• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 566 Views, 9 Comments

Holiday Magic - Jhoira

Midnight Sparkle demands Princess Luna's help lest she invade Equestria.

  • ...

Or Other Magic

Midnight Sparkle grinned as she steepled her fingers. "So, are you prepared to hear why I have called you here?" Princess Luna rolled her eyes but nodded. Apparently this evil version of Twilight sparkle thought that the princess of the moon would be of some use to her. Something about Luna being able to understand her great plans. The only reason she'd agreed was that the Midnight Sparkle had threatened to invade Equestria if she didn't!

"I suppose you will tell me whether or not I want to hear it, won't you?" Luna sat back in the chair, still getting used to being a human, but the ability to steeple one's fingers did look quite fun, so Luna started to imitate Midnight Sparkle's finger steeple. Unfortunately for her she didn't realize that, as all humans already know, finger steepling is done exclusively by evil people. "But before that, dare I ask what you did to everyone?"

Midnight Sparkle leaned forward and grinned at the Equestrian Princess. "I made them all do math tests!"

Luna stared at the mad girl. "Wait... You did what?"

Midnight Sparkle cackled. "Yesssss! Think of it! In a few years we might find the next Archimedes!"

Luna stared at the girl. "Uh..."

"Oh yes! And if they don't work hard enough I make them work Christmas!" Midnight Sparkle did her best evil laugh, which was rather grating.

"Wait, this is what you call evil? How is teaching people evil?"

Midnight sparkle frowned as she looked back at the school. "I will use the knowledge myself!"

"... For...?" Luna was getting concerned to hear the magical humans plans until...

"To get more knowledge of course! Technology is like a great stone just rolling faster and faster! And all that knowledge will be mine!"

Luna waited for more before asking again. "And then?"

Midnight Sparkle waved her hands in the air. "Didn't you listen? Technology, rolling stone, more knowledge. I thought you were the smart sister!"

Luna took a moment before realizing that was the extent of the plan. "Wait, that's... That's the entire plan? Uh... What about Equestria?"

Midnight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Oh, I know I wanted to go explore your magical world when I first... I don't know, emerged as the dominant personality. But anyway that was my first thought. But then I realized how much more I could do here on earth! I mean, think about it, we have space travel here! Under my guidance we will harvest this technology!"

Luna looked around and realized that the school wasn't in any disrepair. The portal that had been ripped open between their worlds has been repaired. But there didn't seem to be any abuse of the local population. "So... Your ultimate plan is...?"

"More knowledge! I've said that like, three times! And to do that I need your help."

Luna groaned and rubbed her temples, shaking her head. "How, and why? What in the world could I give you that'd help? You're looking for advancing your technology, you're already well beyond Equestria!"

Midnight sparkled grinned, rubbing her hands together, another indication of her evil. "Yes, but what I need you for is to kidnap Santa Claus. I can use his magic to assist with our expansion. And I mean, his elves know how to make iPhone and the like, they will be great addition to my teaching resources."

Luna froze, shifting a bit and licking her lips hesitantly. "Hm... Uh... Twili..."


Luna cleared her throat. "Right, Midnight. Santa Claus isn't real..."

Midnight Sparkle laughed and shook her head. Before a long moment passed and she looked at Luna, right in the eye. "What!? You... No... He's brought me presents in the past!"

Luna facehoofed as best she could, but she had to use her hand, so facepalming. "Dear girl... Magic didn't come into your world until half a year ago... How could an old bearded man have elves in the ice land of your world and visit everyone in a night?"

Midnight Sparkle's eyes widened, her bottom lip quivering for a moment before her eyes hardened and she scowled. "You're right, I've been played a fool for so long... It's time to execute all those liars!" Luna's eyes widened but then, thankfully, Midnight Sparkle reconsidered. "Hm... On second thought that would cut into my work force..." Luna sighed in relief.

"Right, though your current plan seems good, you'll advance science... Will you... Uh... Hurt anyone...?"

Midnight Sparkled shook her head. "No, not so long as they obey. Why would I destroy my work force? They are my key to even more discovery!"

Luna wasn't sure if Midnight Sparkle would be forever content with more knowledge but so far... It seemed manageable. "So... You're just after knowledge really?"

Midnight sparkle nodded. "Oh yes! Though I do have to apologize to you now."

Luna blinked, taken aback before narrowing her eyes. "Why...?"

Midnight Sparkle shrugged. "Now I have to invade Equestria."

Luna reeled back like she'd been slopped. "But why? You said you didn't have an interest in that!"

Midnight Sparkle nodded as she pulled out her phone. "I didn't. But now that there's no ancient magic powers for me to exploit from this world, I need yours."

Luna groaned again as she looked down at the statue then smirked in self satisfaction. "Aha! But you won't be able to pass through without the mirror being open."

"But the mirror is open." Midnight Sparkle grinned at the princess and made a motion with her hand as soldiers started to march to the statue, and Luna only stared as they passed through. "Did you think I was that stupid?"

Luna frowned. "But how... Wait... Why does Twilight have that still open!?"

Midnight sparkled laughed gently. "She has my exact weakness princess. Did you really think it a great idea to leave that mirror in the hands of my "good" counterpart who wants all the knowledge she can get?"

Luna 's shoulders slumped and she groaned. "Well f..."

Author's Note:

*Steeples fingers.*

Comments ( 9 )

You told me this was nonsense, but it's brilliant nonsense nonetheless. :derpytongue2:

That's more or less my specialty. *Poses.*

Merry Christmas and happy holidays

Okay, this was nice, short and sweet. I admit, there are some lines in here that made me cackle. Specifically the steepling being done by evil people only. I don't know how you come up with these silly concepts, but I can't wait to find more.

Well when I get the jinglemas of Luna and Midnight Sparkle I had to do something! :D

sigh its gonna be one of those days huh?

*chef's kiss* It's two and a half years later and I still love this. Merci beaucoup, mon ami.

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