• Published 15th Sep 2020
  • 962 Views, 19 Comments

The Bizarre Adventure of Three Fillies - TemporaryName

While helping a friend, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find an arrow unlike any they had seen before. Had they known better, they would've left it alone.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Goldie's House, Golden Arrow.

Author's Note:

While this is not my first story, this is the first one I have posted on this wonderful site. Enjoy.

”Glad to see ya Applejack., though Ah'm surprised ya made it. Ah'd thought the harvest would've left ya too busy to help.”

”Ah shucks, Goldie. Ah can't well ignore an ol' mare in need of help, especially when they're family. Besides, we could always just double down on the farm after this.”

While the statement soothed the old mare's worries, for a certain light green filly all it did was spell out the rest of her weekend. Work wasn't something Applebloom was unfamiliar with, nor was it something unexpected; growing up on a farm certainly gave her more than a few chores, and as she got older more and more responsibilities were hoisted upon her. The problem wasn't that this excursion cut into her free time, nor that she didn't really have a say in it. The problem was the meager amount of free time she already had! The entire week for her was just one massive test of endurance, both mental and physical. First she spent hours upon hours studying for the final test of the school year, and while her the rest of the Crusaders were a great help it was still a pain in the flank. Speaking of, her friends and her also had their 'Cutie Mark Consultations' as they called them, which were pretty much a job in and of themselves. All that on top of what she was expected to do on the farm; bucking trees, carrying baskets, making applesauce, apple pie, apple fritters, apple apple apple! Applebloom considered herself a filly strong of body and will, but she was still just a filly, not Rockhoof!

She and the other Crusaders were hoping to just spend today by the lake, swimming and relaxing in its pristine waters. A nice, lazy day after two weeks of constant work. You even worked extra hard at the orchard to get everything done on time. Then all of a sudden Applejack goes and announces that the two of them and Big Mac were going to help Goldie Delicious clean up her house. Apparently her hoarder great aunt decided now was the best time to start organizing and disposing of her belongings.

Naturally, Applebloom wasn't enthused about this arrangement, but any complaining she did would have only resulted in more work. Didn't matter if it was it cleaning up a sock or a mountain of garbage; if Applejack heard any noise from her sister, the best she could hope for was a telling off. Still, if it was any consolation the announcement came at lunch, so afterwards Applebloom took the opportunity to tell her friends. She expected disappointed understanding. What she got instead was far better

“How's the closet Sweetie Belle?” Asked Scootaloo.

“I can actually see the floor, so I'd say we're doing alright!”

It appears her friends were so distraught with the predicament that they couldn't let her suffer it alone. Thus with their guardian's permission they came along to assist her. It may not be the lake, but the three found working together better than working alone. Either they finished the job earlier or they spent the day with friends, so they didn't really have anything to lose, did they? At least, that's what they thought at first.

“We've been at this for hours and we're only now reaching the floor?” Scootaloo turned to Applebloom “How much junk does she have?”

“Hey! It ain't junk! Most of it is heirlooms and family treasures!”

“If that is the case, then why did she ask your sister to help her get rid of a lot, if not most of them?” Sweetie Belle interjected.

Applebloom had to think on that for a moment. “Okay, maybe not everythin' here has family history. Maybe over the years she brought in a few things that weren't worth nothin'. But there are still things of value hidden in these mountains of mess, and we're here to sort it out! To prevent Apple family history from being lost forever!”

“Yeah, that's 'bout the gist of it.”

At the sound of a new voice behind them, the trio nearly jumped out of their skins. Fortunately, as they turned around, they were relieved to see it was just Goldie Delicious, standing there with a wistful smile. “Well, that and Ah figure there's no point in havin' so many of dese 'eirlooms if Ah can't pass them down the family tree. Been meaning to bring a few of 'em to the next Apple Family Reunion, make sure their in good hooves.”

“Ya sure, Goldie?” Asked Applebloom. “Ah know how much pride ya take in 'em.”

