• Published 28th Aug 2012
  • 4,164 Views, 60 Comments

Journey - SigmatheAwesome

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' go on an adveture to the edge of Equestria to find something important.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The sun cracked through the canopy of foliage, a soft beam settling on the cyan pegasus. The shifting brightness on her eyelids brought her out of her dreamlike state.

She felt legs around her, the fur of another pony rubbing against her own. She pressed closer, keeping her eyes shut.

Before long she fell asleep again.


Rainbow mumbled, burying herself in Soarin''s chest.

"Dash, come on." Soarin' sounded a little miffed. "We have to get the box."

Rainbow sighed into his fur, causing him to shudder slightly. "Fine, let's go."

Soarin' reluctantly unravelled his hooves and opened the bag. The cyan pony shuddered at the sudden lack of heat before standing.

"How long will this take?"

"Probably a while." He grabbed a large, tough-looking stick from the ground with his mouth, then grabbed a spool of wire from his bag. "Ah gohha khie ghis togh ghe boghs firghs."

Rainbow nodded, taking to the sky.

"Somepony seems happy." Soarin' said cheerfully as he took the stick in his wing.

"That's an understatement, Soar." Dash did a loop in joy. "My life has just gotten way cooler."

"Going out with a famous pony always does that. Particularly when they like you back."

Rainbow squee'd again. "Oh man, I can't wait to tell Pinkie Pie! She'll be so happy she'll have to throw a party, and you know how well Pinkie parties go."

"I do?"

Rainbow hovered for a second. She smacked a hoof onto her forehead and groaned. "How the hay did I forget- Look, trust me, they're radical. A little over-the-top, but they're totally worth it."

"If the wedding after-party's anything to go by." Soarin' said with a grin. "Spitfire's gonna be so jealous."

Rainbow's smile dropped. "Oh. That's right, she likes me too." Her smile returned. "Well, this is gonna get weird."

"Tell me about it."

The two proceeded to head onto the lake, its crystal sheen still present. Rainbow had to squint to see properly.

Soarin' dropped the stick to the ground. "Alright, so the plan is that I tie the cable to the box-"

"Then we pull it up together." Rainbow finished.

Soarin' nodded, then turned to the pool. He inhaled deeply, and then shot straight into the air, hovering above the pool.

"Uh, Soarin'." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "The box is down-"

The stallion immediately nosedived into the lake, spraying a huge wave onto the cyan pegasus, soaking her.

A good ten seconds or so later, Soarin' burst out of the water, wire trailing behind. As he landed, Rainbow looked over.

Wow, he looks really good with his mane wet- Her wings burst open, a loose feather popping off comically. Soarin' grinned at the display as he ran a hoof over his mane, both of which only made her wings and her growing blush worse.

"Ok, once you calm down, we'll get onto the pulling. Oh, and I dislodged some of the worse dirt, so it won't be as hard."

"Wait, what?" Rainbow tilted her head, her raging wingboner still refusing to go down. "How did you not... uh... not freak out at being stuck underwater?"

"Part of the Wonderbolt training involves holding breath under water." He replied simply. "In case we crash into the ocean or something."

Rainbow blinked. "Uh, can we get to tying the cable or whatever to the stick now? I wanna get out of this jungle ASAP."

The Wonderbolt nodded as he picked up the stick and started tying the cable to the end. "Likewise, so let's get this thing fast."

Rainbow struck a pose, using her still-open wings to her advantage, and boasted. "And 'Fast' is my middle name."

"It is?"

"No, it's actually Dewshine, but you get the point." Rainbow muttered.


"YOU GET THE POINT." Rainbow yelled.

Soarin' raised his hoofs defensively then quickly went back to his task. "Rainbow Dewshine Dash... I like it, actually."

"Of course it's a stupid name and wait, what?"

"Your name. I like it." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Spectrum Dewshine..." He clapped his hooves together. "Aha! That's your mum's maiden name!"

"How did you-?"

"I remember her talking to my dad, when she first started teaching me to fly." He resumed his task as he talked. "Dad called her Miss Dewshine, at least after she was called Miss Dash."

"Yeah..." Rainbow muttered, rubbing her foreleg.

"I wonder why..."

Rainbow twitched. "Wonder what?"

"Why she decided Dewshine was better than Dash. I mean, they don't connect well at all, Spectrum and Dewshine."

"I think..." Rainbow sighed. "Mum never really liked Dad all that much."

"Really?" Soarin' put the nearly-finished cable-stick down and turned to face the mare.

