• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 1,222 Views, 33 Comments

This is farewell! - Shadow_lulamoon

What can you do when the girl who falls into your life, changes everything...

  • ...

Chapter 4

The sun burns brightly in the morning sky. Its rays dancing on the ocean waves. you don't know how much time has passed since Twilight's departure nor how long you stood at the edge of the world, gazing into the rippling waters. Looking down, the same rocky scene plays out. This time it’s different. you no longer have the urge to throw yourself onto those massive spikes, ending your life. Instead you are filled with a new longing. You had only known Twilight for a brief instance in time.

I want to see her again. I don't care, even if it is just for a minute. I have to live for that moment...

Head held high; you turn your back to the sun. Filled with new purpose, you head back to town. The first stop was your landlord. Composing yourself, you knock on the door. Minutes later she opened the door. Noticing it was you, she scowled.

"Are you here to return your keys and leave?"

Her bad attitude had you second guessing your choice.

I don't have anywhere to go. What if Twilight comes back? I must swallow my pride and take the abuse.

You inhale, taking a deep breath.

"Not exactly. I would like to talk to you. Tell you my side of the story. Please!"

The landlord looks you up and down with her beady old eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, she nods her head, with a grunt.

"Fine! I will hear what you have to say. If I don't like what I hear your ass is gone."

You bite your tongue, holding back the retort.

"Thank you. That is all I ask of you."

I hardly know Twilight. Why am I going through all of this harassment for her?

After an hour-long discussion, you managed to partially smooth things over with the landlord. She was still angry you quit your job and had no money for rent. Luckily, depending on how you looked at, you had a one-month deadline to find a source of income. With that headache out of the way you entered your apartment. The red light on your answering machine was blinking. Begrudgingly, you press the play button.

"You have, three unheard messages."

The first message that played was from a telemarketer trying to sell you a time share in Antarctica.

Maybe I should take him up on that offer. A frozen hell couldn't be any more unbearable than here! How will Twilight find me if she ever comes back?

The second message plays for you. You are surprised your boss is calling to offer your old position back, but only on a trial basis.

Fuck him! If I accept that shit, I'm admitting my guilt for something not true.

The final message plays. The voice that comes from the machine surprises you more than your ex-boss's crap job offer.

"Hi Alex! Its Megan... I know I am probably the last person you want to hear from right now. I just want to tell you that I told our boss the truth. I don't know if that will change anything... I understand if you don't want to stay friends with me... I'm sorry..."

"It’s a little late for that. Anything you say now means nothing to me. Go choke on a penny!"

Aggravated, by the audacity of the callers, you slam your hand down on the delete button. The cheap plastic piece pops off and clatters to the floor.

"Damn it! Something else that I must replace."

Sliding off your wet sneakers you make your way to the bedroom. You toss your keys on the nightstand next to the bed, heading into the shower.

Shower fist. Job hunting later.

Cleaned and dressed in a fresh set of cloths, you walk into the small living room, plopping down into the old green recliner. Looking to your left you spot your iPhone 6 on a dinner tray. Not wanting to be disturbed you left it in there last night. Out of habit you check your messages. There were five unheard messages listed, all from Megan. She was the only person you gave your cell number to. Everyone else was given the number to your landline phone. Pressing the button, you listen to the first message. It was more of the same drivel as before. you press the delete button, pausing on the last message. Hesitant, you press the play button.

"Alex! Its Megan again... I think I am in love with you... please call me back."

"What the fuck! The hell I will."

Quickly you press the delete button. Following it up, blocking Megan's number. With that out of the way you scour the net for jobs. Thinking about Twilight as you scroll through the listings. Hours had passed and you had several promising leads. Exhausted you stretch your aching muscles and glance at the time. 5:45 was displayed on the screen. Looking out the lone window in the room, you see that the sun was already setting. Dark orange rays filtered past you, casting shadows on the wall.

Nothing more I can do right now.

Sitting in the fading light your thoughts wander back to Twilight.

Last night had been an accident. She said so herself.

Her words echoed in your mind.

"I wish we had more time..."

All the sudden an unseen force compels you to go to the cliff. Pocketing your cell phone, you shoot out of your chair. Grabbing your still damp hoodie, you dash out the front door, leaving it ajar.

Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you rushed to your destination. The sky was crisp and clear. No clouds were in sight. The final rays of light faded beyond the horizon. The moon made its grand entrance in the star filled sky.

Will she really be there?

You reach the edge of the world, panting. The field of green grass spread out in front of you, empty. Your heart tightens in your chest, disappointment flooding your mind.

She's not here... maybe it was just a dream after all...

You turn to leave but stop. A loud boom and a blinding flash of light fill the night sky. Vision cleared; you face the ocean. Your heart skips a beat. There lying face down in the dirt is that girl.


As if on que Twilight picks herself off the ground. She stands, brushing herself off and spitting out dirt.

"Patoo! Patoo! I really need to work on my landings."

Twilight presentable, takes in her surroundings.

