> How They Got Caught in the Barn > by solar star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful sunny day in Ponyville. That also meant it was a perfect day for a certain cyan pegasus to take one of her trademark naps. She had been practicing new flying tricks earlier in the morning, but the summer heat wore her out pretty quickly. Originally she was just going to look for a tree to lie under, but before she could do so, a small cloud in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She flew up and inspected: seemed legit. After getting comfortable, Rainbow Dash slowly drifted off to sleep. The sound of a hollow banging began to revitalize her senses. It took a few moments, but eventually her brain was able to register the sound. Was somepony, hitting wood? Rainbow Dash was still half asleep, and she couldn't tell if this was real or just part of a dream. It wasn't until the smell of apples hit her nose that she was able to regain more consciousness, her body slowly becoming aware of its surroundings. She was fairly certain she knew where she was, but just to be sure she slowly opened one eye, glancing towards the ground. Immediately her suspicions were confirmed; she was right above Sweet Apple Acres. The breeze must have sent me over here, she thought. She almost wanted to laugh; of course out of all the places she could've ended up, it had to be here. "Wow, maybe this really is a sign," Rainbow muttered to herself. The truth was, although not certain, Rainbow was pretty sure she had a crush on Applejack. It wasn't because she was a girl or anything, Rainbow already discovered she was attracted to both mares and stallions, but something about AJ was different. Of course Rainbow Dash loved all her friends, but her and Applejack always had a certain banter the others didn't. They were the two best athletes in Ponyville, and although that often led to competition, she truly did appreciate Applejack's strength. All that bucking had also really toned out Applejack's backside. She wasn't going to lie, she had accidentally caught herself checking out the farmer's flank a few times before. Okay, so yeah she occasionally appreciated Applejack's body, but usually when she liked someone, boy or girl, she was always the one to make the first move. She knew what she wanted and radiated confidence. But with AJ she just...didn't. It was a weird feeling; it was like she'd rather admire her from a distance, watching her do her chores, and just be in her physical presence. That was what made her uncertain––isn't that the same as what best friends do? Besides, even if her feelings were more than platonic, she wouldn't want to ruin their friendship by revealing them, only to find they aren't reciprocated. She also had no idea if she was even into girls like that! Although...Rainbow had kind of always suspected it. They had been friends for almost 6 years now, even before Twilight moved into the library, and not once did Rainbow remember AJ ever being into a guy; all the times a stallion had asked her out, Applejack had always turned them down. It was like when Trenderhoof came to town. Not only did she reject him, but she seemed genuinely bothered by his interest in her. Truthfully, however, it wasn't until the past couple of months had she started to see AJ in this light, so really she had no idea; she hadn't been paying good enough attention before. Rainbow Dash peered down from her cloud, looking for the orange farmer. She saw her cart with the apples she had already collected that day, and the buckets with apples under the trees, but she didn't actually see Applejack. She looked back and forth, but it was just dirt and trees for miles. Flying down from her cloud, she inspected the cart. Clearly somepony had pulled it out here. She looked at the harness; it was definitely set for Applejack. Apple Bloom was still too short for the height, and Big Mac was way too wide. Maybe she got tired or something and decided to take a break, Rainbow thought. Or maybe she forgot it out here and already went back to the barn. She could probably bring it back for her and help ou–– "BOO!" Applejack yelled, sending the pegasus into the nearest apple tree in a flash. Just as fast as she had flown into the leaves, Rainbow Dash came out, hovering over AJ as she toppled over onto her back, laughing uncontrollably. Rainbow was about to make some remark to hopefully make it seem she wasn't actually scared, but just before the words slipped out, that odd feeling overtook her again, and she found herself almost lost in the moment. AJ's laughter rang out as she squirmed on her back. She really did have the cutest laugh. Then again Twilight had a cute laugh too, so maybe still just a friend thing. Damn, Rainbow thought. She hated these mushy gushy feelings she kept having. They were...gross. Realizing there really was no way to recover from what just happened, Rainbow Dash decided to move on. "So Applejack, what's up?" Rainbow asked, unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she