• Published 20th Sep 2020
  • 1,117 Views, 24 Comments

A Grand Night Out - PonyPixel

Twilight has invited several different creatures to the Grand Galloping Gala, and they all have different experiences.

  • ...

The Invitation

A few weeks ago, Gilda was at her bakery making more pastries as she was trying to step out of her comfort zone. She placed the tray on the counter and looked around for the frosting. "Okay, now where is it?" She began to look under the counter looking for the frosting just as Greta walked in.

"Looking for something?" Greta asked. This surprise caused Gilda to bang her head on the bottom of the counter. When she stood up and looked towards her friend while rubbing the small bruise on her head. "Oh, so sorry. You okay?"

"That’s okay, I’m fine. It's just a small bruise,” she said to her friend. “So, what’d you say?”

“I'm saying that you are looking for something?”

“Yeah, I was looking for that frosting Pinkie gave to me before. I'm trying out different kinds of pastries. She said I should try and expand my variety of it."

"That sounds good to me. I’ll help you find that."


Greta then helped Gilda look around for the frosting. And just as they found it, the mail griffon, Gabby, burst into the building. This startled the two other griffons, nearly causing them to knock the pastries onto the floor.

"Whoops, sorry," the mail griffon apologized. She held her talons together in a bit of guilt.

"That’s okay. What all the excitement, Gabby?" Gilda questioned.

"It's the Grand Galloping Gala. It starting tonight!"

"Grand Galloping Gala?" Greta questioned.

"Oh, I remember that," Gilda said. She looked around until she found a loose floorboard. She pulled it up to reveal two golden tickets. "Gabby and I got these a long time ago."

"Ah, now I remember."

"Still can't believe that ponies make this such a big fuss."

One Month Earlier

Gilda was just minding her own business, just taking some time to herself as she made through another day in Griffonstone. She looked around at the sky to see Gabby flying towards her at high speed. "Gilda!" the mail griffon cried. Gabby nearly crashed landed as she flew up to her friend.

"Gabby. Why were you flying like that?" Gilda questioned.

"Take a look at this!" Gilda was shown two tickets which she couldn’t help but shove in Gilda’s face. “I can’t help myself.”

She then got one of the golden tickets. “What are these tickets even for?”

“The Grand Galloping Gala!”

“...What’s that?”

“It’s an event that’s happening in Canterlot. Ponies dress up fancy and talk with each other at the castle and……Spike managed to get us each a ticket.”

“Seriously? When does it start?”

“About a month. Spike says there are a couple of things that we need before we go. We both need dresses.”

“Okay…… And where are we supposed to get those?”

“Rarity’s of course.”

“Who is she?”

“A friend of Spike’s. We did have a bit of a rough start, but we’re good friends now. We can go to her now.”

“Okay. Just let me explain to Greta what we’re doing, and then we can go. I’ll be right back.” Gilda knew this was one of those times where Gabby could barely contain her excitement. Greta understood what was going on and allowed Gilda to leave with Gabby to make their preparations.

After a long flight, the two griffons had made it to Canterlot. They were both panting as they could catch their breath. “Okay, this better be worth it,” Gilda said. “And by the way, we’re taking the train back home for now on.”

“Right,” Gabby agreed. She let out a tired sigh before entering Canterlot Carousel. Inside, they found a lot of ponies who were all trying to get dresses and/or suits for the gala.

“Why are they getting them now? You said this is a month away.”

“Maybe they just wanna prepare, that’s all.” The two griffons would’ve used their wings to get above the crowd, but they were already tired from their flight. “This worked out way better in my head.”

“Girls!” cried a voice. The two griffons were suddenly levitated to the second floor of the building. Sassy Saddles placed them beside her with a familiar purple. “There you are.”

“Hi Spike,” Gabby said happily. The dragon and griffon both shared a hug as Sassy Saddles introduced herself to Gilda.

“Nice to meet you,” the unicorn said to the visiting griffon. “I’m Sassy Saddles, and I help run this Carousel.”

