• Published 1st Sep 2020
  • 554 Views, 0 Comments

The Rare Kind Of Twilight - Csanimations

Spin off Story Starring Twilight.

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Pausing.....behind the door of the castle stood a alicorn.


For her friends they all had there good things as well as there problems to keep them busy but as for Twilight, sadly these days to her it was more or less problems as she kept getting stuck inside her own head alot more than she liked.
Problems of worrying to much about herself and how others would see her crack.
As a pony that did not social enough, being left to her thoughts alone was a given.
Although not complelety alone in being, she had Spike, her friends and a new acquaintance being Spike's new special friend that cared about her very much but that didn't mean, still being around people meant that she didn't feel alone.

She tried, she really tried to be happy in front of Spike and the others.
When she would socialise, distract herself even with projects, it always came right back to to one feelling, every single time.
Alone......alone with her thoughts.
She just felt like something was missing.
Something......Something that made Twilight be her full self.

The last weeks, were hard for Twilight to get through, she hardly saw her friends these days and now with Spike out of the castle more, moving on with his life.
Twilight just hid from the world more and more, trying to escape but there was one thing that she could not escape from so easily.
Her big brain!

As Twilight was still standing in front of the castle front doors, she was battling with two emotions in her head on one particluar subject for today.
One of happiness for her long time friend, happy he had found someone so special, happy to know he found someone that wanted to know him, hangout with him and love him, which she without doubt knew he absolutely deserved.

The other emotion was one of petty jealousy, in which she would sometimes get annoyed at Spike for talking about his special friend alot more for her liking.
His talks of what they did, the things they talked about to name a few, to a point where she had to leave the room he was in with an excuse to get away for a little bit.

The thoughts bounced around in her mind, it was new and in some way she didn't like it.
Not to mention her failed attempts to try and hang out with her friends recently resulting in her feelings just staying at an all time low.
So she couldn't stop thinking of the slightest little thought from being an extreme and Spike's new thing was defiantly that.

She would try and ease her brain saying to herself.
{ Its not like Spike rubbed it in my face or anything, he had a right to talk about it and be happy. }

But to Twilight it was always just that, nothing newer, nothing going on and Twilight tried to find ways to forget about it otherwise she believed she would go crazy.
She just wished sometimes things would turn back the way they were, where he would talk about other things in his life , blabberling on like a encyclopedia about his favourite comic characters, he had just read about.
Maybe even on a film or book they had just shared together the odd night before.

Drifting.......Drifting.....more far apart as he got older.
Now missing those times, the more she thought in fear, realising that her wonderful assistant had grown up without her even realising it and that one thought alone made her want to cry.
She finally stopped standing on the other side of the front castle door to go do something else, maybe even rest and turn her big brain off for once, but that wasn't going to happen, maybe you may know the feeling?

As she slowly walked to her study she kept thinking more, { Spike is all grown up and I just didn't think to notice that fact }
{ I need to understand that what I'm thinking is just in my head and is not something I need to worry anyone about. }
{ Spike is living his own life now......and of course he was never going to be glued to me forever, I'm just overthinking things of yesteryear and sometimes wishing they would go back to the way they were }

{ But I shouldn't think that way, thats not fair on Spike or his new special friend Sunny Rays, she perfect for him, I can see that, I really do, someone that can make him happy, look after him from now on when I use too. }
{ Cherish him. }
{ Saying I love you to him, every chance she can get, to let him know just how great of a dragon he is........}

{ But....... but still.... why am I crying after I know all this } as Twilight now realised she had entered the study a short time ago and was now siting in darkly lit study in abolute silent.
Twilight then quickly wiped her watered eyes with her hoofs just incase Spike happened to see her like that and get him worrying about her more.
{ Come on Twilight } she confided to herself { You need to be strong, you need to understand that this worry is unnesserary and is just your mind playing tricks with you. }

{ you got this Twilight, come on, Spikes not going to suddenly disappear on you, leave you and never talk to you again, I mean heck he was to one worrying about you before he left a short while ago, you've got nothing to worry about.......right.........Right! }

Twilight felt like she wanted to curl up into a ball and scream!
But only managed a small outburst.
" Ehhhhh , Please just let me get out of my own head, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" even for just a second."
as she stretched her hoofs and head high to the sky disclaming it to herself.

