
by SigmatheAwesome

First published

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' go on an adveture to the edge of Equestria to find something important.

Rainbow Dash bumps into Soarin' during a flight session, but the Wonderbolt asks for her help. The two pegasi end up on an adventure to retrieve an object for Spitfire at the edge of Equestria, and on the way find out more about themselves and each other.


Thanks to StormbadgerXIII for helping me expand the description. Also, I drew the cover image.

Chapter 1

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It's always flying.

Flying is what made her happy. The speed, the wind in her mane. The adrenalin. All of it.

Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Equestria. A title she would fiercely defend. Unless the Wonderbolts got that title, then she'd be the fastest non-Wonderbolt pegasus.

She skidded to a halt on a nearby cloud, taking in the sight. Around her were various clouds, above was Celestia's sun. Below her was an orchard of apples, a clearing, and a red barn somewhere in the distance. She eyed an orange mare, trotting her way to the orchard, ready to harvest. Beside her was a red stallion built like a mountain.

Rainbow wasn't the best at maths unless it involved something to do with flight. She calculated an angle of approach, an arc to follow, tracked the orange pony's speed and path, and numerous other subconscious formulae and equations filled her head.

She kicked off the cloud, keeping eyes on the mare. With a sharp burst from her wings she sped along, keeping steady on her path. She decided to glide in order to keep noise down; it was necessary for her plan.

When she started to lose altitude, and was close enough for it to be too late for the farmer, she kicked her wings into full gear, the sheer speed she was moving rippling the world's magic into something that sounded similar to a roaring engine.

Rainbow Dash was nearly on her target.

One problem she forgot, though.

Applejack saw her.

The farmer stepped to her side quickly, as the rainbow-maned projectile swiped for her then collided with the muddy road with a heavy thud and a light patter of dirt.

"Whoa there, Rainbow." Applejack said, pulling the pegasus out of the mud. "Don't wanna drown yourself."

Rainbow coughed out the mouthful of dirt she had in her mouth. "Darn it, AJ! Don't move next time!"

"Why not? Ya wanna give me a cuddle at sixty miles an hour?"

Rainbow blushed. "N-no! What would give you that idea?" Rainbow coughed again. "I was gonna... um, borrow your hat!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Fer what reason?"

Rainbow remained silent. Her eyes drifted around, finally settling on Big McIntosh. "Um... I should get going!"

Before a reply from either could be given she was in the air, soaring away from the angry mare she knew she could kick like a jackhammer.

Rainbow Dash had decided to fly around a plain nearby Cloudsdale. The clouds were both high and low, allowing her to soar around with freedom and rest on a cloud nearby.

She twisted and turned, barrel-rolled and corkscrewed, flipped and dived. She copied moves from the Wonderbolts with her own twist, that being rainbows and probably a bit more dangerous locations. Some clouds were more solid than most ponies think, at least at high speeds.

She was in mid-Fireflash Twirl when she was hit in the side by something pony-sized, sending her and the object hurtling to the ground.

Rainbow's head hit the ground first, lapsing into blankness. When her consciousness finally came back, she growled.

"Hey, what's the big idea, jerk? I was fly... ay ay ay..."

She opened her eyes to see a very familiar (and downright awesome) sight.


She immediately squee'd, much to the Wonderbolt's wincing from the noise.

It was then that Rainbow Dash noticed that he was on top of her.

Her wings burst open.

Soarin' leapt off, hovering. "Sorry about that, Rainbow."

He remembers my name!

"I tried calling out to you five times-"

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh...

"Uh, are you even listening?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Wha-? Oh, yeah, yeah."

Soarin' raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, I was meant to tap you on the shoulder, but a sharp gust pushed me into you."

"Uh... So, um, can I help you, S-soarin'?"

"Actually, yeah. Spitfire wants to have a talk with you."


"Ow, my ears... Can you keep that down?"

"Sorry, it's just that-" She leapt up. "You. Wonderbolt. Need my help. Awesome levels 2000%."

"I'll let Spitfire explain."

"Um... Soarin'?"


"Why are we heading to the Cloudsdale hospital?"


"Long story."

The two landed at the door of the hospital. The building was made of cloudstone, the same stuff the pillars around the place were made of. It was solid, more so than standard clouds, making it ideal for construction for cloudcities.

As they entered Rainbow spotted a familiar face. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy looked up. "Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. Hello Soarin'."

Soarin' waved.

"What are you doing here?"

"I, um, helped Soarin' bring Spitfire here." Fluttershy stretched her hooves out. "She's not the lightest of ponies..."

Soarin' chuckled. "Yep, I know." He walked up to reception, talking with the desk clerk.

"Why didn't you let me know, 'Shy? I'd loved to help her."

"Well, you were at Sweet Apple Acres, and she was kinda in bad condition..."

Rainbow Dash's heart skipped a beat. Spitfire... Bad condition?

Soarin' cleared his throat. "Rainbow? Come on."

The sight that Rainbow saw when she entered caused her heart to skip two beats.

Her idol, Spitfire, the most indestructible pony she knew aside from herself, under a blanket, looking tired and previously in pain. Big pain. Various medical stuffs were strapped onto her, some of which Rainbow recognised.

"Hey Soarin'." The flame-maned pony said weakly, her mane looking substantially less like fire when it was down like it was. "Hey kid."

Rainbow would've fangirled if Spitfire was in better shape. "H-hey..."

"Come closer, so I don't have to yell." Rainbow obeyed, pulling up a seat next to her.

"I'd be overjoyed about meeting you if it weren't for the fact that..." She waved a hoof generally around the area. "You know."

"I get it." She stuck a hoof out from under her blanket and ruffled the spectral mane of the pegasus next to her. Her foreleg was covered in bandages, some parts soaked with blood. "Now, I have a big favour to ask you."


She smiled weakly. "A while ago, I was going on a little journey... One that was important to me. I couldn't complete it though-" She winced in pain, sucking in her breath sharply. "And I left something behind..."

"What sort of something?"

"A box. It contains some very personal and or important things to me. I currently can't go back to grab it."

"What sort of important things?" Rainbow wasn't about to ask what the personal stuff was.

"My Wonderbolt license..."

"You need a license to be a Wonderbolt?"

"It allows you to go to exclusive areas to train, and some discounts and stuff. More importantly, it allows me to be a Wonderbolt captain. Rules n' stuff."

"Why don't you get Soarin' to go? I mean, I'm good, but..."

Spitfire chuckled before wincing again. She moaned slightly this time. "He's coming with you, dummy."


"The box is my colours. Can't miss it. It should be somewhere around... Um, can I have a map?"

Soarin' passed a map. Spitfire pointed with a hoof. "Around there."

Rainbow memorised the location as Soarin' put the map away. "That's quite far away... Like, past the frontier."

"Yeah, there's a reason..." Another wince of pain. "Ow... Anyway, you should get going..."

Rainbow acted on impulse; she placed her forelegs around Spitfire gently, hugging her but trying to avoid hurting her. "I won't fail you..."

Spitfire smiled. "I bet you're wondering why I can't go, aren't you?"


"Shush." She turned to the spectral maned pegasus.

"Now that you mention it, I am curious."

Spitfire sat up, letting the blanket fall. Rainbow gasped loudly at the sight, and her heart skipped three or so beats.

Her wing was gone.

"Holy..." She leant in to examine the bandages. Where her wing was, a thick bandage covered it, stained with blood. "I... Wha... How...?"

"I dunno what happened. I hardly even remember how I got to your friend's."

"I remember." Soarin' stated. "Cloud drift. It's not every day you see a red cloud..."

Rainbow's eyes watered. "But... Are you..."

"Unless something else happens, I will be able to fly again." Spitfire grinned, and then pecked a thereafter flushed Rainbow Dash's cheek. "Now get going."

"You ok, Rainbow?" Soarin' asked.

Rainbow wiped tears from her eyes, which just brought more forward. "Not really. Imagine seeing your idol without something that is key to their reason for being your idol."

Soarin' hung his head low. "I can imagine." He looked up. "Ah, here we are, my place."

The two ponies entered. The apartment was small enough for two, but only showed signs of one pony living there. Various medals hung above a fireplace, some of which Rainbow Dash recognised as similar to some she had. A series of photographs were scattered on the same wall. Rainbow flew up to inspect.

"You knew Spitfire when she was a filly?" She turned to another photo. "And a foal?"

"Of course."

Rainbow Dash felt her tail being bit into. Her normal reaction would be to buck behind her, or surrender as she usually did around Applejack. This time, she stiffened and fell to the floor.

"Now come on, we have to pack."

"O-ok..." She stood up, and examined Soarin' packing various clothes and foods into a metal cylinder. "Whoa, when did you get one of those?"

"Before I was a Wonderbolt I was a weather patrol pony. Like you are now, I presume?"

"Yeah..." Her eyes widened as a second one, wrapped in leather, was pulled out. "You have two?!"

"This one's Spitfire's. She never uses it, and she let me have it." He tossed it to Rainbow Dash. "Here, it's yours."

Rainbow caught it, fortunately. "Um... To keep or..."

"I'd say keep, but it's really Spitfire's. I'll work it out with her. Now, I'll meet you at the eastern edge of Cloudsdale in an hour, you go and pack."

Rainbow slipped the wrapped cylinder between her wings on her back. It was incredibly light as it was made mostly of Skymetal. "Right, see ya in 60."

She sped out the door before she could hear Soarin''s reply.

"I need a Freelance suit."

The quartermaster pegasus looked up from his book. "Rainbow, you're not a Freelance Officer. You are Ponyville's Captain."

"But I need it!" Rainbow slammed her hooves on the desk. "I'm going to the frontier."

"Why is that, may I ask?"

"I'm helping a friend get something back."

"And who is this friend of yours?"

"Spitfire, the Wonderbolt Spitfire."

The stallion chuckled condescendingly. "And my best friend is Princess Celestia."

"Ooh, really?" Pinkie appeared out of nowhere, startling the stallion and earning a 'Hey Pinks' from Rainbow Dash.

"No, of course not."

Pinkie thought. "I can help you with that!" She bounced up, spewing a plan that wasn't ever going to reach past that stage. She stopped in front of Rainbow Dash, deciding that dealing with her friend was better than trying to make this guy and Celestia PFFs. "Do you need any help, Dashie?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to get a..." She pulled out a small booklet. "Jovia Industries Weather-Containment Suit."

"I think I might have one. Hang on." Pinkie bolted out the door. About ten seconds later she returned. "Nope, sorry."

"Darn." Rainbow turned to leave. "I'll have to go without."

"Ooh, Dash, what are you doing anyway?"

"I'm going on a journey with Soarin'. Finding something that belongs to Spitfire."

"Can I join?"

"Uh... No. Sorry."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie bounced off, unfazed. She paused mid-air. "Wait."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"I've gotta make you some snacks! I'll see you shortly!" She bounced off.

"What a weird mare..." She turned to take off. "But I like her for that."

Rainbow Dash had filled the empty container on her back with some warming clothes and basic bedding, as well as a few cans of preserved foods from her cupboards. On the way to Cloudsdale Pinkie had used a crazy contraption to deliver a bunch of sugary foods, which managed to take up the remaining space in her container. Eventually she reached the eastern edge of Cloudsdale, where a pale-blue stallion waited.

"'Bout time you showed up."

"Sorry, ponies got in the way." She landed next to him on the cloud. "So, when do we leave?"