said it. "Whoo wee sugarcube," Applejack said as she wiped her tears from her eyes, finally starting to calm down, "sorry bout that, it was just the funniest darn thing ah've seen all day." Rainbow only made a face in response. "So watcha doing here anyway? Pretty sure apple buckin' ain't your first choice of things to do." "I was taking a nap and I guess the wind brought me here. But now that I'm up and awake I could help a bit if you wanted?" "Well that's mighty kind of you Rainbow, ah really appreciate it," Applejack said with a smile. Ugh that smile. And that voice. Southern drawl. Rainbow didn't even like that accent, but Applejack somehow made it...cute? As the pair locked eyes, Rainbow could feel a blush coming on. "Alright I-I'll just get started now," Rainbow said, quickly moving over to a nearby tree. She couldn't believe she almost blushed from a smile from Applejack that lasted mere seconds. What was wrong with her? This was her best friend! First thinking her laugh and accent were cute and now blushing? This was so out of character. She really needed to get this under control, whatever it was. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tree shook from the impact of Applejack's hind legs, causing the apples to fall shortly after. It was a hot summer day in Ponyville, but that didn't stop her from completing her chores. No one said running a farm was easy. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, wishing she had at least brought some water or something. Grabbing a now full basket from under the tree, she started putting on the cart when her ears perked up. What was that? Quietly placing down the bucket, she waited to see if she would hear it again. A few seconds later and there it was, and it was, snoring? Applejack looked around, but there was nothing but apple trees. She was alone. Who could possibly be doing thi––oh, she realized. There was one place she forgot to look. Bending her head backwards Applejack looked into the sky, finding a small cloud slowly blowing in the breeze. Although she wasn't positive, AJ was 90% sure Rainbow was up there. The rainbow colored tail that hung down a few seconds later confirmed her hunch. She was about to call out for her when she noticed she was beginning to stir, and soon had a better idea. As quickly and quietly as possible, the blonde-maned pony trotted off the road and behind one of her trees, watching a confused and half asleep Rainbow Dash slowly begin to recuperate. As she was hiding, she couldn't ignore the bit of excitement that began to boil. Not because she was going to scare Rainbow Dash, but just the fact she was here at all. Just my luck, Applejack thought. AJ had liked Rainbow for a while now. Perhaps even since they first met. There was something about her that she couldn't place her hoof on. Yeah she was obnoxiously confident, liked to brag, and could be really annoying at times, but Applejack was always a bit drawn to it. Of course, she had no idea why until about a year ago. Deep down AJ always knew something about being with a stallion didn't sit well with her, but she kind of just "hoped" she hadn't met the right one yet. It's not that she thought it was wrong, she most certainly did not, it just took her some time to really see it in herself. It's not like she really had an active love-life anyway. Which, of course, didn't really bother her; she was always so busy on the farm, and she always had the love for her family and friends. But, fully accepting that stallions just weren't for her allowed her to explore what she really wanted, and over time, she began to notice her mind constantly wandering back to Rainbow Dash. She always felt and understood her friendship with Rainbow was different from the other four, but it took a minute for the realization to dawn on her; a significant part of her wanted more than just that friendship. The idea scared her. Heck, it did way more than that; it terrified her. However, luckily Applejack was very, very good at keeping her emotions at bay. Too good, even. Especially when they were about herself. AJ would be the first to help another pony with their feelings; calling her 'understanding' would be an understatement. However, getting her to talk about her own internal battles? Especially when they might be troublesome to somepony else? Yeah, good luck. Applejack's first experience with a mare was all the way back when Twilight first came to Ponyville. She saw a beautiful filly at SugarCube Corner. AJ could tell she wasn't the only one who thought so; the staring stallions in line weren't great at being discreet. She introduced herself and they got to talking. She discovered her and her family were just passing through, and were only staying in Ponyville for one night. AJ knew there was something different about this pony, something she could feel but not explain. She invited her to Sweet Apple Acres. They ended up talking until well past midnight, both knowing they should've parted ways already, but nopony making a move to do so. When