• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 1,320 Views, 7 Comments

All i want is to have a good time - Silver Spirit

Shadow Aqua and I leave home for Equestria with a few surprises

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Nicky - Nicky Nine Doors... Wait... That's not Nicky...

“Following those four has been really interesting.” Said Celestia to Luna as they watched what they had had called their

“faithful students” walking back to their individual homes with the ones they loved.

“Quite. They hath been through a journey that not many wanted.”

“I never thought that they would calm down that blue pony with the purple mane after what he thought happened to Fluttershy.” As the Pegasus she spoke of entered a cabin.

“Aye, and especially that one with the weird voice and the brownish yellow mane.” This pony went to a house toward the edge of Ponyville by Sweet Apple Acers

“Yes he was quite the loudmouth for a while but at least there is more entertainment with the blue and greenish bodied one with the black hair. He really knows how to put smiles on many ponies’ faces.” With a kick in his step the unicorn went toward the dance hall

“As is with the same with the mantis green haired one with the tan body. Tis a wonderful site.” As he flew up into Cloudsdale. And as they watched the last pony ascend into Luna’s beautiful night Celestia dawned a smile and said.
“It really is.”

3 months earlier

“Aughhghgghghgggnnn….” I spouted in anger at my game. I don’t know why I was still playing with the lag I was receiving. It was driving me up the wall. Playing enough with my friends has taught me to live through it but even after twenty minutes it was bothering me and I couldn’t stand it anymore. “You guys have fun I’m gonna take a break because I can’t take this lag anymore.” They were all fine with it so I closed it out. Looking at the time it was twelve – thirty pm and it was time for me to go make some food. I proceeded to stand up and think at the same time ‘what could I possibly have to eat. Before I could fully convince myself of what I wanted I heard a knock at the door. First thought I had was, ‘Man, Scott’s here early.” But then I realized that he’s never early so I assumed it was my neighbour who was having issues with something next door so he probably needed my parents then again I’d have to turn him away cause my parents weren’t there. So, I instead decided to just view who was in the opaque side window to see who it was. There was no one in sight. I figure it’s just some kids being annoying playing Nicky – Nicky nine doors. I didn’t bother to check so I just went along and made my lunch. Fifteen minutes later I was in my chair enjoying my bowl of good old KD listening and relaxing to my music of choice. Dubstep (please don’t judge me I just find it very innovative compared to what I used to listen to) when suddenly I hear another knock on the door. It still couldn’t be Scott it was only twelve – forty five and we agreed he’d arrive at one – thirty. This time however I decided to answer the door and as I expected there was nobody there so I closed the door and continued on with my food. The part that really confused me was that the knock was to the beat of my music, but I just decided to shrug it off.

I finished off my delicious bowl off KD and threw it in the sink with that knocking still on my mind. Not a lot of my friends listen to dubstep they’re more based with mainstream music except for Scott and another friend, but other than that the other friend moved away so it couldn’t have been him. By the time that quarter after one rolled around the thought had slipped my mind and I was playing some music games on my PS2 (I’m old school) and instead of hearing a knock I heard my doorbell ring. I paused at my game giving my door a look of skepticism as to why it wasn’t a knock. Either way I walked over to the door and opened it. Once again, nobody there. I went to open my screen door and it stopped about a quarter of the way open as it was stuck on a large green hoodie. I slipped myself around my screen door to look at this hoodie. It was rather tattered with a couple of little holes and some stains on it none of which I wished to learn of their origin. I decided that I would take the hoodie and place it by my sandbox (used for the ice in winter time) on the other side of the driveway and went back inside to continue what I was previously engaged with. Not two minutes later I hear the doorbell ring again. At this point my frustration level was about to reach the foul line. I went to the door, opened it and there was the hoodie again. At this point I just gave up and took it in with me but oddly this time it weighed more, like there was something in it. I searched through it and found nothing so I left it on my couch. I continued on playing as my thoughts began to ease and I just began to flow with my music again except I wasn’t listening to any music in fact none of my music was on yet I heard a wonderful melody float into my ears. It sounded so foreign like nothing I’ve ever heard before. I felt so free of everything.

