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Chapter 2

Celestia and Luna were standing on a balcony outside their room. Luna had just finish rising the moon and stars.

"Everypony is worrying about the experiment," said Celestia.

"Yes," said Luna. "It will be hard to find it." She closed her eyes and sighed.

"The guards came back with no sign of it. I hope we find it before any harm is brought upon anypony," said Celestia.

Luna merely nodded.


The blob squeezed under the library door and began to head upstairs. It saw Spike and crawled onto his head. It stayed there for a hour, but then it got off and crawled onto Twilight Sparkle's head. It stayed there for two hours until she woke up. It didn't take long for Twilight to figure what was on her head.

"Ahh! Get off!" screamed Twilight. Spike woke up with a jolt. "Spike, get this thing off of my head!"

Spike nodded and grabbed a broomstick. He hit the blob with the broomstick, and it fell off. "I got it!" said Spike, and he began to chase after the blob with the broomstick. The blob went as fast as it could out of the library and towards the Everfree Forest, where it should've been all this time. Spike didn't go in.

"You stay away from me and Twilight!" yelled Spike. "Or you're gonna regret it!" Then he turned and headed back towards the library.

The blob calmed down, and it saw a delicious looking cake in front of it. It headed towards the cake and when it reached it, it swallowed it.

Then suddenly, a snap! And the blob found itself trapped in a net, above the ground.

Why did this happen? Then everything went black for the blob.


"...and then Spike got the thing off my head and chased it away," said Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight had just finish telling the story of what had happened last night to her friends. They had burst into the library after Spike told them the short version of what had happened.

Rarity trotted up to Spike and said, "My little Spikey Wikey saved us all from that horrible thing!" She planted a kiss on Spike's cheek, and his face became red.

"T-Thanks Rarity!" exclaimed Spike. "It was no trouble at all!"

"I wonder if that thing was the monster?!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "We should check the trap!" And before anypony could say anything, Pinkie was gone.


A filly woke up laying on her back in a net, above the ground. She was confused. She lifted her front hooves in front of her. They were pink tipped with white. So were her back hooves. She managed to get a good look at her messy hair. It had four colors. Light blue, blonde, purple, and pink. The tip of her muzzle was white, and so were the tiips of her ears. She looked at one of her front hooves again, and saw a black toxic symbol on it. She didn't know what it meant, but it looked cool.

Suddenly, she could hear rustling. Scared, the filly tried to make herself as small as possible, and shut her green eyes tight. She did not want to see the thing that was coming, for she was afraid that it would be a ugly monster coming for her.

The thing was Pinkie Pie. She bounced towards the net, and gasped at what she saw in the net. A mischievous smile appeared on her face. "I know what you are! You're that monster that everypony's talking about!"

The filly opened her eyes and sat up. She stared fearfully at the pink pony. She was accusing her of being a monster! The filly began to tear up.

"You can't fool me! Nope, you can't fool Pinkie Pie! I'm gonna turn you in to the scientists and they're gonna keep an eyes on you forever! Then me and my friends will be famous!"

The filly began to cry. This pony was being a big meanie! She didn't know what was happening, she was so confused. She had only woken up, and now this pony was accusing her of being a monster!

Pinkie's ears drooped as she watched the filly cry. Maybe this filly had nothing to do with the monster. Maybe she wasn't the monster. "D-Don't worry! I don't think you're a monster anymore. You don't seem like one. H-How about I get you down from there?"

The filly stopped crying, and nodded. Pinkie Pie smiled. "I keep scissors stashed everywhere just in case of scissor emergency." Pinkie pulled out a pair of scissors from a tree, and began to cut the ropes. The net fell, and the filly squeaked when she hut the ground. She began to cry again.

"Don't cry!" Pinkie Pie ran up to the filly. "Uh, everything will be all right!"

The filly opened her eyes, and those green eyes connected with the baby blue ones. They stared at each other for a moment. "Would you like to come with me?" asked Pinkie Pie.

The filly nodded. Pinkie smiled and lowered down on for the filly to get on her back. The filly scrambled onto her back, and then Pinkie stood up and trotted out of the Everfree Forest and back towards Ponyville. "You should meet my friends! I'm sure you'll like them, and they'll like you too! Twilight Spakrle really likes to read books, so she knows almost everything! And Rainbow Dash..."

The filly wasn't listening, but it comforting to hear her talk. She soon fell asleep. Pinkie Pie stopped talking when she saw that the filly was asleep.

When Pinkie reached the bridge, her friends had caught up with her. "Pinkie!" exclaimed Twilight. "You should've waited for us! And who is that on your back?" Twilight pointed a hoof at the sleeping filly on Pinkie Pie's back.

"A filly who got trapped by the net," said Pinkie Pie. She nudged the filly with her muzzle, and the filly opened her eyes. She looked confused by the change of scenery. "Don't worry, these ponies are my best bestest friends!" Pinkie Pie pointed out each of her friends. "This is Twilight, this is Rarity, this is Rainbow Dash, this is Applejack, and this is Fluttershy. Oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Pinkie Pie!"

The filly looked confused for a moment by all these names, but then smiled and waved. Pinkie's friends greeted the filly warmly. Soon though, Pinkie said, "I think I should take her home. She should be tired." She turned her head towards the filly, who nodded. Pinkie Pie's friends said their goodbyes and trotted away.

As Pinkie was walking home, she asked, "Do you have a name?"

The filly on her back closed her eyes and slowly shook her head.

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