"I'm thinking tomorrow." He said, pointing a hoof at the setting sun. "You did take a lot of time."

"Do you know how hard it is to choose between apples and pears?" She said, remembering her battle on choosing one of the two fruits. She eventually just grabbed both.

Soarin' laughed. "No, I'm not really one for pears."

Rainbow smirked. "More for me, then."

Both sat in silence for a second before they broke out into laughter.

"Why is that so funny?!" Rainbow squealed, still laughing.

"We're tired..." Soarin trailed off, laughter finally ending. "We should find a place to sleep."

"Your place or mine?"


"I have a spare bed," Rainbow added. "So I guess it'll be my place."

"Sounds good."

"How the heck is your place bigger than mine?"

Rainbow placed her container next to her own bed, and then flew down to set up the spare. "My parents bought it for me."


"Actually, they did it so I could move out and not bother them. They didn't even want the money for it."

"So, what are your parents like?" Soarin' asked, flying into the room.

"My mum was awesome. She's a professional flyer, teaching young pegasi how to fly. Earns a lot. Dad's a Cloudsdale noble. He's soooo boring..."

"Sounds ok."

"Mum is. Dad, I think, hates me. Maybe because I took after my mum too much. I mean, I have her hair." She pointed to her mane. "I got my coat from Dad's sister, who was equally boring."

"Wait, hang on, you're a Cloudsdale noble?"

"Nah, I'm just a Cloudsdaleian." She fake gagged. "Ugh, why would I wanna be one of those uptight ponies?"

Soarin' laughed. "Let me guess, he tried forcing his lifestyle on you too much."

"Exactly..." She shuddered. "Mum's more of a free spirit. Celestia knows how the two got together..."

"Hm..." Soarin' thought. "What's your mother's name?"

"Spectrum. Well, that's her first name. I guess, 'cos she's married, she's Spectrum Dash. I dunno what her maiden name is."

"Spectrum... Oh, now I know!"

"I can't do it!" A small colt yelled, teetering on the edge of a cloud.

A white mare, with a flowing rainbow mane, looked at him softly. "Yes you can, Soarin' High. Just believe in yourself."

"But I'll fall!"

"If you do, I'll catch you. But you can do it. Remember, don't force your wings, and just push gently."

Soarin' looked down, stiff as a stone. "But-"

"Just flap your wings gently."

The colt took a breath, and leapt off. He pushed his wings, strongly but not as strong as he had before. He screwed his eyes shut, refusing to look at the sky around him.

"Well done, Soarin'."

Soarin' pried his eyes open. He was flying. Flying! He did a little twirl which he nearly plummeted from, but he straightened out, laughing. He buzzed back to the cloud, beaming like mad.

The white pegasus ruffled his mane. "Congrats, kiddo. You can fly."

Soarin leapt for joy, deciding to hover there. "Can we show dad?"

"What do you think we're doing now?" She took into the air gently, hovering alongside the beaming colt. "Come on."

"You're the best, Spectrum!" He gripped her in a tight hug.

"You knew my mum..."

"That I did. Heck, she taught me to fly."

"How old were you?"

"Very young. Some pegasi are early flyers, like us two and my sister." He sighed. "I did ask her if she had a foal herself, before she stopped teaching me. She said she had one coming."

"And that's when she stopped working for a while..." She beamed. "That's just... awesome. My mum taught you to fly!"

"That it is, now," He yawned. "I need some sleep. See you in the morning."

Rainbow took off to her room, turning back to look at the stallion. "G'night!"

Chapter 2

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"Dash, wake up!"

"Mrrmr- Ah!" She sat up immediately.

Soarin' grinned. "Rise and shine, sleepy-head."

Rainbow stared at him for a moment, before plonking back down in her bed. "Five more minutes."

"If you don't get up, we won't be able to get breakfast."

"Darn it... Alright, let's get going."

The two landed (almost crash-landed) in front of the restaurant. It was a small take-away place.

"I beat you!" Rainbow called out, excitedly.

"No way, I beat you!"

"Nuh uh, I did!"

"Actually," A random pink pony said. "Soarin' won by an itty bitty hair."

"Hey Pinkie." Rainbow said.

"Ooh, are you here for breakfast? Because I'm here for breakfast too and we can have it together before you go on your epic quest and stuff."

"Sounds good to me." She turned to the stallion next to her. "Soarin'?"

"I like that plan."


"Bacon... Tofu?" Rainbow looked at the board. "Why...?"

"Bacon's a griffon thing, made of meat-"

"I know what bacon is, Pinkie. Heck, Gilda dared me to eat some." She shuddered. "I was sick for a week, and I couldn't get the taste out. Ugh." She composed herself. "But why make some out of tofu?"

"So that ponies can try it without feeling sick. Both emotionally and physically." Soarin' added. "Trust me, it's good."


"Bacon's made of pigs." Pinkie said bluntly.

"I know. But that makes sense now." She scanned the menu. "Um... I'll have that one."

"A tofubacon and egg McMuffin?" Soarin' inquired.

"No, next to it."

"Egg McMuffin."


"Right, you, Pinkie?"

"Uhm... A chocolate sundae."


"She runs on sugar, Soarin'. Just get her the darn sundae."

"And I'll have a tofubacon and egg McMuffin. Right, I'll be back."

The two mares took a seat. This restaurant, known as McTrottald's, was known to be quite widespread. Almost every developed town had one.

"So, Dashie~" Pinkie leant closer from her side of the table. "You like him, don't you~?"

"What sort of question is that at 9 in the morning?"

"It's an important one!" Pinkie protested. She looked around, making sure Soarin' couldn't hear them. "Come on, I know you do~"

"How so?" Rainbow replied sceptically.

"It's in your body language. You- He's coming here. I'll shut up now."

Soarin' placed a tray on the circular table. "Ladies, your food." He said, rather... gentlecoltly.

"Thanks." Rainbow grabbed her muffin and bit into it. "Hm."

"Hm?" Pinkie inquired, head upside down.

"Not too bad. A little bland, but we can't have it all." She continued eating.

"Oh well." Pinkie dipped her spoon into her sundae, and took a bite. "Mm... Yummy..."

"Only you can eat ice-cream for breakfast, Pinkie Pie..." Rainbow smiled. "Be right back, getting myself a coffee."

"You drink coffee?" Pinkie asked.


"I wish I was allowed to drink coffee..."

Soarin' blinked. "What?"

"The cakes refuse me to drink coffee. Something about 'blowing up Ponyville'. I dunno, ponies think I'm a ball of energy."

"That's because you are, Pinkie." Rainbow deadpanned.

"I've actually had coffee before, when I was only a little itty bitty Pinkie Pie. The farm didn't explode, I just felt kinda... awake."

Rainbow sighed. "Oh good, you're not actually a caffeine bomb..."

"Yeah, I know, right?" Pinkie affirmed, slightly annoyed. "I bet Twilight'd be worse with coffee..."

Rainbow chuckled and walked to the counter to order.

Meanwhile, Pinkie leaned to Soarin'. "You like her, don't you Soarin'~?"

Soarin' nearly choked on his muffin. "What?!"

Pinkie covered his mouth, glancing around suspiciously, before returning to a relaxed pose.

"My sister likes her, and I'd rather not get on her bad side."

Pinkie blinked. "That's awkward."

Rainbow returned, warm coffee in her wing. "Hey guys."

"Hey Dashie!" Pinkie replied.

Rainbow took a sip of her coffee. "Ah, warming..."

"Can I have a sip?" Pinkie inquired.

Rainbow looked at her coffee. I really want all of this, but... "Here, but if Ponyville blows up you're paying for it."

Pinkie eagerly took the cup and then a sip. Rainbow Dash took cover behind her chair, fearful for her life.

"Warm..." Pinkie said.

Rainbow peaked over her chair. "Huh?"

"And quite tasty. A little bitter, but I eat so much sweet stuff it's a good contrast."

"You're not exploding..."

"Well, duh." Pinkie giggled. "What, did you think I would be all "prii-keeeeeeeewey!!!"?"

"Honestly," Rainbow replied, sitting back down. "Yes, I did."

The three ponies giggled.

"Well," Soarin' started. "We have to go now. Time is of the essence."

"Why?" Rainbow tilted her head questioningly.

"We've got a show coming up in a month, and Spitfire needs her license."

Rainbow nodded. "Ah, that makes sense."

"And I've gotta go now myself." Pinkie said. "Cakes won't bake themselves, and I've gotta make sure that they don't."

Soarin' blinked in confusion.

"What Pinkie's trying to say is that she's making some cakes as well as babysitting the owners of Sugar Cube Corner's foals."


Pinkie said her crushing farewells (a big group hug) before bouncing off. Rainbow massaged her neck.

"She's got a strong grip." Soarin' said.

"I know..." Rainbow playfully growled.


Rainbow rested her head on her hoof, watching the countryside roll past.


Soarin' looked up from the book he was reading.


"Rainbow, we can't fly all the way to the frontier."

"I bet I could." Rainbow sighed. "How long do we have 'till we get there?"

"A few more hours." Soarin' went back to his reading.

"Ugh, what am I gonna do to pass the time?"

"Read a book?"

"I've read all the Daring Do books, and I didn't bring any with me."

"There's always the Hay Games."


"Come on, Rainbow. Trust me, it's awesome."

Rainbow turned. "But you're reading it."

Soarin' looked at the cover of his book. "Nah, this is the third book." He pointed to his container. "The first one's in here."

Rainbow picked up the book, looking over the cover. "What's it about?"

"Read the book to find out, Dashie."

Rainbow slightly blushed at the stallion's use of her Pinkie-exclusive nickname. "Alright, fine..."

"Oh man, that was just awesome!" Rainbow took a step off the train and onto the dusty road of the town. "When Straightshot dropped that Parahornet nest on the sleeping ponies-"

"I know. Grotesque, but clever." Soarin' chuckled.

"I'd hate to be that mare..." Rainbow leapt into the air. "Uh, why are we here?"

"The train doesn't have toilets, we need to stretch," Soarin' replied. "And I have a relative I wanna catch up with."

"Oh." Rainbow noticed the toilet block. "Race you there?"

Soarin' chuckled, and started trotting. "Nah."

She hung her head. "Aw..."

"Later, maybe."


Rainbow hit the button, sighing relaxedly. That was a weight off my mind... Heh.

She exited into the dusty street, looking for the Wonderbolt. "Soarin'?"

"Yeah?" A voice from behind her asked. She leapt into the air in fright, only to see the pony behind her was in fact Soarin'.

"Oh, there you are."

"Hey." He started walking to a particular building. "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to this relative in private."

"Sure. Though I'd like to meet... uh, him?"


Rainbow blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry."

"It's ok, you didn't know." He said with a chuckle. "Wait for me here, or at the station. Or the sky."

Rainbow saluted as he walked in. She took to leaning against the wall. She looked around the town, out of boredom.

Many of the townsfolk were wearing some sort of hat. Top hats, bowler hats, slouch hats, akubras, fedoras, and several she didn't know. Some ponies wore other things, like dusters or very western dressed. Which she found odd, considering this was east of Equestria's capitol.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing here?" A gruff stallion's voice rang out behind her.

She turned. A large-built stallion with a worn hat looked over her, and beside him were two more ponies in similar gear. "Just relaxing."

"Your kind ain't welcome around here."

She blinked. "What, pegasi?"

One of the ones behind spread his wings.


