• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 1,465 Views, 18 Comments

Casus Belli - StatiZkyZ

Twilight never wanted to do it, not towards one of her friends.

  • ...

The End

Twilight decided to walk to her destination herself, having rejected the royal chariot. She didn't want to look like she's looking down at her interlocutor. Not after what she had done.

They never had a chance.

When the war was declared, it seems both civilizations have an equally strong army. At least until Twilight's prowess in science resulted in the sudden and rapid modernization of her troops. The knowledge of gunpowder weapons is already spread around the world, but Twilight's army took a step further. Instead of the muskets most ponies use, her military had developed and created assault rifles. Though the concept of both weapons are the same, the new weapon is far more lethal, effective, and accurate. The same thing goes for the navy. Her new engine powered ships blasts and sinks any ships with sails bearing a certain flag on them. As the alicorn's most trusted general said, it wasn't a war, it's complete destruction.

The memories flood through Twilight's mind as she walks through the ruins of what once a district. It seems to be dedicated to arts and culture, noting the smoldering remains of the art museum, or what seems like it. As advanced as her cities and districts can be, Twilight can never match the grandeur of this civilization's culture district. Ponies would flock to these lands to see their paintings, sculptures, and their famous fashion designs no other civilizations can create. Along them comes the wealth that comes into this civilization's treasury, prospering in culture and wealth.

Remembering that fact makes the memories more painful. At several points during the war, the possibilities of a peace treaty were discussed. Twilight wanted to, she would even return the cities she had occupied back to it's rightful owner, but she can't. Any breathing space she give might end up causing her own downfall through other means that's not war. The final offer was to hand over all the designs the civilization had to offer, but Twilight had no place for them since she didn't develop sites to house them, a lose-lose situation for those magnificent works of art.

Sighing, the alicorn finally sees her destination in sight. Her general is accompanied by a couple squads of infantry and some of her elite squad of Magic Missile Spellcasters. They're surrounding what once was the imperial palace of the leader of these lands. Such magnificent structure, now left as an empty shell of it's former glory. At one side it's a testament of how powerful her army is, but on the other, Twilight cannot help but think of the destruction she had caused out of her own selfish desires.

The white flag on top of the palace reminds her of why she's here. As the alicorn steps into the palace's courtyard with her dark purple coated general on her side, the one that’s supposed to talk to her appears. A white coated unicorn with purple mane with several ponies walks out from the ruined building. Her violet robe is in tatters, torn in several spots, like how her mane are unkempt and dirty. The ponies flanking her are all mares, wearing similar violet scarves. These 'Violet Guards' are the only real bumps Twilight's army faced, as for their armies, they carry the more sophisticated muskets with bayonets. Not only they can attack from range, they're still lethal in close quarters. Their knowledge of their own territories also meant they can attack from unexpected directions and move fairly fast. Now, however, their faces look defeated, showing they're no longer willing to fight, as they have nothing left to defend. The only thing they can do is to raise their weapons high to make sure everypony sees the white flags they're bearing.

Twilight is a mare of knowledge, but even she cannot understand the point of this... ceremony.

"They're ready for you, princess." The general with a broken horn called to Twilight. Princess... is she still worthy of that title after this war? Silently nodding, Twilight stepped forward, and so did the white unicorn, leaving their escorts to meet face to face in the middle. Twilight is the one who emerged victorious, yet her expression reflects the unicorn she had defeated. She does not feel joy, nor triumph, just a hollow feeling and sadness. After a few seconds, Twilight finally speaks.

"Lady Rarity..."

"No... Just... Rarity." The white unicorn looks away. "I am... no longer a ruler."

An uneasy silence fell again between the two mares. Using her magic, Rarity slowly takes off her purple royal robe, and the scepter that's kept inside it. It's golden and violet handle holds a gleaming light blue, almost crystal like gem at the tip. Kneeling on her hooves, Rarity's magic presents both of them towards Twilight, leaving her wearing nothing, for those are the only thing left she can give.

"I was naive to think fashion can change the world... You have shown me that. I hope you will not forget my final act of generosity to you as I have nothing left to give. Without generosity... your ponies will not be happy."

From the tip of her horn to the bottom of her hooves, Twilight felt like icing up. This isn't right, this is crushing her. This feels so sickening, almost causing her to throw up. Nopony deserves a fate like this. She wants to say something, but her mouth refuses to open, her breath refuses to leave her throat, and her mind refuses to think of words right now. With enough willpower, Twilight hovers with her wings and grabs the offering with her hooves, holding both the robe and scepter on her chest. it... feels really heavy, it feels like she's carrying more then just a robe and a scepter.

The alicorn had trouble breathing for a second, as if the weight choked her briefly. The lives, the dreams of so many ponies are here, just like it's the case on her own crown. Now she's carrying both. Is that why Rarity looked so miserable when she showed herself? Her robe, despite being damaged, is made from the softest and finest silk Twilight ever touched her hoof on. The scepter, too, was lined with real gold, and Celestia knows how valuable that gem is on the tip. It's almost like if she uses it, she'll immediately finish her research on laser technology... All the beauty never managed to minimize the weight of an entire civilization resting on their shoulders. If Twilight felt hers when her lands continue to prosper even during the war, she doesn't want to know how hard Rarity felt it when her cities fall one by one.

Gulping, Twilight looks at the unicorn again. Her eyes don't show any obvious emotion. It seems like she's going to burst into tears and wail at any second, but something is off, like she's incapable of doing it at all. Twilight doesn't want this to last a second longer, she said the one thing she can say.

"Goodbye, Rarity."

The unicorn hung her head low, before turning around and walking away, stripped of the last shred of pride and legitimacy she had. Her Violet Guards had thrown their weapons down the moment their leader hands over her robe. As Twilight walks back to the safety of her army, she stops next to her general.

"Your orders?"

Her voice comes across cold, and Twilight wanted to scold her for not feeling what the alicorn is feeling, but she knows that her general is a soldier. Twilight also knows what she meant by that question. What if Rarity and her loyalists are not as sincere as they turn out to be? What if there will be a threat to her and her land's safety? Soon, the alicorn shakes her head.

"No, Tempest. Let them go." Twilight said clearly. Trying to stand as straight as she can, which is almost impossible at her current state, she issues several orders to Tempest.

"Get your soldiers to guard every city and it's areas, make them help repair and rebuild everything when the builders arrive. Do not, I repeat, do not take or pillage anything else from the occupied lands."

"...Understood." Tempest nods, before she signals the soldiers to fall back.

It's the least Twilight can do. The weight of her crown, the robe, and the scepter is already unbearable as it is.

Author's Note:

This is actually a reference to a certain game. Pay attention to the terms used for hints...

Also, if anyone asked why the war happened in the first place, I'll leave it open to the reader's imagination.

If you want to leave the story to end like this, then stop here. If you want a less... emotional and much more lighthearted and 'silly' explanation of this story, go ahead and read the next chapter.