• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 1,222 Views, 33 Comments

This is farewell! - Shadow_lulamoon

What can you do when the girl who falls into your life, changes everything...

  • ...

Extra chapter(Twilight)

Author's Note:

Ugh! I can't believe I am doing another chapter. I decided to rework my deleted scenes. This one is from Twilights point of. I felt that the previous ending was pretty one sided so I decided to write what happens to Twilight. How bad can it be... really... Until next time. ... ... Please enjoy.

The sky rips open dropping you into the royal library. You land with a crash, buried beneath a pile of books. Your Dragon assistant Spike who was tidying up the place jumps.


He turns, facing the pile.


Spike calls out to you, worry plastered across his face. He is too far away for his words to reach you. The little dragon steps closer. Shuffling some books around Spike uncovers your face. His expression turns serious upon seeing you. You stare blankly at him, as an endless stream of tears runs down your cheeks.

"What in Celestia's name happened, Twilight?"

"A... l... e... x..."

"Who or what is Alex? Did something bad happen to you?"

Anger grips the little dragon. His need to protect you is strong.

"Where is this Alex? I'll show em. No one hurts you and gets away with."

Spike's mouth moves, but you are unable to comprehend his words through your uncontrollable sobs. You try to respond to the little dragon but all that exits your mouth is jargon.

"Itsallwrongitsallwrongitsallwrongitswrong. ImsorryIsorryImsorryImsorry."

"Twilight! Try to calm down. I can't understand you with all the crying."

Spikes words finally reach you but have the reverse effect. The tears increase, your shoulders shake uncontrollably. The small dragon's ego deflates.

"I'm sorry Twilight."

Spike, realizing he can't get through, gives up talking. Silently, his small arms wrap around your neck patting you gently on the back. This goes on for over an hour. Neither of you saying a word. sunlight peeks through the window casting shadows across the room. Spike’s calm demeanor and soothing voice help you to relax. Your chest heaves less. Sobs become manageable hiccups. Tears slow to a trickle. Spike uses the moment. He pulls away cradling your head in his clawed hands. He looks into your tired eyes.

"Do you feel any better?"


You avert your eyes from his questioning gaze.


Spike gently turns your face back to him.

"Twilight. I am your closest friend in all Equestria. I can't help you if you shut me out."

"... You can't help me Spike… No one can..."

"If you would just tell me."

"Its... all my fault Spike."

"What is your fault?"

Spike is pushed aside as you pace back and forth, thinking.

"Maybe it’s not too late... I... I... can fix this... make it all better."

You try to cast the gateway spell that would make this pain all go away. Your horn takes on a purple glow as the ancient words leave your tongue. Your mane and tail rise on a gust of conjured wind. Papers and books take flight, circling around as you force your magic into the spell. Spike's feet start to slide across the smooth stone floor, towards the swirling vortex.

"Twilight! What are you doing? You're starting to scare me. Please stop."

"I can't Spike. I must go back."

"Back? Back, where?"

The little dragon's shout gets swallowed into the maelstrom. The pressure in the room builds up until your ears ring. You reach the end spell shouting the last few syllables. There is a thunderous boom followed by a blinding light. Everything comes crashing down. Spike lands next to you with a thud.

"Sweet Celestia, Twilight! What was that all about."

"I... I... don't understand... The spell should have worked... What did I do wrong?"

"Twilight get a grip! you're the ruler of Equestria! You can't afford to be twilighting anymore."

"That's it! How can I be so stupid?"

you feel around your head, but nothing is there.

"It’s gone..."

"Your crown?"

"It must have fallen off. Help me look for it Spike."

Frantic, you start to rush around the library, rummaging through the debris.

"It must be here. It just has to be."

"maybe you left it in your room."

You start to scrounge through another pile of books.

"No. I was wearing it the whole time.... Until..."

You stop in your tracks.

"Until what?"

You fall silent.

"What Twilight?"

A spark of recognition strikes. Clear as day. That final moment when he reaches out to you. You recall his hand missing yours and grasping your crown instead.

"No this can't be real... Its lost... lost forever... all of it..."

"You have other crowns Twilight. You can just replace it."

"That was the crown that contained my element of harmony."

"WHAT? What would ever possess you to be so careless with your element."

"I needed a strong power source to stabilize the world gate... That crown was the only one I had, so I used it as the focal point."

Spike begins to panic.

"This is bad! Really, really, bad!"

"I can't get back... I can't return without my crown."

"Twilight! The crown is lost, Celestia knows where and all you can think about is going back to some unknown world. Have you finally gone crazy?"

You face the little dragon, but your gaze passes right through him. Your heart feels heavy in your chest. breathing becomes a chore. Tears begin to well up threatening to break free. The tightness in your throat returns, as you choke back another sob.

"This is all wrong... all wrong! This can't... This can't be the... end..."

"What the Tartarus did this Alex do to you."

You turn to spike at the mention of that name.


You mutter under your breath. The little bit of sanity you had left breaks. You release an ear-piercing wail, the like of which have never been heard before, in Equestria.


Your vision blurs as tears fall, anew. The excruciating pain in your heart intensifies. The is a burning in your core screaming for release. You can't hold it back any longer. The control you have over your magic breaks. You soul cries out releasing a raw torrent of magical energy. Beams of multifaceted light blasts out of your horn creating a hole in the ceiling. A ring of pure energy cascades out from you, shattering windows. Spike drops to the floor as a hail of glass rains done. Spike's scaly hide manages to protect him, but you are as lucky. Thousands of tiny shard bite into your flesh. Streams of red trickle forth, staining you fur red. Canterlot castle shakes, as the castle grounds splinter and break. Just as fast as it came the storm was over. Everything was quiet. The devastation wrought by your outburst will leave a last memory in your subjects.


You hear a voice call out to you, but It’s not the voice of the one you want to hear. You stare blankly at Spike. Your eyes slowly close. Magic depleted you drop to the floor, exhausted. Pools of red flow out from the many cuts you incurred. You open your mouth a final time, uttering what is in your heart.

"I love you! Alex..."