The other one raised her head. A pale coat with a red mane.

"Um... Pegasus mares?"

The leader facehoofed. "No, you fool. I mean lesbians."

Rainbow's face turned into a scowl. "Hey! How do you know if I'm a lesbian or not?"

He stuck a hoof at her forehead. "Your mane, your actions, everything."

"And what is wrong with being a lesbian, if I were one?"

The stallion paused. "It's not right."

Rainbow grinned. "How so?"

The mare at the back spoke up. "Lesbians can't have kids. That means it's not natural for mares to be attracted to others."

The pegasus flew in front of Rainbow Dash. Their muzzles touched. "That's what Celestia's been saying."

Rainbow scoffed. "I live in Ponyville, and my best friend is Celestia's protégé. I think I have a more up-to-date belief."

The pegasus raised his hoof to strike, rage etching his muzzle. "You-"

"Quillfeather, get away from the mare." A stern mare's voice shot out. The pegasus stallion immediately withdrew. "As for you, Duststorm, don't you have better things to do then harass out-of-towners?"

Duststorm, as he was known, growled. "If you did your job at keeping these... inequine ponies out of town, I wouldn't have to do it for you."

"Dust, Celestia has accepted homosexual relationships for at least twenty years. Don't you read the newspaper?"

Dust growled quietly before turning around, kicking dust in Rainbow's face. Rainbow turned to face the mare. "Thanks for the save."

"It's my duty." She struck out a hoof. "Sherrif Sunbright."

"Rainbow Dash." She shook her hoof. "So what's the deal with those guys?"

"He's old fashioned. Can't accept Celestia's change in policy."

Soarin' flew out the doors. "Oh hi, Rainbow."

"Hey Soarin'."

"I see you've met my mum."

Rainbow looked at Sunbright. Under her hat was a flame-coloured mane, and she had a light-blue coat under her duster.

"I can see the resemblance."

"Well, mum, I've gotta go." Soarin' smiled. "Helping Spitfire with something, and we were just stopping for a break. As I've told you."

"Alright, you two have fun." Sunbright turned around, leaving the two pegasi to wander on back to the station.

"Your mum's cool, you know that?"

"Both our mums are cool." Soarin' smiled. "Heck, they got on really well until mum moved here when they expanded the borders. Then they just... dropped out of contact."

"Makes sense. There's hardly any long-range communication except pegasi and cart."

Soarin' sighed. "Well, let's get going. I need a nap..."

"Me too."


Soarin' looked up from his illuminated book to Rainbow. "Eh?"

"The night sky..." Rainbow pointed a hoof. "It looks so beautiful."

Soarin' laughed, causing Rainbow to blush out of embarrassment.

"What? I'm allowed to be a mare sometimes!"

Soarin' laughed harder, even after receiving a kick to his gut.

"Shut up, idiot!"

Soarin' calmed down. "Sorry, I just never expected you to be one to use that word. You're usually too cool for that."

Rainbow turned her head back to the window. "I normally don't have a need to. Or want to. But seriously, without the lights of Cloudsdale or Ponyville the sky seems so..."


"Yeah..." She sighed.

"I know what you mean." He shut his book and flicked his light off. "It just seems so much darker."

"I wonder why the sky when we're in the Capitol area looks purple. Twilight probably knows." She chuckled. "Well, I should probably get some sleep now."

"Likewise." Soarin' got up and pressed a switch on his bench. It suddenly flattened out; creating a bed that was built for two. Rainbow followed his actions, flicking out her own bench.

Soarin' pulled out something he seemed to be purposely obscuring from Rainbow's sight, peaking her interest. "What's that you've got there?"

"N-nothing!" He turned around. He stiffened when Rainbow Dash crept closer in a predatory stance.

"Show me."

"Nah, I'm go-" He was suddenly tackled by a cyan pegasus, desperately reaching for the object.

"Show me!"

"No way!" He tried flicking her off with his wings, but her grip was too strong. Eventually she got a grip, and tried pulling.

"Come on, you don't want this to get damaged, now do you?"

Rainbow pulled hard. When she heard something like a stitch breaking, she immediately flew back when Soarin' let go.

"Hah! I won- Um..." She looked at the object in her hooves. It was a toy much like Twilight's Smarty Pants, except better maintained and proportioned and appeared to have a Wonderbolt's suit designed onto it. The mane was made of ice-coloured wool and the coat and wings were a fiery orange. It was snatched out of her hooves by an embarrassed Soarin'.

"Soarin', what's the problem?"

Soarin' looked at the figure. "This is my first plush. It's of the Wonderbolt's founder, Volt Blaze." He turned it around in his hooves. "I've had this since I was one. I hardly travel without her."

"They had plushes of the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow looked curiously.

"Apparently, but that was a while ago." He placed the plush on his bed, sighing dejectedly. "There's my embarrassing secret."

Rainbow smiled sweetly. "I think it's kinda cute."


"My embarrassing secret is that I enjoy reading, despite personal claims otherwise."

"And I think that's kinda cute too."

Rainbow looked at him with confusion.

"I think you'd actually look cuter with glasses." He chuckled, only to have a pillow thrown at him.

"S-shut up!" Rainbow cried, embarrassed out of her wits. "I would not!"

"Whatever you say, egghead." He replied, chuckling. "Well, good night." He threw the pillow back at Rainbow Dash, who managed to catch it.

"Night, Soarin'."

Chapter 3

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"C'mon, Dash, we're here."

Rainbow cracked her eyes open and sat up, unkempt mane even more unkempt than usual. "What time is it?"

"10 AM." Soarin' replied, a bit impatient.

Rainbow rolled to get off the bed, but ended up falling on the floor with a yelp. "That's one way to wake up..."

The stallion pushed open the carriage door, a set of steps automatically hitting the ground. "This is the last stop."

Rainbow looked around. "All I can see is farmland. And a forest."

The two ponies jumped out, realising they were the only ponies there. Around the station was a crop of corn and wheat, and in the distance an unwelcoming forest. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, annoying Rainbow Dash.

"So, where are we going?"

Soarin' pointed a hoof to the distant forest. "Wildfall Forest."

Rainbow took to the sky. "Race you there?"

Soarin' sighed. "Rainbow, do you have to make everything a race?"

"N-no, I just thought that... Well..."

"Unlike you, I race professionally. I like relaxing on my time off." Soarin' started walking along, Rainbow following in the sky.

"So that's why you don't want to race?"


"I never thought that a Wonderbolt wouldn't want to race..."

"Well, I know that almost all of the Wonderbolts are like that. Spitfire, however, enjoys racing in her free time. That's probably why she's our Captain."

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "Hey, is that a house?"

"I think so." He paused. "I think we'll need a pit stop."


Soarin' smirked. "Race you there?"

Rainbow smacked her hooves together. "You're on!"

Soarin' was neck-in-neck with the cyan pegasus. The farm-house was coming into view more and more.

"Finish line is house front!" Rainbow announced over the roar of their wings.

The two skidded to a halt in front of the house, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

"I won!"

"No, I totally beat you." Soarin' mocked.

"Nah, I'm the champion!" Rainbow placed a hoof to her chest boastfully.

"Look, does it matter in the long run?" Soarin' replied, walking up to the door.

"Hm... Nah, not really."

Knock knock.

"I'm hungry..." Rainbow muttered to herself.

The door opened. A yellow earth pony with brilliant purple eyes greeted them. "Hello?"

"Hi, we're travelling to Wildfall Forest, and we'd like to have a little rest before we go."

The mare smiled. "Of course. You'll need it."


"My name's Gold Fields. Yours?"

"Rainbow Dash."

"Soarin' High."

Gold gasped. "Soarin', as in the Wonderbolt Soarin'?"

Soarin' groaned. "Yes..."

"I have a famous pony in my house!" She started bouncing around in joy, before being stopped by Soarin'.

"Gold, relax. I'm nothing special."


"Nothing. Special." Soarin' resumed his seat. "If anything, Rainbow's the special one."

"Huh?" Both Gold and Rainbow uttered at the same time.

"Elements of Harmony? Sonic Rainboom? Saving my life?"

"Oh yeah." Rainbow chuckled.

Gold nearly fainted. "Wow... what a day..."

"Um..." Rainbow looked around nervously. "Can I use your shower?"

"Oh, that's much better..." Rainbow drawled as she emerged, steam surrounding her hooves. The paused, sniffing the air. "Food."

She zipped into the kitchen area, where Gold and Soarin' were talking and eating. They turned when Rainbow nearly crashed into a shelf.

"Hey Dash. Hungry?" Soarin' asked. Dash nodded furiously. "Then take a seat."

Rainbow examined the food. It had corn, obvious considering the cook's mark was a corn cob, but had some other, rather delectable looking ingredients. She wasted no time in starting.

"Enjoying it, aren't you?"

Rainbow responded by still eating. Gold chuckled.

"Dash, you might want to slow down..." Soarin' said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nah," Rainbow replied with her mouth full. "I'm used to this."

"How come?"

The cyan pegasus swallowed a mouthful of corn. "I'm usually up at, like, six AM for weather duties. I usually have little more than an apple to keep me going."

"I know that feeling." Soarin' closed his eyes. "I used to be on a weather team before I became a Wonderbolt, you know."

"Really?" Rainbow perked up, pausing from eating her meal. "That's awesome."

"Heh, yeah..." Soarin' sighed. "So, how's having a turtle-"


"Whatever." Soarin' chuckled. "Anyway, what's it like having a tortoise as a pet?"

"Pretty good, he doesn't do much but he's-" Rainbow gasped loudly. "I forgot to feed Tank."

"Wouldn't your friend Fluttershy-?"

Rainbow yelled, hooves in her mane. "How could I be so stupid?" She grabbed Soarin' by his shoulders. "We have to go back, NOW."

"W-what about Fluttershy?"


"We could just send her a letter. It'll be a little while, but at least she'll know."

After a moment, Rainbow pressed a hoof to her forehead. "Duh. Of course."

The pegasi went back to their meals in silence. After a few minutes they had finished.

Rainbow sighed in relief. "That really hit the spot."

Gold smiled. "I'm glad you liked it."

The stallion stood up. "Well, we have to get going. Perhaps we could swing by later on our way back."

"I'd love that, thank you."

The pegasi, stomachs full, took to the skies. Rainbow did a little loop.

"Somepony seems happy."

"Yeah, I dunno why." Rainbow smiled, flying close to the Wonderbolt. "I just have these days where I feel happy for some reason."

"Same here." Soarin' glided to the ground, opting to walk instead of fly. "They're great, but they don't come often."

"That's why they're good." Rainbow grinned, landing next to him.

The two continued walking along in silence, looking at nothing in particular as they made their way across the dirt road to the forest.

"So..." Rainbow started. "Soarin'. What's it like to be a Wonderbolt?"

"Hard." Soarin' replied. "But fun."

"What do you do?"

"Train, train, train, race, train some more and come up with manoeuvres. Oh, and train." He said with a chuckle.

"Sounds awesome. What are the hours?"

"It varies, but generally we have the weekends off, or during an extended break." He looked thoughtfully at the sky. "Or when our Captain's out of action."

Rainbow nodded. "Like now."

Silence reigned for a good few seconds.

"Ok, good mood gone."

Wildfall Forest. The second-most dangerous untamed forest in Equestria. After the Everfree, of course.

Rainbow involuntarily shuddered. "W-we have to go in there?"