their lips touched for the first time, a feeling unlike no other washed over Applejack. The feeling that this was...right. She never told the other five what had happened. Despite this happening almost 5 years ago, for 4 more years to come Applejack kept the faint wish she would feel the same again, but with a stallion. Rainbow Dash was now on the ground, playing with the harness on her cart. Applejack slowly creeped out from behind the tree, making sure not to accidentally step on any leaves. Aligning herself right behind Rainbow, she screamed, "BOO!" Rainbow took off so fast all Applejack saw was the rainbow color she left in her wake. She fell to the ground laughing, less at the fact she had actually scared Rainbow and more at knowing how embarrassed she would be to have to actually admit she had gotten scared. Rainbow Dash and AJ were similar in that way; although distinctively, they tended to keep a lot of themselves...to themselves. Ponies rarely saw either of them crying, both upholding reputations of being strong and tough, which they gladly accepted. Applejack heard leaves rustling almost immediately after, knowing it was Rainbow coming out from the tree without even having to open her eyes. The light behind her eyelids got darker, and she knew Rainbow was now above her, providing some shade from the sun. She waited for some lame excuse that had to be coming, but nothing came out of the cyan pony's mouth. Applejack wondered if she was just staring at her? Soon enough the farmer began to calm down, standing back up. "So Applejack, what's up?" Applejack almost laughed again hearing the attitude in Rainbow's voice. "Whoo wee sugarcube, sorry bout that, it was just the funniest darn thing ah've seen all day." She chuckled a bit at Rainbow's face. "So watcha doing here anyway? Pretty sure apple buckin' ain't your first choice of things to do." "I was taking a nap and I guess the wind brought me here. But now that I'm up and awake I could help a bit if you wanted?" "Well that's mighty kind of you Rainbow, ah really appreciate it," Applejack said. She knew that's how she would've responded had anyone offered, but she couldn't help but smile a little wider and perhaps look a bit more excited. For a brief moment, smiling up at Rainbow, Applejack had that same feeling of excitement she felt when she first noticed the pegasus. It probably would've lasted longer too had Dash not dashed away so fast. Her name really did suit her. "Alright I-I'll just get started now," Rainbow said, sounding the tiniest bit flustered, but thankfully going unnoticed by AJ. Applejack turned back around to the remaining two baskets under the tree, forgetting all about the heat, lack of water, and other issues she was having before. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's it Rainbow, the last tree. Thanks fo' yer help today!" Applejack exclaimed with a smile. Even with dirt on her hooves, her mane a little frizzy, and sweat dripping down her face, Rainbow Dash still found her beautiful. Perhaps even more beautiful. Ew! How did she make her this soft? "It's no problem AJ! Happy to help," Rainbow replied, wiping some of her own sweat off. A blush rose to Applejack's cheeks; she loved when she called her that. "What?" "What what?" "You blushed." "Oh it's just mighty hot out here, Ah reckon Ah could be a little red," the farmer chuckled nervously. She wasn't the best at lying. The two ponies began to make their way back to the barn, switching off who pulled the apple cart. Although relieved, AJ couldn't help but be a bit disappointed they were done; it meant there was no reason for Rainbow to stay. "Hey uh d-do ya wanna come in and have some apple juice? Granny said she would make a fresh batch before her nap." Even though it came out a bit rushed, Rainbow didn't seem to notice. "Yeah sure! That sounds awesome." They dropped the apple cart off at the barn and made their way to Applejack's house. Despite living with three other family members, the house seemed empty. "Wow Applejack, I didn't know it ever got this quiet around here!" "It usually ain't! But Granny's upstairs sleepin', Apple Bloom is with her crusaders, and Big Mac is still out there in the East orchard! Unlike some of us he didn't have a great partner helpin' out," she said, nudging her in the shoulder with a wink. So they were alone, Rainbow realized. Not that it meant anything, obviously, but it was a nice feeling knowing she could talk somewhat freely with her without worrying about anypony seeing...or heaing. "So...do you have to buck all of these apples by yourself everyday?" "Well not everyday sugarcube; apples don't grow that fast!" "Oh right," Rainbow replied, slightly embarrassed. "But Ah still really do appreciate what you did, especially on a day like today." Rainbow smiled. Even after the juice was long gone, the two girls ended up hanging out with each other for the remainder of the day. It was too hot to do anything, so they stayed inside Applejack's home. "Ya know Rainbow, Ah had a real good time with