• Published 5th Aug 2020
  • 2,416 Views, 16 Comments

Hero is Back: The New Element - Kitsune_Kenshi

Is there a new element other then the Elements of Harmony out there?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Another Chinese mythology crossover! Before you guys begin, read this part first. So you won't get confused.

The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Mandarin Chinese, is a legendary figure best known as one of the main characters in the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West and many later stories and adaptations. He is a legendary figure appeared in Chinese mythology asa demon god at first. But after he and his master, his buddies accomplished 9,981 challenges after reaching to the Buddha's he became the God of Battles. His appearance was a monkey man in a set of golden armor holding his legendary weapon: the RuYi JingGu Staff.

The Buddha flipped his hand, so did Wukong. Though Wukong was a tough enemy to defeat, he was overwhelmed by the Buddha's great power.

A circle of golden light surrounded Wukong, it shrink and caught the monkey king's wrist. This is a power sealing spell, even a god cannot resist this spell. It will lock down a god's power, but it won't take it away.

What happened?


Sun Wukong was a stone monkey who was born from a magical stone that was on top of a mountain. The stone had been there since the beginning of time, and it absorbed the power of the heaven and hell. One day, the stone cracked opened and released a monkey. This non-ordinary monkey soon became the king of the mountain due to his supernatural powers.

Later, the Monkey king became anxious about death and decided to fight it. He visited a god name Bodhi Patriarch. And there he learned how to shape-shift into 72 kinds of objects, fly a million and eight thousand miles in a single jump, and many martial arts. Monkey king was given a new name, Sun Wukong.

He then went to the Dragon Land in the Eastern Sea and stole a legendary weapon called, "The Staff of Wisdom", which is really heavy and only Wukong can use it. Then he went to the underworld and erased his name from the book of the dead, making him immortal.

Wukong earned a set of armor that was enchanted to protect him from the gods. So he was able to sneak into the heaven and ate all the magic pearls; making him a devil god.

What he did angered the Jade Emperor; as result, the Emperor sent his entire army to capture Wukong. But the devil god was just too strong for anyone to handle. Lastly, the Jade Emperor somehow found a way to disable him and caught Wukong. For his punishment, Wukong was thrown into the pit of fire to be burnt to ash.

But Wukong is not a fool, he hid from the fire in the wind shelter inside the pit; the fire did nothing. But the wind blew on his eyes and made it a pair of enchanted eyes; it can see through the demons in disguise.

The moment the gods opened the cap of the pit to see if he's dead or not, Wukong jumped out of it and wiped them out.

Vengeance and anger overflowed his mind. Right now, Wukong only has one thought; destroy the heaven.

Being left with no other choice, Jade Emperor called the great Buddha of the Southern World to help.

The great Buddha was able to seal Wukong by throning his hands into the five-elemental mountain, wishing to seal the devil god under it for 500 years. Which is what happened in the first place.

*Flashback ends*

Wukong grunted as he felt his powers are being sealed inside by the spell Buddha had put on him.

With a single, swift push, Buddha turned his massive hand into five huge boulders; each made of elements water, fire, earth, nature, and light. Forming an elemental mountain, crushing Wukong under it.

Suddenly, instead of feeling being crushed, Wukong felt like he was being sucked into a hole. Light flashed and Wukong was blind for a moment. Then, darkness roamed over, he lost consciousness.


In Canterlot, a huge celebration was thrown. Storm King was finally defeated by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

On the stage, Spike the dragon cleared his throat, mouth near the microphone.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, get ready for a little..." he waited for the light to hit, "Songbird Serenade!"

The crowd erupted into a massive cheer.

"And now, to celebrate the fact that we're all still here in one piece, give it up for Princess Twilight and her friends!" Songbird announced as the spot light lit on Twilight Sparkle and her new friends: Skystar, Capper, Captain Celaeno, and Tempest Shadow. Whom the mane six met on their way to defeat the Storm King.

The crowd fell into silence as Songbird began to sing.

They were so focused on Songbird's song, that none of them noticed a fire ball is coming their way.