Soarin', who seemed calmer, looked at the nervous pegasus with a dash of concern. "Are you scared?"

"Of course not!" Rainbow replied louder than necessary. "I-I'm just cold."

Soarin' raised an eyebrow, and started walking in. Rainbow followed closely behind.

"So, where is the box?" Rainbow asked, speaking quietly as not to disturb anything.

"Dunno, but Spitfire said it was near this entrance."

Rainbow looked behind her. "Wow. How did she make it this far without a wing?"

"I dunno." Soarin' replied quietly. "It's possible she lost it along the way back."

"I bet she lost it here and pushed the cloud back to Ponyville."

"How much?"

Rainbow paused. "I'm sorry?"

"How much do you want to bet?"

Rainbow looked around nervously. "Um... Well, I was using a saying or whatever they're actually called..."

Soarin' smiled. "Relax, I was kidding."

The cyan mare sighed. Soarin' continued on, looking around. "What's this box look like again?"

"It's in her colours." Soarin' lifted up a large brown leaf, only to find a rock. "Basically gold with flame."

Rainbow nodded. "How big?"

Soarin' made an estimate size with his hooves. "About the size of a large toolbox."



Rainbow looked under another leaf, finding only ground. "Shouldn't be hard to find."

Soarin' grunted a response as he peeked in the bushes, finding nothing. "It might take some time, though." He pointed a hoof to his back, where his cloth-wrapped container was. "That's why I brought bedding and other things."

Rainbow smiled at the Wonderbolt's ability to think ahead. "Well, we've got a few more hours of daylight. Let's keep the search up."

"Five hours." Rainbow muttered, taking a leaf out of her mane. "Five. Flippin'. Hours." She growled. "And no darn toolbox!"

Soarin' sighed. "I told you it'd take a while." He pointed a hoof. "Hey, look."

Rainbow followed his (muscular, she noticed) foreleg to a cave-like feature. A brisk trot up told her that it was empty of anything except plants.

"Nice. If we build a barrier we can stop some things getting in."

"I've got something for that." Soarin' slammed his container down, pulling the cloth off and hitting the button. It opened with a hiss. "Mum always said to be prepared."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. Her mother was always like that too. "What is it?"

Soarin' pulled out two metal poles. "Shield generators."

"So they, like, make a shield spell between them?"

"Exactly." Soarin' looked up. "How did you know?"

"I guess Twilight's rubbing off on me." She replied with a giggle. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get some firewood."

"Once I set this up I'll join you." He secured a pole to one side of the cave. "Don't want to be walking here on your own."

Rainbow rocked on her hooves, waiting for Soarin' to finish. After Soarin' set up the other pole, he tapped a button on a remote and a purple glass-like area filled the gap, covering the entire cave entrance.

"Woah, it's even the same colour as Twi's."

"I think I read somewhere that it's either Shining Armor storing some magic in the energy cells required to power it, or that purple's the best colour for shields."

"How well do you know Shining?" Rainbow asked with a cock of her head.

"We're great buddies. That's why I was at the wedding."

Rainbow giggled very un-Rainbow Dash-ly. "That explains why you were there. So, ready to go?"

Soarin' tapped a button on the remote and the shield fell. "Now I am."

Rainbow tossed another stick onto her back, open wings holding them upright. Soarin' was doing much the same, though due to his wing size he could hold more.

"This isn't as bad as I though." She said to nopony in particular.


"Yeah, I mean, for an untamed forest this is actually pretty normal."

"Ah, right." Soarin' picked up another stick and tossed it on his back. "That's because this place is completely nocturnal."

Rainbow froze. "N-nocturnal...?"

"Yep." Another stick was added. "We've only got about twenty minutes left, so we've gotta be quick."

Rainbow, now full of panic, turned to pick up another stick but froze. She saw, lying on the ground, a partially-covered and partially... eaten... wing. Rainbow took a step back.


"Dead bird. Nothing to worry about." Rainbow giggled nervously. Soarin' trotted up and looked at the wing. He poked the surrounding debris off and gasped.

"It's not a bird." He gulped. "And... I think I lost that bet we didn't make."

Rainbow looked at the wing. It was way too big to be a normal bird, and the structure and the clump of pony fur told her that it was a pegasus'. And it was gold.

Rainbow shrieked and leapt back, all the sticks she had grabbed flying into the air. Soarin' nearly jumped at her reaction.

"Spitfire's wing!" Rainbow rasped in shock, pointing a shaky hoof at it. Soarin' covered it back up with leaves.

"Perhaps we should get going now..."

"G-good idea."

Despite such a gruesome sight Rainbow managed to return to her normal state of confidence. The two ponies were sitting in front of a campfire, the smoke pouring out of a gap in the shield as not to choke them to death.

Soarin' grabbed a can of something and put it on the pan. "So, what's it like living in Ponyville?"

"It's... Normal most of the time. Other times it can be downright crazy."

"Such as?"

"Oh, you know, when Cerberus turns up, or when your best dragon friend turns huge and steals everything, that sorta stuff."

"Wait, Cerberus? What the hay?"

"It's true. It happened the same day Twilight time-travelled. Oh wait, she did that a week later and she appeared then."

"Wow. That's... Crazy."

"Tell me about it." Rainbow muttered. "Hey, what's it like being a Wonderbolt?"

"You've already asked me that." Soarin' chuckled, stirring the food with a spoon.

"But what about the other stuff?"

"Other stuff?"

"Y'know, parties, groupies, rela-"

"Whoa, back up there. Did you say 'groupies'?"

"Um..." Rainbow shrinked back "Yes..."

"Well, to answer your question, there are groupies, but Spitfire specifically makes sure we don't fall into that temptation."


Soarin' sighed. "It wouldn't look good for us. I mean, if you can imagine that your childhood idols were picking up hookers, then that'd be a crushing blow to your view on them."

Rainbow nodded. "That'd suck."

"As for parties, there are lots. Formal, informal, Wonderbolts-exclusive... I don't go to half of them because I simply can't. That, and Spitfire won't let me." He sighed. "You had a third thing?"

Rainbow tapped her chin. "Oh yeah, are 'Bolt to 'Bolt relationships allowed?"

Soarin' nodded. "They are. I mean, Surprise and Firebolt are together."

"No way, really?" Rainbow beamed. "I thought they flew a little close to each other. What about yo-"

"I'm not in a relationship with Spitfire. I can't be."

"Why not? She's quite a good-looking mare, you're a good-looking stallion, I can't see what's wrong with it."

"Are you kidding me?" Soarin' looked at her with a mix of confusion and a little disgust.

"Um... I-I just thought..." She scratched the ground idly. "Are you, y'know... gay?"

"No I'm not-" Soarin' paused. "Oh. I think I see the problem here."

"You do?"

"You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?"

Soarin' sighed. "Spitfire's my sister."



"Easy, Dash. It's not like I try and hide it."

"But- I heard Pinkie-"

"She's just one pony."

Rainbow rubbed her head. "Ok, this is messing up my head." She dragged them down her face before dropping them on the ground below her. "I mean, I've had fanta- fan... Um... I'll shut up now."

Soarin' leaned in, grinning stupidly. "Tell me."

"NO!" Rainbow flailed. "You'll think I'm totally weird!"

"It won't be that bad..."

"It will be that darn bad, and I'm not saying."


"No frickin' way!"

Soarin' put on a male version of a pleading face. "Pleeeeeaaaase?"

Rainbow looked around nervously, before cowering under her own mane. "I've had fantasies of you two..."

Soarin' chuckled, which surprised the pegasus greatly. "That's it?"

Rainbow blushed even harder. "Sh-shut up, it's not funny!"

"I find it funny, and I'm sure Spitfire'd find it hilarious too."

"Quit it! I hate being mocked!"

"I'm not mocking you." Soarin' chuckled. "Anyway, we should be getting some sleep."

Rainbow growled, and then fell backwards into a sleeping position.

Soarin' stopped laughing. "Hey, Dash, are you ok?"

Silence for a moment, before Rainbow lurched up and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"No, I'm not ok! I just admitted my biggest secret aside from something else, and you just passed it off as a joke!" She half-tossed him out of her grip. "Do you have any idea how embarrassed I am?"

Soarin' stared at her with a calm demeanour. "I'm sorry, Rainbow."

Rainbow sighed, flopping back down. "Just to let you know, I haven't had those fantasies in years."

Soarin' laid himself down, wrapping himself in a sleeping bag. "Well, that doesn't matter. We should get some sleep anyway, we'll need it."

"What about the food?"

Soarin' shot back up. "Duh, of course."

After a quick stirring, Soarin' handed out a helping of the slop to the cyan pegasus. Rainbow ate slowly, the events of a minute ago still hurting her appetite.

"Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Rainbow admitted. "It's just that... Well..."

"Don't worry, I've heard plenty of ponies say they've had fantasies of me and/or Spitfire. I've learned to laugh it off, stops it being weird." He ate a spoonful of the food. "You're the first to react this badly."

Rainbow idly stirred her slop. "Um... Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, it's the best I can do now."

"One, can I have a bit more of this?" She smiled at the extra hoofful of slop added to her bowl. "Two... W-what do you think of me?"

Soarin' nearly choked on a spoonful of food. "Sorry, I just... Wasn't expecting that."

"It's fine."

"Well, let's see..." He rested his bowl next to him. "I think you're definitely Wonderbolt material. I'm still surprised that you haven't been recruited yet. Going on, you're also quite energetic, and have a good head on your shoulders. You may not be as smart as Twilight Sparkle or her brother, but I like the way you think. Always putting others in front of you when necessary."

Rainbow grinned, blushing. "T-thanks. Does Spitfire think of me any differently?"

"Umm... I think so. Probably likes your qualities more, or in a different light."

"How come?"

"Well, she didn't say to me not to tell you, but... she likes you."

Rainbow paused. "'Likes' me?"

"As in romantically."

Rainbow stuttered. "Sh-she does?"

"Yep." Soarin' sighed. "I think she went along the lines of 'cute filly with an even cuter personality'. Or it could've been flank instead of filly. I think we were drunk when she said that."

"I-I'm flattered that she thinks that way, but..."

Soarin' looked at her with a hint of confusion.

"I'm... not a lesbian."

"Y-you're not?"

"No, and I don't get why does everypony think that."

"I think it's 'cause you're a tomboy."

Rainbow paused. "That explains so bucking much."

"Look, I know the difference between a tomboy and a butch lesbian. Problem is, it's hard to tell them apart in reality."

"You could've asked."

"I was worried I'd hit a nerve."

Rainbow nodded. "You know, you're not the first pony to think I like mares."

"I'm not?"

"Well, duh. In fact I've been asked out by a few."

"Who were they?"

"Well, one was Pinkie Pie. Though, it was less 'ask me out' and more 'Pinkie-style seduction'. Saw right through it when she brought out a pink-and-rainbow heart-shaped cupcake. On Hearts and Hooves day. And it had 'Dashie and Pinkie 4ever' iced on the top."

Soarin' chuckled. "For real?"

"It's Pinkie Pie. Anyway, I asked her about it anyway and she told me, straight up, that she wanted to be my special somepony. I declined, naturally, and it took me a good few minutes to get her out of her depression after that. Seriously, her mane had gone flat and her colours dulled for pony's sake."

"Who else was there?"

"Eh, a few pegasi like Blossomforth and even Derpy, but the one that really struck me as weird was when Fluttershy asked me out."