you today." "Yeah I did too. I didn't realize how much fun just hanging out with you would be. You know, without competing or anything." "Haha Ah sure do." Applejack placed a hoof over Rainbow's neck, something she did quite often, and Dash wasn't sure if it was due to the fact it was late, or that they were somehow still alone in her house, but the moment it touched her she felt a jolt of electricity, moving from her neck all the way into deep in her stomach. Her muscles tensed and she froze. Applejack must've been too tired to notice because she didn't say anything, nor did she make an effort to move her arm. The pair stayed in that position for a while. The more Rainbow realized just how close they were, the greater the feeling in her stomach became. She moved her head slightly to the left; Applejack's lips were right there, inches away. If she just reached out, a tiny little bit, she could–– "I should probably get going! Don't want to be flying out there in the dark!" The pegasus quickly stood up and stretched out her wings. "Good call Rainbow. Thanks fer comin' over. We oughta do this again soon!" "Yeah for sure! Bye!" And just like that she was out, moving so fast she created a wind strong enough to knock over a few of AJ's cups. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shucks, Applejack thought. Despite spending almost the whole day together she was still sad to see her go. Not like she could really voice that concern. AJ had a huge heart; that was common knowledge around Ponyville. She always put her friends before herself, including Rainbow. She couldn't risk telling her and putting her in a position like that, ultimately ruining their friendship. The cyan pony might not like her in that way but AJ was her best friend. She would be hurt. Applejack cleaned up the cups and headed upstairs. She was bummed. She had been Rainbow Dash's friend for six years! Six years and she had managed. Why was it becoming so much more difficult now? She guessed after having to save Equestria a bajillion times she really started to appreciate those around her. Maybe she just missed their friendly "rivalries"; they had both really grown up, and being the oldest of the group AJ was often the voice of reason, no longer getting into "sillier" arguments per se. Rainbow had matured too. Not exactly to the same extent but… She opened the door to her moonlit bedroom, placing her stetson on her desk. She took a seat by her window, looking up into the clouds. A rainbow-haired pegasus was up there somewhere, she thought. She pictured what Dash was doing right now. She had been to her house one time, when she was having her issues about Tank hibernating. She had never seen Rainbow cry like that before. Although she didn't show it, as Pinkie made clear to Twilight "Applejack cried on the inside," she couldn't ignore the tug of her heartstrings, pulling much stronger than when any of her other friends cried. Perhaps it was because Rainbow crying was so unusual. Or perhaps it was just another moment where her heart was in a place her brain had yet to accept. She had pulled her stetson down over her eyes, so at least she didn't have to see it anymore. It was kind of ironic she did that though, seeing as after that incident, AJ began to wish she knew Rainbow's more emotional side. She wished she opened up to her more. Using that memory Applejack did her best to recreate Rainbow's house in her mind, picturing her walking around, brushing her teeth, getting into bed, her bedroom. Her bedroom. That captured her attention. Rainbow Dash's bedroom. Rainbow Dash's bed. The place where she slept, got ready, maybe had se–– "Whoa Nelly," Applejack thought aloud as she shook the imagery out of her head. This was the opposite of "ignoring it." Maybe she was just tired. "Ah should probably just hit the hay." Applejack climbed into bed, pulling the covers up near her neck. In a matter of minutes, the Earth pony was asleep. She could feel her stomach tightening as Rainbow slowly came closer, eventually backing her up onto a wall. Nothing had even happened yet and her body was reacting more than it ever had with anypony else. She saw her eyes dash down to her lips, and then back up again, a certain fire in her large magenta eyes. She could hear the beating in her chest, only getting louder as Rainbow's lips got closer and closer, reaching the point where she could feel her warm breath on her face. After what seemed like forever, Dash closed the distance, pressing her soft lips deep against her's and sucking all the air out of her lungs. Instantly the tightening in her stomach lowered, and became an aching, pulsing feeling between her hind legs. She parted her lips, allowing Rainbow's tongue to enter, beginning yet another battle between the two mares. As the pair did often, they fought for dominance. Rainbow pulled at her lips, sucking them somewhat hard, and then soothing them with her tongue. After a while she noticed a shift in Dash's balance, only understanding why when she felt her hoof moving