• Published 5th Oct 2020
  • 2,624 Views, 7 Comments

Solar Anniversary - Pacifika

Celestia and her husband share a late evening moment on their anniversary.

  • ...

Solar Anniversary

Noah leaned back in his chair and sighed. He ran his hands over his face, trying to scrub the fatigue from his eyes. Rock hard shoulders ached as he tried to massage the pain away. He’d been working too long.

What time is it?

His eyes traveled down to the clock on his laptop.

1:18. Christ.

He sighed and grabbed the glass sitting on the desk in front of him. Rocks clinked against glass as he threw back a mouthful of fire and oak. He inhaled through his teeth, savoring the flavor and feeling as long as possible.

Sorry babe.

He set the bourbon down and looked around his study, trying to give his eyes a break. The homespun charm of the mountainside house still set him at ease, even after these many years. On one wall, a fireplace pulsed with gentle warmth and light. Next to it, wrapping around the corner stood a bookshelf littered with tomes, mementos and pictures. A silver frame clung to a memory of his first months in Canterlot. Nervousness obvious on his young face as he made memories with the other first wave cultural representatives. The next showed him older and heavier as he stood among a bejeweled crowd watching a purple alicorn and a business suited human ushe their two species into a new era. Next to that, he and an alabaster alicorn kissing on the shores of the South Luna Sea during their honeymoon..

His gaze stopped at the floor to ceiling windows on the next wall. Even through the black of night, he could still see the curtain of snow falling outside. Despite the warmth and comfort of the room, he shivered as he watched the storm.

Glad we aren’t going anywhere for a few days.

He turned back to his laptop. Splattered across the screen was an endless array of dates, times, locations and events. Some complementary, some contradictory and all of the utmost importance in their own ways. He sighed again as his shoulders tensed back up.

“It’s late, love.”

He jerked and turned to see her standing in the doorway. She was leaning against the door frame between the study and the hallway. The light from the fire danced across her, shimmering along the soft folds of her white nightie. Around her neck, a magenta jewel held in a gold necklace glistened.

“You scared me.”

She walked towards him as he turned back to the laptop. Arms draped him as her chin settled on his head.

“You should be in bed.”

He rubbed his hand along her arm. “Sorry.”

She scanned the screen. “Our schedule for next month?”

“The next three months.”

She sighed. “Really? Three months?”

“Yup. Your pupil is living her best life apparently.”

He felt her shake her head. “Do you want me to call her?”

“No. No. I’ll figure this out.”

She leaned forward and scanned the screen. “Let’s see...from a museum opening in Fillydelphia to a charity auction in Berlin the next day. Then twelve hours to rest precisely before a diplomatic summit in Las Pegasus and THEN over to the Dragonlands to help mediate a trade dispute.” She grabbed his mouse and scrolled across the spreadsheet. “Aaaaaand it goes on like that for…..”

He put his hand on the mouse, covering hers. “All three months. I’m already working through the priorities. I plan on declining our invitation to the 4th Annual Human-Pony Agricultural Cooperative Expo for example.” He tilted his head back to look up at her. Magenta eyes looked down through a curtain of green, blue and pink hair. “Unless you were really looking forward to listening in on the latest findings about magically infused, genetically enhanced crop research?”

She rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll pass this year.” Standing up, she stepped around the chair and sat down in his lap. As she settled, a bloom of vanilla overtook him. She’d been wearing the scent since he met her. Memories of endless days in Canterlot, pouring over cultural lessons stirred in the back of his mind.

It will always remind me of frosting.

“I just wish she’d get better at saying no. Not every event needs a royal representative.”

“How many centuries did it take you to start saying no again? Or so I hear?”

“Shoosh you.”

He wrapped an arm around her waist. “Sorry if I woke you.”

She shook her head. “I’ve been up for awhile. Couldn’t sleep?”

He shook his. “Nah. This came in from Twilight’s rep before we went to bed. Couldn’t get it out of my mind. I wanted to make sure I have nothing to do tomorrow.”

She looked out the window. “Looks like you’ll have all the time in the world if you wanted it.”

He squeezed her. “We have other plans tomorrow remember?”

She smiled as they watched the snow for a moment. He smirked. “You sure you don’t regret trading the Canterlot Palace life for rural Colorado? All those servants and guards at your beck and call? Endless luxury? All the cake you can eat?”

“Are you going to start holding an afternoon meeting going over all of Earth’s problems every day?”

His smile widened. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Then no.”

He chuckled. “Has your sister said when she’ll be here?”

“Saturday. Supposedly. You know Luna. She hates coming here.”

Leaning forward, she grabbed his glass off the table and took a deep sniff. “Red Creek?”

He shook his head. “Close. South Bend. Same area though. Proud of you. I still remember the first time I brought bourbon from Earth to Canterlot.”