“Kid, Ah won't mince words; Ah'm older than dirt. Eventually I'll be buried in it. Now don't give me dat der look. Ah'll still be alive an' kickin' for a mite stretch longer; the pale pony ain' getting' me that easily, I can tell ya fer sure. Still, the point of family 'eirlooms is to share them with the family.” She turned to a pile of stuff in the main room. “Now, Ah ain't givin' it away all at once, but Ah figured it was time to pass some of 'em on.”

For a while, nothing was said as the Crusaders were enthralled with her speech. Applejack, who had heard Goldie's spiel and was standing by the doorway to hear it clear as day, was at a loss for words. Eventually Scootaloo broke the silence. “Wait. Since we're helping right now, can Applebloom take one home to her family? You are giving them away to the Apple family, after all.”

“Now hol' on a sec.” an irate Applejack began.

“Oh settle down.” Mrs. Delicious interrupted. “The youngin' has a point; y'all are doin' all this work, so ya deserve the pick of the litter. Hehe...”

Applejack looked like she was about to make continue the argument but kept choking on how to say it just right before finally letting go of the issue. “Alright, but Big Mac and Ah get the final say on whether we take it home.”

“Fair 'nough.” replied Goldie, and the two of them left to continue their part of the cleaning; sorting through the copious piles that accumulated and separating trash from treasure.

The trio of fillies were ecstatic. This was like a treasure hunt; traveling to lands that nopony had seen for years in search of relics and other tidbits. The only difference was the worst monsters they had to face were dust bunnies. With vigor restored they returned to work with gusto, only slowing down briefly to analyze the odd item that piqued their interest. An stuffed manticore head may have looked 'so awesome' as Scootaloo put it, but the others argued a stuffed corpse head wasn't something that inspired that much awe. Not to mention it was a surefire way to keep Fluttershy from ever visiting again. A photo album that looked like it contained unique family memories turned out to contain many of the same pictures as ones the Apple family already had. When Sweetie Belle found something that almost looked like an object of immense, arcane power, wielded by some ancient hedge mage or warlock, she nearly jumped for joy. A quick examination from Goldie confirmed that it was literally just a stick. Oak, to be exact.

“Still can't believe you thought it was some wizard's wand, Sweetie.” said Applebloom, fur and mane dusty from all of the cleaning they did. “You sure you don't need any fresh air? Maybe some water or somethin'?”

If the grumpy scowl she was giving was any indication, Sweetie Belle didn't appreciate the accusations regarding her mental stability. Still, a water break was long overdue by about an hour, and her throat felt like burnt toast. She was just about to suggest taking one when the corner of her eye caught something shiny. Naturally, her attention gravitated toward the shiny; drinks would have to wait.

“Hold on a second. What's that?” she said, pointing her hoof to a shelf up high. The eyes of the other Crusaders followed it, and what they saw enraptured them. It was the head of an arrow, carved with intricate, swirling engravings arranged with impeccable symmetry. What mad smith would spend days, weeks even crafting such a work of art just to let it loose on the enemy? Of course, that wasn't the only interesting quality the artifact posessed, as Scootaloo was more than eager to point out.

“Is that...gold? I think its gold, guys!”

“Maybe it is, maybe it's foal's gold.” Applebloom said “Doesn' matter either way; none of us are desperate enough to sell a family heirloom like that.”

“Who said anything about selling?” Asked Scootaloo, offended. Her tiny wings buzzing with excited energy and indignation. “It's still cool looking either way! Plus, I'm pretty sure Applejack won't have a problem with you choosing it; you are getting all of these additional responsibilities after all.”

Applebloom didn't see the connection between those two facts, but decided arguing the point would be fruitless. Besides, the more she looked at the gilded object in front of her the more enraptured she became. Even if Applejack vetoed this as their heirloom of choice, she decided getting a closer look at the object was reward enough. “Alright, we'll try.” she declared, her two compatriots jumping for joy in response. “Sweetie Belle, you've been takin' to your magic lessons, right?” Sweetie pawed the ground nervously.

“Sort of? I have a firm grasp on telekinesis now, but most advanced spells...well the understand... well the process is... It's “slippery” for lack of a better word.”