down her back, settling on her cutie mark, where it started rubbing circles. The heat between her legs grew and she let out a whimper, surprising even to herself. Rainbow seemed to be a little taken aback as well, as she briefly stopped kissing. However, she came back stronger than before, moaning back into her mouth. Clearly she was capable of turning the pegasus on as well. The hoof slid from her cutie mark and continued down her leg. The additional contact set her insides on fire; she knew she couldn't take on this teasing much longer; she was aching to be touched. "Please Rainbow," she pleaded. "Can you just––please please." At this point she was downright begging. She needed it. "Oh Applejack," Rainbow said, slowly moving her hoof up the inside of her left hind leg. There we go. Please keep going. "Oh Applejack," Rainbow mumbled into the kiss. "Applejack." She was so close. Closer, closer, almost there. She just had to move it a little higher... "Applejack." Just mere centimeters away and––wait. That didn't sound like Rainbow's voice. No, that didn't sound like her at all. Who was that? It sounded like... "APPLEJACK!" Apple Bloom screamed. Applejack's eyes flew open. As Apple Bloom stared at her, she tried to piece her surroundings together. She was in her bedroom, Apple Bloom was at the front of her bed staring at her, she was still laying under the covers, but she was also sweating, and breathing a bit heavily. One hoof was holding her blanket, and the other was down below rubbing her–– "AGHH!" Applejack screamed as she sat up in her bed. "APPLE BLOOM?! What are ya doin' in here?!" Applejack half screamed half talked, trying to sound collected but failing. It was hard to focus when one of your hoofs was down there...solving a problem...of sorts. She held her blanket tightly to her chest. "Ya know yer suppose' to knoCK!" Against her own wishes AJ's voice squeaked, her nerves going haywire. She was hoping Apple Bloom couldn't see the sweat dripping on her face. "Ah did knock. Fer like 20 minutes! Y'all weren't sayin' anything!" "Oh." Her bad. "Big Mac made us breakfast. Granny sent me up here to come get ya." "Oh well...uh, thanks then. Ah-ah'll be down inna few minutes." Apple Bloom turned to exit but stopped just before reaching the hall. "Also, you okay sis?" "What do ya mean?" "Well when Ah came into yer room you were almost…moaning? And ya were mumblin' to yerself and makin' these weird noises n' stuff, about glowin' mash? growin' mash? Rainbow mash? Somethin' like that an' Ah thought somethin' was wrong." Applejack's emerald eyes bulged as her face turned just about as red as the apples on her flank. "Oh don'tcha worry sugercube, Ah am, uh, mighty fine. Must've just been havin' a bad dream er somethin'. "Okay! See you down there," Apple Bloom happily trotted out of her big sister's room, easily persuaded by her words. AJ let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. Her mattress made a slight thumping sound as she flopped back down onto her bed. She couldn't believe what just happened. She couldn't believe Apple Bloom had almost just caught her doing that! She couldn't believe she was even doing that in the first place! She took a few deep breaths, she needed to calm down. Once she was done panicking, she was able to notice just how much she had been, well, physically affected by this dream. She began to slowly reach down, biting her lip as she did so. She hovered over the warmed area, almost scared for what was to come. No pun intended. Finally lowering her hoof, she gasped when she felt how her body had reacted. In fact, just the slight touch brought the feelings back immediately. Despite everything, her body clearly wasn't done. It's not like she was able to finish or anything… What in tarnation was wrong with her? After all of this she still wanted to do this? Because of a silly dream? Plum ridiculous. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew she wasn't upset because she wanted to finish what her dream had started. She was upset because it wasn't really the dream that had done this for her at all. It was the pony that was in it. Well, might as well git-er done. Besides, her body was already so far she was sure it'd only take a few more minutes. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few days since Rainbow Dash had found herself in Applejack's embrace, muscles tensed in anticipation and her eyes wandering to her lips, despite her best efforts. The whole trip home she had replayed it over and over in her head, imagining what might have happened had she stayed longer, had she leaned in, had she kissed her. She thought about her foreleg around her, such a normal thing, yet it caused such an un-normal reaction. She wanted it so bad, but it also...scared her? It was the weirdest thing. Is that what Fluttershy always felt like? The closer Rainbow Dash felt with Applejack, the more she felt the need to pull away, to escape before she screwed something up. But it was so...hard. She wasn't in control. Her heart had a mind