She threw a heavy slug of the glass back. He watched as she savored it, before swallowing and inhaling deeply. “I remember thinking it tasted like hydra piss.”

He chuckled and grabbed the glass from her. “I’m glad you’ve come around.” He drained the rest of the bourbon. “I don’t suppose I’ll ever be able to talk you into liking steak?”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “You know you’re lucky I’ve tried meat at all. Don’t push your luck.”

He shrugged. “Have to try.”

She turned back to the laptop. “Anything in there that’s super important?”

“I haven’t been able to go through everything yet but there were a few dates I singled out. Rarity’s little sister is having her 45th birthday in Las Pegasus next month.”

“Cancel everything around that.”

He kissed her shoulder. “Already noted. I know how you are with the Elements families.”

“What else?”

“A few other birthdays. Pinkie’s, Sunburst’s and Cadance’s.

“Do the same for them.”


“Anything else?

“I’ve only skimmed it. Most of its standard stuff. Summits. Conferences. A trip to the Minotaur lands.”

“Oh joy.”

He chuckled. “I’m trying to prioritize places we haven’t been in a while.”

“Thank you. Anything else personal?”

He reached out and scrolled to the right. Near the end, clicked on an appointment that ate an entire week.

Planning Sessions for the 30th Anniversary of Princess Twilight’s Coronation

His wife sighed deeply. “I forgot that was coming up.” She groaned. “It cannot have been thirty years already!”

“Seems so.” He gently traced one of few grey streaks in her hair. “We’re getting old love.”

She turned with a raised eyebrow. “For one...it was you I gave my immortality up for remember?.” She flipped her hair back. “And for two, speak for yourself, I don’t look a day past seven hundred.” She ran a hand through his hair and gave him a fake sigh. “But you? What happened to the handsome young human who courted me all those years ago? That jet black hair?” She looked down at his belly and sighed in mock exasperation. “And those abs? Where did they go?” She poked his stomach. “It’s all soft now.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” She nodded confidently as a grin fought its way onto her face.

Unwrapping his arm from around her, he slid it down her back before grabbing a handful of her butt. “Have you been in your native form lately dear? Last time I saw them, those twin suns were starting to go supernova.”

With any other woman, he’d likely have had his face slapped off for such a comment. After being married so long, they knew too well when the other was serious and there was little that they couldn’t make a joke out of. It had floored him when he’d learned that Celestia, Princess of the Sun and demi-goddess of Equestria thoroughly enjoyed a good teasing. It had been one of the first things that sparked their interest in each other. None of the ponies in Equestria were willing to go that far. As a human, he had no such reservations.

Still, he knew he’d pay a heavy price for the jab. Sure enough, he yelped as she clawed some of his belly in a fingernailed grip.


“What was that honey?”


The squeezing stopped. “Exactly.”

He imagined the bruise was going to be epic.

Worth it.

He winced and rubbed his side. “You need to trim your nails.”

“Maybe” She examined her hand. “They do come in handy sometimes.”


She flopped against him dramatically. “Now that I know what my husband thinks of my body, I imagine he won’t be getting me anything for our anniversary.”

He looked out the window. “I suppose I might be able to make it to the store on the snowmobile. I could get you something there. I might be back before the day is up.”

“Ice cream, please. At least it won’t melt.”

“I might freeze though.”

“Worth it for ice cream.”

He burst into laughter. “Well if that’s all you wanted, I can just send your present back.”

She sat up promptly. “You mean the box in your closet under those blankets?”

He shook his head. “Why do we even bother? We both know each other's hiding spots.”

“It’s the thought. May I open it now?It’s technically already our anniversary.” He watched in real time as the world's largest set of puppy dog eyes overtook his wife’s face.

He sighed. “If I show it to you now, you have to promise you won’t….use it...till after dinner tomorrow.”

She gave him a confused look. “Use it?


“Ok ok. Yes I promise.”

“Wait for me in the kitchen.” They got up and she sat down at the kitchen table as he walked across the house to their bedroom. Rummaging through his closet, he returned to the kitchen with a large cardboard box. It was nondescript save for ‘This Way Up’ symbols on each side. He set the box in front of her and grabbed a pair of scissors from the counter. Returning to the table, he used one of the blades to slice the cardboard all the way around at the very bottom of the box.

“Now close your eyes.”

She did as he asked and he lifted the box up.

“Ok, open them.”

She opened her eyes and gasped.

“Noah...is that…?”

“Yup. Sugar Cube Corner’s Triple Decker Lemon Cream Cake.”

In front of her was a massive, triple decker cake. Each layer slathered in cloudy white lemon frosting, with a simple set of candied lemon slices festooned across the tops of each.

Her mouth worked silently, looking for words. “How did you...how did it make it?”

