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"Twilight..." the voice said, half mocking her. "Don't run, dearie.." the pony, who looked more like a twisted version of herself was chasing her through a maze, one that she had memorized for the past 2 months.

Twilight's pants of unsteady breaths and stuffy nose, due to all the crying, kept a toll on the...thing of herself and how fast it was gaining. Her heartrate, on the other hoof, was slowly rising.

She took a wrong turn, which lead to a dead end. Twilight growled and panted like an animal while she turned around to face the more messed up and corrupted Twilight.

"What..." she paused to pant a few more times. This strong side was a bluff, and they both knew it. "What are you?!"

The more crazy Twilight's wings shot from her sides. Well, what was left of them anyways. They looked like glass, the way that they cracked and shattered. "I..." the raspy voice started. "I am you."

Twilight would of laughed if her throat didn't want to kill her. "I am nothing like you." she snarled, lowering herself and lighting her horn, ready to defend, or attack, if need be. The creature walked slow towards Twilight, seemingly taking no damaged from the very advanced spells she was firing directly at her. When they were too close, Twilight gave up, panting.

"I wasn't specific earlier, was I?" the voice said, coughing a few times. "Twilight Sparkle, the so called Princess of Friendship, if I'm not wrong to assume so?"

Twilight nodded, not understanding where the thing was going. In a split second, a pain surged through her chest as she quickly fell to the floor. The creature whispered something in her ear that sent chills through her spine.

"I'm everything that you don't want to happen."

Twilight woke up in a cold sweat, sheets covering her in an almost inviting way. But there was no way that she'd be getting back to sleep. Not now, not ever, hopefully.

She arose, throwing the covers off her bed in a teary fit of rage." Why won't these nightmares go away?!"

She lowered her voice, as Spike would wake up from it if she kept up with the yelling she was doing. The last thing she wanted to have to deal with was an angry baby dragon.

Twilight sighed and decided it was start the day. She made her way out of the door and down the Crystal staircase, which she hated more than the castle itself. It was too shiny for her taste.

"Curse you Tirek..." she muttered under her breath. "Couldn't of left my house alone, could you?"

Twilight reached the kitchen and pulled out a carton of milk and a glass. She held the glass in her aura when the.. thing's voice came back in her head.

"I'm everything you don't want to happen."

Twilight dropped the glass in anger and after realising what she had done, put her head in her hooves and began to cry silently, slamming her hoof into the floor. Unfortunately, all the noise and the shattering glass sent Spike running into the kitchen, brush in claw.

"Twilight, I heard glass shattering, are you oka-"

She turned to Spike and said nothing. Her tattered mane and bagged eyes spoken more louder than words ever could. Spike ran up to Twilight's side.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" He asked, genuinely concerned and albeit confused.

Twilight sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I'll explain it when you're older, okay? Now, a growing dragon needs his rest so just.. go back to bed Spike."

Twilight looked up at him and growled slightly. "Bed. Now."

Spike gulped and ran out the door.

Twilight snapped back to reality, and realising what she had just done, decided to just leave it for now, and deal with it in the morning.

Twilight arose from the place on the floor and opened a window, letting the cold air brush against her fur and mane, cooling down the situation, and heated up pony a great deal. The sun began to rise as the day broke out.


The next day, she had been talking to her friends, as her nightmares had been getting worse. I mean, the monster had been talking to her, affecting her mood and because of this, she chose to isolate herself inside her castle; somewhere where she didn't want to be, like ever.

Her hooves hit the clouds as she arrived at the Pegasus's cloud home. Knocking 3 times lightly wasn't going to be the best way to get her attention, so she knocked harder, and to her relief, the pegasus opened the door.

To be honest, Twilight didn't know where her and Rainbow stood. Were they friends? Or were they more than that? Twilight dismissed the thought as a mere overlooking and accepted the Pegasus's kind invite into her home.


"So you're telling me that a monster version of you has been in your dreams?" Rainbow asked.

"For the last time, Dash, yes! " she snapped back. There was an awkward silence between the two before Twilight lowered her ears.

"Sorry. Mood swings." she muttered. "It's a part of what happens."

Rainbow sighed. "Can I tell you something?"

Twilight looked over at the opposite end of the room and gave a half smile. "It depends what exactly it is."

Rainbow rolled her eyes and hugged herself. "About a month ago, I had this reoccurring dream. I was chilling with my parents, just as you'd do, when a fire broke out. Clouds are super flammable, believe it or not, and we couldn't fly and..."

Twilight looked over to her friend, who looked to of been crying. "Are you crying, Dashie?"

Rainbow quickly shook herself back to reality. "What? No!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe.."

Twilight sighed. "Did the dreams ever stop?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, but the image kinda stays with you. It's kinda hard to forget."

Twilight sighed in relief. "So, all I have to do is wait?"

Rainbow laughed for a short while before stopping. "If only it was that easy."

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