> The Human That Went To Equestria > by MyAwesomePony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Accident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There I was, sitting in another boring class, gazing at the clock watching every minute go by, it was as if time slowed down as I wasn't paying attention to the teacher's method on how to divide fractions and to simplify the answer. I let out a sigh of boredom as I tried not to zone out. Like any other kid, I was excited for the weekends, and the best thing is that we didn't have any homework over the weekend, so we got to do whatever we wanted. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang as it echoed around the classroom. "Alright, class. Have a safe weekend." My teacher announced. I then sprung back to life as everyone rushed out the class in a quick manner, like someone was charging me up with energy. We all sprinted down the hallways as if there was a stampede of bulls in the hallway. As I was wondering what we were going to have for dinner tonight, I spotted one of my friends, Sean, walking out of the bathroom. "Ha, I can't believe that actually worked." He said to me as I walked beside him. "What?" I asked. "I asked the teacher to go the the bathroom and I stayed in there for the rest of the period." "That's actually smart, I'm gonna do that next time." I thought. "So, how was your class?" Sean asked me. "Terrible. We were learning about how to divide fractions." I groaned. "Lucky, we had a test." Sean said to me. "Wanna hang out at my house and play videogames? My mom won't mind." I asked, hoping that he was available. "What if we had a sleepover?" He asked hopefully. "Now that is a smart idea. Make sure you bring snacks." I told him. "Can do." Everyone spilled out of the school gates, rushing home. Me and Sean were walking across the street, still talking about what we were going to do at the sleepover we agreed over, when I heard a honk, I turned around and saw a 50 pound, out of control semi-truck barreling towards us, or more specifically, Sean. "Sean, look out!" I cried out. He looked to his left and saw the giant truck heading straight towards him. I was expecting him to move, but he didn't, he just stood there as still as a statue, still staring down the barrel of death. I couldn't stand seeing one of my best friends get severely injured, so I jumped and pushed him aside as the truck collided with me and then..... nothing. Darkness. That was all I could see, no matter which direction I looked, just black. But not for long as I slowly start to open my eyes but I had no idea where I was, my eyes felt heavy, my head was throbbing and I felt dizzy. I tried with all my strength to lift my body of the ground and tried to stand on my legs, but it was as if my legs were made of gelatin, but I looked around to see where I was and it appeared that I was in a forest with a river flowing nearby and birds chirping in the trees. Finally, my legs stopped shaking uncontrollably and I was able to stand up without falling down. I still had no idea on where I was or why I was in a forest, but I wasn't going to find any answers just by standing there motionless, so I thought that if there was a forest, then there has to be a village, and if there is a village, there is citizens. They could tell me where I was. Without wasting any more time, I started to walk near the river as I could hear some birds chirping in the distance. My legs were still straining, but I tried to ignore it as I continued to walk slowly through the forest. Finally, after a few more minutes, I saw the exit of the forest, I thought that there has to be a village nearby. I then sprinted to the exit, desperate to get out of the forest and find civilization, I didn't even care that my legs hurt as I ran out of the forest and was bombarded with a bright light. I covered my eyes to avoid going blind, after the light cleared away, I eyed upon a field of some sorts. It was as if I had just walked into a cartoon with all the vibrant colors around me. As I was gazing around the beautiful sight, I then noticed that there was a village in the distance, I let out a sigh of relief, finally finding civilization. I was about to start walking to the village when suddenly, I heard some laughing nearby, little children giggles. It sounded like it was coming from the corner of the forest I just ran out of. I decided to check out what was going on around there that could make those children laugh so much, or what sounded like