He reached a finger out and poked at the cake. Before he could touch it, a teal energy field appeared around the cake and halted his advance before disappearing again.

“Stasis spell. I had to make sure it wouldn’t move in shipping or go bad. Took months to get through customs.”

She looked up at him wide eyed. “A stasis spell? Those are insanely advanced. Who cast it?”

He winked at her. “Well I had to find someone both talented enough to cast it and bold enough to risk irritating customs. Twilight was busy but fortunately I was able to call in a few favors with a certain Headmare we know. I sent her an excellent bottle of tequila in exchange.” He gestured at the cake. “I know we didn’t make it to Ponyville last year and you always look forward to this when we’re in Equestria.” He gave her a gentle smile. “I know it’s your favorite and I felt bad you didn’t have a chance.”

She looked from the cake to him before leaping from the chair towards him. He barely had time to grab her before her lips met his and her arms wrapped around him.

Twenty seven years...and she still tastes wonderful.

They parted and he looked down at smiling, glistening eyes.

“Thank you, Noah.”

“You’re welcome Tia.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

They kissed again and parted. She looked over at the cake and sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

She crossed her arms. “Nothing..it’s just….”


She gave him a sideways glance. “I’m gonna feel bad tomorrow.”

“Oh? Why?”

She looked at the cake again and then back at him. It suddenly clicked for him and he laughed.

“What did you get me?”

She pouted. “Nuthin.”




She glared at him disbelievingly. “Really? Socks? I’m not that bad.”

“It’s a gift card isn’t it?”

She looked away in silence.

“I knew it.”

She whirled around in exasperation. “YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO BUY FOR!! Stop buying everything you want during the blasted year!”

He laughed and wrapped his arms back around her. “It’s ok. I love gift cards.”

She pouted again. “It’s just not fair. You get me that…” She looked over at the cake. “And I get you an envelope and a piece of plastic.”

He leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers. “Isn’t it the thought that counts?”

She gave him a coy grin. “Touche” She looked him in the eyes for a moment before the grin turned decidedly sultry. She rose up on her feet and breathily whispered in his ear.

“Go save your work and come to the bedroom. I might have some extra presents for you.”

He leaned down and gently bit the bottom of her ear. “Be there in thirty seconds.”

“Give me sixty. A lady needs to be prepared after all.”

They parted with a kiss as he ran back to the office and hurriedly saved his work. At least he thought he did. He wasn’t entirely sure. He could have started wiping his life's work away at that moment and couldn’t have cared less.

He sped walk to their bedroom and bit his lip at the sight awaiting him. She was seated on the end of the bed, nude save for her necklace and legs crossed perfectly. As he entered, she slowly stood up and met him halfway.

He had to take a breath as she approached.

Still a goddess…..but…..

She put her hands on his chest and leaned into him again. They kissed deeply again and parted as she looked up at him with half lidded eyes.

“So? What will it be tonight?”

He stepped back and gently grabbed the jewel resting on her chest. “It’s our anniversary. I want to see the mare I fell in love with.”

He pulled gently on the necklace and it fell away in his hand. He stepped back and closed his eyes as she was bathed in blinding white light. A moment later, he opened them and saw her. Celestia the Alicorn. Former Princess of Equestria and Avatar of the Sun. She stood in front of him, wings unfurled, mane waving and eyes still half lidded.

My wife.

She went to step towards him but stopped suddenly. She looked like she was thinking about something and suddenly turned.

He cocked his head in confusion. “Tia?”

She rotated her entire body and looked over her shoulder. It took him a moment to realize she was looking at her butt in their mirror.

She waggled her rear and flicked her tail at him. “You liar. My suns still look amazing.”

He laughed and they stepped towards each other. She brought her wings forward and wrapped him in them. Her horn lit up and in a flash, his clothes were gone.

He smiled. “Most useful spell you ever came up with.”

She stuck her tongue out. “I think so.”

They kissed again as she pulled him to the bed. As they laid down, they locked eyes again.

“Happy Anniversary, Noah.”

“Happy Anniversary, Celestia.”

Comments ( 7 )

A good romantic story, but the exposition at the beginning is more vague than intriguing.

I can see that. I wanted to add a BIT of backstory but not dwell on it. Thanks for the read!


If you want to tell a story of pure fluff, exposition doesn't add anything.

Thank you! I will update accordingly!

You know what else is cliche in these stories? Making the OC younger than Celestia instead of older. Or human/whatever species lives in the MLP world. Why not a D&D dragon?

That would be a neat concept for sure! I did a human just because I adore the idea of humans and ponies interacting and humans don't live nearly as long as Alicorns. It is cliche though. I assume most other authors also really like the idea. :)

It would be interesting to see a story where was around someone much older.

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