"The yellow one?"

"Yep. Man, that was a hard one." She grabbed her bowl and started eating. "Not only do I have to deal with her taking a while to get her point across, but I also had to let her down." She tapped her chin. "Actually, that was the first time I've kissed a pony."

"What happened?"

"Oh, she eventually gave up trying to say it and instead kissed me. Feebly, of course. She immediately withdrew and ran to her room, crying like she'd killed a pony by accident. I had to tell her I was ok, even though I didn't like mares."

Soarin' sighed. "Everything turn out ok?"

"Yeah, thank Celestia." She idly stirred her food again. "I've had a few stallions ask me out, but I refused them."

"That's a bit odd."

"Eh, they were all jerks who just wanted my flank. Or my mouth, I couldn't tell which." She chuckled.

"Have you asked anyone out yourself?"

"A few, but either they didn't accept or they were too jerky and didn't care about my wellbeing. They didn't last long."

Soarin' nodded, finishing off his food. "Well, we should get some sleep. Can you turn the lights off?"

"Sure thing." Rainbow finished her food quickly, and dumped a portion of water over the campfire. It hissed loudly and the cave went dark except for a slight purple glow. She fell into her sleeping bag and zipped it up.

"Good night, Soarin'."

"Night Dash."

Chapter 4

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Rainbow peeled her eyes open, her vision blurred. "Good morning, Soarin'..."

When nopony greeted her, her eyes shot open. She had woken facing the pegasus, who was absent.

Immediately her mind went into panic mode. "Soarin'?"

She saw that the shield was still up, and a quick search told her that the remote for the pillars was in the stallion's hooves.

"Soarin', this better not be a joke!"

Her mind raced through scenarios. One was that the pegasus was only pretending to be nice, and had decided to lock her up for some cruel reason. Not entirely unreasonable, but still extremely unlikely. The more likely option was that he had gone to search for supplies or the box, and had decided to make sure she was safe.

As much as she wanted to believe the latter, her mind decided that the former was far more interesting.

After a few minutes of thinking Soarin' eventually appeared, carrying some firewood. Rainbow slammed against the shield.

"Soarin', what the hay is this for?"

"You were still sleeping when I woke up-"

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Cloudsdale is 1789 years old."

"Knew that."

"Spitfire had a crush on you?"

"Told me last night."

"Oh right. Hm... I'm quite an artist?"

"You are?"

"Not really." He pulled out the remote and the shield fell. "But what I was going to say was that I kept the shield up to keep you safe."

"You said these creatures were nocturnal."

"Some can make exceptions." He dropped a stack of firewood next to their already existing pile and sat down. "Now, who wants breakfast?"

Rainbow grinned. "Me, duh."

After a quick meal, Rainbow quenched the fire.

Soarin' chuckled as he started the fire. "So, today we're going to look more to the cave's left. There's a lake nearby, we could take a swim."

Rainbow blushed and struggled to keep her wings shut. "A-a swim?"

"Well, it'd be more of a bath, considering."

The cyan mare blushed even harder and fought to keep the damned feathered things clamped to her body. "A-a-a b-bath?"

"Never had a bath with another?"

"W-well, once, but that was when Poison Joke hit me and I had Zecora cure me."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I-I dunno, stuff..." Rainbow wrapped the sleeping bag around herself, looking everywhere except Soarin'.

"Well, I for one am used to group bathings. Wonderbolts have to share showers."

Rainbow's wings overpowered her. The bag was flung aside from the force. "S-share sh-sh-showers?"

Soarin' noticed the wings. "You get used to it, as I said."

Rainbow looked at her open wings and willed them to shut. They didn't. "Uh, sure, let's go."

The stallion stood up and offered a hoof to Rainbow. Rainbow wrapped her own hoof around it and the two pulled her up. Rainbow, still a little stunned, bumped her chest into his. Soarin' wrapped a hoof around the cyan pegasus to help stabilise her.

After a moment of recovery Rainbow noticed, and leapt back in surprise. Her wings were still stiff as oak, and her blush didn't seem to want to go away. If Soarin' was noticing, he didn't show it.

Soarin' gestured his head to their next location, pressing the shield on as they continued walking.

After a few minutes Rainbow's wings started loosening up enough to let her fly. She did so, keeping to the air.

"Don't like walking?"

Rainbow sighed. "Not really. One, I'm a born flyer. Two, I have sensitive hooves."

"Makes sense." Soarin' looked at the ground they were walking on. "It's a double edged sword, right?"

"Yeah, on one hoof I can feel changes in the air with them, but on the other I can't stand the touch of some things." She looked at her fellow pegasus. "You know quite a bit about what things are like for me."

"It's happened to somepony or another that I know." He casually replied. "Most comes from either me or Spitfire."

The two continued in silence for a moment.

"Hey, do you have a nickname for Spitfire?"

"No, why?"

"Because Shining has one for Twilight."

Soarin' chuckled. "Well, you can't really make a nickname like that for the name Spitfire, and to be honest I find her name awesome. Why would I want to shorten that?"

Rainbow giggled. "You have a point, it is an awesome name."

The two spent the next few seconds quietly reciting Spitfire's name.


In front of the cyan pegasus was a wide, surprisingly clean lake, right next to a waterfall. The forest was also quite distant from this oasis, taking Rainbow a few seconds to casually drift to the water's edge.

"Just... Wow." Rainbow peered down. "This looks clean."

"It is." Soarin' smiled. "I checked it this morning."

Rainbow turned to Soarin' expectantly.

"Well, don't wait for me, Dashie, jump on in."

Rainbow obeyed, leaping to the dead-centre of the pool and splashing in. When she poked her head under she noticed that there was not a creature in sight. She pulled her head up, sending water spraying across the surface.

By that time Soarin' had drifted in and was floating lazily next to Rainbow.

"This place is awesome." She lifted a hoof out. "Even better than the spa."

"I know a place like this near Cloudsdale that only Spitfire and I know." He spun in the water, poking his head up. "We go there instead of spas."

"You've gotta take me there. What's it like?"

"Better than here, seeing as this is in the middle of the second-most dangerous untamed forest in Equestria."

Rainbow had a pulse of an idea pass through her head, and before she could stop herself she splashed a little water on Soarin'. She giggled like a schoolfilly.

Soarin' blinked, overcoming the shock. Then he grinned, and splashed a little more at his attacker. Rainbow lurched back, but was still hit by the water.

"Oh, it's on now!"

The next few minutes to the observer could only be described as chaos. Rainbow and Soarin' eventually resorted to using their wings to throw their payloads, sending huge waves upon their opponent. The last stroke was caused by Rainbow Dash, as she leapt into the air as high as her waterlogged wings would allow, splashing down and causing a wave to crash on Soarin's head. The stallion hit the lakebed softly, still stunned at how powerful that last launch was. Rainbow took the moment to pin him, holding wings with hooves and hooves with wings.

"Ha, got you now!"

Soarin' opened his eyes and immediately Rainbow lost herself in them. Her wings opened up, not straight like last time, but along her side, covering her cutie mark.

And, as if its mission in life was to ruin the moment, a bird landed on her head.

The damned bird snapped them both out of their trance as Rainbow waved a hoof at it, sending it flying. Rainbow looked at Soarin', disappointed that it had to end too soon.

"Heh heh... Sorry."

"It's fine." Soarin' replied, sounding a little annoyed himself.

It was just as Rainbow was clearing her face that she noticed something. Something boxy, gold-and-flame, and metal. She poked her head up.

"Soarin', I found the box!"

Soarin's eyes widened. "Serious?"

Rainbow pointed a hoof down. "It's down here."

"Right, well, let's find a way to- RAINBOW DASH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Rainbow dived straight down, using her wings to swim faster down. She reached the lakebed in a matter of seconds.

She gripped the box with her mouth. It didn't budge. It was stuck. She tried pulling harder, using her hooves to gain leverage, only to fail.

Her mind was starting to blank and her lungs were hurting, but she ignored it. She dug around the box, managing to remove most of the dirt around it.

Before she could finish she emptied her lungs involuntarily, and instinctively breathed in a load of water. Her vision was blacking out and she hurt like mad.

She managed to grab the box and yank it out of the dirt before she lost all consciousness.


Rainbow could only see darkness.

She didn't know which way was up or down, left or right. She couldn't even move.

She could only feel pain. Pain, and something sucking the water out of her lungs.

In a flash her vision returned, her body following shortly. She felt the source of the sucking. Soarin'.

She coughed violently, removing as much water as she could. Soarin' pulled back, looking over Rainbow Dash with concern.

"Good, you're ok."

"How-" More coughing. "-How long have I been out?"

"I just pulled you out."

Rainbow's memory snapped back. "The box?"

"Still at the bottom of the lake."

Rainbow sighed, falling on her back. "Darn it."

"I know you're not going to just leave it be, so I have a plan."


"I go down and tie something to it, then we both pull it up together."

Rainbow weakly nodded. "Cos I ain't going back down there at all."

"We'll do it when you're ready."

Rainbow thought. On one hoof, I need to get that box. On the other, I'm in absolutely no condition to do it... "Eh, let's wait another night. I'm stuffed."

The night arrived sooner than expected. Rainbow had her wings open, drying them off in the fire's heat.


Rainbow faced the stallion. He was looking troubled. "Yeah?"

"Don't do that again, alright?"

"Sorry." Rainbow lowered her head. "I just got excited and eager. And I-"

"Hate losing."

Rainbow gasped quietly. "How-"

"Spitfire. She absolutely hates losing."

Rainbow nodded slowly. "That's why she's the Captain."

"Amongst other reasons, yes."

Rainbow flipped her wings over, drying the other side. "Is she the older of you two?"

"By a minute or so." Soarin' idly poked a stick into the fire, brightening it. "Sometimes I feel like the older, though."

Rainbow folded her wings, shivering slightly at the touch. "I'd better hit the hay, and you should too."

Soarin' nodded, preparing a nearby bucket. "Ready when you are."

Rainbow replied with her own nod, falling onto her back. With a hiss the light disappeared. She wrapped the sleeping bag around herself, her body refusing to warm up enough for sleep.

"You ok, Dash?"

"Fine." She lied, her shoulders refusing to stop moving. "Just a little cold, nothing I'm not used to."

"You don't seem fine..." Soarin' said with concern.

Oh boy how can I argue with him now? "Yeah, you're kinda right. Do you have a spare blanket or something?"

After a moment of silence she heard a facehoof she couldn't see.

"Knew I forgot something. But I can't leave you out in the cold, now can I?"

"What d'ya have in mind?" Rainbow replied with a mix of bravado and curiosity, turning to face him.

Soarin' sighed. "Well, I was thinking that either I give you my sleeping bag to go over yours-"

"But then you'll be cold." She looked around for another solution. "What's your other plan?"

"-Or we share a bag."

Rainbow's heartbeat increased, and she blushed, suddenly feeling a lot warmer. "N-not that I don't appreciate the offer, but is there a third option?"

"Leaving you cold."

Rainbow sighed. "Alright, let's share."

Rainbow pulled herself out of her bag, and handed it over to Soarin'. Soarin' did a little mucking around with the bags to form a giant, two-pony bag.

"How the hay did you do that one?"


Rainbow nodded. Jovia Industries was known for making some of the best flight gear in Equestria (though, it was equally priced). Not that she cared much anyway.

Soarin' pulled open the bag and slid inside. Rainbow followed, albeit with a little difficulty.