" BANG , Clutter! "

Twilight quickly jolted back down in panic.
Someone was here!
Someone defiantly heard her cry of conflict!
Someone at this very moment could be going into her little room, where she did her scientific experients!

She angrily leaped into action to catch this intruder and ask them to leave or at the very least wonder what caused the noise to distract herself for a minute or so, if she was lucky.

She charged towards the noise as it continued to deliberately bellow out to make her come investigate.
She trailed the noise to her worse thought, as it was coming from within her little room.

She wanted to roll her eyes as if to say of course but now wasn't the time as she knew something was up.
As she used her magic from her horn to turn the handle on the door, she jumped into the room ready to say.....


As she paused in her tracks at the draconequus messing about once again in her private little room.
Discord was doing what he does best, always finding some way to get under your skin in the most abstract and amusing way to him possible.

As he lay casually over Twilight's desk he happerly noticed her and call out.

"Ah Twilight Sparkle, so happy to see you, how are things with you?" finishing off with a smirk.
but before she had time to lay out many replies he interrupted.
"Ow by the way, you have got to see this" as he showcased his weird idea of amusement unpon the purple pony.

"Look its dancing" he showcased proudly to Twilight, making her cactus now rocking a pair shades, bob backwards and forwards in its little potted base to some jazzy music from a jukebox he pulled out of thin air.
" Isn't it most amusing Twilight, other dimensional habits for simple novelties do fascinate me very much so."
As he kept sharing it with great joy.
But Twilight was not in the mood, as her usual mood these past weeks as of late were unpleasent and she was defiantly not in the mood for any more from Discord's antics.
She stated bluntly " Discord is this all your doing in here by yourself? "
Discord smirked again and slid off the desk towards her.

"Me Twilight, why never, not in a million years, I mean I tried to see if it was possible to play catch with ones self in this small darken area of castle, away from the sociable light, but eh who am I to judge " as he shruged in front of her.
" when I am who I am " as he appeared suddenly along side her."
Twilight instanly knew what he was trying to say confirming he may of heard her cry of woe, but then she looked to the floor in surprize and pointed in annoyance.

" Hey is that my latest experiment, you so carelessly let fall on the floor! "
"An experiment, I spent many, many, many pain staking...
"months..........on" with her experiment now back on the shelf, looking as good as new, like it had never happened.
" There better" he replied coolly.
" yes, very much thank you" she retorted some what happily.
" But still " she added firmly in annoyance once more.
" Ow please Twilight, look, it's all better now, no harm, no foal right until to reach the touchdown at the end field, to bring home the gold for the home team " mimicking a football player with the added costume to match.
" You seriously need to get out of your own head and enjoy your life" he brushed off, now losing the footbal attire.
" It will do you the world of good in the long run. "

Twilight soon plastered a frown towards Discord who was now floating a few hoofs in front of her.

" Alright how much did you hear of my woes " She sighed whist still looking into his misshaped wacky pupils.
But funny enough Discord was taken back by this without showing this to Twilight, he added.
" Not too much, I am a creature of princples, you know, even if I had the power to gaze into ones head to see, I wouldn't "
" Ah huh " she responded with one of her eyebrows raised.

" No really Twilight, honest and truth " as a halo apeared above his head to then be quickly eaten like a doughnut by himself.
" Ah huh " she responded once again still not convinced, but did notice that Discord attitude had changed.
" Look Twilight I'm going to level with you, yes I am here because I did see a little into what your thinking, but give me some credit here you know, whist we've been conversing your haven't been thinking of the other thing have you!"

Now Twilight was stumped, she could go on at him for his methods of meddling but then she realised in a odd way he was right, this was just his odd way of cheering up a situation and the more Twilight thought of it, she realised he was trying to help her.
To that she smiled and lightly giggled, which cause Discord off guard.
" hey, whats so funny Twilight" he stated in odd confusion.