“Thought so,” Gilda said. “Gabby explained a couple of things while on the way here.”

“So, did you explain what color dress you wanted?”

“Not really. Green maybe.”

“Hmm, I’ll see what I can do. Probably will have to check with Rarity.”

“Speaking of Rarity, where is she by the way?” Gabby asked.

“Oh, she’s helping Thorax with some dance lessons,” Spike explained.

“Thorax?” the griffons questioned both sounding confused.

“He’s in the other room.” Spike led the two guests from Griffonstone into a different room. Some hoof-steps and music could be heard playing. Opening the door, the three found the king of the changelings dancing with Rarity. There was a record playing the music and there was also a dance mat for those who were interested in learning dancing.

“You’re doing very well, Thorax,” the mare said to the nervous king.

“Hehehe……Thanks.” He then suddenly noticed Spike and the griffons looking at them practicing. Feeling nervous, Thorax started fumbling over his own steps and fell to the ground, much to Rarity’s surprise.

“Oh my! Are you alright?” she asked, feeling concerned for him.

“I’m fine.” Gilda walked over to help the changeling king up.

“What are you even doing here?” Gilda asked.

“I’m practicing dancing, so Ember and I will have a good time at the gala,” Thorax explained.

“We thought it was a good idea,” Spike said. He walked over to the record playing and got it to stop.

“So, how are you and Ember doing?” Gilda asked.

“Really great,” Thorax explained. “In fact, there’s a reason why I wanted to learn dancing for the gala. I want Ember and me to have our first kiss.”

“Wow, that sounds so romantic,” Gabby cooed.

“I know. That’s why I want to get this right.”

“You’re doing very well,” Rarity commented. “Do you want us to continue or do you want me to finish your tuxedo?”

“I think I can wait while the tux is being made.”

“Great. Now, I’m guessing there’s a reason why you two are here.” Rarity looked over to Gilda and Gabby. The fashionista quickly got her glasses and a tape measure and started getting the sizes of the griffons. “So, is Griffonstone doing better?”

Gabby and Gilda looked at each other before the latter spoke. “We’re doing as well as a snail in a salt mine,” Gilda noted.

“Oh, I see.” Spike could feel this was getting a little awkward.

“How about we talk about something relating to the gala?” he suggested.

“Sure,” Gabby said. “Who else is going?”

“Well, aside from Thorax and Ember, but also Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Prince Rutherford, Shining Armor, Cadence.”

“Any creature we know?” Gilda asked.

“Not many, aside from the first few I mentioned.”


“It’s always good to make new friends,” Gabby said. “I’ve never really met this Skystar. What’s she like?”

“Like a hippogriff version of Pinkie Pie. You’ll get along just great.”

“Indeed,” Rarity said. “Now, what color would you want your dresses?”

“Pink,” Gabby answered.

“Green,” Gilda shrugged.

“Right,” Rarity said. She got a pencil and notepad and wrote down what they requested. “Now, I’m going to be very busy so don't ask for too much."

"Okay," Gabby said, "Surprise us then." The mare nodded before going over to her shelves of sewing materials.

"Now what?" Gilda asked.

"You may come over to test the dresses out," Rarity said. "If you did that, I would have an easier time making it."

"That's how my suit is nearly ready," Thorax said. "Plus, the dance lessons."

"Right," Gilda said. "Well, we live pretty far, so expect too many visits."

"We will have visit due to meetings," Thorax said. Gilda remembered that she was an ambassador now.

"Right. Well... I think Gabby and I should get back."

"Yeah, I've still got some mail to deliver," Gabby said.

"We'll you again sometime," Spike said.

"Yeah, we'll see you at the gala," Gabby said. She waved goodbye to her friends as she left with Gilda so they could get to the station for a ride home. As they were waiting for their train, Thorax walked up to them with a dance mat rolled up on his back.

“Hey, girls,” he said.

“Sup?” Gilda asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just making some small talk while we wait.”

“Makes sense.”