children to me. As I turned the corner, I saw a really peculiar sight, playing with a ball, were three small ponies, I think my teacher calls them "fillies" having the time of their lives. There was one with a yellow coat and a red mane and tail and it was wearing a bow the same color as its mane and tail, another one of them seemed to be a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail and the last one was an orange Pegasus with a hot pink mane and tail. Strangest of all, they all had little symbols on their flanks. I didn't want to startle these ponies, so I creeped silently into a nearby bush and watched them. I know how creepy this sounds, but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just go up to them, after all, I might look like a monster to them. So I continued to watch them play. The orange Pegasus kicked that ball a little bit too hard and it hit the white unicorn in the face as it let out a yelp in pain as it rubs its head. "Scootaloo, watch where your kicking!" She suddenly cried out. I was a bit shocked that she spoke. "Well, sorry. It's not my fault that you're so clumsy." The orange Pegasus said back. I couldn't bare to watch these ponies fight some more, so I started to walk away from the group, then there was trouble. I didn't notice that I was about to step on a twig as it let out a snapping sound. I could hear the fillies stop talking and I assumed that they were looking at the bush. I knew I was in trouble now, so I walked quietly back into the bush, hoping none of the fillies saw me. "Did you hear something?" I heard the orange Pegasus ask her friends. "It sounded like it was coming from that bush." A new voice replied, it was probably the yellow one. I then heard hoof steps walking towards the bush as I tried to stop my heavy breathing by covering my mouth with my hand as I saw their hooves through the leaves of the bush. I then got a pretty terrible idea, I thought about running out of the bush and running to the village, it was a bad idea, but I had to try something, otherwise, I would be in huge trouble. I counted down from three in my mind, while I was counting, I was beginning to have second thoughts, but it was too late as I sprinted out of the bush. I could hear the fillies talking from behind me. "What is that thing." "I have no idea, but it's heading for Ponyville. We gotta stop it." I looked back and saw that the fillies were now chasing after me, trying to catch me. Now I was really in trouble. I tried not to focus on them and focus more on the village in the distance, but every time I looked back, they were getting closer. There were faster than me and could've easily caught up with me any minute now. But then, when I looked back again, there were only two of them, the orange Pegasus was missing. I turned back around, but then I tripped on the orange Pegasus's hoof and fell on the ground. As I tried to get up, the three fillies landed on top and tried to pin me down. "Hey, let go off me!" I ordered them, but they didn't. "Nice try, monster. But this is a perfect opportunity for us to catch our first monster." The yellow filly faced me as she said that. "What are you talking about? I'm not a monster. I just need to know where I am." I felt insulted by that statement. "Oh." The white unicorn said with realization. "We're sorry." They then got off me as I got up. "It's okay, you didn't know." I said as I wiped the dust off me. "Well, I'm Apple Bloom." The yellow filly introduced herself. "and this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo." "And we are..." The orange filly trailed of and then they all said loudly in unison. "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" "What's your name?" Sweetie Belle asked me. "Well, if you must know. My name is Lukas." I replied. "But, I have to ask, what are those things." I then pointed at their marks on their rumps. They all loudly gasp in unison. "You don't know what a cutie mark is?" Scootaloo asked in shock as I shook my head. "Well, Lukas." Apple Bloom began. "A cutie mark is an symbol ponies get on their flank once he or she discovers his or her special talent." "So, it's like once a pony finds a hobby they like, they get a cutie mark." I said. "Exactly." "Well, it was nice meeting you three." I said as I gestured to them. "Nice meeting you too, Lukas." Sweetie Belle said as they all walked away and I started to walk towards the village, what I was planning on doing before I met the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I