“It's alright, Sweetie; we just need telekinesis anyways.” Applebloom pointed her hoof at the arrow. “Can you just pull it out?” she said. Nodding in reply, Sweetie Belle began casting her spell, horn lighting up in a grassy aura, with an identical one surrounding the arrow. First she gave a gentle tug, just to see how loose it was. She scowled when she realized how tightly it was wedged in place, though to what from her current height she couldn't tell. Never one to be dissuaded, the ivory filly pulled with even greater force, pumping more magical might into the spell. From an outsider's perspective it would seem nothing was happening, yet through her magic Sweetie could feel subtle movements of the arrow.

“I'm getting there... Just need... a few more sec...minutes.”

Her calls for patience were ignored by Scootaloo who, while happy to help her friends, was less inclined towards waiting as she just spent the better part of her day moving all manner of junk. Looking for a way to expedite the process, she noticed a stack of boxes that haven't been moved yet; too heavy for their small frames. They climbed up to the topmost shelf, and had small ledges and footholds an enterprising filly could use to reach the top. Sure, it looked like it could fall down with a strong shove, but risk-taker was her middle name. Without a word she trotted over to the stack and gave it an experimental tap on one of the exposed corners. Finding its satisfactorily stable, Scootaloo began her upward ascension to the shelf, unnoticed by the other Crusaders.

While her friends were busy their separate acquisitions of the arrow, Applebloom went back to cleaning. It wouldn't do to have Applejack come in and berate them for 'slackin' off like a penned pig in the middle of summer' or something like that. After taking out and dropping off several more loads of assorted memories and treasured junk, she chanced a glance at her Sweetie's efforts to see what progress she made. Whatever she was doing when she never did find out, for that moment all of her focus was immediately directed towards Scootaloo acting out some kind of Daring Do fantasy, climbing to the top of a rather unstable pile of boxes. In that moment, instincts honed over years of Crusading for Cuties Marks took over. “Scootaloo!” she shouted, and fate forever changed.

Her focus and balance disrupted, Scootaloo and the cardboard tower began to sway. She knew it would fall soon, and her with it. But she was so close to the edge, if she could jump at the right moment, she could use the shelf as a landing pad. How she was going to get down after that was a train of thought she didn't have time to board; in that moment, all that mattered was getting somewhere safe. As soon as it swayed close enough for her, she made the leap. Fortunately she made it to the shelf safely, only knocking over a few items in the process; the very things keeping the arrow in place no less.

Unfortunately, Sweeite Belle was a little to focused on her telekinesis and hadn't paid attention to anything else. The minute the arrow got a bit loose, it shot forward and-


Applebloom wasn't immediately aware of where the arrow hit, and it took a few seconds for her to process the what the heck happened. It took only slightly longer for her to become aware of the jutting mass in her front left leg and the steady stream of crimson dripping from the wound. Luckily the head was only partway in, so at least she wasn't crippled. Her response was thus appropriately calm and analytical.


Immediately her companions tried to help by removing the arrow. The reasons this helpful action wasn't so were two-fold. First, the presence of the arrow in the wound helped stem the bleeding, and removing it would turn the trickle into a bloody stream. The second reason is a direct result of their actions; as Scootaloo was pulling on the protruding projectile with her mouth, Sweetie was doing the same with magic while standing right behind her. With a mighty tug from the both of them the arrow flew out of one leg right into another.

Surprisingly, Sweetie Belle didn't scream and shout at being stabbed with an arrow. Rather her gaze grew distant, her lips silent, the subtle shaking of her body the only thing that betraying any sort of emotion. Scootaloo, seeing her friend's relative stillness, decided to pull out the arrow out yet again. With the haft of the arrow firmly gripped in her mouth, a firm yank was all that was needed to pull it out. With the arrow muffling her speech and fear racing through her veins, she began to ask. 'Now, where are the banda-'.

“What in Tarnation?”

