• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 5,831 Views, 33 Comments

Good Times in Equestria: Thomas’s Adventures in Ponyville - GoebelTron

This is a short story collection that takes place after the first one, and during some of Season 6.

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Thomas’s First Birthday in Equestria

The next morning, as the sun began to rise up in the horizon, Fluttershy woke up and then she realized something important, “Oh my, I just realized it. Today’s Thomas’s birthday! I don’t know what to get him.” She then remembered that Thomas told her when his birthday was, and that nobody celebrated his birthday with him. She then felt furious about those horrible bratty children at the orphanage, until she calmed herself down, and then finally decided to make his birthday party special and make it a day for him to remember. She got off the couch and went outside and trotted over to Ponyville so she can talk to her friends about it.

When she made it to Twilight’s castle, she entered the door and saw the others chatting until they saw her entering. “Oh! Good morning, Fluttershy dear,” Rarity said. “Is somethin’ troublin’ ya, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “Well, today... today’s my son’s birthday,” Fluttershy said. They all gasped at what she just said, and then they went over to her. “IT’S HIS BIRTHDAY?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly. “What’d you have in mind?” Twilight asked. “Um... I don’t want to make a large crowd, but is it okay if we have the party here? We can hire some foalsitters or one while we go out to get some decorations,” Fluttershy said. “I just wanted to make this feel special for my baby boy.”

They all d’awwed at her kind and thoughtful idea, and then they nodded in agreement, “Of course we can have it here,” Twilight said. “I’ll go talk to Mr. and Mrs. Cake about making him a cake,” Pinkie Pie said. “And I’ll make him some new clothes and pajamas as my gift for him,” Rarity said. “I can invite the Wonderbolts for some autographs and pictures, because they seemed to like him,” Rainbow Dash said. “That sounds like a fun idea,” Fluttershy said. “But who would foalsit him?”

When Thomas started to wake up, he rose up and stretched his body and bones, and then he carefully climbed off the bed and walked downstairs for some breakfast. As he arrived in the kitchen, he saw Fluttershy cooking his breakfast, “Good morning, Momma.” Fluttershy suddenly heard his voice, and then she turned around and saw him rubbing his eyes, “Good morning, sweetie. I made you some breakfast.” Thomas nodded as a “thank you” and then sat down at the table so he can eat his breakfast. When she poured the porridge into his bowl, Fluttershy brought it over to him and gave him a spoon and a kiss on the forehead, “Okay, go ahead and eat up.” Thomas nodded and then started eating his breakfast.

“By the way, baby. I’ve hired some twin pegasus ponies to watch over you for today while I do a little shopping with your aunties,” Fluttershy said. “For what reason?” Thomas asked. “It’s a secret,” Fluttershy said. “Okay,” Thomas said, and then he suddenly was finished with his breakfast. “Go get dressed, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, after she took his bowl and spoon. Thomas nodded and then went upstairs to get dressed.

When he came down, he was wearing his red and blue striped white t-shirt, blue overalls, and sand green hooded jacket. “So, when will my babysitters be here?” Thomas asked. “Right about...” Fluttershy suddenly heard the doorbell ring. “Now.” She trotted over to the door and then saw two twin pegasus mares standing there with happy faces. They both had pale persian blue fur coats, but the one on the right had a light blue mane and tail with white streaks, pink eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of a shooting star. The one next to her had a pale light grayish opal mane and tail with a pink bow on the back of her head, pale light grayish raspberry eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of three dragonflies. Their names were Cloudchaser and Flitter.

“Hey, Fluttershy! How’s it going?!” They giggled in unison. “Oh, hello, Cloudchaser. Hello, Flitter,” Fluttershy said in unison. Flitter suddenly saw Thomas hiding behind Fluttershy’s hind leg, and then she warmly smiled, “Oh... my gosh! Hey there, little cutie!” Thomas softly whimpered as he tightly hugged Fluttershy’s leg, “Shhhhhh... it’s okay, baby. They’re just saying hello.” Thomas then let go, and then he went over to the twins, “Hi.”