was beginning to have second thoughts about going to this village. I mean, if I had just met ponies and they were freaked out about me, then this village must be full of ponies and they all might be freaked out by me as well. But it was the only source of civilization I could find. I then reached to the entrance of the village and saw exactly what I expected, colorful, talking ponies walking around the town. Like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they all had symbols on their flanks as well and each of them had a different one. I started to walk slowly into the town as I looked around nervously with pinprick eyes, when suddenly... "MONSTER!" Someone screamed aloud. And just like that, every pony around me was screaming at the top of their lungs while running around the place like a bunch of wild animals as they all ran into their houses while slamming the door behind them. What was once a packed street was now an abandoned, lifeless street as I saw a tumbleweed roll nearby. As the last pony got into their house, I was now all alone in the town and I felt alone as well, like nobody cared about me. I then dropped to the floor in disbelief as I began to cry slightly. Then, I heard some hooves trotting nearby, I wiped the tears of me and looked up and saw a pink pony with a darker pink mane and tail. It looked like she slept on a pile of balloons. Her cutie mark was three balloons, two blue and one yellow. She looked around the empty town in confusion. "Where is everypony. I could've sworn this place was crowded a second ago." She gazed around as she said that, she then let out a gasp of realization. "Are we playing hide and go seek. Ooh, I love hide and go seek." But just when she was about to count, she noticed me, lying down on the grass, with slight tears in my eyes as she ran up to me. "What's the matter?" "Everyone abandoned me and ran into their houses." I said between sniffs. "Aw, that's too bad." She tried to comfort me by stroking my head. "It's fine." I said, wiping away the tears as I stood up. "I just don't know where I am." "Well, you're in Ponyville right now." She replied. "Ponyville? Fitting name." I said as I got up. "I'm Lukas, by the way." "I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you, Lukas." He said excitedly. "It's nice to meet you too, Pinkie." I said, slowly starting to cheer up. "What are we going to do about the empty town." "Leave that to me." Pinkie said as she hopped onto a nearby picnic table and said the following. "Attention everypony, he isn't a monster. His name is Lukas and he isn't any harm, to Ponyville, and all of Equestria as well. So please, give him a chance." There was a moment of silence for a second, but then, one of the ponies slowly walked out of its house, and another one, and another one. And soon, the whole town was coming out of their houses and saying things like "Hello" and "Welcome" and now I felt happy that the ponies who abandoned me the first time, is now welcoming me to their town. I was beginning to like it in this place. I wouldn't mind staying here for the rest of my life. All the citizens are friendly and kind. I love my family and friends and all, but if someone told me that I could stay here, I wouldn't mind. > Chapter 2: The Unicorns And The Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie had just taken me to her workplace and house called Sugarcube Corner, and I have to admit, the pastries there were just mouth-watering, it was hard not to adore those sweets. One of my favorites were the chocolate frosting cupcakes, as I've always loved chocolate, another one of my favorites was the cinnamon buns. I have a lot more favorite pastries, but i have so many, it would be hard to list all of them. "Pinkie, these are so good." I commented as I ate another chocolate cupcake. "Glad you like them, Lukas." Pinkie said happily. "You know what?" I said with chocolate frosting around my mouth. "This place might not be so bad after all." "It looks like you've enjoyed them a little bit too much." Pinkie laughed to herself. I saw the frosting all around my mouth and I licked it off until there wasn't a single spec of chocolate left as we both laughed. Then, one of the owners of Sugarcube Corner, Mrs. Cake, walking out of the kitchen. "Oh, I hope you don't mind, Lukas." Mrs. Cake said as she walks up to me. "But you will be staying in Pinkie's room, I hope that's okay." "Yeah, I can live up to that." I replied, feeling pretty fine with the situation. "Ooh, we're gonna