" Ha ha I was just thinking of all the times you've poofed into my little room, being......well..... you and I never realised why we have never had more of a chat like this or even hanged out."

Now Discord was the one surprised, he didn't know how to top what she said to him and replied with a simple.
" I dont know actually".
"Mainly I was doing this to hopefully get a rise out of you, get you annoyed at me, but actually with this helping you now more than ever.........I'm just lost" as he finished, now joining her on the ground.
Discord looked down at the odd bookish alicorn, in which she replied with a smile.
Which he copied.
" Thank you Discord" she said cheerfully.
" For What " he replied almost dumbfondly.
" For being you and helping me out today."
" Ow errr ( cough ) er your welcome Twilight, of course thats what I do best, I surpose " he stated truthly with embarrassment.
" Mmhmm, its ok Discord, I get it, reassurance is not your strong point. "
" So hows about we get out of this small darken room and go to the study and have a good old fashion chat about something fun" She suggested in eagerness.
" Sure, I would like very much so Twilight, if you don't want to talk about whats going on in your head as well" he asked surportively.

" Nah, its ok Discord, I already know the answer to that and I'm sure you do too " she finished with a smile once again up to him.
" Of course....... " he warmly smiled more back to her.
Jumping with joy Discord anounced.
" Well what are we waiting for, lets take the Discord express to the study, whoo whoo " he cheered with a railway hat on and gesturing with his arm a whistle blowing motion from the train.


" Quick and simple " he bragged to no one but himself on his skills as they entered the study.
However Twilight added her two cents.
" Ahhhhh but you seem to forget Discord."
" I can teleport too " she cheekily said whist teleporting from the centre of the room to highest shelf.
" That you can Twilight" as he looked up in her direction with folded arms " that you can and almost as good as me ".
" Almost " she joked " more like better than you think. "

Discord smiled even more, seeing that under her bookish quirks she had a good sense of humour when she wanted too.
" Well I think what he need to do next is have an upgrade to this stuffy study, crystals are so earlier chapter. " he winked.
" I was thinking we could remove the walls, give it a bit more of a cottage feel you know, with some lovely spring time curtains."
" An added throw rug, some cute little chairs, with a table for our assorted goods and cucumber sandwiches and" as he got carried away changing everything.
" Isn't this just like fluttershys cottage " Twilight paused him.

Discord then stopped, looked around and then commented.
" You know what, I think it is " as he rubbed his goatee.
" All we need now is Fluttershy and its complete "
" Very accurately so " Twilight nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was returning home from a long day of caring for some woodenland creatures and was ready to sit down to rest when she noticed in horror, with a face that almost hit the floor.
" WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOME" she shouted in panic.
Noticing her home now was gone, apart from the odd surport beam and a sink being held up by its plumbing.

Realising this quickly after Twilight's comment, Discord reversed his actions and with a poof everything cottage related was gone and put back to where it was from in front of Fluttershy.

Burying her head in the ground from sadness, when fluttershy noticed all her furiture had returned with a poof, she stood up and sighed in annoyance.
" Errr discord, what are you up too now " as she looked up to the sky.

" Ah ha ha ha ha, whoopsy, my bad " he played off casually.
" Ok, so maybe the cottage feel is not your bag of chips " he mumbled as he offered Twilight a seat.
" What do you mean ? " she asked in confusion.
" Nevermind...... So as your host at your castle, what would like as a dish".
With many food dishes now appearing before her very eyes.
" The classic sandwich...... perhaps........ maybe a wonderful homemade pie that I didn't make... or wooooo a nice thanksgiving turkey...... with stuffing" he grinned.

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully at the end of her fit of giggles.
" I think I'll stick to the sandwiches, but! "
" But! " he questioned as the other food dishes disappered into thin air.
" Just tone it down abit, ok Discord, you dont have to impress me.......this is just a pleasent good old fashion chat" .
Now noting this Discord waved a hand off to Twilight simply.
" Ah.... yes, sure thing Twilight."