“So, how are you and Ember doing?” Gabby asked. “What’s she like?”

“Well, she’s really fierce. She has a bit of a problem when it comes to her emotions, but I feel like she’s getting better. I hope she enjoys the dress Rarity is making for her.”

“I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“Do you even know who she is?” Gilda asked. Gabby admittedly gave a shrug.

“Well, I’m guessing that she’ll be interesting to meet her.”

“Most likely,” Thorax remarked. “Anyways, I hope that Girffonstone gets better.” Eventually, they could see the next train come into the station. Gabby and Gilda got on board before waving goodbye to Thorax before they headed home.

“And so one month later, here we are,” Gilda explained.

“And now it’s tonight,” Gabby cooed.

“I kind of wish I could bring you.”

“It’ll be fine,” Greta said. “Besides, I promised the kids I teach them some poker skills.”

“Alright then.”

“Let me know how it goes when you get back.”

“Can do,” Gabby responded. “Come on Gilda! We’ll be late.” The two griffons left the messy village and headed to the station. “Okay, I hope that we have enough time to get out dresses from Rarity.”

“Get a hold of yourself,” Gilda said. “If we make to the station before the train leaves, we’ll be on time and we don’t have to run around like a headless chicken.” It didn’t take long for them to get to the station, where the train had just arrived. The two got on board and road off to Canterlot.

“What do you think we’re going to see? What do you think that Skystar will be like?”

“I’ve met Novo before so I think Skystar might be a bit spoiled. Depending on her age. But I guess she could always be spoiled.”

“Hopefully Novo can keep her in check.” The two griffons sat back as they knew this trip was going to take a while. It did, Gabby even fell asleep for a little bit. While she was out, Gilda looked out the window and kept wondering what the night would be like.

Then, she saw the city. Gilda nudged her friend awake as the train started coming to a stop. Once the griffons got off the train, they went straight towards Canterlot Carousel. Rarity was just about to leave when she saw the griffons. “Girls, there you are,” the mare gasped. “I didn’t think you would show up.”

“You’re not closed are you?” Gabby asked.

“Not quite. I was just about to go to the gala until you showed up. Come inside, let me show you to your dresses.” Rarity led the griffons back inside the store and took them to the back room. There, two dresses were on some mannequins. One of the dresses was ruby pink around the chest area while the skirt had different shades of pink that got lighter the closer it got to the bottoms. The other dress was mostly green with a golden yellow pattern of diamonds.

“Wow! Those look so beautiful!”

“Thank you, Gabby. You and Gilda may try them on right now.” Gabby didn’t hesitate and grabbed her dress before going to one of the change rooms. Gilda did the same, though she was a little bit slower. After a few minutes, the griffons walked out in their new dresses.

“Wow, these look better when we’re wearing them!” Gabby gazed in the mirror that was set up so customers could see how they looked in the dresses. Gilda had to admit, she did look good in green.

“I’m glad you’re liking this,” Rarity said. The griffons looked towards the mare, who was now in a violet dress that had a diamond pattern on it.

“Rarity, that looks amazing!”

“Thank you, Gabby. Now, we better get going. We don’t want to miss the gala.” Rarity soon led the way towards Canterlot castle. It seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as they approached it. Gilda could feel some butterflies in her stomach. “Oh, you’re going to love it. So many different creatures for you to meet.”

“Yeah, and practically all of them having better track records than me.,” Gilda said to herself. Soon, they could see the guards standing outside. Rarity showed her ticket and the griffon proceed to do the same.

“Very well,” one of the guards said. “Enjoy your evening ladies.” The doors opened up and the three fancy-dressed girls walked inside. The halls themselves were incredibly clean and even had some red carpet rolled.

“Man, I didn’t know it would be this fancy,” Gabby commented.

“This is only for looks,” Rarity stated. “The real beauty is in here.” Rarity opened a set of doors, showing the main hall. There, tons of ponies were dressed up in suits and dresses, not to mention there were also a couple of other creatures in there. “Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala.”