have so much fun." Pinkie then crushed me in a big bear hug. "Pinkie, not so tight!" I tried to break myself free, but Pinkie's grip kept getting tighter. Finally, she let go of me and set me down, Mrs. Cake laughs to herself and goes back into the kitchen. "I just had a fantastic idea." Pinkie gasped. "What is it?" I asked the pink baker. "I should give you a tour of Ponyville and introduce you to all my friends." She thought. "I think that's a great idea.' I agreed with her. "And after that, I could throw you a "Welcome To Ponyville" party." She chimed. "I'm down with that. And that was before you said party." I commented as we both laughed again. "And that's Cloudsdale, where the weather is made" Pinkie gestured to a city in the sky "Wow, a city in the clouds. Never thought I'd see the day." "Now, are you ready to meet my friends?" Pinkie asked. "I sure am." I said. "Let's start with one of my unicorn friends, Twilight Sparkle." Pinkie said. And with that, we started to walk towards a giant castle of some kind, but it was made out of crystals. If you sold this castle in the real world, you could be able to make millions. We walked up the steps and Pinkie was about to open the door, but she turned around me. "You might want to hide in a bush. I don't want to freak out Twilight." Pinkie told me. "Totally understandable. Pinkie." I then jumped into a nearby bush as Pinkie pounded on the door. After a moment of silence, the doors slowly open and I saw a unicorn with a magenta coat and a darker purple mane and tail with pink streaks through them. I couldn't tell what her cutie mark was. "Oh hey, Pinkie. What's going on?" The unicorn asked, I assumed that it was Twilight. "Twilight, guess what. I made a friend today." Pinkie said excitedly. "You making friends? That's so unlike you." Twilight said with sass. "I know right. Okay, come on out, Lukas." Pinkie called out to me as I walked out of the bush and welcomed Twilight with open hands. "Hey there, I'm Lukas. Pinkie's told me a lot about you." I greeted, but instead of a welcoming greeting, she just walked up to me and circled around me, as if she was inspecting me closely. "Um, is something wrong?" "Oh no, not at all." She assured me and stepped back. "It's just that, I feel like I've seen something like you before." "Really?" I said confusingly as she nodded her head. "I just don't know where." Twilight pondered some more, then, it hit her. "That's it!" "What's it?" Pinkie wondered. "Pinkie, I became one of these things when I went through the mirror into that other world." Twilight said with confidence in her face. "Really?" Me and Pinkie asked in unison as Twilight nodded her head again. "So your name is Lukas?" Twilight asked me as I nodded my head. "Well, I hope you're having a great time in Ponyville, so far." "Oh, believe me. I am." I said as Twilight and Pinkie laughed together. Then, I heard voices from behind the door. "And that's how you make a gem cake." "Thanks, Spike. But I'm not sure if I'll ever use that recipe." "Spike, Starlight!" Twilight opened the door and called inside. "Come say hi to our new visitor." Twilight held the door open and two people walked out. One of them was a small, purple dragon with green spines on her head, back and tail, the other one was another unicorn with a light purple coat and a dark purple mane and tail with blue streaks through them. The pony's cutie mark was a purple star with a blue and white beam shooting out of it, it reminded me of toothpaste. The dragon was looking at me with a condescending look on his face, while the unicorn was looking at me in shock as Twilight whispered into the dragon's ear. "This is the creature I became when we went into the other world." I could hear her whisper. "Oh, so that's why it looks familiar." The dragon said knowingly. "Twilight! what is that thing!" The unicorn cried out while shaking Twilight. "Starlight, this is Lukas. He's the newest citizen of Ponyville." Twilight said, trying to calm down the unicorn named Starlight. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I said calmly. "Well, if Twilight trusts you, then I guess I do too. Welcome to Ponyville, Lukas." She said to me. "Thanks." I replied back. "And this is Spike, my number one assistant." She gestured to Spike. "Aw, stop it." Spike said, pushing his claw away from his face. "Come on, say it again." He said as Twilight rolls her eyes. "It's nice meeting you, Spike." I said to the baby dragon. "You too, Lukas." He replied while pointing finger guns at me. "Make sure to come to Lukas' Welcome to Ponyville party in Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie informed everyone. "Oh, well. I'm looking forward to it." Twilight said to me. "Okay, bye Twilight, bye Spike, bye Starlight." Pinkie said, hugging each of them. "See you later, Lukas." Starlight called from behind us as we walked away. > Chapter 3: Family And Fashion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Pinkie Pie were now approaching what looked like a farm with a bushel of trees, some had apples in them, and some of them didn't, the trees that didn't have apples in them, had baskets underneath them filled to the brim with apples. As I was looking at the trees. I accidently bumped into Pinkie as she was looking at something in the distance, or more specifically, somebody. What Pinkie was looking at seemed to be another pony with an orange coat and a light yellow mane and tail, her tail was tied in a red band. Also, she was wearing a brown cowboy hat and white freckles on her face. She also looked very tired and worn out. "Wow, that pony looks like she's been working hard." I claimed. "That's Applejack for you." Pinkie replied as we both walk up to her. "Hey Applejack." "Howdy, Pinkie, how's it-" She stopped and looked at me and cried out. "Woah, nelly. A monster! Stay away from my apples and my family, yer varmint." She came up to me and kicked me in the belly, as I fall back, she lands on top of me, pinning me down. This was the second time I've been pinned down. "Applejack, stop!" Pinkie cried. "Why should I? This monster is trespassing on my farm." "He's not a monster." Pinkie proclaimed. Applejack turned back to me and saw my face and got off me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, sugarcube." She then reached out her hoof as I reached out and grabbed it, she pulled me off my back. I got up and faced her. "It's fine. I've been worse. So, your name is Applejack?" "Sure is. We here at Sweet Apple Acers sure work hard." "Applejack. Dinner is ready!" A familiar voice called out. I looked over and it was Apple Bloom, one of the first ponies I met. "Oh, Hey Lukas." She said to me. "You know him?" Applejack asked the yellow filly. "Yeah. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and I met him earlier." Apple Bloom replied. "Hey Apple Bloom." I greeted her warmly. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Applejack then turned to me. "Hey Lukas, wanna have dinner with my family?" "Are you sure, I don't want to bother you." I said. "Oh phooey. You won't be a bother. Come on, you two." Applejack then called into the farmhouse. "Granny, set up two more chairs. Pinkie and a special visitor is having dinner!" "Alright Applejack." An old lady voice called back. "So... what do you think about Ponyville so far." Applejack asked me. "It's been great. Pinkie's been giving me a tour of the place." "Of course, nopony is better suited for the job." "Applejack, stop it." Pinkie blushed cutely. "You two stay out here for a moment." Applejack then calls into the farmhouse. "Before they come in, I just want to remind everypony that seeing the visitor may be a bit shocking." She then held the door open for us and we entered. Me and Pinkie entered the farmhouse to see three ponies inside. One of them was Apple Bloom, one was an old lady with a green coat and white hair and an orange scarf around her neck. Her cutie mark was a pie, and the other one was a big pony with a red coat and an orange mane and tail. His cutie mark was a half of a green apple as the lady and the big pony was looking at me in amazement. "Well, I'll be." The old lady remarked. "I haven't seen a human in a very long time." "You know about my species?" I asked as she nodded slowly. "When I was a foal, humans used to exist in Equestria, but they were mean and hunted down all of us, but Princess Celestia banished them all." "Oh, well. I'm not like them at all." I replied quickly. "Alright everypony. Let's eat before dinner gets cold." Applejack called out as we all took a seat. I sat in between Apple Bloom and Applejack. We were all gathered around the table eating dinner. It was pretty good, it may be even better than the sweets in Sugarcube Corner. All the meals there were so delicious, from the apple pies to the apple fritters. Most of the meals there were a form of apples, which made sense to me, after seeing all the apple trees, I'd figure that they'd cook up some apple related foods. "So, what are your names?" I gestured