"You ok?"

Rainbow shivered. "A little awkwardly. And cold."

She felt the stallion's forelegs wrapping around her back, pulling her closer. Rainbow stiffened. "Just warming you up some more."

"Thanks, I guess." Rainbow buried her muzzle into Soarin's coat, trying to get warmer. Her breathing grew heavy.


Rainbow pulled her head up to look at Soarin' in the eyes. Those wonderfully green eyes...


Rainbow closed her eyes, and moved forward slightly. Her lips pressed against Soarin's, and after a second she pulled back, opening her eyes. Soarin's were wide in surprise.

"Heheh..." Rainbow chuckled out of embarrassment. "Sorry, I got a little carried away."

Soarin' smiled. "It's ok. I like you too."

Rainbow beamed. "You do?"

He nodded. "Since you saved me."

Rainbow wrapped her hooves around Soarin's midsection and kissed him again.


"Mm?" Rainbow replied while burying her head in his chest again.

"You're damp."

Rainbow's eyes widened, and felt something alarmingly close to her-

"As in your mane. And back."

She sighed. "Yeah, I guess I didn't dry myself off properly."

The two cuddled in blissful silence for a few moments.



Rainbow looked up at him expectantly. "D'ya wanna be my SSP?"


Rainbow squee'd.

Chapter 5

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The sun cracked through the canopy of foliage, a soft beam settling on the cyan pegasus. The shifting brightness on her eyelids brought her out of her dreamlike state.

She felt legs around her, the fur of another pony rubbing against her own. She pressed closer, keeping her eyes shut.

Before long she fell asleep again.


Rainbow mumbled, burying herself in Soarin''s chest.

"Dash, come on." Soarin' sounded a little miffed. "We have to get the box."

Rainbow sighed into his fur, causing him to shudder slightly. "Fine, let's go."

Soarin' reluctantly unravelled his hooves and opened the bag. The cyan pony shuddered at the sudden lack of heat before standing.

"How long will this take?"

"Probably a while." He grabbed a large, tough-looking stick from the ground with his mouth, then grabbed a spool of wire from his bag. "Ah gohha khie ghis togh ghe boghs firghs."

Rainbow nodded, taking to the sky.

"Somepony seems happy." Soarin' said cheerfully as he took the stick in his wing.

"That's an understatement, Soar." Dash did a loop in joy. "My life has just gotten way cooler."

"Going out with a famous pony always does that. Particularly when they like you back."

Rainbow squee'd again. "Oh man, I can't wait to tell Pinkie Pie! She'll be so happy she'll have to throw a party, and you know how well Pinkie parties go."

"I do?"

Rainbow hovered for a second. She smacked a hoof onto her forehead and groaned. "How the hay did I forget- Look, trust me, they're radical. A little over-the-top, but they're totally worth it."

"If the wedding after-party's anything to go by." Soarin' said with a grin. "Spitfire's gonna be so jealous."

Rainbow's smile dropped. "Oh. That's right, she likes me too." Her smile returned. "Well, this is gonna get weird."

"Tell me about it."

The two proceeded to head onto the lake, its crystal sheen still present. Rainbow had to squint to see properly.

Soarin' dropped the stick to the ground. "Alright, so the plan is that I tie the cable to the box-"

"Then we pull it up together." Rainbow finished.

Soarin' nodded, then turned to the pool. He inhaled deeply, and then shot straight into the air, hovering above the pool.

"Uh, Soarin'." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "The box is down-"

The stallion immediately nosedived into the lake, spraying a huge wave onto the cyan pegasus, soaking her.

A good ten seconds or so later, Soarin' burst out of the water, wire trailing behind. As he landed, Rainbow looked over.

Wow, he looks really good with his mane wet- Her wings burst open, a loose feather popping off comically. Soarin' grinned at the display as he ran a hoof over his mane, both of which only made her wings and her growing blush worse.

"Ok, once you calm down, we'll get onto the pulling. Oh, and I dislodged some of the worse dirt, so it won't be as hard."

"Wait, what?" Rainbow tilted her head, her raging wingboner still refusing to go down. "How did you not... uh... not freak out at being stuck underwater?"

"Part of the Wonderbolt training involves holding breath under water." He replied simply. "In case we crash into the ocean or something."

Rainbow blinked. "Uh, can we get to tying the cable or whatever to the stick now? I wanna get out of this jungle ASAP."

The Wonderbolt nodded as he picked up the stick and started tying the cable to the end. "Likewise, so let's get this thing fast."

Rainbow struck a pose, using her still-open wings to her advantage, and boasted. "And 'Fast' is my middle name."

"It is?"

"No, it's actually Dewshine, but you get the point." Rainbow muttered.


"YOU GET THE POINT." Rainbow yelled.

Soarin' raised his hoofs defensively then quickly went back to his task. "Rainbow Dewshine Dash... I like it, actually."

"Of course it's a stupid name and wait, what?"

"Your name. I like it." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Spectrum Dewshine..." He clapped his hooves together. "Aha! That's your mum's maiden name!"

"How did you-?"

"I remember her talking to my dad, when she first started teaching me to fly." He resumed his task as he talked. "Dad called her Miss Dewshine, at least after she was called Miss Dash."

"Yeah..." Rainbow muttered, rubbing her foreleg.

"I wonder why..."

Rainbow twitched. "Wonder what?"

"Why she decided Dewshine was better than Dash. I mean, they don't connect well at all, Spectrum and Dewshine."

"I think..." Rainbow sighed. "Mum never really liked Dad all that much."

"Really?" Soarin' put the nearly-finished cable-stick down and turned to face the mare.

"I think it started shortly after she married him, or possibly after they found out I was on the way. Apparently, Dad wanted a colt. He even had a name, Blitz Dash. Mum said something about, if he had a rainbow mane like I do, calling him Rainbow, with Blitz as his middle name."


"Yeah, and they agreed on that, thank Celestia. When Dad found out I was on the way, he started getting... well, nasty. When I was a month old, Dad left, taking nearly everything." She hung her head low. "For the next few years I thought it was all my fault."

"What happened next?"

"I got awesome." She replied with a weak smile. "I did what I could to keep Mum happy, and while it didn't work all the time, she was happy enough not to just stay in her room all the time. When I got my mark, Mum asked me whether I'd want my surname to be Dewshine or Dash."

"You went with Dash, I assume."

"No, really?" Rainbow deadpanned. "But seriously, I did say Dash, and when she asked to why, I said it's because Rainbow Dash sounds more awesome, and suits my cutie mark, not because I liked my Dad or anything. When she started crying I got worried, but she said that it's because she was happy I chose the name by myself."

"What was your dad's name?"

"Mum often called him Jerk."

The two chuckled at the weak joke.

"His name's actually Sonic Dash."

"Sonic Dash..." Soarin' mumbled. After a second he gasped.

"Let me guess: Cloudsdale noble, Short-time Wonderbolt, left after complaints from the then-captain Mile High."

"How did you-?"

"Mum told me, and I've done some reading up." She crossed her hooves proudly. "I'm not just a fan for you, you know."

Soarin' chuckled, then picked up the stick and tightened the cable. "Right, well, we should get onto this, so we can get out of here."

Rainbow nodded, grabbing the stick and sitting down near the lake edge. "Get behind me, doctor."


"I'm quoting TS2."

Soarin' wrapped his hooves around Rainbow. "TS2?"

"Team Stable 2." She replied. "It's a really cool first-person shooter Pinkie showed me."

"Like Pony Warfare?"

Rainbow twitched at the name. "No, far better than that."

Soarin' shrugged. "Well, I guess I'll try it out later. Ready to pull?"

"You betcha sexy rump I am."

Soarin's wings burst open this time, causing the cyan mare to crack up laughing.

"Oh man, that was priceless." She said when she could breathe again.

"Yes, ha ha, very funny." Soarin' mumbled. "Now are you ready?"

"Yep." Rainbow tensed. "On three?"



"Three!" The two announced in sync, pulling hard. After a moment the two sat up, noticing the wire hadn't moved all that much.

"Well, that didn't work." Rainbow muttered.

"Perhaps we should fly up instead?"

"Our awesome wingpower combined, that'll get it up ASAP." Rainbow stood up. "I mean, 16 plus..."

"14." Soarin' added. "Sometimes 15."

Rainbow blinked. Wait. I have a higher WP than him?

"You have a wingpower of 16?"

"When I'm trying."

Soarin' mumbled something, then stood up. "Well, this won't be hard at all."

It was actually hard.

Power wasn't the problem: Coordinating with a mouth full of stick carrying a heavy object was. Several times the two went in opposite directions, and many more times the stick threatened to break.

But, after a good few minutes, they had dragged the heavy fire-patterned box out. Rainbow looked over it.

"What's she got in here, anyway?"

"Other than her Wonderbolt license? Dunno. Never asked."

Rainbow looked at the box. It was airtight, that was for certain. It had an orange colour with a deeper orange flame pattern around the base. One of the sides was marked by a blue circle, and inside the circle was a burning lightning bolt, nearly identical to the owner's Cutie Mark.

"Don't open it."

Rainbow looked up. "I wasn't going to, honest."

Soarin' raised an eyebrow. "Well, we have it now, and we've got a few hours of daylight left, so we should get going."

Rainbow saluted, then trotted to the cave to pack. She paused mid-way. "Darn."


"We forgot to eat Pinkie's treats." She opened her container. "Well, that's weird."

"What's weird?"

"They're completely fine." She pulled out a cupcake that, despite being pressed against something, was in good shape. "Which only makes sense because Pinkie."

Soarin' looked over the treat. "How many cupcakes are there?"

"She said about nine." She put the cupcake back in its container. "And a special cake, which she said not to look at until... Well, she said when the time was right."

"We'll have it on the train." He replied, walking off. "Now, are you packed?"

"Yep." Rainbow slid the cylinder onto her back and then took to the sky. "Let's get outta here."

"When's the train getting here?" Rainbow asked herself quietly, scanning the timetable. "5:34."

"Thank Celestia it's only 5."

Rainbow groaned. "Great, half-an-hour of waiting." She slumped down next to Soarin'.

"Hey, at least we're not going to be bothered."

Rainbow blinked and looked up at Soarin'. "What are you..." She smiled. "Do you mean..."

"Only if your fine wi-MMMF!" Soarin' started to say when Rainbow pressed her lips against his. After a second she pulled back, grinning. "Ok, you are."

The two pulled themselves closer to each other, pressing their lips against each other in a fiery kiss. Rainbow pressed her tongue against the stallion's lips, which parted, allowing their tongues to mingle and saliva to pass between them.

As they had their eyes closed, they missed the lone observer from the roof. Until said observer slipped, and crashed into the ground next to them, breaking their kiss.

"Luna damnit, I was getting into that!" Rainbow yelled, then froze at the pony next to them. "Pinkie?!"

Pinkie pulled her head up from the concrete it was pressed against, grinning. "Hey Dashie~"

"What the hay are you doing here?"

"I got here a few hours ago by way of gyrocopter." She pointed at the weird candy-shaped flying machine lying in the field.

How the hay did I miss that? "How much did you see?"

"Aaaaaall of it~" She replied, her tone very sultry. Her expression turned from a half-lidded stare to a huge grin. "But it's ok, because-"

"Pinkie, we were in the middle of a very intimate act, and you were watching! How is that ok?!" Rainbow yelled, making the earth pony shrink back a bit.