Wukong felt like he was falling, he yelps as he realized that he was hundreds of feet above the ground. Somersault cloud!Wukong tried to call his magical cloud, but nothing happened, instead the seal around his wrist begin to glow and burn.

"AAAGHH!!!" he let out a painful cry.


"Hey any pony heard that?" Pinkie's tail suddenly begin to shake. "My six sense tells me that something is about to fall on our head."

A bright light suddenly lighted up the sky, everyone looked up, even Songbird stopped singing and gazed up into the sky above. They gasped when they saw a huge fire ball came soaring down to the crowd.

The crowd begin to scream and runs in panic.

"Watch out!" Twilight yelled as she used her magic to teleport her friends out of the way.


The fire ball landed on the floor, created a massive crater and sending a shockwave around.

"Is...is every creature alright?" Twilight asked as the others coughed at the dust. "Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she pointed towards the smoking crater, "What in the celestia is that?!"

The mane six and their friends slowly approached to the crater, even the princesses come flying down to see the situation.

"Keep your distance ponies," Celeano warned, "we have no idea what's inside."


Suddenly, the rock around the crater edge begin to fall, then, a hand suddenly popped out and grabbed the edge. Celeano immediately pulled out her sword, while the others were ready to fight.

Later, another head grabbed the edge, and it slowly pulled itself up...

"What the hay..." Applejack gasped at the figure emerging from the smoke.

It looks like a... monkey with cloths on... but it's bigger and taller than the usual ones.


Wukong grunted as he got himself up the crater, he rubbed his head. "Ugh, my head..." he muttered. He shook his head and glanced upward.

"GAAGH!!!!" The moment he looked up, he saw seven... horse, and three other... creatures. The purple horse with a horn and a wing? Looked at him. They screamed as they made eye contact. Wukong looses grip and fell back into the crater.

"Did you hear what I heard?" Fluttershy asked, "The monkey...it...TALKED!"

The ponies and the creatures leaned against the edge, peering inside.


Wukong landed hard on the rocky ground, he grunted as he stood up, but fell again when he saw these creatures suddenly emerged again and looked at him with confusion. He collapsed back down and backed away.

"Who...who the hell are you guys?" he asked.

"Who the hay are you?!" the orange one snapped back.

"Wow I never met a talking monkey before." A timid, light yellow horse with wings on her said in awe.

Wukong gained back his strength as he jumped out of the crater, causing the crowd to back away while preparing to attack.

"What wanna fight?" Wukong scoffed as he crossed his arms. The cyan colored horse with a wing and rainbow colored mane raised her eyebrows, "We can if we must." it said.

Wukong studied them, none of them Wukong has ever seemed before, "Are you guys some kind of spirits or demons?" he demanded as he pointed towards the cat like figure.

"Who are you saying is ugly?!" The rainbow colored horse snarled as she flew up to him, about to ram the monkey.

"Challenge accepted." Wukong just simply scoffed and stood there, not dodging.

When rainbow was about to ra him, Wukong suddenly switched his body position to avoid her. Which caused the cyan pegasus to miss. Then, he grabbed her tail and swing it across the air, throwing her into the air.

"Rainbow! That's enough!" the purple...uh.....winged horse with horn in Wukong's perspective yelled in such tone that made both Wukong and the cyan pegasus stopped.

The seal around Wukong's wrist begin to glow and burn again. Causing him to grunt while collapsing onto the ground, holding to the seal. "Stupid seal!" he muttered.

"Are...are you okay?" the yellow pegasus asked in concern as she saw the monkey's wrist glow.

"Do I look okay?!" Wukong snarled in frustration, which made the yellow pegasus flinched.

When the glow and the fire died down, he slowly stood up and studied the mane six again.

"Who or what are you guys?" he asked.

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." the purple one said.

"Mah name is Applejack." said the orange one with a hat.

"I'm Rarity."

"Rainbow Dash! The fastest flyer in Equestria!"


"Strange names you all have..." Wukong muttered.