towards the old pony and the big, red pony. "I'm Granny Smith and this is Big Macintosh." "Eeyup." Big Mac replied. "He's not much of a talker." Granny informed. "Eenope." Big Mac replied again as we continued eating. We ate for another 5 minutes, until everyone was famished. "That was some good apple pie." I said, licking my lips as everyone nodded in agreement. "Well, I think it's time for me and Pinkie to head out. See you later." As the apple family said there goodbyes, we started to walk out the farmhouse. "Also, we're having a "Welcome To Ponyville" party for Lukas." Pinkie informed the family as they promised to be there. Pinkie had just taken me to a really peculiar building. It reminded me of a carousal. "So, this is where Rarity lives." I asked Pinkie as she nodded. "I'm sure she would be delighted to meet you." Pinkie said. We both walk up to the place that Pinkie called. "Carousal Boutique." and she knocked on the door. "Come in." A posh voice called out, as we entered, there was a bell sounds, to indicate that there was a customer. I was amazed with the interior of this building, there were mannequins scattered all over the room, or rather, pony-quins, and they were all displaying magnificent dresses and gowns. Turning around, we see a white unicorn with a swirly purple mane and tail sewing a dress together, her cutie mark was three diamonds. I assumed that this was Rarity, she turned around to face us, and she had on a pair of red glasses as she walked up to us. "Welcome to Carousal Bou- WHA HA HA!" She started, but then she shrilled in terror after noticing me. "Pinkie, what were you thinking?! bringing a-a-a- monster into the shop!" "But Rarity, he's-" Before Pinkie could say anything else, Rarity put a hoof to her mouth. "He's probably going to steal all of my gems!" Rarity cried. "Now hold on a-" Rarity interrupted me. "Don't you start talking you-you beastly beast!" She cried again. "Rarity, just-" "Just think about what's it's gonna do!" "Listen to me, I-" "We need to evacuate immediately." "LISTEN TO ME!" Rarity immediately stopped freaking out and turned towards me. I literally just met this lady and she's already getting on my nerves. "Look, I understand that you've never seen anything like me before, but you don't have to freak out and not even give us a chance to explain! If you'd just shut up and actually listen to us, you would know that I'm not a monster and I'm not trying to harm you in any way, so just calm down!" I started to breathe frantically, trying to stay cool. Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at me in shock. "I'm sorry I irritated you, darling. But like you said, I've never seen anything like you before." Rarity managed to say. "And I don't blame you for freaking out." I then took a deep breath. "Let's start over, I'm Lukas. It's a pleasure to meet you." "I'm Rarity. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, Lukas." Rarity said. "Well, I'm glad that's been sorted out." I said. "So, what are your thoughts on Ponyville?" Rarity asked me. "Fantastic, Pinkie Pie here has been showing me around the place." I gestured to Pinkie, who was smiling from ear to ear. "Oh, well. I assume she's been showing you the most divine locations." Rarity flicked her mane as she said that. "Don't forget to come to Lukas' Welcome To Ponyville party." Pinkie said. "Well, I guarantee you will see me there." Rarity said with a grin as we left. "Five down, two more friends to go. Come on Lukas." Pinkie bounced away with me not too far behind. > Chapter 4: Bunnies And Boasting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville has been great so far. At first, I thought that the citizens might never warm up to me and scatter into their houses every time I walk on the street, but everyone has actually been rational seeing me, all except for Rarity, who freaked out about me the instant she locked eyes on me. My throat still hurt from shouting at her like that, I had calmed down after that and I felt bad yelling at her, she didn't know I was harmless. Right now, Pinkie had taken me to a really peaceful cottage at the edge of a forest, Pinkie tells me that that forest is called the Everfree Forest and it's where dangerous creatures come from like Manticores and a creature called a Cockatrice, Pinkie tells me that it can turn anything to stone, you wouldn't want to get on his bad side. "This is where Fluttershy lives, I'm sure she would be delighted to meet you." Pinkie claimed. "Are you sure, because when