"I think it started shortly after she married him, or possibly after they found out I was on the way. Apparently, Dad wanted a colt. He even had a name, Blitz Dash. Mum said something about, if he had a rainbow mane like I do, calling him Rainbow, with Blitz as his middle name."


"Yeah, and they agreed on that, thank Celestia. When Dad found out I was on the way, he started getting... well, nasty. When I was a month old, Dad left, taking nearly everything." She hung her head low. "For the next few years I thought it was all my fault."

"What happened next?"

"I got awesome." She replied with a weak smile. "I did what I could to keep Mum happy, and while it didn't work all the time, she was happy enough not to just stay in her room all the time. When I got my mark, Mum asked me whether I'd want my surname to be Dewshine or Dash."

"You went with Dash, I assume."

"No, really?" Rainbow deadpanned. "But seriously, I did say Dash, and when she asked to why, I said it's because Rainbow Dash sounds more awesome, and suits my cutie mark, not because I liked my Dad or anything. When she started crying I got worried, but she said that it's because she was happy I chose the name by myself."

"What was your dad's name?"

"Mum often called him Jerk."

The two chuckled at the weak joke.

"His name's actually Sonic Dash."

"Sonic Dash..." Soarin' mumbled. After a second he gasped.

"Let me guess: Cloudsdale noble, Short-time Wonderbolt, left after complaints from the then-captain Mile High."

"How did you-?"

"Mum told me, and I've done some reading up." She crossed her hooves proudly. "I'm not just a fan for you, you know."

Soarin' chuckled, then picked up the stick and tightened the cable. "Right, well, we should get onto this, so we can get out of here."

Rainbow nodded, grabbing the stick and sitting down near the lake edge. "Get behind me, doctor."


"I'm quoting TS2."

Soarin' wrapped his hooves around Rainbow. "TS2?"

"Team Stable 2." She replied. "It's a really cool first-person shooter Pinkie showed me."

"Like Pony Warfare?"

Rainbow twitched at the name. "No, far better than that."

Soarin' shrugged. "Well, I guess I'll try it out later. Ready to pull?"

"You betcha sexy rump I am."

Soarin's wings burst open this time, causing the cyan mare to crack up laughing.

"Oh man, that was priceless." She said when she could breathe again.

"Yes, ha ha, very funny." Soarin' mumbled. "Now are you ready?"

"Yep." Rainbow tensed. "On three?"



"Three!" The two announced in sync, pulling hard. After a moment the two sat up, noticing the wire hadn't moved all that much.

"Well, that didn't work." Rainbow muttered.

"Perhaps we should fly up instead?"

"Our awesome wingpower combined, that'll get it up ASAP." Rainbow stood up. "I mean, 16 plus..."

"14." Soarin' added. "Sometimes 15."

Rainbow blinked. Wait. I have a higher WP than him?

"You have a wingpower of 16?"

"When I'm trying."

Soarin' mumbled something, then stood up. "Well, this won't be hard at all."

It was actually hard.

Power wasn't the problem: Coordinating with a mouth full of stick carrying a heavy object was. Several times the two went in opposite directions, and many more times the stick threatened to break.

But, after a good few minutes, they had dragged the heavy fire-patterned box out. Rainbow looked over it.

"What's she got in here, anyway?"

"Other than her Wonderbolt license? Dunno. Never asked."

Rainbow looked at the box. It was airtight, that was for certain. It had an orange colour with a deeper orange flame pattern around the base. One of the sides was marked by a blue circle, and inside the circle was a burning lightning bolt, nearly identical to the owner's Cutie Mark.

"Don't open it."

Rainbow looked up. "I wasn't going to, honest."

Soarin' raised an eyebrow. "Well, we have it now, and we've got a few hours of daylight left, so we should get going."

Rainbow saluted, then trotted to the cave to pack. She paused mid-way. "Darn."


"We forgot to eat Pinkie's treats." She opened her container. "Well, that's weird."

"What's weird?"

"They're completely fine." She pulled out a cupcake that, despite being pressed against something, was in good shape. "Which only makes sense because Pinkie."

Soarin' looked over the treat. "How many cupcakes are there?"

"She said about nine." She put the cupcake back in its container. "And a special cake, which she said not to look at until... Well, she said when the time was right."

"We'll have it on the train." He replied, walking off. "Now, are you packed?"

"Yep." Rainbow slid the cylinder onto her back and then took to the sky. "Let's get outta here."

"When's the train getting here?" Rainbow asked herself quietly, scanning the timetable. "5:34."

