• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 835 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria and the Librarian of her roles namesake - shcalda

this is the story of Angela, the Library, and their effects on Equestria

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4: Resolving Success

When she awoke, Rainbow Dash found herself resting on an oak bed. The mattress was almost as soft as most clouds she napped on, and the lighting of the room was just dim enough that she could sleep, yet bright enough that upon waking up, she could see the room surprisingly well.

The room itself was bare for the most part aside from a small writing desk and an empty bookshelf. A stack of paper was neatly placed on the side of the desk, while a folded note laid directly in the centre, a quill and inkpot sitting beside it. Standing up, Rainbow Dash found the room to be much smaller than the others she had seen in the Library. The room was about double the height of an average room for a pony, yet the size itself was uncannily similar to her bedroom at home.

With slow steps, Rainbow walked to the desk and looked over the note. A grumble left her as she looked at the front, the large L in the centre telling her exactly who had left it. ”No point in leaving it unread,” she thought, her eyes rolling as her hooves unfolded the message.

Dear Ms Dash

Congratulations on your success, the first reception of The Library was successful and the books acquired have been organized. With these books, I am now able to learn more about the world of Equestria and have taken the first steps to the one book.

There are some things we must now discuss. Please meet with me in my study when you are awake.

- Angela

Putting down the note, Rainbow scoffed. The reception had been difficult for her, both physically and emotionally. She had been in fights before but she had never killed. It was fundamentally wrong in every way to her so the idea of being congratulated for it felt wrong. Of course, Angela seemed to only care for her own goals. It did not matter who would be hurt in the process. To her, it seemed, all that mattered was her ‘one book’.

The sound of her hoof steps on the wooden floor echoed across the Library as Rainbow trudged to her destination. There was no gloating to be had here, no fanfare or victory cries. Rainbow Dash had put two ponies to death.

Entering Angela’s study, Rainbow Dash was quiet as she waited for Angela’s attention. The latter sat in a small chair, poring over the contents of a small book. The book itself was new, a violet paperback with a symbol on the spine reminiscent of a wing. After a short time, Angela closed the book, placed it to the side of her desk and looked to the solemn pegasus.

“Welcome back Ms Dash, I hope that your room is to your liking?” Angela asked, a smile gracing her lips.

“Yeah, sure,” Rainbow Dash sourly dismissed. “What do you want, Angela?”

Angela frowned, sighing as she looked back to the book on the table. Returning her attention, Angela picked up the paperback and held it forward for Rainbow Dash to see. “I wish to congratulate you, Ms Dash. Without your help, we would not have been able to begin a reception in the Library.

“With you handling the guests, we have successfully gained access to the first books on the road to the one true book. With it, I will be that much closer to my goals. I have you to thank for these first steps.” placing down the book, Angela continued. “There are now some things that we must discuss, specifically in regards to your abilities in the reception.”

“I don’t want to kill anypony else,” Rainbow Dash held. “Killing ponies is wrong, Angela. I’m not going to kill somepony over some books!” Rainbow tensed. Her body prepared to move as Angela sat still. Silence reigned as the two held firm. Angela was the first to speak.

“Those that enter this Library know what will happen if they fail and are fully prepared to die. Much like the two ponies that you recently fought, they will not hold back and will kill you if you do not respond in kind. The guests who receive an invitation to the Library have a choice; they may sign the invitation and enter the Library, knowing the risks, or they may choose not to. You may believe that the ponies of Equestria would be unwilling to kill, but you must face the facts. Not all of them are so kind, and some would be willing to murder.”

Picking up the book beside her, Angela held it out to Rainbow Dash. “You have a choice to make. You may either continue to deny the truth before you and die, unwilling to make the final blow,” Angela gave, “or accept the circumstances and fight.”

The only sound in the room that could be heard was Rainbow Dash’s quiet breathing. Staring at the book with scorn, Rainbow Dash secured it In her hoof, tucking it beneath her left wing. The frown on Angela’s features held firm as she continued.

“You have already agreed to act as the librarian of the Floor of General Works and help in the reception of guests to the Library. To prepare you for further guests, I will give you access to the books of the guests you defeat. These shall help you in fighting and receiving the guests that shall arrive,” Angela explained.

“How are these books meant to help me fight?” Rainbow questioned. “Am I meant to bore them to death?”

Angela smiled, her eyes looking down at Rainbow Dash as she explained. “The books in this library hold knowledge only known by the ones who leave them. With these books, you may gain the power and skills of those you have defeated.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Rainbow blanked. “So, if I open this book, I’ll learn about one of those ponies I fought and gain their powers? That sounds crazy, Angela,” Rainbow Challenged.

“You shall see for yourself soon enough,” Angela countered. “Until then, continue to organize the books on your floor. We shall speak again before the next Reception.”

“Fine, see you later,” Rainbow responded. Before she left, her hoofsteps slowed at angela’s final words.

“You must make your choice, Rainbow Dash. Do not think you may simply ignore it.”

As she left, the sound of her hooves on wood and the weight of the paperback under her wing were the only things Rainbow Dash could concentrate on as she returned to her room.

Author's Note:

Another shorter chapter, I was having some difficulty writing this one.

the next chapter won't be another reception just yet. we have a little bit more to go over next time. I'm thinking I'll try release at least one new chapter each month. hopefully, if all goes well, you'll have the next chapter before march!

hope you all have enjoyed, please let me know what you think and what you'd like to see for the next reception. until then, I hope you all have a good week.