we visited Rarity, she was the complete opposite of delighted." "Trust me." She said as we both walk up to the cottage. As we walked up the path, I suddenly felt something kicking the bottom of my legs. I looked down and, sure enough, I saw a small, white bunny trying to kick me. "Hey there, little guy." I said, kneeling down. "Angel, you know better than to try and harm our guests." A calm voice called out. We look over and saw a butterscotch colored pegasus with a light pink mane and tail and her cutie mark was butterflies. I was expecting her to run into her house and close the curtains so fast that all I'd see was a yellow blur, but she didn't, she walked up to me with no hesitation and greeted me warmly. "You must be Lukas, Twilight's been telling me about you." "She has?" I asked as she nodded. I looked at Pinkie and she winked at me. "So, Pinkie told me that you take care of animals." "Oh, I do." She then picked up the bunny and nudged him towards me. "Angel, what do you have to say?" The bunny looked at me with a stern look and said something, but I couldn't understand. "He said that he's sorry." "You can talk to animals?" "Yup, that's how I got this." Fluttershy turned around to show her butterfly cutie mark. "And it was all because of Rainbow Dash." Pinkie proclaimed aloud. "Rainbow Dash?" I asked her. "Who is-" "LOOK OUT BELOW!" I was quickly cut short by a loud scream that seemed to come from above. I looked up and saw a cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail about to land straight on me. WHAM! The next thing I knew, the pegasus crashed right on top of me, it was as if I got crushed by a bull. "Lukas, are you okay?!" Fluttershy cried out. "I'm okay." I groaned as I got up. "Man, this is just not my day." "Whoops, sorry to crash land on you like that." The cyan pegasus looked at me. "Oh, you must be that human that Twilight has been talking about." "You know about me too?" I asked her. "Sure do, the name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria. So, your name is Lukas, huh? well, do you wanna see what these wings can do?" "Sure, I'd love to see what you got." I said. "Alright, Lukas. Just sit back and watch me be awesome" And just like that, she was off in a flash. Rainbow was flipping and flying all around the place with such agility and speed as Pinkie, Fluttershy and I watched in amazement. I then turned to Fluttershy. "Hey Fluttershy, can I ask you a question?" "Certainly" She replied. "How did you and Rainbow Dash already know about me?" "Well. Rainbow Dash and I visited Twilight's castle because Rainbow Dash needed a book about flying to impress the Wonderbolts..." "Hold on." I interrupted her. "What are the Wonderbolts?" "Only the fastest flying team in the history of Eqeustria." Pinkie burst out. "It's also the team that Rainbow Dash has being trying to get into for ages." Fluttershy explained. "Oh, she's about to do it!" Pinkie cried in excitement "About to do what?" I asked. Pinkie then signaled me to look up and I did so. Rainbow Dash was speeding down the air. I couldn't really make out what was happening, given the fact that she was a thousand feet up in the air, but I could faintly see a white line around her and then, I don't know how to describe what happened next, but it was amazing, to say the least. You see, I don't know much about physics, but Rainbow Dash was going so fast that she broke the sound barrier, causing an explosion to happen, but not just any explosion, it was rainbow colored and also in the shape of a ring. Words couldn't describe what I just witnessed, but Pinkie and Fluttershy cheered in amazement as Rainbow Dash landed in front of us. "And that is how it's done," Rainbow said with a grin on her face. "So, what did you think of that, Lukas?" I stood there in shock, still trying to comprehend over what had just happened. "Uh...Lukas?!" "That....was....AMAZING!" I shouted. "Glad you liked it." Rainbow chuckled. "Liked it? I loved it! I don't know why the Wonderbolts haven't added you in yet. They clearly don't know skills when they see it" I said, "That's what I'm saying. Anyways, f you ever want to see my tricks, just give me a call." She then flew off into the distance as I got up "Wow, she sure is something." I said to Pinkie. "Yeah, you can say that again, Lukas." Pinkie replied, getting up as well. "Well, goodbye Fluttershy." I waved at the pegasus. "Bye Lukas." "Make sure to be at Lukas' Welcome To Ponyville party. Come on, Lukas." "I'm right behind you, Pinkie."