• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 98 Views, 1 Comments

Where There Is No Rainbow - Ruchiyoto

A group of "gray" ponies must save Equestria after colorful ponies were suddenly disappearing into limbo.

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Rocks, More Rocks

Black Cross and Hearts Dalliance had went back to Ponyville where they believe they should start finding ponies, but as they got there, the two brothers notice a dark cloud was hovering over Ponyville for some odd reason, perhaps it had something to do with the Dark Kingdom.

"Is that what I think it is..?" asked Hearts Dalliance.

"Yeah, that must be where they have taken our friends" said Black Cross.

Hearts Dalliance was beginning to feel uneasy just looking at the dark cloud, it was rotating around Ponyville like a hurricane, it was strange to view as he felt a cold breeze pass through him "brrrr... that's cold" he said.

Black Cross had an idea who could help them save their friends, but he notice that his brother was unsure where to go, Black Cross knew that his brother feels lost, since he was following him around, "Are you going to be okay, brother" he asked.

"I'll be okay," said Hearts Dalliance, besides just tapping his hoof on the ground looking a bit nervous, Black Cross knew what he had to do.

"Listen, here's what we're going to do, we split up and find some pony that could help us" said Black Cross.

Hearts Dalliance was feeling a bit scared knowing that he might wander off if he doesn't know where to go, but he knew he had no other choice, he needed to get help in order to bring back his friends.

"Everything will be fine," - Black Cross hugs his brother, - "I mean you do know where to go, right?" he asked.

"I don't know... honestly" said Hearts Dalliance.

"Think for a moment, what did Starswirl say; he said we have to bring four ponies that we both know, that way Starswirl could help and maybe the spell might actually work if we tried hard enough" said Black Cross.

Hearts Dalliance shook his head, he tries not to pout thinking that they won't succeed, as he was beginning to doubt himself, "I don't know!" he shouted.

"Well there has to be some pony you know, think about it, Starswirl mentioned that only colorful ponies can be raptured, if we can find some pony with a gray or darker coat, then chances are we might succeed" Black Cross added.

"Maybe you're right, I just gotta think hard enough" said Hearts Dalliance.

"What about Maud Pie?" asked Black Cross.

"I know Maud Pie, we use to hang out all the time, but we stopped hanging out after I got a job as a royal guard" said Hearts Dalliance.

"Then that's who we need, Maud is strong, we could use her help, can you do that?" asked Black Cross.

"I could try... but where would I find her" asked Hearts Dalliance.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure, last I seen her was on Thursday, I saw her at the library, she checked out a book and then left without saying anything" said Black Cross.

"Do you know where she went?" asked Hearts Dalliance.

"You might want to check her home first, at the rock farm, maybe you'll get some answers there" said Black Cross, as he turned around heading west but was stopped by Hearts Dalliance.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" asked Hearts Dalliance.

"I am going to find some pony that we know from our family" said Black Cross.

"But we don't know anybody from our family, most of them are forgotten or passed away" Hearts claimed.

"That may be true, but I do know one pony, a friend to the family who has a darker coat and had not passed away, she's from Manehattan, I believe her name was Ada" said Black Cross.

"Well then good luck, and be careful" said Hearts Dalliance, as he hugs his brother before leaving.

"Thanks, and same to you" Black Cross replied, as he rushed east to get to Manehattan.

Black Cross exits.

Hearts Dalliance flew over to the Rock Farm where he suspects that Maud Pie and her sisters would be there. On his way, he lands right by the entrance of the farm, there was a ravine in front of him that he had never seen before, perhaps the Pie sisters were constructing on something, he wondered. He decided to look around in the ravine to check if any pony was there when suddenly a large boulder came rolling in, luckily Hearts Dalliance got out of the way almost nearly crushing him.

"Woaw, hey!!" he shouted.

He flew upwards above the creek to back away from the the ravine only to see two of Maud's sisters. They approached him, but one backed away as if it were shy hiding behind a rock out of sight, but the other sister was slightly aggressive than the other.

"You are trespassing, leave our farm now!" she shouted.

"Wait, aren't you Limestone," - he turns to Marble Pie only to have frighten her where she goes to Limestone and hides behind her sister - "...and you must be Marble, you guys are related to Maud!" he called.

"Yeah? And who are you?" asked Limestone, she stood there keeping her guard up and protecting Marble.

"I am Hearts Dalliance, I work for the royal guard as Princess Twilight's knight of Friendship" he said, he flew down to land on to the ground and slowly approaches the Pie sisters.

"Never heard of you, are you here for our gems?" asked Limestone.

Hearts Dalliance shook his head, he only came for one pony, "No, but I am looking for your sister, Maud Pie" he said.

"What do you need our sister for?" asked Limestone, her right eyebrow lifts up, she suspects something is going on.

"It's important, I need her help - and besides she is also a friend of mine" he claimed.

"I hate to break it to you buddy, but neither of us know where Maud is, you came to the wrong place" said Limestone.

Marble nodded "Mhmm!"

"Well thanks for nothing.." said Hearts Dalliance, before he could fly away as he turned around Maud was standing behind him listening to their conversation.

Hearts Dalliance was a bit surprised to see Maud Pie after not seeing each other for a long time, he rubs his arm and looks down feeling nervous. Maud was now in front of him, he tries not to blush and remembers to focus on his quest.

"Ahem, right!" - he clears his throat - "Hello... Maud" he murmured.

"Hello Hearts, long time no see, it's been awhile" said Maud Pie.

Limestone and Marble notice her sister Maud from across the creek of the ravine, they tried getting her attention.

"Maud!! What are you doing here?" asked Limestone.

"I thought I'd stop by and visit the farm after being away from home after a long time, there was nobody to talk to so I came here" said Maud as if she didn't know the situation happening around Equestria.

"Maud listen, ponies are disappearing left and right from every corner, I need your help - you are the only one I can trust," said Hearts Dalliance.

Maud blinks not saying a word, she continues to stare at Hearts Dalliance, she nodded only to answer with a single word "Okay" and joins them on their quest.

"Oh alright, so you don't mind saving Equestria?" asked Hearts Dalliance.

Maud nodded, and blinks again slowly "I wouldn't mind, it would be the perfect time to spend time with an old friend" she murmured.

"But before we go, you need to bring something, we're trying to summon the elements of light" he said.

Maud takes out Boulder from her pouch and puts him on the ground "We can use Boulder" she added.

"But Maud, Boulder is your... pet" said Hearts Dalliance.

Maud shrugged her shoulders "I wouldn't mind, if bringing back our friends then sacrificing one might save them all and Equestria" she claimed.

Hearts nodded and agree to take Maud to meet up with his brother where Starswirl would be waiting for them. Maud exits but Hearts Dalliance was stopped by Limestone Pie when she threw a rock at him.

Hearts Dalliance turns around, "Hey, keep an eye on her," - Limestone's eyebrows narrowed down - "..and bring her back here!" she shouted, as he exits.

Limestone and Marble had watched them leave the farm as they return home with only Marble saying "Mhm" from behind them as they exits.