Startled, the three turned their heads towards the door frame to three familiar figures standing in it. They all looked worried, but each one expressed other emotions as well. Big Mac looked terrified, pupils shrunk to pinpricks and pacing in place. He even brought a first aid kit, and rushed to administer treatment. Contrasting the eldest brother was the elder sister of the Apple family, for while her brow was knitted in concern for her charge her eyes betrayed the irritation she n doubt felt. At that moment Applebloom knew a grounding was the least of her worries. Most peculiar of all was Goldie's expression, for it also contained an air of puzzlement and curiosity. Her eyes were focusing on something, and her mouth and eyelids were contorted as though she were deep in contemplation, trying to dredge up some ancient memory.


It seems in the process of assessing their situation, the arrow began to slip out of Scotaloo's mouth. She fumbled about trying to catch it, and she did, but in the process the head went into her mouth, piercing her tongue.. Sweetie Belle winced at this, having received enough tongue damage from more cooking disasters than she cared to recall. Fortunately Big Mac was already on the scene, pulling out and applying the bandages and disinfectant.

“Seems Scoots is a bit tongue tied at the moment” stated Applejack, her voice firm and stern. “So it looks like it falls on you, sis, to explain what in tarnation happened here? And why do y'all have blood on your hooves?” Her face twisted into the kind of scowl a parent gives when they find their child doing or about to do something incredibly, impossibly stupid. Applebloom tried to figure out how to best word the situation to minimize punishment, but between the stink-eye her sister was giving her and the barely concealed rage she spoke with, the task was proving impossible. She knew keeping quite would only worsen the rage, so she needed to say something. Anything!

“It was my fault!” shouted Sweetie bell, endeavoring to save them from Applejack's ire, or at the very least redirect it. Sure enough Applejack's head turned from her sister to focus on Sweetie belle, her confidence dropping as their eyes met. Still, she continued. “We were cleaning and saw this golden arrow and I thought it looked neat so I tried levitating it down and I guess I pulled a little too hard and...”

As she babbled, Scootaloo struggled against Big Mac's attempts to apply aid to her tongue, eventually breaking away from his iron grip. “NO!” She thundered. “It's my fault. If I didn't climb the boxes, if I just found a more stable way up, if I didn't notice the golden tip...”

Applejack had heard enough. “Now hol' on there!” she shouted, and the room silenced in response. Seeing all were at attention, she calmly continued. “Ah jus' wanted to know what happened here, not hear three fillies play 'whose fault is it?'. There's too much to do and not enough daylight as is. Understand?” The Crusaders nodded their heads in affirmation. Applejack, satisfied her point was made clear, calmed down. “Now, what's this about an arrow?”

“Ah think this is it.” Said Big Mac, standing over the arrow. As had been the case for the fillies, it had immediately caught her attention, and as she inspected the item of intrigue, looking at every carved curve, every inch of gilded beauty, she only became more enraptured.

“Well now, I see why somethin' like this would attract you three. Where'd you get somethin' like this, Goldie?”

“Hm? Ah! That? Sorry sugarcube, couldn' tell you; thing was old when mah granny was young. Been in the family for generations.”

“Really?” Asked Applebloom. “There's nothin' you can tell us 'bout it?”

“Well, the arrow head isn't gold...”

“Dang it!”

“Don't interrupt, Scootaloo!”

“...And it's old, but Ah already said that... Hmm, could've sworn there was somthin' else...” She said, losing her train of thought. The tracks weren't hard to relocate and follow, it just took some time for the elderly mare to catch up. “Ah yes. Y'all can have it.”

“Well, it's certainly some...Ah'm sorry, WHAT?!?”

“No need to yell.” Cringed Goldie Delicious.

Applejack, Big Mac, really everyone present couldn't believe what they heard. Not a couple of minutes ago three youngsters were pierced by the arrow. Now, calling upon the depth of wisdom she acquired over her extensive life, Goldie Delicious decided the best path forward was to give them the offending weapon.

“Ah just...Ah don't think its a good idea to have the arrow in the same household as these accident prone fillies.”


“Y'all know its true! Ah'm honored, really, but Ah can't help but think this is a bad idea.”

“Now don' think like that, young missie!” Goldie said as she moved towards the arrow. As she grew closer, the Crusaders looked upon her face. Characteristically she expressed nostalgia as she inspected the relic, an emotion as familiar to her as the expression of it was to those who spent enough time around her. Yet there was something else, some imperfection or subtle difference between the pure nostalgia or even that tinted with joy or sorrow and the one the Crusaders were now witness to. A shame their inexperience blocked them from further analysis.