- Some Time Had Passed -

" Ah ha ha, ok, now get this"
"I was waiting in line at Sugar Cube Corner for the new sale of doughnuts the cakes were making for one day only and as I was standing there, one pony behind me was making some very quiet comments about my height, saying things to another like."
" Do you think because of his height, he can fit in a bed of size? "
" Or things like"
" I wonder if he gets cold up there, condersing his eyebrows are white "
" You know that cliché nonsense, so I turn around to him and heres the best part ha ha, as he's about to speak up saying that stupid line of hows the weather up there."
" I quickly reply whist shrinking down smaller than him, beating him to the punch saying "
" what little old me, how about yourself" he proudly prounced.
" ha ha, he didn't what to think and was quiet for the rest of the line in utter embarrassment. "
" Then I just collected my doughnuts and poofed away happerly."
" They were quite delightful, I must go back again when theres another sale and ask for more, here would you like one" as Discord pulled out one from thin air once again and offered it to Twilight.
" Twilight..... whats wrong " he noticed.
" Nothing..... its nothing........" she terribly hid looking down at her plate on her lap.
" Ah huh " he responded knowing that look.
" Its just, how did you play that off so casually, in which I mean, you know........ not letting anything get to you I mean."
There was a pause before Discord replied with his eyes now looking away from Twilight.

" Ah, well I mean, I am the lord of chaos, that was just merely a situation of showing up the fool, which trust me I am myself...... but to say that nothing bothers me would be a lie " he sadly stated flatly.

" Really! " with Twilight now looking back up to him " I never thought of you of being like that. "
With Discord now looking back to her.
" Well of course, my dear Twilight, I am a living creature with feelings and junk..... its just I dont like to show it, you know" As he waved over some doubt of opening himself up more to Twilight.
Twilight looked down with a frown at her plate again " I do know, yeah ".

Seeing this Discord quickly changed the subject.
" So.... " he said awkwardly with his lion paw now scratching is goatee " what was that experiment about, that I carelessly knocked over from other room we were in earlier? "

But Twilight still wore her frown but did look up to him.
" Sadly that was a recent failed experiment that went off bang this morning. "
" Really! " with Discord now leaning in his chair to Twilight wondering with peak curiousity.
" Yeah " she added blandly " it straight went kaput, I was testing the outcome durablity of a plant using a special mix I wiped up."
" Fascinating" with Discord not daring to look away " I really need to give this science thing a try, it sounds very chaotic " he murmured to himself.
" My experiment was still a failure " she sighed.
" But...still....... " with Discord now trying to keep the conversation postive " you now know something from it and can try a new method and stuff " he finished whist sipping his tea.

" Giggle. "
" What..... did I do something funny! " he looked around in surprise.
" No not really, it's just a very Spike thing to say, very interesting coming from you" she beamed with a grin, probably the first proper one she made in the last few weeks.
Discord then joined her expression " well what can I say, he has an affect on all of us. "
" hmmmmm, he does " she agreed warmly as she finished her sandwich.

- Some More Time Later -

" Well I must Twilight, this has been quite a pleasent time " as he exited the castle's front door and quickly turned to face her.
" It was indeed " she smiled warmly up to him.
" Thank you Discord for today..... thanks for everything. "
" Pfffffff " he jokely waved about in the air " dont worry about Twilight, I didn't do anything really. "

" But still thank you anyway Discord, this really helped me out " as she grinned cheerfully.
" No worries, it was fun"....... perhaps...... maybe you would like to do this again sometime soon?"
" I'd like that..... I really would " as she grinned cheerfully once more.

" Well then " as he stretched his wings excitedly " I'll see you around some time soon then Twilight, toodles for now. "
And just like that with a POOF!
He was gone.
" Bye " she replied contently.

But before going in as it was getting late in the day.
She thought back on how it all turned out and to that all she could do was smile, a genuine smile that felt like a weight had been lifted off her brain, to the point where her thoughts of today about Spike being grown up and socialable ques with her friends were not bombarding around in her mind for once.
She was happy with being with Discord, getting to know him alot more, understanding that lot of the time, they were on the same page in a weird way.
She was oddly excited to even chat and see him again soon as she turned around from the front door to go inside and make herself some dinner before tucking into a good book before bed.

The End.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, it was nice putting this together.

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