"It's ok because now I know I can actually set up that party." She finally stood up. "And I'll make extra super sure that no lovey-dovey kissy stuff you do can be seen. Even by me."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you were watching us now."

"If it helps, I had a really bad view." She pointed to the roof. "Your manes kinda got in the way."

Soarin' snickered. "Well, how much did you see?"

"Oh, only the pressing bit, before Dashie's mane caught up and obscured it. I did hear all the cutsey-wutsey kissy sounds you were making, though."

"Were we really that loud?" Soarin' covered his mouth, blushing.

Rainbow groaned. "Pinkie, please, I don't need a recap."

Pinkie was just about to imitate the kissing noises she had heard, only to stop before she could. "Aww... How did you-?"

"I know you, Pinkie. You may be completely random, but occasionally you're quite predictable."

"So," Soarin' changed the topic. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to see how you two were going." She smiled innocently. "And I see you're perfectly ok."

"Aside from nearly drowning, being temporarily traumatised by seeing a pegasus wing not attached to a pony, and being interrupted about fifty times in the middle of an intimate moment."

Pinkie blinked. "Nearly drowned?"

"Yeah, I've kinda had a rough few days, and right now I just want to relax." She sat back, resting her hooves behind her head.

The party pony beamed, in her usual way. "Okie dokie lokie." She immediately started bouncing off. "See ya back home!"

Soarin' sighed. "She is a strange mare."

Rainbow chuckled. "Yeah, and you haven't even begun to hang out with her." She nudged his elbow. "There'll be a bit of that from now on."

A distant train whistle rang out through the countryside.

"Oh good, there's the train."

After a long moment the locomotive came into view. Light reflected off pink paint (which was a rather inappropriate colour for trains, Twilight had said one time), causing Rainbow to turn her head away from the glare. Stupid light...

Eventually the train rolled in, releasing a huge cloud of steam. One pony jumped off once the doors opened, but that was it. Soarin' stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, let's get aboard, Dashie."

Rainbow blushed at the nickname, but followed the Wonderbolt's actions anyway. The two trotted into one of the front carriages and chose a cabin. "How long now?"

Soarin' glanced at a watch Rainbow hadn't noticed until now. "5:13."

"Ugh..." Rainbow leant back. "Twenty minutes of sitting here."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Soarin' smiled.

"Yeah, at least I'm here with the coolest pony in Equestria."

The engine slowly passed their cabin, now heading to the other end of the train. "Other than yourself?" The stallion replied with a smirk.

"Well..." Rainbow thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess."

Soarin’’s smirk dropped. "You don't sound certain about it."

"Don't get me wrong, I am indescribably awesome, it's just that..." She paused for a moment. "I can't describe it. Maybe it's because I think you're cooler than I am, or that I don't want to make you seem worse than me. Something like that."

Soarin' leant forwards and brushed Rainbow's cheek with his hoof. "Relax. I think you're more awesome than me anyway."


"Well, you're the Element of Loyalty, saved Equestria three times-"

"Actually, Shining and Cadence stopped the changelings."

"-Two times, which is still impressive, best friends with the personal student of Princess Celestia-slash-sister of a Royal Guard Captain, and now you have a Wonderbolt coltfriend." He smiled warmly. "Compared to me, that's really impressive."

Rainbow smiled slightly. "You have a point." She leaned forwards and nuzzled his neck. "But you're still one of the awesomest ponies in Equestria, and that ain't gonna change." She stretched her hooves around his neck and brought him into a huge hug. "Oh, and another thing that's awesome about you."

"Let me guess: I now have a super-awesome marefriend."

Rainbow giggled. "Quick thinking."

"I try."

Rainbow released her (willing) captive. The carriage shook a little as the engine connected with the front.

"So, when we finally get some time to ourselves in the sky, care to teach me some tricks?"

Soarin' chuckled. "Perhaps. Only the ones that aren't supposed to be taught to non-Wonderbolts I won't be teaching you."

"Until I'm a Wonderbolt."

Soarin' paused for a moment. "Hey, can I ask you something, just to make sure?"

"What is it?"

"Are you... trying to get into the Wonderbolts by getting together with me?"

Rainbow's ear twitched, and she levelled a glare at the Wonderbolt. "Are you doubting me?"

Soarin' raised his hooves defensively. "No, no, of course not, it's just that-"

"Do you think I would stoop so low as to resort to whoring my way into the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow's wings opened up, and Soarin' flinched back. "I am not some stupid groupie that wants a little fame!" She rose to her back hooves. "I am Rainbow Dewshine Dash! I am the fastest flyer in Equestria! I will become a Wonderbolt through hard work! And I will never use you as a way to get in faster because I..." She paused. "I... I..." She snarled in frustration. "Damnit, I can't say it! I can't say three simple words!" She slumped back down on the bench, covering her face with her hooves. "Fastest flyer in Equestria and I can't even say three bucking words..."

Soarin', having recovered from her outburst, shifted spots so she was next to her. He wrapped his forelegs around her, pulling her close. "You don't have to for now." He nuzzled her neck, and instantly Rainbow relaxed. "I can wait."

Rainbow turned and pecked him on his cheek. "T-thanks. I'll need the time."

The train's whistle rang out, and the carriage jolted before slowly rolling along the tracks. The two sat in blissful silence, merely enjoying the other's company.

"Hey, Soar?"


"Do you think we should hit the hay early?" Rainbow yawned. "I'm pretty worn out."

Soarin' tapped his chin. "Well, I don't see a problem with it. I'm pretty tired myself."

"So... Do we share a bed?"

"If you want to."

Rainbow inwardly smiled. "It's settled." She kicked the seat, which folded into a bed quickly. "After you."

Soarin' nodded and pulled various bedding out from his container. The two ponies set it up in record time and slipped in together, Rainbow pulling Soarin' close and nuzzling into his fur.

"Night Soar'."

"Night Dashie."

The sun had set, and the moon had eagerly taken its place. This was when Rainbow decided to wake up, curiosity nagging at her mind, refusing to let her sleep.

She slipped out of Soarin’’s hooves (as much as she didn't want to) and hit the floor quietly. Because of the room they had in her container, they had placed Spitfire's box within. Rainbow pressed the container open, a bright light spilling into the room. She grabbed the orange box and set it on the ground, cautiously looking around for anypony. Of course, they were the only ones in this carriage, but she couldn't be too sure.

She tried to flip the lid open, only to find it locked. Eyeing the lock, she found it to be a simple flip-up lock, not a padlock or something needing a code or whatever. She smirked, her heartbeat accelerating, and flipped the lid of the container.

Inside, she could see a card (Spitfire's ID, most likely), some pieces of paper, and a small photo-frame. The frame had a filly Spitfire with her brother, standing in front of their parents. It was heartwarming. After a bit more shuffling, she found another photo frame, this time with Spitfire and herself, looking very excited. Underneath was what looked like a poem.

She picked the poem up and read it, unfortunately aloud, but quietly. "Wind through spectrum, plumes of air." She raised an eyebrow. "Falling down and breaking barriers immaterial. Dash to the heart, rainbows to the eyes." She looked at the poem at a distance. "Isn't there, like, a way of writing these things?" She continued reading. "I fall down, she breaks the barrier of the world and my heart." She wiped a tear away. "Wind through spectrum, plumes of air." She put the poem back in the box, and put the box back in her container, before sliding back into her bed.

"She's gonna be heartbroken..." She mumbled to herself before drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 6

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For once, Rainbow was the first to awake. And she was busting.

She poked Soarin' awake. "Whu...?"

"Soarin', I need to go take a leak."

Soarin' blearily stared at her before collapsing. "Then why are you telling me?"

"We're gonna be stopping soon, and I was gonna get you to watch the stuff, k?"


The carriage's wheels screeched to a halt and the door opened, dropping a set of stairs into the dirt. "AlrightseeyaSoarin'watchthestuff!" She immediately dashed out before she could hear his sleepy reply, and took to the sky. "I'm back here..." She eyed the duster-wearing stallion bothering two mares, whom she recognised as Lyra and Bon Bon from Ponyville, with Soarin''s mother walking up behind him, steps full of duty.

She was about to intervene, but common sense and her bladder wanted her to get going. She glided down to the toilet area and nearly broke open a cubicle door.

Skipping the whole time in the cubicle, she stepped out, feeling refreshed. She spotted Sunbright dragging Duststorm off, though she stopped to wave at her. She waved back, and trotted over. "Morning, Sherriff."

"Morning, Miss Dash."

"What's she doing here?" Duststorm growled.

"Just going for a pit-stop." She smiled, flicking her tail casually. "But don't you have anything better to do than to bother innocent ponies?"

"Innocent?" Duststorm raised an eyebrow. Sunbright facehoofed and mumbled something like 'darnit, here we go again'. "As you can plainly see, they're-"

"Two ponies deeply in love." Rainbow interrupted. "There's nothing wrong with love. Just because they're two mares doesn't make a difference at all."

"Yes it does." He eyed her up and down. "It isn't acceptable."

Rainbow sneezed. "Sorry, I'm allergic to nonsense."

Duststorm's eye twitched. "Watch your manners, dyke."

"Dyke?!" Rainbow screamed. "I'm completely straight!"

"Oh really?"

"Not that there's anything wrong with being a lesbian, but I'm not one. I'm just a tomboy." She smiled. "In fact, I actually have a coltfriend."

"You do?" Both of the two ponies said, and apparently Lyra too when the she and her partner walked up to see what was going on.

"Yeah, I do. His name's Soarin'."

The reactions were mixed. Sunbright was initially stunned, but obviously happy. Bon Bon gasped, almost unbelieving that it was possible. Lyra stood on her hind legs and did a hoof-pump after the initial shock. Duststorm was still skeptical. "Can I see this 'Soarin''?"

"Give me ten seconds, I'll see if he's awake." She dashed off back to the station by way of wings, and was very much surprised to see Soarin' standing on the platform. "Hey Soar!"

"Hey Dash!" He greeted her as she alighted in front of him. "I've locked the room, don't worry."

"Cool. Whatcha doin'?"

"Going to see mum and tell her the news about... well, us."

"I saw her on the way back, and I... may have already told her, sorry."

Soarin' smiled. "Well, that'll save some time. Where to?"

"Follow me." She kicked into the sky and waited for Soarin' to follow. The two set off back to the four ponies and landed in front of them. Before Soarin' could get his bearings Sunbright tackled her son, squealing congratulations, much to the Wonderbolt's embarrassment. Duststorm looked for an escape route, and just as he was about to dash off Lyra grabbed his tail in a gold aura.

"No you don't!"

Sunbright released Soarin' from his grip and trotted up to Duststorm. "Soar, Rainbow, you're welcome to come by in a little while." She turned to Duststorm. "Duststorm, this is your last warning. Do this again, and you'll be punished far more severely."

"Stuff like stocks? I wanna smash an apple onto his stupid face." Lyra grinned, earning an elbow from Bon Bon which only made her laugh more.

"We'll see." The two ponies trotted off, leaving the four ponies there.

"Oh, I've gotta introduce some ponies. Soarin'," She pointed at the mint-green unicorn. "This is Lyra," She moved her hoof to the beige earth pony. "And Bon Bon."

"H-hi..." Bon Bon replied shyly, still shocked at the presence of a famous pony in front of her.