A knock at the door snapped me from my dream like state. I looked over at the clock. One – forty five. I looked in the doorway just to be sure and it was him finally. I opened the door and let him in and he took a seat on the love seat. I saw his eye instantly catch the hoodie. “Not really your style.” He said bluntly.

“I know but apparently it knows how to move on its own.”

“Why would you think that?” a puzzled look was plastered on his face.

“Well,” I pointed at the hoodie and pretended to wave my arms manically, “This was left at my door three times in the past forty minutes, and I moved it twice.”

“Well maybe it was someone you know and they got the wrong size and thought it would be good for you.”

“Being that tattered I’m amazed it wasn’t thrown away.” at this point he started to go on about how it could be important to somebody in some way and I just wasn’t going to take it anymore. “If you really want that piece of junk you can have it I don’t care.”

“I’m not a piece of junk!” me and Scott stopped dead and looked at each other with the same thought or at least it should have been, ‘what the hell?’ this however at least confirmed to me that he had heard it too. Being as insane I thought I was being I responded.

“Since when did hoodies talk?” I asked a little more calmly and quietly compared to the argument that I was having with Scott. There was no response. I grabbed the hoodie and started feeling around again the voice came back.

“Eeek! Stop don’t poke me there its sensitive!” at this point we could clearly tell it was a female voice but hearing that I looked over at Scott and I knew the response I was going to get. Sure enough,

“Jeez! First time you meet a lady and one that seems to be younger than you. You lolicon.” I could just bathe in the sarcasm I heard.

“Hey! You shut up I didn’t mean to number one and number two it wasn’t even that spot.” Even after feeling it, it felt kind odd and so I lifted the hood off of where the hole you fit your head through and looked inside. What I saw nearly made me drop the hoodie and do a table flip at the same time. It was a figure but not a human figure. It was a figure I couldn’t fully tell the shape of but the lightning blue hair and cream colored body was enough to let me know what I was seeing but at this point even logic failed me when the shades of Vinyl Scratch looked up at me. I put the hoodie back down on the couch and sat down in my chair. If I wasn’t awake before I am now. Digesting what I had seen I picked up my drink visibly shaking and took a sip. Scott looked over at me greatly concerned.

“Are you all right? You look like you just saw a ghost.” I couldn’t respond I was still in too much shock to digest what was occurring. The best I could come up with was,

“P-pinch me…. Please.” He did so which did kinda hurt. At that point I was at a loss for words. Vinyl Scratch in my house. Scott proceeded to see what I saw. He looked shaken as well but I had a feeling that he thought that something awful was going to happen cause of some of the fanfics he has read. While we were comprehending what has happened Vinyl had popped out of the sweater and was looking around. She was a little smaller than in the show and her tail was also a little shorter too.

“What’s the matter? Never seen a pony before.” She asked. Quickly trying to think of an answer without sounding rude I came up with,

“It’s not that it’s just….. that……. We have never met a celebrity of your caliber before.” I sounded like such an idiot. It was as good as I could come up with though.

“Really? I don’t find myself to be that famous, but thank you that’s kind of you, thank you.” She gave me a small smile. I could feel my face redden ever so slightly. For some reason as well a particular thought crossed my mind, but it was only cause of the way the fandom worked.

“What color are your eyes?” I asked thinking that it shouldn`t be any different but I wasn`t sure cause of the fact she was in a new world. Scratch that new universe. She seemed put off by the question. Scrunching her nose in thinking that I was lying about the being a huge fan.

“Magenta silly you should know that.” Even Scott gave me a strange look for asking the question.

