• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 831 Views, 11 Comments

How They Got Caught in the Barn - solar star

Applejack and Rainbow Dash find themselves getting caught in an intimate moment by their friends.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Author's Note:

this is a little more spicy than the previous chapters! just a heads up

wow this was definitely my fav chapter to write (yikes what does that say about me LMFAO). I don't think this is rated M but I'm not sure if it's T either. Sorry not familiar with enough fanfic yet I guess haha. Im leaving it at T but I feel this chapter is a mix between the two. again this is my first ever time writing fanfiction let alone a scene like this so I really hope you like it I had a lot of fun with it hahaha

Does this chapter make this fic M? It still seems like T to me right?

Shucks, Applejack thought. Despite spending almost the whole day together she was still sad to see her go. Not like she could really voice that concern. AJ had a huge heart; that was common knowledge around Ponyville. She always put her friends before herself, including Rainbow. She couldn't risk telling her and putting her in a position like that, ultimately ruining their friendship. The cyan pony might not like her in that way but AJ was her best friend. She would be hurt.

Applejack cleaned up the cups and headed upstairs. She was bummed. She had been Rainbow Dash's friend for six years! Six years and she had managed. Why was it becoming so much more difficult now? She guessed after having to save Equestria a bajillion times she really started to appreciate those around her. Maybe she just missed their friendly "rivalries"; they had both really grown up, and being the oldest of the group AJ was often the voice of reason, no longer getting into "sillier" arguments per se. Rainbow had matured too. Not exactly to the same extent but…

She opened the door to her moonlit bedroom, placing her stetson on her desk. She took a seat by her window, looking up into the clouds. A rainbow-haired pegasus was up there somewhere, she thought. She pictured what Dash was doing right now. She had been to her house one time, when she was having her issues about Tank hibernating. She had never seen Rainbow cry like that before. Although she didn't show it, as Pinkie made clear to Twilight "Applejack cried on the inside," she couldn't ignore the tug of her heartstrings, pulling much stronger than when any of her other friends cried. Perhaps it was because Rainbow crying was so unusual. Or perhaps it was just another moment where her heart was in a place her brain had yet to accept. She had pulled her stetson down over her eyes, so at least she didn't have to see it anymore. It was kind of ironic she did that though, seeing as after that incident, AJ began to wish she knew Rainbow's more emotional side. She wished she opened up to her more.

Using that memory Applejack did her best to recreate Rainbow's house in her mind, picturing her walking around, brushing her teeth, getting into bed, her bedroom. Her bedroom. That captured her attention. Rainbow Dash's bedroom. Rainbow Dash's bed. The place where she slept, got ready, maybe had se––

"Whoa Nelly," Applejack thought aloud as she shook the imagery out of her head. This was the opposite of "ignoring it." Maybe she was just tired.

"Ah should probably just hit the hay."

Applejack climbed into bed, pulling the covers up near her neck. In a matter of minutes, the Earth pony was asleep.

She could feel her stomach tightening as Rainbow slowly came closer, eventually backing her up onto a wall. Nothing had even happened yet and her body was reacting more than it ever had with anypony else. She saw her eyes dash down to her lips, and then back up again, a certain fire in her large magenta eyes. She could hear the beating in her chest, only getting louder as Rainbow's lips got closer and closer, reaching the point where she could feel her warm breath on her face. After what seemed like forever, Dash closed the distance, pressing her soft lips deep against her's and sucking all the air out of her lungs. Instantly the tightening in her stomach lowered, and became an aching, pulsing feeling between her hind legs. She parted her lips, allowing Rainbow's tongue to enter, beginning yet another battle between the two mares. As the pair did often, they fought for dominance. Rainbow pulled at her lips, sucking them somewhat hard, and then soothing them with her tongue. After a while she noticed a shift in Dash's balance, only understanding why when she felt her hoof moving down her back, settling on her cutie mark, where it started rubbing circles. The heat between her legs grew and she let out a whimper, surprising even to herself. Rainbow seemed to be a little taken aback as well, as she briefly stopped kissing. However, she came back stronger than before, moaning back into her mouth. Clearly she was capable of turning the pegasus on as well. The hoof slid from her cutie mark and continued down her leg. The additional contact set her insides on fire; she knew she couldn't take on this teasing much longer; she was aching to be touched.

"Please Rainbow," she pleaded. "Can you just––please please." At this point she was downright begging. She needed it.

"Oh Applejack," Rainbow said, slowly moving her hoof up the inside of her left hind leg. There we go. Please keep going.

"Oh Applejack," Rainbow mumbled into the kiss. "Applejack."

She was so close. Closer, closer, almost there. She just had to move it a little higher...

"Applejack." Just mere centimeters away and––wait. That didn't sound like Rainbow's voice. No, that didn't sound like her at all. Who was that? It sounded like...

"APPLEJACK!" Apple Bloom screamed. Applejack's eyes flew open. As Apple Bloom stared at her, she tried to piece her surroundings together. She was in her bedroom, Apple Bloom was at the front of her bed staring at her, she was still laying under the covers, but she was also sweating, and breathing a bit heavily. One hoof was holding her blanket, and the other was down below rubbing her––

"AGHH!" Applejack screamed as she sat up in her bed.

"APPLE BLOOM?! What are ya doin' in here?!" Applejack half screamed half talked, trying to sound collected but failing. It was hard to focus when one of your hoofs was down there...solving a problem...of sorts. She held her blanket tightly to her chest.

"Ya know yer suppose' to knoCK!" Against her own wishes AJ's voice squeaked, her nerves going haywire. She was hoping Apple Bloom couldn't see the sweat dripping on her face.

"Ah did knock. Fer like 20 minutes! Y'all weren't sayin' anything!"

"Oh." Her bad.

"Big Mac made us breakfast. Granny sent me up here to come get ya."

"Oh well...uh, thanks then. Ah-ah'll be down inna few minutes." Apple Bloom turned to exit but stopped just before reaching the hall.

"Also, you okay sis?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Well when Ah came into yer room you were almost…moaning? And ya were mumblin' to yerself and makin' these weird noises n' stuff, about glowin' mash? growin' mash? Rainbow mash? Somethin' like that an' Ah thought somethin' was wrong."

Applejack's emerald eyes bulged as her face turned just about as red as the apples on her flank.

"Oh don'tcha worry sugercube, Ah am, uh, mighty fine. Must've just been havin' a bad dream er somethin'.

"Okay! See you down there," Apple Bloom happily trotted out of her big sister's room, easily persuaded by her words. AJ let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. Her mattress made a slight thumping sound as she flopped back down onto her bed. She couldn't believe what just happened. She couldn't believe Apple Bloom had almost just caught her doing that! She couldn't believe she was even doing that in the first place! She took a few deep breaths, she needed to calm down.

Once she was done panicking, she was able to notice just how much she had been, well, physically affected by this dream. She began to slowly reach down, biting her lip as she did so. She hovered over the warmed area, almost scared for what was to come. No pun intended. Finally lowering her hoof, she gasped when she felt how her body had reacted. In fact, just the slight touch brought the feelings back immediately. Despite everything, her body clearly wasn't done. It's not like she was able to finish or anything…

What in tarnation was wrong with her? After all of this she still wanted to do this? Because of a silly dream? Plum ridiculous.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew she wasn't upset because she wanted to finish what her dream had started. She was upset because it wasn't really the dream that had done this for her at all. It was the pony that was in it.

Well, might as well git-er done. Besides, her body was already so far she was sure it'd only take a few more minutes.