"I believe this is the place. At least I hope it is..."

Time stands still, as your eyes locked with Twilight's amethyst ones. Your heart hammered in your chest, trying to break free.

"I didn't know if you would be here, but I felt compelled to come."

"I didn't think I would either. The first time was because of a spell gone wrong. The other 156 tries sent me to crazy places. But I think I have the right coordinates... Now I just need to work on trajectory angles, and we are good."

There was so much that you wanted to say to her but didn't.

"Why did you come back, Twilight?"

Twilight looked at you, dejected.

"I thought you would be thrilled to see me, Alex."

You quickly change gears.

"It’s not that Twilight. I'm glad you’re here. All I did today was think about you. I don't mean to be rude. I was just curious about you reason. That's all."

Twilight releases a gentle giggle.

"You really are bad at saying, "hello."

"Guilty as charged."

You rub your head nervously, with your right hand.

"In any case. I enjoyed our time together and I want to learn more about your species... Especially, you..."

Twilight did the cute nervous pose again.

Oh, dear God in heaven, Is she gorgeous!

There was a brief pause. The world stood still except for the swishing grass caught in the evening wind. You reach your right hand out to her. Twilight sheepishly returns the gesture.

"I don't think my life is that exciting. For you Twilight, I will try."

Twilight nods her head.

"Thank you, Alex."

Gently, you pull Twilight along, urging her to follow you.


That night and many others after, you learn all about Twilight's exciting life. From stopping Nightmare moon, saving Princess Luna and reuniting her with her sister Celestia. Crazy shenanigans with the Lord of Chaos, Discord. Dueling with the magician Trixie. Recreating an ancient spell, written by the Arch Mage, Starswirl. The countless times Twilight and her friends save Equestria for danger. The list went on and on. Before you knew it nine years had passed. Your life changed for the better. You found a good job. Moved out of your dump of an apartment and bought a cottage in the country, closer to the cliff where you met Twilight. Your existence had meaning. You had Twilight to thank for that.


Here you sit with Twilight, under the stars. On the anniversary of that fated encounter. Clasping her hands in yours. You gaze longingly into her amethyst pools. Twilight starts to fidget, looking away.

Dear lord is she beautiful!

Twilight quickly glances in your direction; blushes then looks away again. Her cuteness is unbearable. Before you can stop yourself, you whisper the three simple words.

"I love you!"


"I love you Twilight."

Twilight’s eyes widen in shock, cheeks flushing more. She removes her hands from yours, pulling away from you. A slight twinge of pain grips your heart. Your expression saddens.

"Twi, what’s wrong?"

Twilight fidgets, harder, trying not to meet you sharp gaze.

"Eh! Heh! What makes you think something is wrong?"

Twilight plays with her hair, unable to look at you.

"I know you Twilight. We have been friends for nine years."

"I am the Princess of Friendship after all…"

"You are just avoiding the subject, Twi. Please tell what is bothering you."

Twilight’s mood changed. Her nervous smile turns to annoyed.

"Nothing is bothering me!"

"You have been here for over an hour and not said one thing about a new spell or a book you have read. When you aren’t geeking out about something I know it’s serious."

"Can’t we just sit here? Sit here quietly under the stars enjoying each other’s company…"

"I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just got caught up in the moment and… and my feelings for you came out."


"Twi, it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way about me."

"Its not that Alex… I… I… I…"

Twilight finally met your gaze. Her amethyst eyes staring into yours. She sniffed, eyes watering. Tears gently flowed down her delicate cheeks. Your heart aches for her. Longingly for Twilight, you embrace the woman you love. Holding her in your arms you pull her close. Twilight sobs uncontrollably into your chest.

"I am such an ass. We are supposed to be enjoying our ninth anniversary and I make you cry. I’m sorry Twi."

Twilight’s voice is muffled, as she responds.

"Alex, you have done nothing wrong… I am the one who is sorry… I should have ended this sooner…never have led you on… You deserve better."

"Twilight, what are you talking about?"

"Princess Celestia…"

Twilight’s shoulders shake, her sobs increasing.

"It’s alright Twi. Let it all out then you can tell me about what happened to Celestia."

Twilight looks up lips quivering.

"Your wrong Alex…"

"How so?"

"Celestia stepped down last night."

"You mean like she stepped the wrong way and fell or something?"

"No! She stepped done from being the ruler of Equestria."

"OH WOW! I’m sorry Twi. I know how much you looked up to her. This must be tough on you."

Twilight pauses, choosing her next words carefully.

"She chose me to be her successor. We had my coronation last night… I am no longer just the Princess of Friendship… I am the new ruler of Equestria…"

"That’s great news."

Twilight remains quiet.

"You, being the ruler of Equestria doesn’t change anything. Not between us… You will always be just Twilight to me."


"See what?"

"You have your life here… and I have mine…"

You see the golden crown encrusted with a purple gemstone sitting atop her head. The weight of what it represents crushes your spirit. Your throat tightens. You are afraid of what comes next.