"Thank Celestia it's only 5."

Rainbow groaned. "Great, half-an-hour of waiting." She slumped down next to Soarin'.

"Hey, at least we're not going to be bothered."

Rainbow blinked and looked up at Soarin'. "What are you..." She smiled. "Do you mean..."

"Only if your fine wi-MMMF!" Soarin' started to say when Rainbow pressed her lips against his. After a second she pulled back, grinning. "Ok, you are."

The two pulled themselves closer to each other, pressing their lips against each other in a fiery kiss. Rainbow pressed her tongue against the stallion's lips, which parted, allowing their tongues to mingle and saliva to pass between them.

As they had their eyes closed, they missed the lone observer from the roof. Until said observer slipped, and crashed into the ground next to them, breaking their kiss.

"Luna damnit, I was getting into that!" Rainbow yelled, then froze at the pony next to them. "Pinkie?!"

Pinkie pulled her head up from the concrete it was pressed against, grinning. "Hey Dashie~"

"What the hay are you doing here?"

"I got here a few hours ago by way of gyrocopter." She pointed at the weird candy-shaped flying machine lying in the field.

How the hay did I miss that? "How much did you see?"

"Aaaaaall of it~" She replied, her tone very sultry. Her expression turned from a half-lidded stare to a huge grin. "But it's ok, because-"

"Pinkie, we were in the middle of a very intimate act, and you were watching! How is that ok?!" Rainbow yelled, making the earth pony shrink back a bit.

"It's ok because now I know I can actually set up that party." She finally stood up. "And I'll make extra super sure that no lovey-dovey kissy stuff you do can be seen. Even by me."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you were watching us now."

"If it helps, I had a really bad view." She pointed to the roof. "Your manes kinda got in the way."

Soarin' snickered. "Well, how much did you see?"

"Oh, only the pressing bit, before Dashie's mane caught up and obscured it. I did hear all the cutsey-wutsey kissy sounds you were making, though."

"Were we really that loud?" Soarin' covered his mouth, blushing.

Rainbow groaned. "Pinkie, please, I don't need a recap."

Pinkie was just about to imitate the kissing noises she had heard, only to stop before she could. "Aww... How did you-?"

"I know you, Pinkie. You may be completely random, but occasionally you're quite predictable."

"So," Soarin' changed the topic. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to see how you two were going." She smiled innocently. "And I see you're perfectly ok."

"Aside from nearly drowning, being temporarily traumatised by seeing a pegasus wing not attached to a pony, and being interrupted about fifty times in the middle of an intimate moment."

Pinkie blinked. "Nearly drowned?"

"Yeah, I've kinda had a rough few days, and right now I just want to relax." She sat back, resting her hooves behind her head.

The party pony beamed, in her usual way. "Okie dokie lokie." She immediately started bouncing off. "See ya back home!"

Soarin' sighed. "She is a strange mare."

Rainbow chuckled. "Yeah, and you haven't even begun to hang out with her." She nudged his elbow. "There'll be a bit of that from now on."

A distant train whistle rang out through the countryside.

"Oh good, there's the train."

After a long moment the locomotive came into view. Light reflected off pink paint (which was a rather inappropriate colour for trains, Twilight had said one time), causing Rainbow to turn her head away from the glare. Stupid light...

Eventually the train rolled in, releasing a huge cloud of steam. One pony jumped off once the doors opened, but that was it. Soarin' stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, let's get aboard, Dashie."

Rainbow blushed at the nickname, but followed the Wonderbolt's actions anyway. The two trotted into one of the front carriages and chose a cabin. "How long now?"

Soarin' glanced at a watch Rainbow hadn't noticed until now. "5:13."

"Ugh..." Rainbow leant back. "Twenty minutes of sitting here."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Soarin' smiled.

"Yeah, at least I'm here with the coolest pony in Equestria."

The engine slowly passed their cabin, now heading to the other end of the train. "Other than yourself?" The stallion replied with a smirk.

"Well..." Rainbow thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess."

Soarin’’s smirk dropped. "You don't sound certain about it."

"Don't get me wrong, I am indescribably awesome, it's just that..." She paused for a moment. "I can't describe it. Maybe it's because I think you're cooler than I am, or that I don't want to make you seem worse than me. Something like that."

Soarin' leant forwards and brushed Rainbow's cheek with his hoof. "Relax. I think you're more awesome than me anyway."


"Well, you're the Element of Loyalty, saved Equestria three times-"

"Actually, Shining and Cadence stopped the changelings."

