• Published 28th Dec 2020
  • 769 Views, 9 Comments

The Dominator of The Universe - Sun Knight

Lord Boros visits Equestria while on his journey to find a worthy opponent.

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Chapter Two

By now, the Royal Guardsponies have taken notice, which should be an obvious statement considering that a ship the size of Manhattan just stopped by for a visit, but they're usually useless, and it's no different in this situation either.

Many of them took to the throne room to protect their Princesses, but a few handfuls decided to test Boros' warriors who were pouring out from the ship in waves, each one armed to the teeth compared to the guards who had... flimsy metal on their heads and a sharp stick to fend off opponents, basically. It didn't take long for the greatly outnumbered guardsponies to be overwhelmed in battle, and were soon either captured or worse, killed.

None of this was of true importance. Boros didn't even think about their presence here, he already knew this planet probably didn't need much force pushed onto it to bring it towards the edge of the cliff. Speaking of Boros, he soon landed perfectly within the throne room with a dramatic entrance, shattering the stained glass as soon as he made contact with it, leaving a gaping hole exposed. He skidded ever-so-slightly, his gold-plated boots gripping to the floor for an easier landing.
"My my, I am just full of surprises, aren't I?"
Boros commented on himself, cooing as he turned towards what he only assumed were the Princesses surrounded by the useless ponies, because they were sitting in their throne of course.

The Royal Guards took stances as they pointed their weapons towards Boros as if they would convince him, to which he laughed mockingly.
"Let us just cut to the chase."
He stepped forward, closer, his arms crossed.
"Lord Boros, The Dominator of The Universe and leader of my Pirate Band."

The two finally stood up for once throughout this whole ordeal. The tall, white one with the colorful flowing mane then spoke up, with a little regal tone if you will.
"Princess Celestia of the Sun and the Ruler of Equestria alongside my sister, Princess Luna of the Moon. Tell us what you plan on doing!"
Her voice deadpanned as she stared at Boros.

Boros smiled.
"I'm glad you asked. You can either surrender now and give up these lands peacefully, which in turn, we will enslave you and your peoples for our profit, or you can go out with a... bang, as I like to call it. I have already ordered a few hundred of my warriors to loot and take these lands. You're surrounded as a result, and are separated from the rest of the world."

"If you think I'd ever allow for something such as this to happen, you're a fool!"
Celestia shouted, ordering her guards to charge him.

But, before they could make their moves, they were suddenly stripped of their armor and weapons in the blink of an eye, a pile of the same exact armory and weaponry standing next to Boros.
"I get how hard it may be to submit, but be realistic, if you think pastel ponies are going to harm me, let alone my warriors, then you need a sweet taste of reality."
A ball of purple energy formed within the grasp of Boros, chucking it in front of the unarmed guards, sending them flying helplessly in numerous directions, taking severe burn damage.
"Now, be a leader for once and actually face me!"

The two Princesses took flight, both firing beams of magic at Boros with anger. Boros chuckled once they hit him, leaving him unharmed.
"You canNOT be serious! This is the power of the two leaders of this world? Didn't you say you were the Princesses of the Sun and Moon? Surely this can't be all you have!"

Boros flashed out of sight, appearing above the two princesses to straight up smack them both down onto the ground with a single swoop from his mighty hand.
"Maybe they'll be easier than what I even assumed, which isn't much to begin with, so you've really hit a new low here."

He grabbed the two, both wounded and grounded, setting them aside. A few of his warriors came in with their weapons.
"Chain them up nicely, and make sure they can't do anything at all but watch as this world is transformed by me."
He commanded. They saluted and followed his orders, chaining the princesses and the guards up together tightly. They placed metal containers on any of the unicorns, along with the two rulers, but left their mouths to not be balled or gagged.

Boros took a seat at his new throne and sighed comfortably.
"I'll sit back for now and watch the show."
Boros spoke loudly, a wide shit-eating grin all over his face. He felt like an unstoppable God here, which only fed his ego to new heights. He placed his hands behind his head and relaxed, the sounds of destruction and pain filling the background as everyone sat silently.

Meanwhile, the Main 6 were already rushing into Canterlot after receiving an urgent letter from Princess Celestia prior to being confronted by the one-eyed alien, soon stopping at the back of the ship and looking up in revelation. Twilight's eyes dilated with horror, flying upwards far above the ship to see what was happening in Canterlot in a bird's-eye view, only leaving her in a larger state of shock once she witnessed numerous aliens capturing and brutalizing her kind like it was nothing. She landed back down to her friends and shook her head.
"We need to get to the castle!"

Her horn then glowed, teleporting her and her friends into the Canterlot Castle, where they entered the throne room soon after with panicked eyes.

Boros blinked his large eye and looked over at the 6.
"And who might you six be? Perhaps you've come to resist me."
He stood back up, revealing his massive stature.

The Main 6 gasped at the sight of Boros, sitting on the throne of their princess. Their attention moved towards the chained up guards, who were badly injured, and Celestia and Luna. They were all unconscious. Without giving much awareness to Boros, they rushed to the unconscious ponies quickly.

"Don't worry, they aren't dead... yet. They were merely knocked out from my sheer greatness."
Boros guffawed at his remark.

"Please... please wake up!"
Twilight cried as she looked at them with teary eyes.

They turned back over to Boros, but he was nowhere to be found. Just the echoes of what sounded like a fading cackle.

The princesses were gone too, suddenly leaving them alone and demented.

"W-where did they go?"
Fluttershy whispered, glancing around at the now soundless room.

"I don't know... we... failed at protecting Equestria..."
Twilight sobbed as she looked at the throne room floor.

Back at the Cave, Grogar witnessed this entire facade using his crystal ball with many questions. This certainly wasn't the plan... there was never supposed to be some Alien Invasion! Grogar growled, his crystal ball fading back to normal.
"Change of plans. Before we try to do ANYTHING, we're going to meet this 'Boros' figure... or should I say... YOU four are going to. Think of it as a test of cooperation. Perhaps we can gain some info on him and utilize him for our greater plan."

"Tch, what's the use of another low life when you already have I, KING SOMBRA! I'm the only one with the power to defeat them all!"
Sombra protested, his teeth shining.

"And yet you were defeated? You're only here because I wanted you here! I can always change my mind at any time and send any one of you back to the hellhole you came from! If you don't listen to me, we will never succeed at anything we do! The reason those ponies defeat you all is because they team up! Use their strengths against them and turn it into a weakness!"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes.
"This better be worth my time and effort!"
She hissed.

"I assure you that this all has the outcome each and every one of you dreamed of! Now go! Find this alien and confront him!"
He tapped his bell and sent them all away instantly to find Lord Boros.

Grogar turned towards his crystal ball again and watched the Villains' journey in the hope's that they would team up for once and work together.