"What are you saying Twi? …"

You know deep in your heart what she means.

"I can’t do this anymore Alex! It hurts to much…"

She said it. You knew this is where the conversation was going. You frantically wrack your brain looking for the right thing to say.

"If it hurts that much leave."


"Leave it all behind and be with me!"

Fresh tears stream down her face.

"I can’t do that, and neither can you."

"Twilight I would throw away my soul if it meant spending one more day with you."

"My life is not my own anymore Alex. I belong to my people now."

A hint of anger enters you voice.

"You have done more for the citizens of Equestria than anyone else ever could. You deserve to be happy".

"No matter how brief, I had my happiness."

"Cut the self-righteous bull shit and be selfish for once in your life, Twilight!"

"I thought you knew me better than that, Alex!"

"I do Twilight. I know you better than anyone else ever could."

"No! You just think you do. If you knew me as well as you say, you would never have asked me to be selfish. I must put the needs of my people first."

"Damn it, Twilight that’s just an excuse and you know it!"

You shout at her, waving your arms in frustration.

"It’s not just an excuse you pompous ass!"

Twilight shouts back.

"It is Twilight. When things get serious between us you make excuses and hide behind your subjects."

"Oh! Your one to talk. When ever something bad happens to you close yourself off and try to kill yourself. Even then you are afraid. You can’t even take that next step."

You flinch at the harshness of her words, but they don’t dissuade you.

"Your right!"

Twilight pauses, brows furrowed. She has never known you to back down from a fight and glares at you skeptically.

"I am? So, you admit defeat?"


"Am I right or aren’t I?"

Twilight places her hands on her hips, annoyed.

"I don’t have time for games anymore!"

This is always how it turns out. She says one thing then you say another. An argument always ensues. A sparring match of words. That’s the way you and Twilight work. Your demeanor relaxes. Twilight lets her guard drop as well.

"Your right Twilight, I have alway been afraid. I have never been able to take that next step. Until I met you… I am a better man because of you. I agree this isn’t a game anymore. I want to change all of that."

Twilight’s expression changes. Her heart starts pounding in her chest. Her right hand grips her left arm, nails digging into her soft flesh. She remains silent. You step forward hands outstretched as you continue.

"I love you… I love you so much Twilight Sparkle, it hurts. My heart aches when we are apart and sings when we are together. I don’t care where we live. My world, your world or even somewhere in between. It doesn’t matter. I want to be with you now and always."

Twilight is floored by your confession. Unknowingly, she reaches her hand out to yours. Just as her fingertips touch yours, she pulls away.

"I can’t…"

Your heart aches as your eyes mist over.

"This… this… can’t be the end. Please Twi."

"I am so sorry… So very sorry…"


"This is Farewell… Alex!"

Twilight, ashamed, cradles herself in her arms, weeping.


The sun rises, cresting over the horizon, bringing forth a new day. Signaling an end, to your time with Twilight. Just like so many times before the spell diminishes. Whether by the nature of the spell or by Twilight’s choice you didn’t know. Slowly she starts to change. Little by little her alicorn features show through. You cry even harder, tears flowing like and endless stream. You should turn away. Leave. She broke your heart, but you are unable to. You love her to much. Your feet remain planted until the end. Then for the briefest instant Twilight hesitates. She looks around as if lost. She panics losing focus.


You shout her name. Twilight stops, turns at the sound of your voice. Her amethyst eyes focus on you. She reaches her left hand out to you, fingers outstretched. Her delicate lips move.


You extend your arm mirroring her. Time seems to slow down. The seconds tic by one after the other. It feels like an eternity. You both shout with every cell of your being.

"Take my hand!"

Twilight shrinks, her hand now out of reach. Your fingers grasp the gem encrusted crown. There is a blinding flash of light. And she is gone. You are left alone, standing at the edge of the world with a golden crown in one hand and the sun on the horizon. The weight of the crown is unbearable. You grasp the cold metal tightly. You can feel the sharp edges bite into your flesh. Red warmth flows between your fingers. Raising your fist, you glare at the purple jewel. Anger boils forth.

"Damn you. This is all your fault!"

You yell at the crown but receive no response. You raise your arm, readying the throw. It comes down, but just as you try to release it, you can’t. Instead you pull it in. Pressed close to your heart. After all that you refuse to lose the last piece of her you have left. You gaze into the depths of the gemstone. Its color the same as Twilight’s eyes. Fresh tears escape your eyes, trickling down your cheeks and landing on the jewel.

"I love you Twilight! My sole is yours now and forever!"

There is slight color shift in the gem. Whether by your tears or the suns rays refracting off its faucets you don’t know.

Author's Note:

Here is chapter 4 the final part. I kind of want to expand a bit more in the middle but what more could I say. The title and tags say it all. Why prolong the suffering. The last part was really heart wrenching for me. I want to right more I really do but not for this story. I may continue to explore more with this world I don't know I guess I will leave it up to my readers. Anyways please enjoy. As always comment, like etc. Until next time this is Shadow saying Farewell.