"-Two times, which is still impressive, best friends with the personal student of Princess Celestia-slash-sister of a Royal Guard Captain, and now you have a Wonderbolt coltfriend." He smiled warmly. "Compared to me, that's really impressive."

Rainbow smiled slightly. "You have a point." She leaned forwards and nuzzled his neck. "But you're still one of the awesomest ponies in Equestria, and that ain't gonna change." She stretched her hooves around his neck and brought him into a huge hug. "Oh, and another thing that's awesome about you."

"Let me guess: I now have a super-awesome marefriend."

Rainbow giggled. "Quick thinking."

"I try."

Rainbow released her (willing) captive. The carriage shook a little as the engine connected with the front.

"So, when we finally get some time to ourselves in the sky, care to teach me some tricks?"

Soarin' chuckled. "Perhaps. Only the ones that aren't supposed to be taught to non-Wonderbolts I won't be teaching you."

"Until I'm a Wonderbolt."

Soarin' paused for a moment. "Hey, can I ask you something, just to make sure?"

"What is it?"

"Are you... trying to get into the Wonderbolts by getting together with me?"

Rainbow's ear twitched, and she levelled a glare at the Wonderbolt. "Are you doubting me?"

Soarin' raised his hooves defensively. "No, no, of course not, it's just that-"

"Do you think I would stoop so low as to resort to whoring my way into the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow's wings opened up, and Soarin' flinched back. "I am not some stupid groupie that wants a little fame!" She rose to her back hooves. "I am Rainbow Dewshine Dash! I am the fastest flyer in Equestria! I will become a Wonderbolt through hard work! And I will never use you as a way to get in faster because I..." She paused. "I... I..." She snarled in frustration. "Damnit, I can't say it! I can't say three simple words!" She slumped back down on the bench, covering her face with her hooves. "Fastest flyer in Equestria and I can't even say three bucking words..."

Soarin', having recovered from her outburst, shifted spots so she was next to her. He wrapped his forelegs around her, pulling her close. "You don't have to for now." He nuzzled her neck, and instantly Rainbow relaxed. "I can wait."

Rainbow turned and pecked him on his cheek. "T-thanks. I'll need the time."

The train's whistle rang out, and the carriage jolted before slowly rolling along the tracks. The two sat in blissful silence, merely enjoying the other's company.

"Hey, Soar?"


"Do you think we should hit the hay early?" Rainbow yawned. "I'm pretty worn out."

Soarin' tapped his chin. "Well, I don't see a problem with it. I'm pretty tired myself."

"So... Do we share a bed?"

"If you want to."

Rainbow inwardly smiled. "It's settled." She kicked the seat, which folded into a bed quickly. "After you."

Soarin' nodded and pulled various bedding out from his container. The two ponies set it up in record time and slipped in together, Rainbow pulling Soarin' close and nuzzling into his fur.

"Night Soar'."

"Night Dashie."

The sun had set, and the moon had eagerly taken its place. This was when Rainbow decided to wake up, curiosity nagging at her mind, refusing to let her sleep.

She slipped out of Soarin’’s hooves (as much as she didn't want to) and hit the floor quietly. Because of the room they had in her container, they had placed Spitfire's box within. Rainbow pressed the container open, a bright light spilling into the room. She grabbed the orange box and set it on the ground, cautiously looking around for anypony. Of course, they were the only ones in this carriage, but she couldn't be too sure.

She tried to flip the lid open, only to find it locked. Eyeing the lock, she found it to be a simple flip-up lock, not a padlock or something needing a code or whatever. She smirked, her heartbeat accelerating, and flipped the lid of the container.

Inside, she could see a card (Spitfire's ID, most likely), some pieces of paper, and a small photo-frame. The frame had a filly Spitfire with her brother, standing in front of their parents. It was heartwarming. After a bit more shuffling, she found another photo frame, this time with Spitfire and herself, looking very excited. Underneath was what looked like a poem.

She picked the poem up and read it, unfortunately aloud, but quietly. "Wind through spectrum, plumes of air." She raised an eyebrow. "Falling down and breaking barriers immaterial. Dash to the heart, rainbows to the eyes." She looked at the poem at a distance. "Isn't there, like, a way of writing these things?" She continued reading. "I fall down, she breaks the barrier of the world and my heart." She wiped a tear away. "Wind through spectrum, plumes of air." She put the poem back in the box, and put the box back in her container, before sliding back into her bed.

"She's gonna be heartbroken..." She mumbled to herself before drifting off to sleep.