• Published 5th Aug 2020
  • 2,421 Views, 16 Comments

Hero is Back: The New Element - Kitsune_Kenshi

Is there a new element other then the Elements of Harmony out there?

  • ...

Chapter 2

GuanYin's words still rang inside Wukong's head, You must to good, it said, A new danger is raising. Well what do you want me to do? Wukong asked in his mind, play sing-alongs with these...ponies and heck the creatures I don't even know the name of?

Wukong's mind was shortly interrupted when he heard Twilight calling, "There they are!".

He turend to look at where Twilight's pointing, immediately he saw 10 demons; they're bit fat, but buffed. They have green skin like frogs, two red eyes with a straight black pupil in the middle of them. And the most nasty part is their mouth, their tooth were yellow; some in red due to bitting, and they smell.

"What...what are those things?!" Fluttershy asked, scared and his behind Wukong.

"Frog demons," Wukong sighed, "They may seem strong, but they'e actually like really weak."

One of the demons saw Wukong, "THERE'S THAT MONKEY!!!" it yelled, grabbing every demon's attention, "GET HIM!!!!" with that the frog demons all charged towards Wukong, claws outstretched.

"Fools..." Wukong gave a cold chuckle as he hop into the air and did an aerial ace, which slammed two unlucky demons dead instantly.

"A stick would do good!" he yelled.

"A stick?" Twilight asked while blasting the demons off with her magic, "Which kind?"

"ANY!!!" Wukong roared in frustration.

He then saw a dark purple stick with a glowing crystal in the throne room, it was stabbed onto the ground. It's glow were so enchanting, that Wukong first thought that it was his RuYi staff.

He jumped onto the floor of the throne room and ran towards the glowing staff. Twilight saw him, horrified.

"Wukong!" she yelled, "Don't touch that----" And the monkey got it.

The staff of Sacanas erupted with flickers of lighting and thunder. If the one holding it was a normal or a mortal pony, then it'd kill them instantly; Twilight can nearly hold on to tat thing using her protection magic.

But Wukong is an immortal, the lighting did noting but tickled him. He grabbed onto the staff and pulled it out.

"HAHA! That's what I'm talking about!" he laughed as he swing the staff and spinned it like his RuYi staff.

Then he leaped into the air, staff of Sacanas pointed towards the demons. The crystal began to glow, then it released the biggest, brightest, deadliest lighting bolt in the Equestrian history.


Everyone is blasted back by its shockwave, but Wukong remained standing like nothing happened.

When the smoke is cleared, the lighting bolt created a huge crater, still smoking with many dead frog demons in it. But the point is, these demons were ruthless, they won't stop until their goal was reached or wiped out. In the ponies' eyes, they're demons, killers. But in Wukong's perspective, they're no more than a doll.

The staff of Sacanas reminded Wukong about his RuYi staff, which he adores. It was hidden in his ears, but he can't use it yet due to the seal. So the staff of Sacanas had a new owner, but not for long.

Wukong raised the staff of Sacanas and slammed it down, causing another lighting bolt which wiped out another column of demons.

Twilight and her friends were just standing there, shocked. Nobody can use the staff except of Storm King and herself, which she nearly lost control. But look at Wukong, it's like a toy to him.

"What...how?" Tempest gulped, Wukong's battle techniques, it's unlike anything she used before. Each blow was a deadly one, it kills his target in a swift, quickly way.

But as times go by, the staff is getting cracks all over, even the crystal on the top started to crack.

"Uh..is this normal?" Wukong asked as the staff begin to glow from the cracks. A frog demon jumped on him, but Wukong was able to block it using the staff. Finally, the staff couldn't hold Wukong's supernatural strength, with a loud CRACK, the staff was broken into two pieces. Then, a blue energy explosion erupted which blow both Wukong and the demons away.

"He broke the staff!" Twilight gasped, "How?" Tempest was more confused than ever, "The staff is a legendary magical item! It won't break easily...."

The good news is, the demons suddenly stopped fighting and begin to retreat into the forest near by.

"Phew... finally..." Wukong panted, while looking at the broken staff, "Ugh! Com'on! Why's are these things so breakable! Man just lost one good staff..."

"You...you broke the staff..." Wukong turned and saw everyone glanced at him, in shock.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"That staff is enchanted to protect itself from anything that tries to break it." Tempest sighed, "Well you somehow broke the spell."

