• Published 6th Dec 2020
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Equestria and the Librarian of her roles namesake - shcalda

this is the story of Angela, the Library, and their effects on Equestria

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5: Unread Knowledge

The book of Keen Gaze had sat in the empty bookshelf in Rainbow Dash’s room ever since her last conversation with Angela. It had felt like days since they had spoken, not that she could tell from inside the Library.

Since then, she had continued working to organize the books in the Library. It was a boring process, looking over each book, reading over a few pages of random text, and placing it in the place it best fit.

Most of the books were complete nonsense, pages filled with random collections of letters and words. There were a few she had found that had seemed promising. She had been surprised to see that one book was titled ‘Daring do and the Portrait of ashen waste’ however she was greatly disappointed when she found that it, much like many others, held nothing but random letters placed together in an unreadable mess.

Now here she was, looking at the Book of Keen Gaze on her desk with a frown. Rainbow Dash eyed the book carefully. It was white, golden borders curving around the sides of the book like a picture frame. There was no name written anywhere on the cover, back or spine, only a symbol in the shape of a wing. The wing was coloured in a reflective silver, hinting at its owners favoured weapon, the only change was a single feather at the end, coloured in black with a small droplet near falling from the tip.

Rainbow Dash knew she would have to open the book. Angela had said it could give her power but more so, she could learn about what this stallion was thinking.

Why would a pony kill? That was all she could think of as she looked at the book before her. It was something she had been wondering ever since she saw what Keen and his friend had done. The question had stumped her entirely and even when she had spoken with Angela. She did not have an answer.

Rainbow Dash had a choice to make, just as Angela said. If she was going to make a choice, however, she had to see why. Placing her hoof against the end of the page, Rainbow Dash turned open the book. A white light quickly escaped the pages of the book, shining brightly through the room as Rainbow Dash tried to cover her eyes. As the light filled the room, it quickly became impossible to see.

It’s sad to see how often ponies take things for granted.

I used to be part of Princess Celestia’s royal guard and helped in the military defence against the griffons when they tried to invade a few years back. It was a difficult job originally, I would often see bodies being lined up and covered in tarps while I left for my station. The griffons were merciless in their assault, searching for ways to break our ranks day and night, but we held strong.

I stopped being afraid of death at some point. I saw it so often, earth ponies with large gashes across their barrel, pegasi dropping to the ground with a thud, I became numb to the empty looks in their eyes.

When I was finally relieved of duty, I was given a large sum of bits for my work, enough that I could theoretically live without working another day in my life. That was a lie though. For the first few years, I lived a happy life, but there was always a feeling of something missing in my chest.

The money didn’t actually last long in the end. After a decade, I had to try to find some work again. I failed to get in the royal guard again after I had done some illicit activities one night, and no one needed the help of a pegasus in Canterlot, nobles would always look down at me for my time as a soldier.

Eventually, when my savings were nearly empty, I found my way into the darker streets of the city. I found myself in the criminal world after a small mishap with the local gangs since then I’ve slowly made my way up the ranks as a highly reputable Zed dealer.

Of course, I don’t like having to work with those griffons who import the stuff, bastards are more than happy to taunt me about what happened on the field. They pay good money though, and when somepony doesn’t pay up for the goods, the adrenaline from the hunt makes me feel whole.

Rainbow Dash quickly rose to her hooves as the light dissipated. Looking across her room, the book sat at her desk as it had before and the room was in its original condition, the light that had just previously filled the space, however, was gone. What was it that she had just seen?

Stepping carefully and letting her eyes dart across the room several times, Rainbow Dash stood in front of the now open book. She saw no signs of change or that anything had happened in the room, but she still felt cautious. After a few further moments of watching for any changes, she looked back to the pages of Keen Gaze.

The book had been opened to the middle, the pages looked worn and old and small stains could be seen, of what, Rainbow Dash couldn’t tell. Most of the writing on the pages were gibberish, random collections of letters to make a strange cypher of meaningless possibilities, except for six paragraphs, six paragraphs that Rainbow Dash now knew well.

After a few more moments of looking across the pages, Rainbow Dash stepped back. Her body felt heavy as she took it all in. This was why Keen Gaze was fighting? For money and thrills? He killed a pony to feel better?

Rainbow Dash scowled. ”that’s stupid!” she thought to herself. ”Nopony should do something like that. Killing ponies like he did is awful!”

Quickly rising back to her hooves, Rainbow Dash swiftly closed the book before her, throwing it across the room. A loud bang went across the room as the book hit the wall, leaving a mark and falling to the floor.

Rainbow Dash looked over her hoof before looking back to the paperback. Had she always been so strong? Lifting the book from the ground, Rainbow Dash made a quick inspection before looking at her forehooves again. The book had not been damaged, yet it felt lighter in her hooves that it had before. Her hooves had not changed as far as she could tell either.

”So, if I open this book, I’ll learn about one of those ponies I fought and gain their powers? That sounds crazy, Angela,” Rainbow Challenged. “You shall see for yourself soon enough,” Angela countered.

Remembering Angela’s words, Rainbow Dash looked over herself and was soon in disbelief at what she saw.

Her wings had become larger with her feathers at least 5 centimetres longer and some had changed to a dark purple hue. Spreading them out, she saw the silver metal that shone on the tops of her wings, sharp and primed for a fight. The rest of her body had also increased in size. Her muscles were now much more noticeable against her coat and her hindlegs looked strong enough to snap wood.

Most noticeably, her cutie mark had changed. While before, her cutie mark showed a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, it had now changed to show a rainbow trail behind a purple pegasus wing. Shocked, rainbow dash sat on her bed.

Is this what Angela had meant? She felt heavier, yet stronger. Rainbow’s brow furrowed. Placing the book back on her desk, she skimmed through the book’s pages. There was no other information that could help her except for the six paragraphs that caused this.

Sighing, Rainbow Dash was left looking for an answer. ”Why am I here? Why did I have to be the one to end up here?” stomping her hoof against the ground, Rainbow Dash sat in silence.

”I have to leave,” She concluded. ”Even if helps coming, I need to get out. I’m not going to let myself be stuck in here. I’m getting out of here, no matter what it takes!”

Rainbow Dash had never been one to wait for help. If anything, she was the one saving others and sitting around hoping for help would get her nowhere. Even if it meant she would have to help Angela, she would leave this place. ” And once I’m out, I’m going find everypony who would think to hurt another creature and make sure they get what they’ve got coming!

Steeling her conviction, Rainbow smiled. she may have to hurt some other ponies herself to get out, but no matter what, she would leave this place, she would get back to her friends, and nopony else will have to get hurt.

Author's Note:

sorry it took a while to write this, my college just started and I've been having trouble coming up with stuff to write. I'll do my best to keep this updated each month regardless.

I hope you enjoyed this newest chapter, let me know what you think. if you have any characters you would like to see or any ideas for the story, please leave a comment.

see you all next time.