“Aww... isn’t he adorable?!” Cloudchaser asked in a coo. “Yes! I just could just eat you up!” Flitter replied while gently pressing his cheeks with her front hooves. “Anyway, this is my son, Thomas. He’s the human I’ve adopted long ago the past three months,” Fluttershy explained and then she told them both about his hard life in his orphanage. When they listened to the tale, Cloudchaser and Flitter felt sad for his pain. “Aww... I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that, sweetie,” Cloudchaser said, while she and Flitter brought Thomas over for a hug. “Nothing as sweet as you should ever suffer like that. You’re too sweet to be hurt like that,” Flitter said. “I know,” Thomas said, as he pressed his cheek on Flitter’s chest. “I’m glad he’s getting along with you really well. If you don’t remember why you were called here, it’s because I need to do something with his aunts for a little shopping spree, so I was wondering if you two could take care of him while I’m gone,” Fluttershy explained. “We’d love to!” the twins said in unison. “I think foalsitting this adorable little cutie pie would be fun! Just like how we do little Rumble!” Flitter said. “Yes! I totes agree on that!” Cloudchaser said.

Fluttershy giggled at their gossip while Flitter playfully ruffled Thomas’s hair as she gently hugged him against her chest, “Okay, now I need to get going. Before I go, here are some bits in case if you want to take him for some ice cream at Sugarcube Corner. And here’s a list of a few chores I was wondering you could help me with while I’m gone.”

“Don’t worry, Flutters. We’ll deal with the chores and take care of this cutie pie. Won’t we, sis?” Cloudchaser asked. “Yep. You know how sweet Rumble is when we watch over him, and I’m sure this little sweetie will be the same!” Flitter said. Fluttershy nodded, and then she whispered into their ears so that Thomas doesn’t hear, and then they both nodded in agreement. Fluttershy lowered herself towards Thomas’s level and then gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Okay, sweetheart. Be good for them and I’ll see you later tonight, okay?” Thomas nodded, and then Fluttershy left, “Bye, Momma.”

After Fluttershy left, Thomas was now all alone with Cloudchaser and Flitter, as the hair bow pegasus held him against her chest with one hoof. They saw that he looked kinda depressed about the thing Fluttershy was hiding. “You feeling okay, Thomas?” Cloudchaser asked. “I’m fine. I just feel like Momma’s hiding something from me,” Thomas said. “Aww... don’t worry, sweetie pie. We promised your mommy we’d take care of you, and that’s what we’re going to do,” Flitter said. “I know,” Thomas said, as he softly stroked her chest fur. “Um... Cloudchaser?”

“Yeah?” she asked in reply. “I kinda like how your mane looks. It almost reminds me of Aunt Rainbow Dash’s mane,” Thomas said. “Aww... you’re so sweet. Thanks,” Cloudchaser said, as she gave him a kiss on his left cheek. “I also like your bow, Flitter. It really satisfies the way your mane looks,” Thomas said to the pegasus holding him. “Aww, thank you, Thomas. That’s very kind of you,” Flitter replied, as she gave him a kiss on his right cheek. Thomas suddenly felt comfy with the mare’s hug, and then Cloudchaser found a book that he might like, “Daring Do?! You read these?!” Thomas nodded, “I’m on Chapter 3 on that one.”

“How about if we read some of it together, and then we can take you for some ice cream?” Cloudchaser suggested. “Okay!” Thomas said, and then the twins laid down on the couch and Flitter saw Thomas laying on his belly in the comfort of her forelegs and gently rubbed his back. “Okay, so here we are...” Cloudchaser started to read him the chapter, and later on, he started napping with deep sleep. Cloudchaser and Flitter smiled warmly at him and quietly gave him two kisses, and then they quietly took him upstairs to his bedroom for a nap, and then after he was tucked in, they decided to do the chores in two portions, by having Flitter feeding the animals and Cloudchaser washing the dishes and watering the plants.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was at the castle helping her friends decorate the castle conference room for the party, and she suddenly saw some of the ponies bring in their gifts for Thomas. “Wow, Fluttershy. I’m really impressed that you asked most of Ponyville to help out. That’s very sweet of you to do for your child,” Twilight said. “Thanks, Twilight. I just really want to make this occasion special for him,” Fluttershy said. “I know,” Twilight said. “Fluttershy, I finished assembling your special gift for Thomas. I just know he’s going to love it,” Rarity said. “Thank you, Rarity,” Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile, back at the cottage, Thomas woke up from his nap, and then he was suddenly hugged by Flitter, “Did you have a good nap, cutie?”