"Nope, I didn't use any magic or stuff like that," Wukong pointes at his seal, "due to this bad boy."

"You mean....that's your normal strength?" Twilight asked.

"Well duh!" Wukong shrugged.

While they're talking, Wukong noticed something is behind them, "Hey guys," he said, "Shush."

They turned and gasped in horror as they saw a massive dark cloud surrounded them. "What's happening?!" Spike yelped.

Then, a pair of red eyes with yellow purple flames surrounding them suddenly opened, it made a evil laugh as the creatures stood in defense position.

"Hehehe... isn't that the great and powerful Dasheng I'm looking at?" it said sarcastically, "With your powers gone...YOU'RE NO MORE THAN A MONKEY!!! And with you out of my way... I shall conquer this....new world...."

"You won't!" Rainbow Dash yelled, "You'll have to get pass us first!"

"SHUSH YOU IDIOTIC MORTAL!!!" the evil voice boomed, making Rainbow Dash flinched, "Just you wait...just you wait... Noticed that the fillies around yo were gone?"

By the word of that, the ponies realized that all the fillies, were gone after the siege by the demons.

"WHERE DID YOU HIDE MY SISTER?!" Applejack snarled at the evil voice, "YOU WON"T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!" Rarity joined in.

However, the evil figure ignored their words, instead he chuckled darkly, "Well well well.... since you want your sisters back so eagerly.... how about a deal?" The mane six stopped yelling, "That's what I thought.... Here's the deal... meet me at Mt. Everhoof in 1 week.... or... you'll see the bodies of the fillies.... MUHAHAHAHAHA......" After an evil laugh, the demon lord disappeared in a cloud of darkness, leaving the angered mane six and their friends behind.

"Who does he think he is?!" Rarity growled.

"Guys, you should be afraid of him..." Wukong said as he met the glares from the mane six. But he ignored it.

"Really, you should. Because his name is Chaos." Wukong explained.

"You mean like Discord?" Twilight asked, Wukong gave her a confused face, "Discord is the lord of Chaos. But we reformed him." Twilight explained.

"A bit like him, but way more dangerous." Wukong said in a serious tone, "He's merciless, cold-blooded, and cruel. Jade Emperor sealed him 1000 years ago. But somehow, Chaos escaped and got into your world."

"But why is he getting little fillies?" Applejack asked in a worried tone.

"Because he wants to be immortal, and he captures young ones to cook them into a pearl, use their life energy to restore Chaos himself's own age... making him immortal..." Wukong sighed. The mane six let out a horrified gasp.

"We must get going!" Rarity said as she ran head own, but was pulled back by Wukong, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she glared at him.

"No, you can't go." Wukong sighed, "He wants me. And also, Chaos might set many dangerous ambushes, he said he wanted me alive, sand rest of you... I don't think he'll let you live..." Wukon then begin to walk off on himself.

"By the way... thanks for trying to help, you guys have a good heart," Wukong said, he couldn't believe he just said those, "I...I don't want get you guys into this mess..." Wukong continued to walk into the forest, but he was suddenly held on the shoulder by a claw.

"No, we'll come with you." Wukong turned and faced-to-face with a yellow hippogriff, which he learned by mind-reading Twilight's thoughts.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because that's what friends do." Twilight said, they followed Wukong.

"Fri...Friends?" Wukong was left confused, he never make any friends back home, his allies were just supporters. You rule them with your power and force. But these new...friends made him felt special. He never had these feelings before.

"Seems like somepon---I mean some monkey needs a friendship lesson after this mess." Applejack smiled.

"I don't get it..." Wukong sighed, "Since you all want come, then you better stay close... and DON'T ask too many questions."

Twilight glanced nervously at Pinkie and Skystar; these two were hyperactive and curious.

With that, the newly formed team walks dinto the forest, into the unknown dangers ahead of them...



"So, Wukong made some new friends.... with some stupid mortals...." the demon lord Chaos muttered, "Heh, I won't mind squashing them to dust if they come... Hmm... I did sense a strong bond between these six ponies and....Wukong... that case... they all need to DIE."

He stood up and walked towards a cage, a cage filled with crying fillies. He chuckled darkly.

"Hey!" a voice yelled from the cage, Chaos turned and faced a orange pegasus filly, a white unicorn, and a yellow earth pony. "You won't get away with us!" the white one yelled, "My sister will find you and kick your flank!....Or butt!"

