• Published 22nd Nov 2020
  • 2,497 Views, 26 Comments

We deserved to suffer - Morbidly depressed Brony

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Applebloom's Story: Hunger

Applebloom was in her room for two hours, crying and wishing she never started Anon-A-Miss with her friends. Her stomach was totally empty because she had not eaten breakfast or lunch today. She was punishing herself by refusing to eat and the Hunger pain was settling in.

"Applebloom." Called her big sister from the other side of the locked door, "Applebloom what did we talk about lockin' doors? Let me in right now!"

Applebloom knew she would be broken by her sister eventually so she walked over, unlocked the door and opened it. She didn't bother looking at her sister.

"Applebloom, what is up?." Applejack said sternly.

Applebloom didn't answer.

"Answer me." She shouted.

"Why do you care?" Applebloom cried, "Just leave me alone and let me die."

"Sugarcube, Are you still upset about the Anon A Miss episode?" Applejack asked calming down.

Applebloom just nodded and turned away.

"Sugarcube, I've forgiven ya and my friends have forgiven ya." Applejack said, "The only person who needs to forgive ya, is ya. I don't want you to get yourself in more trouble. Ya haven't even done anything today except take a shower and brush your teeth. You've gotta eat, Applebloom. Come on I'll make ya something."

"I don't want nothin'." Applebloom said. "I'm not even hungry." Then her stomache rumbled.

"Don't lie to me, kid." Applejack said.

"Look sis," Applebloom said, "Don't even bother making anything for me. I wouldn't ask you to make something I won't eat."

"Alright fine," Applejack said, "But if you decide you want to eat just tell me and I'll get you somethin'."

"You know I won't." Applebloom muttered

"What?" Applejack asked

"Never mind." Applebloom said clearly.

Hours went past and Applebloom still refused to eat. Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith asked Applebloom Several times of She wanted food but she kept saying no. She also threw out all her holiday items including but not limited to her Christmas Bows her little tree Big Mac gave her and her little candle. She thought she deserved it and when the day was over she took a shower, brushed her teeth and went back to her room. Applebloom hated herself so much. But Tomorrow was going to be even worse.

"Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are obviously doin better than me." She thought to herself.

Author's Note:

This is based on what happened to me last Christmas. I did something really bad and I punished myself for it.