• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 746 Views, 10 Comments

Pinkie eats a daisyburger - Shylyfly

Pinkie Pie goes to a 'fast-food' place called Daisy King.

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Daisy King

Pinkie looked around. It was late at night, Shining Armor's wedding had ended yesterday, and Pinkie was hungry! She trotted down the street, looking for something to eat. Then, a bright, neon sign attracted her attention. It was shaped as a carton of Prench Fries. She skipped over, the late time at night not affecting her energy. Pinkie poked her head into the food place.

It smelled amazing. Pinkie could smell Prench fries, and little bit of hay fries, and apples, and... well, everything. She walked into the building completely, listening. There was ponies talking, fillies and colts laughing and screetching. But... what was that? Under the rest of the sounds... it was the sound of something frying.

Pinkie took another sniff. There- it smelled a bit like a daisy sandwich, but... different. Pinkie bounced up to the counter, and looked at the menu that was hanged above it.

"I'll have... is the daisyburger anything like a daisy sandwich?"

The colt at the counter smiled. "Yup. It's better. If you want to buy it, it's 3 bits."

"Okay dokay lokey! Here's three bits."

He handed her a slip. "Your numbers 257, come up when the say it over the intercom."

Pinkie pranced over to an empty table sat down. She stared intensely at her number, eager to eat. Finally, a few minutes later, somepony said "257!"

"That's me!!!" Pinkie shouted, and rushed up to the food that was offered. She carefully walked back to her table, and put it down. Pinkie lifted the the bread off and inspected it. It was a half-circle, with a few hay seeds on top. Pinkie whipped a napkin out of no-where, and put the bread on it. Shr then put them on the table.

Pinkie turned to the daisy. It was tinted brown, and was sizzling. Pinkie shrugged and put the bread back on top. She picked the daisyburger up and bit into it. She slowly chewed and swallowed.

"Omygosh THIS IS AMAZING! I NEED MORE!" Pinkie said loudly. She ripped bits off in hungry, meaningful bites. Soon, it was all gone. Pinkie looked sadly at the hay seed that was the remains of her meal. Then, she thought of something. 'I'll buy another!'

So she did. She ran to the counter and said, "I'll take another daisyburger!"

The colt smiled again. "Why don't you buy a carton of Prench fries as well?"

Pinkie thought for a second. "What do Prench fries taste like? I've only seen them."

"They taste like hay fries, but even better. Only 2 more bits."

"Then I'll some as well! What's my new number?"

The colt pulled a ticket out a strange maching. "It's now 259."

Pinkie grabbed the ticket and ran back to her table. A few minutes later, as before, they called her number.

She ran to the counter so fast, she was a blur. Pinkie droppd her bits, grabbed her food, and blurred back to her table. The colt at the counter blinked, then shrugged.

Pinkie carefully pulled a Prench fry out of it's carton. She bit it, swallowed, and exclaimed "This is amazing!!!!" She then continued to wolf down her meal. When she finished, she licked her lips and said the colt at the counter, "I'll be back some day."

Then, she bounced out the door, determined to tell the others about the amazing place called Daisy King.

Pinkie bounced into Daisy King, followed by her friends. Celestia had raised the sun by now, and sunlight was streaming through the windows.

"What the hay is this place, Pinkie? Ah've never seen something like it." Applejack said, being the first one to follow Pinkie inside.

"It's Daisy King! I learned that it's a fast food place. The food here is amazing!"

"It better be. I have cooler things that I could be doing." Rainbow Dash said, following them in the air.

"I read up on these fast food places. The first fast food place was McFlims, made by Flim and Flam's grandfather, Flam Flim Sr. So Flam is the third pony in his family to have the name Flam. Isn't that interesting?" Twilight said, following them.

"Well, this place better not be dirty. I just washed this morning you know!" Rarity said, flipping her hair to the side.

"Were any animals harmed when making this? Because I can't eat anything that harmed animals. I might hurt my animals feelings." Fluttershy inquired, nervously glancing around from her spot near the floor.