“Yeah,” Thomas replied. “Okay, chores are done, little sweetie had his nap, and now... what to do...” Cloudchaser said while brainstorming for ideas on what to do next. “Hey, Thomas? Let’s go get some ice cream, and then we’ll take you to the park for a little while,” Flitter said. “Okay,” Thomas said. “Um... instead of walking, why don’t you just ride on my back?” Cloudchaser suggested kindly. “Okay. Thanks,” Thomas said, and then climbed onto her back and gently grasped her spiky mane. “Anytime, kiddo,” Cloudchaser said, until she gave him a kiss on his forehead, and then she and Flitter walked to Ponyville with him in tow.

When they got to Sugarcube Corner, they sat down at a table with vanilla milkshakes for each other. “So, how’re you enjoying Equestria so far?” Cloudchaser asked. “It’s been going good,” Thomas said. “We heard you went to the Crystal Empire. How was it?” Flitter asked. “It was beautiful there,” Thomas said. “Well, some of my experience was really scary, because King Sombra tried to take control of my body as a vessel.”

“Aww... poor cutie,” Flitter said. “So, then what happened?” Cloudchaser asked. “I used Princess Luna’s magic to help me fight against him by putting his nightmare magic into my reality, and that’s where I met Princess Amore, who was the original ruler before Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,” Thomas said.

“YOU MET PRINCESS AMORE?!” they asked in unison. “Yeah. She was very beautiful and kind and caring like my Momma,” Thomas said. “Aww...” they said in unison. After they finished their milkshakes, they took Thomas to the park and did some fun activities like flying kites, then Flitter pushed him on the swing, and later on, they sat underneath a tree and Thomas sat down and leaned back towards Flitter’s belly while she laid on her left side and held her head up with her hoof on her cheek, and Cloudchaser sat on her haunches. “Thanks for watching over me. I had fun,” Thomas said. “No problem, kiddo,” Cloudchaser said. “Yeah, we’re always welcome to foalsit you anytime, or if you want to hang out with us,” Flitter said. “Well, you were both really sweet, and I like ponies who treat me that way,” Thomas said. “Aww... come here, you,” Cloudchaser gave Thomas a small kiss on the cheek, and then Flitter gave him another kiss on his other cheek. Thomas blushed heavily and then hugged them both. “Is it okay if I nap for a little while?” Thomas asked. “Go ahead, sweetie,” Flitter said, and then he suddenly fell asleep on one side of Flitter’s stomach while leaning on the ground. The twins smiled warmly and then let him sleep for a few minutes.

Few minutes later, they remembered something as they saw the sun setting. “Oh! We’re supposed to take you somewhere!” Flitter said. “Where are we going?” Thomas asked, after he woke up from his nap. “Well... We’re taking you to Princess Twilight’s castle, because I think she said about having a surprise for you,” Cloudchaser said. “Oh, cool!” Thomas said, as he climbed up onto Flitter’s back. “Thanks for letting me lay on your tummy, Flitter.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” she replied. “Alright, let’s head on over,” Cloudchaser said, and then the twins trotted over to Twilight’s castle for the party.

When they got there, Fluttershy came outside and saw Thomas riding on Flitter’s back, “Hello, girls. Was my precious little colt behaving?”

“Oh, absolutely! You should’ve seen how adorable he was sleeping!” Cloudchaser said. “But to be honest, he was such a sweetie,” Flitter said. “Thank you for taking care of him. If you want, you’re welcome to come inside and join us tonight,” Fluttershy said. “Thomas? Could you close your eyes? I have a surprise for you.” Thomas nodded and the placed his hands over his shut eyes, and then they walked inside. When they stopped, Fluttershy placed him next to her, and placed her wing over him, “Okay, sweetheart. You can open them.” Thomas opened his eyes, and when Fluttershy lifted her wing behind him, he saw the entire castle was decorated.