"These are my friends," Twilight introduced, "Those are the princesses: Celestia and Luna, rulers of Equestria, and Cadence, ruler of the crystal empire."

"I'm Sun Wukong." the monkey said, "But just call me Wukong."

"I assume you're not from this world?" Celestia asked.

"Yup. No idea how I got here." Wukong shrugged. "These are your...friends?"

"Wait! You don't have friends?!" Twilight asked in shock. The others gasped too.

"Why would I need them?" Wukon scoffed, "I'm too good to make friends."

Twilight was left speechless. No friends? How can he live without friends? She thought.

"I see what you're thinking." Wukong suddenly said, "Three reasons: One, I mastered the five elements, 72 shape-shifting, and the Somersault cloud. Second, I'm immortal, I can out live anyone of you. And third: I DON'T CARE!!!"

A second later Wukong wished he'd never said that.

The chains and the seal around his wrist begin to glow and burn again, but this time, it's stronger.

Wukong yelped in pain as he rolled on the ground, smashing the seal with any shards he could find. But nothing can break the seal.

"Here, let me help." Twilight said as she unleashed a powerful magic blast at the seal, but there's not even a scratch.

"What?! How's that possible?!" Twilight frowned, "That spell can break anything!"

Suddenly, the rocks in the crater begin to shake, then it crumbled together and began to build up. Until it took form of a figure. Then it begin to glow in holy light. The creatures gasped in awe at this sight.

"Have you calm down now, Dasheng?" It spoke in multiple voices, enchanting and full of leadership.

"Dasheng?" the mane six was confused at this word.

"That's my god name..." Wukong grunted.

"Is your head cool?" it continued, "Did you not realize, that they're trying to help you? And can not be grateful of them? Or...would you rather the coolness of the five-elemental mountain?"

"THAT"S ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!" Wukong yelled as he slammed his fist against the wall next to him, causing it to crumble into ruins.

"You must do good, Dasheng." the holy figure spoke, "It's the only way. You must work for the world, to free yourself from the seal I've planted on you. A new danger is raising, you must help this world to fight it... alone side with your new friends..." Then, it begin to glow in a bright light, causing everyone to cover their eyes.

"Now, you must go..."

After the light died, the figure was no longer there.

"Who...who was that?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Her voice is even more enchanting than Princess Celestia's. No offense."

"Ugh...that's GuanYin." Wukong grumbled, "The goddess who put this stupid seal on me!"

"So...we must be friends?" Twilight asked.

"No I did not say that!"

Then his wrist begin to burn again, causing him to grunt in pain.

"Okay! Okay! Fine!" he begged. The seal stopped burning.

"Now you must be friends with us?" Twiligt asked.

"I don't have a freaking choice..." he grumbled again.

"OH RIGHT!!!!" Pinkie screeched, "LET'S THROW A WELCOME NEW FRIEND PART FOR MISTER MONKEY!!!" she suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Wukong.

"What the..." Wukong asked in surprise, "How'd she..."

"Don't mind her, " Applejack stated, "She's random sometimes."

"Pinkie, there's no time for parties." Twilight said, making the pink pony's ears to drop in disappointment, "Remember what the...uh..."

"GuanYin." Wukong sighed.

"Yes, what the GuanYin said." Twilight said, "About the new danger. I think we need to somehow help you... and you need to help us."

"Wait, I didn't..." he glanced at the seal, "I mean...sure."

Suddenly, a gray pegasus with blond hair came flying towards Twilight, "Princess!" she cried.

"What's wrong Derpy?" Twilight asked.

"There's...there's monsters attacking us!" Derpy cried, "They're green, many ugly tooth and trying to kill Everypony!"

"Frog demons...." Wukong grunted, "These guys again." Then he leaped into the air, landed a few feet ahead of them.

"You guys coming or what?"

They rushed towards the attacked site.

Unnoticed by them, a pair of evil, dark red eyes were watching them.

"There you are, monkey..." it chuckled darkly, "You ain't gonna stop me...I'll destroy you...and your friends...."