"Don't be silly girls! This place is harmless! And the food is great! Come on! Please?"

The other wielders of the Elements of Harmony looked at her begging face and agreed.

"Only for you, sugarcube. Come on girls, Ah guess we have to."

The 6 ponies walked up to the counter. The same colt from the night before was there.

"Hello again ma'am. Are these your friends?"

Pinkie smiled. "Yep! I told you I'd be back! We're each going to have a daisyburger, we'll have a large carton of Prench fries, and Applejack will have a bag of apple slices!"

"That'll be 23 bits. Do you wish to add a drink?"

"No, That'll be fine. Here's 23 bits. Can we have our number?" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing anxiously. She really wanted more fast food. The colt tore of a ticket and gave it to the girls. It said 59. "Oh! The number was higher last night! I wonder why?" The pink party pony said as they walked over to their table.

"It's because they reset the counter every morning. It mean that we're the 59th group of ponies to get food here today." Twilight informed them.

"Wow! They must've got a lot of ponies eating food yesterday! I got 257 then 259!" Pinkie said, bouncing slightly in her seat.

"Actually, they get around 300 ponies to buy fast food everyday." Twilight said.

Applejack whistled. "That's a large amout of ponies. Ah wish mah family got that much ponies when we sell cider and jam. We only get about 100 or 120 ponies."

"Well, I don't think that's very sanitary." Rarity said, looking at their table disgusted. Twilight just shrugged. Then, "59" was blared over the intercom.

"I'll get our food!" Pinkie said, jumping up. She grabbed the tray off food and skipped back to the table, making sure the food didn't fall. She dropped onto the table and began seperating the food.

"Applejack, you get a daisyburger and a pouch of apples, Rarity, you get a daisyburger and some fries, Fluttershy, you get a daisyburger and some fries, Twilight gets a daisyburger and some fries, RD gets daisyburger and some fries, and I get a daisyburger and the rest of the fries!" Pinkie Pie sat down and took a bite out of her daisyburger. "Mmmmm. You girls have to try this!"

Rainbow Dash poked her daisyburger. "If you say so." She picked it up and took a bite out of it. Her eyes went wide. She swallowed and said "This is amazing! You need to try it!" RD took another bite, then tried the Prench fries. "These are good too!"

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "If RD can eat this, I can too!" She took a huge bite out of her daisy burger. "This... is amazing. I wonder what the apples taste like?" She took a bite and said "Not as good as our apples. But still pretty good."

Fluttershy was next to try the food. "Well... if you really want me to..." She took a small bite. "This tastes great." She said quietly, eating a small Prench fry. She blinked. "These fries are amzing!" She exclaimed, louder than usual. She began to stuff them in her mouth.

"Well, if Fluttershy can eat with... that much gusto, I'm sure it's good." Rarity said, and she took a lady-like bite of her burger. On the inside, she was bursting, and wanted to exclaim how delicious it was, but instead, she said "It's certainly bursting with flavor." She was trying to be a lady.

Finally, Twilight tried her burger. She didn't think much of it. She tried the fries. She didn't think much of them either. To her, it was just food. Because, as Rarity would say, she's more interested in function than style, or in this case, filling than delicious.

~The End~

Comments ( 7 )

Yeah, it's not great. It was supposed to end differently, but I'm going to be starting another, harder project and I need to get this out of the way. So, tell me what you think! Is it good? :pinkiesad2:

I thought it was funny

i can imagine pinkie screaming :pinkiegasp: THIS IS AMAZING!!!! :pinkiegasp:

1217504 1216490 Thanks. This is my first one-shot, and I was worried that it might be too rushed, or too drawn out. :ajsmug:

1553765 :rainbowlaugh: Ummm... how about Allons-y? I love Doctor Who. :pinkiehappy:

1556109 :pinkiehappy: I wish I got that. I've only seen the newest season, the Adipose episode and 12 minutes of 'An Unearthly Child'. :twilightblush:

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