• Published 28th Dec 2020
  • 770 Views, 9 Comments

The Dominator of The Universe - Sun Knight

Lord Boros visits Equestria while on his journey to find a worthy opponent.

  • ...

Chapter Six

It was around an hour or two into the villains' journey. The sun began to set in the distance, making the hills it's grave as night began to settle and the Moon rose into it's place. Boros took notice, gazing at the sight of the stars popping out. He stopped his tracks along with the others.

"Has it really been that long since I've made my entrance here?"
Boros queried.

"It shouldn't be too much longer."
Tirek stated, continuing further.

He shrugged to himself and kept up.
"Usually I would have this planet done for by now, but I've taken things a bit more slowly. I've truly become desperate..."

"I wasn't going to say anything about it, but I can't help but question how you obtained your strength."
Chrysalis walked a bit closer towards Boros.

"Is it hard to comprehend that I worked for it? I am centuries old, I can't just do nothing. I've spent enough of my life, trapped on my own planet with no thrill whatsoever. Of course, I still have yet to find that thrill, but at least I can act excited when I conquer these planets. It's something to do, isn't it? Ever since I dropped training due to my lack of progress, it became apparent I needed something new to fill in that gap, so I did what I could and started my own crew of space pirates, later morphing into the most feared being in the Universe."

"Don't think of me as pure evil because I do what I do, it's just that it's all I have left to feel whole. Where I'm from, there's no such thing as mercy or passions. You conquer and fight because that's all you can do at the end of the day. I still hold true to those ideals, thus I conquer and conquer, either till a creature slays me with their mighty power or the Universe is under my palms."
Boros finished, looking at her with a dull eye.

"To answer your question, though, it was a long process of just fighting for my life until others had to fight for theirs when facing me."
He let out a throaty chuckle.
"Those were the days."

"You're super different from us, aren't you?"
Cozy butted herself into the conversation with a blunt question.

"He's an alien, I think you're a lost here."
Tirek pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes.

"Aren't you all alien to each other anyways?"
Boros' eye glanced over his shoulder.

"...Good point."

Boros looked in front of him again to finally spot what looked like the outskirts of the Crystal Empire. The dead giveaway being the fact that everything was... well, crystal.
"Alright, folks, looks like we're here! My generals should be here at any moment, but in the meantime, why don't we make ourselves known?"
He grinned at the group of villains.

They each seemed to enjoy his words, laughing as usual like villains. They split up, either taking flight or straight up running in. Boros, though, decided to spectate first, curious of what they could do with their power.

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor had already been warned of the impending dangers and prepared with what little time they had, collecting each one of their soldiers form the barracks to prepare for anything, no matter how tough it may be. Even with the preperation time, they were still left in the dark for what was to come.


Melzargard, Geryuganshoop, and Groribas, Boros' three Dark Matter Generals, showed their faces not long after the villains' recess started. A smile donned on Boros' face as he took notice.
"Ah, my trusted friends. You're just in time. We've only just begun our coup d'état. Come, come! Join us!"

The three exchanged looks before smiling back at their Lord.

"Wait... did you say 'us'?"
Geryuganshoop's smile faded a bit in curiosity.

"Indeed! I have found ourselves new fresh meat to join our crew."
Boros responded enthusiastically, turning back towards the Crystal Empire. The four seemed to be doing quite well together. They've ran the entire kingdom into near-anarchy and it's been what, half an hour? In any case, it looked like a complete trash bin, with the help of Sombra's crystal magic, Tirek's tyrannical strength and absorption ability, Chrysalis' love-draining magic, and Cozy's machiavellian spirit. Even Boros felt a bit of pride for them and their uniqueness.

"I'll be sure to have you all meet each other after our fun is over."
His legs bent a little, putting weight into them.
"In the meantime, enjoy your field day!"
Boros took off, shattering the ground below his feet with his reckless force. He flew through the sky and aimed to land directly in the center of the Crystal Empire, demolishing an unfortunate fountain. He stood up, his fists balled. He scanned the area of any targets. His eyes soon landed on what looked like a pony, but with slightly distinctive features compared to the ones in Canterlot. Their color palette was one thing, but their eyes were the most visible, which reminded him of crystals... fitting. He approached the shocked pony, every step louder than the last. His presence felt murderous. The pony was certainly trembling, not capable of moving at all. He just gawked in terror.

"Now, now, young one, you have no need to look so mortified. The death I will lay upon you will be painless."
Boros reassured the stud in a mocking tone.
"...Well... as painless as a beating can be!"

The pony's screams could be heard echoing the streets to the point where it was bloodcurdling, but cut out abruptly only a moment later. Boros wiped his hands and looked at the lifeless pony that laid before him with a stern face.

"Well, you certainly didn't care for you life if you can't even put up a fight."
He then lifted his head up, facing the tall Crystal Castle, the sweet, sweet sounds of despair filling his ears in the background.
"Let's see how those rookies have been doing. "
He thought, strolling through the rubble that now littered the streets.

Comments ( 1 )

Well depends on the star ranging from white dwarfs to red giants

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