“SURPRISE!!!” the ponies shouted in unison. “Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said. Thomas then saw a banner that said “Happy Birthday, Thomas!” and then he smiled with tears of happiness in his eyes, “You... You m-made this... f-for me?!” Fluttershy nodded and then he jumped onto her chest and hugged her neck, and she wrapped a foreleg underneath his bottom and patted his back with one free hoof. “Thank you for remembering. I love you, Momma,” Thomas said. “Aww... you’re welcome, sweetheart. I love you too, my little colt,” Fluttershy said, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go see some other ponies, and then we’ll have some cake and open presents.” Thomas nodded and then she kept hugging his mother.

“Momma? I met this donkey dragon with weird looking arms and legs one time. Do you think he’ll accept me?” Thomas asked. “You mean Discord? Well, he’s not usually fond with others trying to make friends with me. But maybe if I reason with him, he’ll accept you,” Fluttershy said. “Okay,” Thomas said.

“Hey, sweetie pie,” a familiar voice said. It was Diamond Tiara, wearing a black linen glittery dress and silver pearls. “Diamond Tiara!” Thomas said as he ran over to her for a hug. “How’s my coltfriend doing?” Diamond Tiara asked. “I’m good. I’m sorry we didn’t hang out more often,” Thomas said, until Diamond Tiara spoke up after giving him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s okay. By the way, this is from my father and mother, and this one is from Silver Spoon and me. Happy birthday.”

Thomas nodded, then he looked at them until she spoke up, “Well, what are you waiting for? Open them.” Thomas opened the one from Filthy Rich, revealing a sack full of bits. “Your daddy gave me money?” Thomas asked. “I figured you may need some for future purchases, so I thought I’d ask him for some charity donation,” she explained. “Thanks,” Thomas said. He then opened the gift form her and Spoiled Rich, revealing a charm bracelet with silver and baby blue sapphires. “Thanks, Diamond,” Thomas said, as he gave her another hug. “Anytime, cutie. Now, I have to go enjoy the party some of the commoners with my parents. Happy birthday!” She said in goodbye.

Thomas then saw the Crusaders with their gifts. “Here ya go, bud. Our gifts from us to you!” Apple Bloom spoke up. “In an exchange of our friendship,” Sweetie Belle said. “Thanks, guys,” Thomas said, and then he took his presents to the other 17 gifts. “Thomas, I got the Wonderbolts here to see you. And just so you know... Fleetfoot and Misty Fly kinda miss you,” Rainbow Dash said in whisper. “Come on, I’ll take you over.” Thomas nodded and then walked with Rainbow Dash over to the Wonderbolts team, and he saw Spitfire, Soarin’, Thunderlane, Misty Fly, and Fleetfoot standing there getting their photos taken with young fillies and colts, and baby ponies, too. “Hey! There’s the guest of honor!” Soarin’ said. “Hey, guys,” Thomas said. “How are you, sweetie?!” Fleetfoot asked, while giving Thomas a warm hug. “I’m going good, Fleetfoot,” Thomas said. “Happy birthday, squirt,” Spitfire said, as she gently ruffled his hair. “Thanks, Spitfire,” Thomas said. “I really missed you all.”

“Aww... we missed you too, hon,” Misty Fly said. “You’ll always be special to us, no matter where you are or where you go,” Fleetfoot said. Thomas softly blushed and gave her another hug. Fleetfoot suddenly blushed a soft shade of pink on her cheeks, and then patted his shoulders. “Rainbow Dash?! Why don’t you join our picture?” Soarin asked. “Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh! I’d love to!” Rainbow Dash said, and then she stood next to Spitfire and put her hoof on Thomas’s shoulder and made a pose with the other Wonderbolts, and Thomas smiled for the camera. After his picture, he went over to his mother, “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s open some presents and have cake.” Thomas nodded and then walked over to the couch.

After he sat down, Applejack came over with her gift, and Apple Bloom’s gift. “Here ya go, sugarcube. This one on underneath Apple Bloom’s gift is from me,” she said. He saw his presents wrapped in plaid forest green and red apple patterned wrapping paper. He opened Applejack’s gift, and he got a quilt, but it was patterned with red, green and yellow apples and had shades of dark reddish orange and forest green plaid and squares over the apples. “Thanks, Auntie Applejack. I’ll use this whenever I want to sit on it if I get cold,” Thomas said, giving the country mare a warm hug. “You’re welcome, little feller. Now, open Apple Bloom’s,” Applejack said.