“Can I see?” I asked

“Sure!” So she proceeded to take her glasses off and when she opened her eyes I could feel my mouth hang agape either from shock or surprise. Her right eye was the color she said it was, however the left was red. At this point I couldn’t tell what I heard more of my heartbeat from a near fatal heart attack (I like bicolored eyes) or my brain shouting things to say. I looked over and could Scott was just about as surprised as me. Vinyl looked back at us with confusion with a head tilt. “What`s wrong?” she asked. At that point I was hoping Scott would through the leash on me before I did something I`d regret. However I was greatly mistaken to believe such a thing would happen cause he responded to her saying,

“Your eyes are different colors.”

“What?” she used her magic and grabbed a nearby mirror that was hanged on the wall. After she stared back into her eyes taking in what she had witness, she looked to Scott, then to me, then back to the mirror and she excitedly said, “This is so awesome!” When I was finally able to take my eyes off hers` I looked over at Scott.

“Why would her eyes be like that?”

“Probably the fandoms fault with being unable to live with her cannon eye color.” I could believe it considering they wanted her to have red eyes so she was albino. At this point I still accept her magenta eyes. Even though I do really like the bicolored eyes it proves that you must live with what ya` get. While all the thoughts were flying through my head I began to hear that melody in my head again except this time it was being whistled. I could feel my discomfort clearing and all my problems fade away again. Looking at Vinyl I saw she was the one who was whistling. Her eyes were closed as she was also taking in what she was giving looking satisfied with the melody. After she finished she opened her eyes and they happened to catch me in a net, but it made me feel greatly at ease with what was occurring. I could see she was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. After looking at the door then looking at Vinyl I pointed to my room and said softly,

“Hide there till we know it`s safe, ok?” she nodded her head and went without argument as though she understood she wasn`t supposed to be in our world. This made me wonder yet again, ‘Why is she here?’ I opened the door a crack and asked, “Who is it?”

“Could you be so kind as to let us in we don’t want to be seen.” It was a female voice it kinda threw me and I looked over at Scott and he had his hand behind him like he was carrying something with him, but by his face I could tell he knew who it was. This was funny to me because I could almost recognize the voice myself. It wasn`t till I opened the door that my worst fear was realized. I took two steps back from the screen door tripping as I did so. As it was the only thing between me and the two guardians of Equestria. Princesses Celestia and Luna at my doorstep. I quickly regained my composure as well as my footing when I stood back up and I kindly let them in. I was sure they could tell the two of us were nervous but I don’t know if it was cause my heartbeat sound like a speed metal bass kick or cause of the fact I tripped over myself. I offered them a seat beside Scott which they gladly accepted. My palms were so sweaty at this point.

“Can I get you two anything to drink or eat?” I asked as though this happened on a daily basis like they were longtime friends. ‘Idiot! You shouldn’t talk to them like that!’ I could hear my brain just screaming, however I managed to keep a smile on my face while trying to be as friendly as I could.

“Tis a kind gesture,” Luna said, “however we cannot accept as we are on official business.” I could feel the smile just fade from my face.

“You’re looking for something aren`t you?” knowing what was coming I braced for it.

“That is correct.” Celestia said, “We are searching for one of our own. We had tracked her here.” Well this was it. I could either lie to them in which case they would probably tear down my house bit by bit looking for Vinyl, or I could give her back without a fight. In each case I would never be able to see her again. I sighed and bowed my head in a show of defeat.

“Vinyl…” I called weakly I could feel myself just dying inside with each of the steps I heard come closer I grew more and more aware of the pain I was feeling. She finally came into sight and she saw Celestia and Luna. What she did next completely made my soul feel like it was about to rip in two. She ran behind me and cautiously looked at the two princesses. Looking over at their faces they looked calmly back but I could tell that this was the end. The end of Vinyl`s and my friendship, the end of the calm feeling I had, and certainly the end of my kindness to Celestia and Luna. Celestia stood which made me flinch. I could feel myself shaking being torn at what my reality has become. I looked down at Vinyl with a sad look, and I received the same look back. When I looked back up to see Celestia in my face I nearly fell over. If it wasn’t for the fact I was so mentally distraught I would have but I didn’t. I would have spoken however I was afraid of what would come out. So I kept quiet.

