• Published 6th Dec 2020
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The Human That Went To Equestria - MyAwesomePony

It is time for Ponyville to experience something strange.... a human being.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Family And Fashion

Me and Pinkie Pie were now approaching what looked like a farm with a bushel of trees, some had apples in them, and some of them didn't, the trees that didn't have apples in them, had baskets underneath them filled to the brim with apples. As I was looking at the trees. I accidently bumped into Pinkie as she was looking at something in the distance, or more specifically, somebody. What Pinkie was looking at seemed to be another pony with an orange coat and a light yellow mane and tail, her tail was tied in a red band. Also, she was wearing a brown cowboy hat and white freckles on her face. She also looked very tired and worn out.

"Wow, that pony looks like she's been working hard." I claimed.

"That's Applejack for you." Pinkie replied as we both walk up to her. "Hey Applejack."

"Howdy, Pinkie, how's it-" She stopped and looked at me and cried out. "Woah, nelly. A monster! Stay away from my apples and my family, yer varmint." She came up to me and kicked me in the belly, as I fall back, she lands on top of me, pinning me down. This was the second time I've been pinned down.

"Applejack, stop!" Pinkie cried.

"Why should I? This monster is trespassing on my farm."

"He's not a monster." Pinkie proclaimed.

Applejack turned back to me and saw my face and got off me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, sugarcube." She then reached out her hoof as I reached out and grabbed it, she pulled me off my back. I got up and faced her.

"It's fine. I've been worse. So, your name is Applejack?"

"Sure is. We here at Sweet Apple Acers sure work hard."

"Applejack. Dinner is ready!" A familiar voice called out. I looked over and it was Apple Bloom, one of the first ponies I met. "Oh, Hey Lukas." She said to me.

"You know him?" Applejack asked the yellow filly.

"Yeah. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and I met him earlier." Apple Bloom replied.

"Hey Apple Bloom." I greeted her warmly.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Applejack then turned to me. "Hey Lukas, wanna have dinner with my family?"

"Are you sure, I don't want to bother you." I said.

"Oh phooey. You won't be a bother. Come on, you two." Applejack then called into the farmhouse. "Granny, set up two more chairs. Pinkie and a special visitor is having dinner!"

"Alright Applejack." An old lady voice called back.

"So... what do you think about Ponyville so far." Applejack asked me.

"It's been great. Pinkie's been giving me a tour of the place."

"Of course, nopony is better suited for the job."

"Applejack, stop it." Pinkie blushed cutely.

"You two stay out here for a moment." Applejack then calls into the farmhouse. "Before they come in, I just want to remind everypony that seeing the visitor may be a bit shocking." She then held the door open for us and we entered.

Me and Pinkie entered the farmhouse to see three ponies inside. One of them was Apple Bloom, one was an old lady with a green coat and white hair and an orange scarf around her neck. Her cutie mark was a pie, and the other one was a big pony with a red coat and an orange mane and tail. His cutie mark was a half of a green apple as the lady and the big pony was looking at me in amazement.

"Well, I'll be." The old lady remarked. "I haven't seen a human in a very long time."

"You know about my species?" I asked as she nodded slowly.

"When I was a foal, humans used to exist in Equestria, but they were mean and hunted down all of us, but Princess Celestia banished them all."

"Oh, well. I'm not like them at all." I replied quickly.

"Alright everypony. Let's eat before dinner gets cold." Applejack called out as we all took a seat. I sat in between Apple Bloom and Applejack.

We were all gathered around the table eating dinner. It was pretty good, it may be even better than the sweets in Sugarcube Corner. All the meals there were so delicious, from the apple pies to the apple fritters. Most of the meals there were a form of apples, which made sense to me, after seeing all the apple trees, I'd figure that they'd cook up some apple related foods.

"So, what are your names?" I gestured towards the old pony and the big, red pony.

"I'm Granny Smith and this is Big Macintosh."

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied.

"He's not much of a talker." Granny informed.

"Eenope." Big Mac replied again as we continued eating.

We ate for another 5 minutes, until everyone was famished.

"That was some good apple pie." I said, licking my lips as everyone nodded in agreement. "Well, I think it's time for me and Pinkie to head out. See you later."

As the apple family said there goodbyes, we started to walk out the farmhouse.

"Also, we're having a "Welcome To Ponyville" party for Lukas." Pinkie informed the family as they promised to be there.

Pinkie had just taken me to a really peculiar building. It reminded me of a carousal.

"So, this is where Rarity lives." I asked Pinkie as she nodded.

"I'm sure she would be delighted to meet you." Pinkie said.

We both walk up to the place that Pinkie called. "Carousal Boutique." and she knocked on the door.

"Come in." A posh voice called out, as we entered, there was a bell sounds, to indicate that there was a customer.

I was amazed with the interior of this building, there were mannequins scattered all over the room, or rather, pony-quins, and they were all displaying magnificent dresses and gowns. Turning around, we see a white unicorn with a swirly purple mane and tail sewing a dress together, her cutie mark was three diamonds. I assumed that this was Rarity, she turned around to face us, and she had on a pair of red glasses as she walked up to us.

"Welcome to Carousal Bou- WHA HA HA!" She started, but then she shrilled in terror after noticing me. "Pinkie, what were you thinking?! bringing a-a-a- monster into the shop!"

"But Rarity, he's-" Before Pinkie could say anything else, Rarity put a hoof to her mouth.

"He's probably going to steal all of my gems!" Rarity cried.

"Now hold on a-" Rarity interrupted me.

"Don't you start talking you-you beastly beast!" She cried again.

"Rarity, just-"

"Just think about what's it's gonna do!"

"Listen to me, I-"

"We need to evacuate immediately."


Rarity immediately stopped freaking out and turned towards me. I literally just met this lady and she's already getting on my nerves.

"Look, I understand that you've never seen anything like me before, but you don't have to freak out and not even give us a chance to explain! If you'd just shut up and actually listen to us, you would know that I'm not a monster and I'm not trying to harm you in any way, so just calm down!" I started to breathe frantically, trying to stay cool. Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry I irritated you, darling. But like you said, I've never seen anything like you before." Rarity managed to say.

"And I don't blame you for freaking out." I then took a deep breath. "Let's start over, I'm Lukas. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Rarity. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, Lukas." Rarity said.

"Well, I'm glad that's been sorted out." I said.

"So, what are your thoughts on Ponyville?" Rarity asked me.

"Fantastic, Pinkie Pie here has been showing me around the place." I gestured to Pinkie, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, well. I assume she's been showing you the most divine locations." Rarity flicked her mane as she said that.

"Don't forget to come to Lukas' Welcome To Ponyville party." Pinkie said.

"Well, I guarantee you will see me there." Rarity said with a grin as we left.

"Five down, two more friends to go. Come on Lukas." Pinkie bounced away with me not too far behind.