of its own. Not to mention her body seemed to as well. Being with AJ was almost painful, yet she wanted nothing more. It was as if she was on the tip of her hoof, but no matter how far she reached, she just couldn't quite grab her. Sweet Celestia, this made no sense! Rainbow was so deep in trance she flew into three clouds on her way home. She blamed it on the fact that it was dark. Even just two days without seeing the cowpony made Rainbow a little anxious. Knowing she could run into her at any time meant keeping her guard up. But keeping her guard up meant always thinking about why she was keeping her guard up, which always led her straight back to Applejack, the one pony she wished she could keep out of her mind. Rainbow began her day tip-toeing through town, getting startled at every little noise, flinching at anything out of the corner of her eye. She did this for about an hour. "Wait...I'm literally so stupid." There was one place she knew AJ would never ever be: the sky. How she didn't think of this earlier she didn't know. Rainbow decided to continue her day in the clouds, looking down at Ponyville from a safe distance. "Ugh! I'm sooooooo bored." The pegasus tossed and turned on the small cloud she had landed on. She had nothing to do. Normally she'd hang out with Pinkie or something, but she was busy at Sugarcube Corner today. Twilight was probably doing some important princess task and Rarity was probably making dresses, two things Rainbow Dash wasn't particularly interested in. And Fluttershy? Probably having a tea party with Angel! Or worse––Discord! Who, by the way, was clearly in love with her. So lame. Holding onto the cloud, she extended her wings and began to flap. Might as well look around and see if there was anything fun to do. Rainbow swore on Celestia she did not do this on purpose. She must've spaced and lost track of where she was going. There was no way this was where she meant to end up. Just no way! In fact, it was the opposite. Was it opposite day? Was it opposite day and Pinkie forgot to tell her? It must've been. Or maybe the cloud was from the Everfree or something, cause it had to have had a mind of its own, because this was not what Rainbow wanted! Not one bit, not even 1%, zero, zilch, nada, never, nil, not one part of her, negative percent, just...no. Right? Rainbow sighed in defeat, flopping down onto the cloud and covering her eyes with her hooves. How in the hay did she fly to Sweet Apple Acres. After a few deep breaths, Dash blinked one of her eyes open, moving her hoof ever so slightly. Welp, she was still there. As slow as she possibly could, she stretched her neck over the edge of the cloud, peering down at the hundreds and maybe even thousand apple trees. This felt all too familiar. It was peaceful at the farm. Quiet. The only sound she heard was the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees. There was a reason this was one of her favorite napping spots. The beauty, the stillness, the serenity, the tranquili–– "Alright Big Mac! Ah'm feedin' the pigs n' then Ah'm headin' to town!" Applejack's voice boomed. Oh ponyfeathers. Rainbow instantly retreated. "You know she can't see you," Dash muttered, talking to herself in the third person. She rolled her eyes. She was being such a scaredy pony! Who was she, Fluttershy? Oops, two Fluttershy disses in the same day. Sorry Fluttershy. Leaning back over, she watched Applejack trotting from her house towards the farm. Even though she could clearly see the pigs from where she was, it was a tad far. It's not like it could hurt to get a little closer... Shut up. Rainbow flapped as discreetly as she could, hoping AJ wouldn't notice the slightly fast paced cloud above her. Luckily, Earth ponies usually paid more attention to the ground. Rainbow placed herself close, but still a safe distance away from the farmer. Ugh, it was a perfect view. As she spied––no sorry, just watched AJ, she felt her mind race a million miles an hour. First it was the way she walked, the inviting sway of her hips, how she could almost see her muscles flexing with every step. Then it was her mane. Her beautiful blonde mane, moving with her head in perfect synchrony, her tail also following suit. She wished she would take out the silly hair bands; Rainbow wanted to see it in its natural form. Applejack grabbed the bucket of pig food in her mouth, carrying over to the pen. Oh for Celestia's sake, she even made that look good! It wasn't even fair! She was so effortlessly beautiful, it almost made Rainbow upset. It shouldn't even be allowed to look that good! It was infuriating. If Rainbow wasn't so confident, she would probably question whether she was in love with AJ at all or if she just wanted to be her! Rainbow was so deep in her reverie she didn't notice the soft sound of flapping wings approaching her. She also didn't notice the breeze the flapping caused on her back, nor was she aware of the suspicious expression the pony behind her was making. "Uh Rainbow Dash? What in Equestria are you doing?"