From Apple Bloom, he got a green and white plaid scarf bandanna with red apples on it. “Thanks, Apple Bloom,” he said. “No problem. I wanted to make it special for ya, so I asked Granny Smith to help me sew it out, like she sewn that quilt Applejack gave ya,” Apple Bloom said, giving her friend a hug. Thomas suddenly felt something was placed on his head, and then took it off and saw a blue ball cap with white wings and yellow lightning bolts. “From me and Scootaloo, a Wonderbolts ball cap!” Rainbow Dash said.

Thomas then hugged Rainbow Dash’s chest, and then Scootaloo joined in. “It was nothing, buddy. We just didn’t know what you might like, so we thought this would help,” she said. “It’s okay. I like it anyway,” Thomas said. “Anytime, buddy. Anytime,” Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle came over with their gift, and when he opened it, it was another wool blanket, but it was dark royal blue plush fabric and the other side was grey faux fur. “That, darling, is in case you start to get cold,” Rarity said. “I like it. It feels warm anyway,” Thomas said, and then he reached out his arms as Rarity came over to give him a hug, and he gently wrapped his arms around her neck and pressed his cheek on her chest, as she softly blushed and wrapped her foreleg around him. “You’re welcome, precious,” Rarity said, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Pinkie Pie came over, and with her were three mares with their gifts. The one on the left had stern brows and a smile, and she had bluish gray fur, a straight opalish gray mane and tail, light apple green eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of two gray rocks underneath a sliced lime. The one on the left had a shy smile like Fluttershy, and she had turquoise gray fur, a long and straight dark grayish cyan mane and tail, grayish violet eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of three purple marble pebbles. The one in the middle had a neutral toned frown face, and she had Persian bluish gray fur, a grayish bluish violet mane and tail, light turquoise eyes with grayish bluish violet eyeshadow, she had a grayish bluish green vest with a charcoal gray belt around her belly, and her flank had a cutie mark of a sharp diamond shaped rock.

“Thomas, these are my sisters. This is Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, and Marble Pie! I asked them to come over to meet you and help me wish my little cutie nephew a happy birthday!” Pinkie Pie explained in happiness. “Cool,” Thomas said. “We didn’t know what to get you for your birthday or what might interest you, but we got you these,” Limestone said. “Thanks, Limestone,” Thomas said. He opened his gifts from the three Pie sisters and he got rocks with colorful gems in the inside. “Wow... they’re so pretty!” Thomas said. “We’re glad you like them,” Maud said. Thomas suddenly hugged Limestone and Marble, and Maud joined in as well by patting his shoulder. “Happy birthday,” Maud said.

“Aww... aren’t you... sweet?” Marble asked nervously blushing. “Why is he hugging us?” Limestone asked. “It’s a thank you type thing, since you were so nice to him,” Pinkie Pie said. “Oh, well I guess I’m cool with it,” Limestone said, as she returned the hug by stroking his hair as he leaned over to her chest.

After the hug was over, he received storybooks from Twilight and Starlight, and Fluttershy decided to give him his gift last. “Sweetheart, I have a gift for you,” she said. He took the box from her, and when he opened it, he saw a silver heart-shaped locket with dark blue gems on the front and back that came with a silver chain necklace, and he saw a small picture of his new family group photo, but with Starlight in it. “I love it, Momma!” Thomas said, as he hugged his mother. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” she replied, after giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. Twilight gave Thomas his other gifts from Princess Celestia and Luna, and both Cadance and Shining Armor, and Sunburst, which were a quill and ink set with black ink and a pack of griffon feather quills from Princess Celestia, a magic candle from Princess Luna, a crystal snow globe from Cadance and Shining Armor, and a few more books but from Sunburst.

After he enjoyed his gifts, he blew the candles from his cake and then he enjoyed some of it with his family and friends. ‘That was the best birthday ever,’ he thought to himself.