was too mysterious or threatening. Not that I could do anything about it now anyway. I went to my computer to document what I had done and seen so far. After that I decided to rewatch where the show took place after the movie. I wanted to refresh my mind on what was happening, so I could be a little more prepared. After that I had went to bed. It has been a long week. ====== I awaken to the sound of my birds gleefully chirping at the sunrise. I had a few things planned today that I wanted to do. I wanted to increase my influence at the school some more. Make some connections, fortify my position there, maybe rise in popularity a little. It might help for investments later. I go through my morning routine as usual and decide to upgrade my tech at Canterlot High. I wanted to get more sophisticated and better cameras, better connections, maybe even a way to connect them back to my home. That way I could check on them whenever I wanted! I get supplies and jump into the box! I safely land on the other side in the facility. I unpack some of my gear and get to work. ====== I worked on my setup in the navigation room, hoping to find a way to connect with the cameras from here. I looked around the table, just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I found a USB connection port in the table and hooked it up to my computer! It turned out that this facility had a very large range of connection. I could use it to connect to my cameras from here! I booted up my computer and connected to the cameras. When I saw them I was a little shocked. The front of the school was fixed already! There was no crater in the ground and there was a little dust on my cameras inside. Did some more time pass here than back home? I decided to go to the school to check for myself. I teleported down there into the library. I checked my watch. 7:34. I still had time before school started. I walked out of the library to the front and checked the entrance for myself. It was all sealed up and fixed. How did Sunset work this fast? I didn’t know but I decided that I would explore around the neighborhood a bit. To familiarize myself with the area. Maybe I could find the cafe and get a smoothie or something. ====== I walk back to the school, smoothie in hand. It was around 8:50 now so I should be able to go into the school risk free and without suspicion. I sip my smoothie as I enter the front doors. I walk to the library, ready to head back home when I run into someone with orange and red hair. Sunset Shimmer.