Lyra, being the... strange... mare she was, immediately stuck out her hoof and shook his vigorously. "Hey! My name's Lyra Heartstrings."

"Soarin' High." He replied, voice somewhat shaken due to the force Lyra was applying.

"These two are sorta-friends of mine." Rainbow spoke up. "Sorta because we don't know that much about each other aside from the obvious."

Lyra nodded, then turned to Bon Bon. "You ok?"

"Fine, honey." Bon Bon replied. "Just not used to... such famous company."

"Eh, he's just a pony like us." Lyra grinned, wrapping a hoof around the beige mare's neck. "If anything, Dash is the more unusual one." She paused for a moment. "Oh, and you owe me ten bits."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes and passed her a sack of bits. "For the record, you're the strangest one here."

"But seriously, this is awesome. I mean, I always knew you weren't completely gay, Rainbow, but this settles the argument."

"Argument?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, me and Bons made a bet on whether you were a lesbian or not. I won the bet."

Soarin' chuckled. "Is it really that important in Ponyville about knowing another's sexuality?"

"A bit." Bon Bon raised her hoof and made a rocking motion with it. "It's mostly a curiosity/friendship thing. If you know a friend's sexuality, it makes it a lot easier to help them find a partner."

"Not that I had to do that." Lyra added, nuzzling Bon Bon's cheek.

"What about that date Pinkie-?"

"Doesn't count."


"Doesn't. Count."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes again.

"Well, we should get back to what we were doing, and stop holding you up talking to us." Lyra said. "Bons, you can go on ahead, I'll be right over."

The beige pony nodded and trotted off happily.

Lyra turned to face them. "How long have you two been together?"

"About two days, why?" Rainbow replied.

"Right, word of advice: Don't restrict your lives around each other. You're two separate ponies, with your own individual lives. And be yourselves." She placed a hoof to her chest. "I mean, if you have to hide yourself for somepony you love, then you're not really good for each other."

Rainbow smirked. "I'm always me. It's what ponies find so awesome about me."

"Likewise." Soarin' added.

Lyra smiled in reply. "Good. Well, best of luck to you, and may winds be in your favour." She turned and trotted off merrily.

Rainbow blinked. "Soar?"


"Did she just use an ancient pegasus farewell?"

"At least it wasn't a unicorn one."

Rainbow smiled. "That's kinda cool. Ok, let's go have a chat with your mum."

An hour later, the two left the sheriff’s office.

"Your mum seemed pleased."

"That's an understatement." Soarin' grinned. "Well, the train's gonna be leaving soon. We should get going."

"Yep. Race you there?"

"You know we're just gonna argue about who won."

"Unless I beat you."

"Or I beat you."

Rainbow smirked. "Well, let's see who will then."

The two ponies took off gently to begin, reaching an altitude that wouldn't damage anything or pony with the backlash.

"On three."



"Three!" Both yelled and took off. In less than ten seconds Rainbow had landed in front of the door to the carriage, Soarin' a split second behind.

Surprisingly, when Rainbow opened the door, Soarin' flew directly into the carriage and opened their cabin door, and before Rainbow could react properly he had stretched himself over the seat.

"I won." Rainbow said proudly as she entered, though inwardly not as sure.

"We never said the door to the carriage was the finishing point." He smiled.

"Ah, but we never said we'd make the cabin seat the finishing point either." Rainbow replied matter-of-factly.


Rainbow took a seat on the opposite side of the cabin. "So, it'll be a good while before we reach Ponyville station. Any ideas for boredom relief?"

"Well, there's reading and napping as the basics." He sat up. "There's... well, kissing too, but we don't have to do that if you don't want to."

Rainbow thought for a moment. "Well... I'm up for the latter, and we'll see how it goes."

Soarin' smiled and shifted to the other seat, wrapping his hooves around her. "After you."

Rainbow gently pressed her lips onto his. Soarin' replied with a stronger kiss, which Rainbow replied to that with poking her tongue through their lips. She allowed herself a smile as they continued, and fortunately uninterrupted.

After some very... vigorous... kissing they decided to go with Option 2, which was napping. Of course, they couldn't sleep, not after all that, but simply enjoyed each other's company.

The train screeched to a halt, and a conductor pony trotted through, announcing their stop of Ponyville. The pegasi unravelled each other and grabbed their gear, heading out of the carriage. Rainbow smiled as she recognised her home town, taking to the familiar air. Soarin' followed quickly.

"So, Dashie, where to?"

"Well, I think we should head to Cloudsdale, deal with the whole box thing. Then we can chill at my place."

"Sounds like a plan."

After a minute of flying, Soarin' paused.

"Hey, what are we gonna tell Spitfire?"


"About us. She was planning to confess her love once she got her box back."

Rainbow hovered in place. "Well... Hm..." She shrugged. "Dunno. We could just improvise."

"That's a little dangerous, isn't it?"

"Probably, but it'd be better to tell her than to leave her in the dark."


The pair continued flying to Cloudsdale, eventually reaching the hospital that Spitfire was at. The vapourglass doors opened.

"Well, we're here." Soarin' mumbled, and trotted up to the front desk.

Rainbow looked around the foyer. There wasn't much, just health-based ads and similar stuff. She was brought back to reality when Soarin' tapped her on the shoulder.

"Come on, let's go."

The two took the stairs, which conveniently had a thermal machine to aid the flyers up to their level. Rainbow drifted in front of the door, and pressed her ear to it.

", I'm ok to fly." The fire-maned Wonderbolt's voice could be heard.

"No, Spitfire, you have to stay here so that your wing can rest properly." A stallion's voice this time.


"Please, Miss Spitfire." Fluttershy? "You need to rest. I'm sure that Rainbow will be back soon."

Rainbow, being the dramatic type she was, entered at that exact moment. "Hey guys."

She scanned the room quickly. There was Spitfire, fire mane still down, dressed in a patient gown or whatever they were called. The stallion looked like a nurse or something, wearing a simple uniform and trying to keep the Wonderbolt from flying out of the room and then falling due to her wing being damaged or gone or whatever happened while she was gone. And then there was Fluttershy.

"I'm back."

Spitfire turned to face Rainbow, and grinned hugely. "Rainbow, you're back!"

"I just said that."

Spitfire wrapped her hooves around Rainbow, drawing her into a big hug. Rainbow gave Fluttershy a 'why is she so huggy?' look, to which the yellow-coated pegasus simply shrugged.

"So, did you find the box?" Spitfire asked as she let Rainbow go.

Rainbow nodded, and set down the container and pulled out the box. "Here you go."

Spitfire grabbed the box and looked it over. "Seems to be in good condition." She opened it and rifled through the contents. "And everything's there. Yay."

"Good to see that." Rainbow smiled genuinely, then glanced at the clock. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've gotta go."

As she turned to leave, Spitfire called out. "Wait a second." Uh oh. She turned around to see Spitfire almost literally in her face. Spitfire closed the gap, pressing her lips onto Rainbow's. It didn't feel quite right to her. She glanced at Fluttershy, who was silently gasping, then at Soarin', who was wide-eyed. Then she braved a glance at her wings, and saw that they were open along her sides, covering her cutie mark. Oh crap, emotional attraction. Spitfire pulled back slowly, looking into Rainbow's eyes. "I'm in love with you, Rainbow."

Rainbow gulped. Do or die time. "I think I knew that."

Spitfire smiled. "Then why didn't you do something... sooner..." Her smile dropped as implications hit her.

"I'm really sorry, Spitfire." She drew the Wonderbolt into a hug, tears welling up. "You're a great pony, but I'm simply not attracted to mares."

She felt the Wonderbolt going partially limp, especially her wings. "Damn..." She pulled back, wearing a bittersweet smile. "Well, it could be worse..."

"Don't think about how it could be worse." Rainbow comforted her. "At least, if things go right, you'll have me as a sister."

Spitfire looked up, then between Rainbow and Soarin'. She let out a single laugh. "Well, at least that's something." She started laughing more, and Rainbow joined in.

"Besides, I know a pony who likes you." She stood up, offering a hoof to Spitfire. "A mare, too."

"Don't tell me, I want to find out on my own." Spitfire, now full of her usual confidence, replied. "If I like them back, it's all good."

The nurse cleared his throat. "Well, while this reunion is nice, I believe it's time for Spitfire to get some rest. That means you too, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded and walked to the door, following the two out. She turned to face Spitfire and gave a shy wave, and giggled slightly when she got a reply. As she turned to go she spotted Rainbow eyeing her wings.

"Fluttershy's got a crush on Spitfire~" She teased.

"D-Do not!" Fluttershy yelled back before covering her mouth out of fear that she was being too loud.

"Well, we've gotta get going. Wanna grab some lunch, 'Shy?"

Fluttershy, still thoroughly embarrassed, nodded, and followed the two of them out to the sky.

Three months later

"And that's when we returned to give the box back." Rainbow leant back on her chair.

Twilight smiled. "So that journey made you realise your feelings for each other?"

Soarin' nodded. "Lyra's advice worked, thank goodness."

"I told you it would!" Lyra's voice called out from the street.

"So, do you have a pony in mind, Twilight?" Rainbow rested her elbows on the mushroom-style table, leaning closer to the blushing unicorn.

"Well..." She tapped her hooves together. "I'm actually in indecision about that."

"From Twilightese to Equian, please."

"I have a few ponies I'm interested in."


"Don't tell anypony about this, ok?" She leant closer. "One is Cheerilee."

"You mean Scoot's teacher?" She smirked. "Yeah, I can see why."

"Another is the dentist, Minuette Romona."

"Colgate, huh?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"And obviously there's Big McIntosh, but what sort of mare wouldn't be attracted to him?"

"Fluttershy, Cloudchaser, Derpy, Redheart..." Rainbow muttered.

"I have calculated that... Well, I'm not going to bore you with the details, but his body has the right ratio to nearly everything."

"Putting science to attraction." She clapped. "Congratulations, Twilight, you just applied science to everything possible."

"Don't mock me, Rainbow." She took a sip of her tea. "You don't want me to mention your embarrassing secret at your wedding, now do you?"

"You mean the one where she-" Soarin' grinned.

Twilight smirked. "That one, yes."

"Guys, cut it out!" Rainbow waved her hooves around. "Ok, I'm sorry I mocked you, but I have to admit its kinda fun."

"Apology accepted, though to take some care next time."

"So which one are you going for?"

"As in my interest ponies? Well, I did put them in order, so probably Cheerilee if at all."

"Awesome." Rainbow smiled.

The three ponies continued eating in silence until Fluttershy alighted next to them, seeming full of joy.

"Hey Flutters."

"Hello. Mind if I sit here?"

Twilight telekinetically pulled a seat out. "Go for it."

Fluttershy sat down, smiling slightly. "So, how's everypony?"

"I'm great." Rainbow grinned.

"I'm pretty good." Soarin' replied.

"I'm better than I was a week ago." Twilight replied. "How are you?"

"I'm doing wonderfully." She hummed.

"What's got you in such a perky mood?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, nothing."

"Come on..." She smirked.

"Alright, I may have... asked somepony out."

"Who'd you ask?"

Fluttershy mumbled something.

"Pardon?" Twilight tilted her head.

Fluttershy mumbled at a slightly higher volume. Slightly.

"Out with it, 'Shy."

"I... I asked Spitfire out..."

Everypony looked at her in surprise. "Seriously?"

The shy pony nodded. "And she said yes."

More silence.

"Stop staring at me like that."