• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 398 Views, 5 Comments

Loneliness - Morbidly depressed Brony

Sunset finds someone in her cabana and sees he is upset so Sunset tries to find out what's up

  • ...

When Sunset met Gloom

It was around nine pm as Sunset got tired at the camp fundraiser, so she headed back to her cabana to get some rest and prepare for another day at camp. She walked outside tired from the long past couple of days she had at this camp. She felt psyched about she and her friends having new magical abilities and that was pretty exciting but she needed her rest so she went back to her cabana. But when she got back she saw somebody lying in her bed. Sunset tried to be as polite as possible.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," he said back.

"No offence, but what are you doing here?" asked Sunset, "Weren't you in Cabana 5?"

The mysterious Camper just shrugged, didn't say a thing.

"Will you at least tell me your name?" She asked him.

"Gloom Shadow," he said

"I'm Sunset, Sunset Shimmer," Sunset said, "You may have heard of me from tonight's performance."

"Sure, you were fantastic," Said Gloom' He meant it but it sounded sarcastic.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Sunset.

"Nothing," said Gloom, "Just Forget about it. I'm going back to my cabana."

"Hey," Sunset said, "What's Wrong?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now," Gloom muttered.

"Gloom," Sunset said sternly, "I can see you're upset and even if I just met you I want to help you, So please, talk to me."

"You know what the Problem with talking is?" Gloom said, "When I try to talk I don't know where to start."

"Oh. Okay," said Sunset "That's perfectly understandable. Just do your best."

But Gloom didn't say anything

"Seriously Gloom," Sunset said, "You can't just ignore me and I'm not leaving this room until you tell me why you're upset."

There was a long awkward silence. Nobody said much of anything until Twilight walked in and thought to herself,

"Mmm he's cute."

Then she went over to introduce herself

"Hello there," she said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. You may have heard about me from tonight's performance and a few other events." She blushed for a few seconds.

"This is Gloom Shadow," said Sunset Shimmer, "I know he's upset about something but he won't tell me."

"Well touch him and you'll be able to see what he's so moody about." Said Twilight

"Moody?" asked Sunset Shimmer as if she knew that was an outdated term.

"Did you read his mind or not?" asked Twilight.

"Oh," said Sunset slapping her forehead, "Why didn't I think of that sooner?"

She then Grabbed Gloom's hand and proceeded to read his memories from the start of Camp to now. The memories showed Gloom Shadow kind of sad and depressed with a few appearances by Derpy. But after getting past that she then began to realize why he was feeling bad. The reason was because he was in a way jealous of Sunset and her friends. But he also cared about them very much and hated the struggle they had to go through which Sunset found as understandable.

"Well?" said Twilight Sparkle excitedly, "What did you find out?"

"He's envious of our powers and our popularity," said Sunset

"Oh," Twilight Said

"But he's also sad that we've been through so much trouble." Sunset added, "So he feels sorry for the bad times we've had."

"That's what Gloom Shadow is bugging about?" asked Twilight, "Well that's totally understandable."

"Gloom," said Sunset, "I get it now. You're just lonely aren't you. I totally understand. I used to be evil.

"I know, I know," said Gloom Shadow, "And to be honest I was kind of an evil jerk many years ago too. So I started following you around because I thought maybe umm..." The loss of words affected Gloom as he totally went silent.

"I know exactly what you're trying to say," said Sunset, "You want me to be your friend."

"You're right on the money Sunny," Gloom groaned, "And I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you girls when you needed someone."

"Thank you," said Twilight Sparkle, "But you don't have to feel bad."

"I always feel bad," Yelled Gloom Shadow, "I always push everybody away when they try to help me and I don't know if I'm ready to be friends with you cute hot teen hot girls."

"Stop," chuckled Twilight, "You're embarrassing me."

"Yes," mumbled Gloom, "I'm a bad boy aren't I?"

"Anyway," Sunset continued, "Gloom, you can't just keep pushing people away. Be more open minded, please. Things are going to be hard and you won't get anywhere by not trying. You have to start being nicer to people, stay positive, do your best and if bad things happen, push them out of the way and move on. Princess Twilight told me that, so I thought I could pass it on to you. Do you think you could do that?"

"I don't think I can I'm pretty much chiz," said Gloom Shadow.

"Chiz." Snickered Twilight.

"Forget it okay?" grumbled Gloom, "I'm going back to my own cabana. Like i said I was going to five minutes ago," He then stood up and began walking out of the Cabana.

"Wait!" Sunset called back.

"What?" Gloom groaned.

"Do you have a bunkmate?" Sunset asked.

"No." Gloom said. He did specifically ask to be bunked alone because he hated most people, but was just starting to like Sunset and Twilight.

"Well, would you like to stay with us?" Asked Twilight Sparkle.

"No," Yelled Gloom, The tone of his voice was higher than it was originally, making Twilight hold on to Sunset.

"Then why did you come here?" asked Sunset.

Gloom hesitated to answer until he finally responded, "Good Question," he walked a few steps before finally saying back, "And in case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic." Gloom walked out of the cabana before whipping out a sharp metal knife that he brought from home, as he thought about cutting or stabbing himself with it, Gloom pulled up his shirt up to his pectoral area and began to pull his arm back to bring it through his heart to kill himself. He started poking his heart, but instead of killing himself he put it back in his bag, "Not Today Gloom," he thought to himself, "Not Today."

Comments ( 5 )

"Chiz." Snickered Twilight.

I honestly don’t know what that means.

Gloom hesitated to answer until he finally responded, "Good Question," he walked a few steps before finally saying back, "And in case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic." Gloom walked out of the cabana before whipping out a sharp metal knife that he brought from home, as he thought about cutting or stabbing himself with it, Gloom pulled up his shirt up to his pectoral area and began to pull his arm back to bring it through his heart to kill himself. He started poking his heart, but instead of killing himself he put it back in his bag, "Not Today Gloom," he thought to himself, "Not Today."

I hope he never does it.

Chiz is an iCarlyism for words such as sh**. Also, Gloom Shadow is basically me except goth haha.

Oh, I must have read the word wrong. Also, does that explain your name?

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