Scootaloo would later say it was something with her eyes, for what it's worth.

Continuing her earlier statement, Goldie Delicious said “Ah would be lyin' if Ah said Ah didn' have no doubt no how. Yer darn right it's dangerous, Applejack.” mumbling under her breathe, she added “More than yah know.” She took the arrow's shaft in her mouth and turned to Applejack, who was now quite curious about where this was going. “But Ah just have this feeling that it should go to you, and Ah ain't takin' no for an answer.”

Raising an eyebrow in skepticism, Applejack replied “Just a feelin'?”

“Let's jus' say an ol' friend had given me wisdom on the matter.”

Applejack didn't want to accept, something about that arrow just screamed bad luck, that was how she felt. She knew she didn't have too as well; all she had to do was say no, say she will not take the arrow, Goldie would have to oblige. It would likely break the mare's heart, but that was something she'll just have to live... to live... Oh, who was she kidding? She couldn't deny Goldie this, not in good conscious. Slumping in resignation, the farmpony conceded to the elder mare.

“Fine, Ah'll take it. But Ah want a friend to look at it before takin' it in the house, see if she can find out anythin' 'bout it. That okay?” 'At the very least, that would keep it out of mah house for a spell.' she thought.

If Goldie Delicious had a problem with it, she did not express it. “Fine by me!” she said. “Just make sure she's careful with it.” At this, Applejack chuckled.

“Granny, Ah doubt Twilight Sparkle could ruin somethin' like this if she wanted to.”

Twas mid afternoon when the Apple family and company finished packing up the cart, filling it with all manner of knickknacks, doohickeys, and what-not. The sun blazed overhead, yet the nearby trees provided shade as they loaded up. With the last of the cargo was packed away and the whole bundle tied together with rope, the Apple family were ready to say their farewells. “We'll be leavin' now, Goldie. If you need anythin' else from us, just let me know.” said Applejack.

“That's kind of you, dear.” replied Goldie Delicious, smiling. “but Ah don' think Ah'll be askin' anythin' of any of y'all for a while. Y'all cleaned out quite a bit today, and Ah just can't ask more of y'all so soon.” She turned her to face Applebloom, and her smile fell just a little. “Besides, y'all have enough on yer plate as is. Ain't my place to ask for more.”

“Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us.” she approached the elderly mare and embraced her in a hug. “See ya 'round, Goldie.”


“Goodbye Mrs. Delicious!”

“Nice meeting you! Bye!”

“Hope to see you soon!”

“Ahll see ya 'round too! And don't worry girls, they're quite friendly!”

Silence reigned for a while before the Apples chalked it up to Goldie's occasional elderly rambling. She was just at that age, and her isolated abode didn't do her any favors. Eventually Applejack said “Alright girls, let's get a move on! We're burnin' daylight.” and they began boarding their ride home. The females of the family all climbed into the back of the wagon, while Big Mac took up the daunting task of pulling the heavy load. Well, daunting for any other pony, save perhaps the Formerly Royal Sisters.

As the wheels slowly began to roll on their journey home, the Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't help but watch and wave towards the old house and its older occupant. Yet right before Goldie Delicious was too far away to see clearly, Applebloom saw something bizarre. Maybe it was a trick of the light, the heat of day warping it into shapes alien yet familiar. She was tired, so perhaps it was just her overworked mind seeing something not there. Of course, she was a proud resident of Ponyville, where every week there was a new oddity about town, so she would be foolish to rule out the possibility that here eyes spoke true, that there was some faint apparition floating beside Mrs. Delicious, cloaked in ghostly ripples.

She would have confided with her friends, ask them if they saw it as well. She would have, but her throat chose then to let out a mighty yawn. It was too long and hard of a day to expend such energy now; she'll nap now and ask her friends when she awakens. Judging by their lidded expressions and lethargic movements, it appears they had the same idea.

And so they take the opportunity to catch a moment's respite. Rest well, Crusaders, for you haven't a clue what awaits you down the stream of time.