“Ease yourself.” Celestia said as calm as I have ever heard. “There is a good reason as to why she is here, and as to why we are here.”

“What do you mean?” Scott asked. Luna answered,

“Tis a problem in our home world.” She said as she stood up and began walking around while explaining however Celestia was the one who continued.

“We have been planning an event of marriage between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and my faithful student Twilight Sparkle`s brother, and captain of the royal guard Shining Armor.” At this point I felt a little less threatened, and I could feel a proposition coming on.

“What does this have to do with me and him?” As I pointed at Scott.

“Well as of recent we have been receiving a lot of threats in regard to the wedding. So we have been on high security ever since these threats have been coming in.”

“So you need to ask humans for help?” I asked and knew I sounded really bad with the way I said it, but without skipping a beat Celestia replied,

“That is correct. Which means that you will be coming back with us.”

“Tis only if you want dears.” Luna said. “We do not wish to force you with what you do not want.” I immediately knew what I wanted and I looked over at Scott to see if he wanted the same. He seemed more at ease now like he was prepared to accept it. His life has been pretty rough from what I knew about him so I knew what he was going to say, and sure enough,

“I would like to go.” He said without skipping a beat.

“Very well, and yourself?” She looked at me as she said that. I began to explore what options would open up for me if I did so, and if I didn’t do so. Ultimately, being the indecisive idiot that I am, I kneeled down so I could be at eye level with Vinyl. I didn’t really want to go if she didn’t want me to. After all she has been my favorite pony. She looked back at me still kind of saddened. She probably thought I was going to say goodbye.

“Vinyl?” I asked her barely being audible. Her face kind of turned away like she wasn’t ready. I placed my hand on her cheek, “Please… look at me.” She weakly looked back at me tears almost forming in her eyes. I looked into her eyes and asked her, “Do you want me to come with you?” she seemed almost startled by the question. “I will go if you want me to.” At this point it looked like she couldn’t believe what was happening.

“But…then I’ll feel like I’m forcing you.” She came back with. At this point I had a hand on each of her cheeks.

“I don’t want to go if I feel like you don’t want me though, and I can’t decide.” We never broke eye contact as we spoke. “Yes or no?” she broke the contact by closing her eyes to think. It felt like forever before she finally opened them up again. During the time she was thinking, a though crossed my mind and it went something like this, ‘Why would she say yes when she barely even knows me?’ and all the other thoughts centered on it. She finally opened her eyes to meet mine. She paused as she looked at me and then she did something that completely surprised me. She leapt up and wrapped her hooves around my neck so quickly that I nearly fell over and I could hear her whisper in my ear,

“I would love nothing more.” I paused a moment to take in what happened and then I wrapped my arms around her gently.

“Very well.” I whispered back. I let go and stood up to meet Celestia’s gaze again. “I will go too.”

“Excellent!” Luna said, “The fun has been doubled!”

“Very well, but there is a catch.” Celestia said. “You two are only allowed to bring two items each because our teleportation magic isn’t that powerful.” I could understand that but for some reason Scott could not. He began objecting but before he could even get a word out Celestia said, “If you have any objections you get nothing.” That shut him up. While that was occurring I was viewing over my items of choice, two caught my eye in particular. One was my computer because of the fact I have my digital Disc Jockey program on it (keeping job ideas open) and the other being my guitar (I really love music). At this point Scott had already told her the items he wanted. So I went over and told Luna what I wanted. She nodded in acceptance. “Oh yes I just remembered.” Celestia said as our gaze met her. “Luna and I have some other issues to deal with before we go back to Equestia. So you two…. I’m so sorry I forgot to ask your names.” I pointed over at Scott expecting him to introduce the two of us but he tilted his head in either confusion or patience waiting for me to introduce us. I sighed,

“My name is Alex.” I pointed to myself, and then pointed over to Scott. “This is Scott.” Celestia looked back between the two of us and then said,

“We will teleport you there but you will have to navigate by yourselves because we will not be aware of where you will land.” ‘Wait she really didn’t just say –‘ before I could finish my thought I blacked out.