Chaos just simply chucked at this, "Then I'll make sure they won't make it here...ALIVE." he glared at them, making the CMCs shivered in fear. "Exactly... you mortals are weak... and weak does not deserve to be in this world...MY WORLD!!!"

He then released an loud, evil laugh...



Wukong was very frustrated, Skystar and Pinkie were just jeep asking questions. Though he already told them his backstory. But these new....friends just won't shut up.

"OHH! You mentioned the four guardian gods!" Skystar chirped, "Are they brothers?"

"Sisters!" Wukong decided to give some random answered, wishing Skystar would shut up, but of course it didn't work.

"Is Nezha a boy or a girl?" Skystar asked.

"A GRIL!" Wukong sighed in frustration.

"Hey, I saw you talking to GuanYin, then you must have seen her?"

"Ugh....So what if I did?!"

Skystar kept asking questions, for how long? An hour? Wukong lost track of time, but it's SO ANNOYING.

Finally, Wukong couldn't hold his anger and frustration back. He stood in one place and crunched his fist... growled. Face expression getting darker and darker per question.

"You mentioned a staff you once held! Is it in your ears? Oh I remembered that, you said yes.... can you pull it out? Can you jump on a cloud? Can you----"

Wukong erupted.

"LISTEN UP!!!' HE suddenly turned and points at Skystar, which made her chest rammed into Wukong's, she blushed, but Wukong doesn't seem to care, "I"M NOT JUMPING CLOUDS FOR YOU!!! AND I'M NOT PULLING A POLE OUTTA MY EAR!!! SHUT UP FOR A LEAST A SECOND!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! GOT IT?!"

"Wukong!" Twilight frowned, "Watch your language!"

Skystar looked hurt, she slowly backed away from Wukong, "So...sorry." she whispered.


He then sighed and walked on.

To be honest, he suddenly felt guilty for what he just said to Skystar, seeing her expression like that made him sad... and somehow, when Skystar is near him, the tone in her voice... it's like... she's really interested. Maybe she was interested in him...

NO! Wukong was froze at the thought of this, NO, no way. She's a hippogriff and he's a monkey! Not even from this world! NO WAY that could happen...

"Are you okay?" Skystar suddenly appeared behind him and asked, which made Wukong jumped.

"Uh...yeah....yeah, I'm fine..." he realized it was Skystar, "Didn't I told you not to ask any questions? Ugh, you know what? Fine. Just don't get too ridiculous..."

"YAY!" Skystar cheered, a bright smile on her face.

Wukong couldn't stop himself from chuckling. Seeing Skystar smiled brightens up his mind, a lot...

As they walked deeper into the forest, Wukong's smile was gone, replaced with a frown.

"Stop!" he called.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"I sense... a demon... it's near.... stay sharp." Wukong sniffed the air.

Everyone was getting nervous by his words, "Demons?" Celeano asked, "Where? There's only trees and...."

Everyone gasped in awe and Wukong's eyes suddenly begin to glow in golden yellow color. A bright beam of light was fired from his glowing eyes as he scanned the forest. It stopped on a weird looking tree.

"AH HA!!!" He suddenly cried as he spin-kicked the tree, destroyed it and chopped it in half.

"Wukong! What's that for?!" Fluttershy asked in anger, "You could have hurt a little animal."

"Try to hide eh." Wukong grinned as he kicked the dead tree again. Suddenly, the tree begin to change form... from a tree into a brown skinned demon!

"How...I didn't see that coming." Capper muttered. He had the best eye sight in the group, and yet he never saw that coming.

"Simple, that's a tree demon in disguise." Wukong explained, "I have a pair of Fiery eyes. It was formed when I was in the pit of fire back in heaven. I allows me to see through demons that were hiding. They can take form of everything....even you guys." He said as he scanned his friends, "Good, normal." he muttered.

"Wow..." Skystar muttered, "He's sure interesting..." But then she remembered that embarrassing moment when she made contact with Wukong. She blushed. But something made him a bit attractive... his great leadership, cool and humorous words, and powerful skills... she began to daydream...

Little did both Wukong and Skystar know, that a special bond is forming between them, slowly pulling them together...

Author's Note:

There goes chapter two! I'll mention many details about Sun Wukong in the future chapters.