• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 98 Views, 1 Comments

Where There Is No Rainbow - Ruchiyoto

A group of "gray" ponies must save Equestria after colorful ponies were suddenly disappearing into limbo.

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It was another casual day in Equestria, like any day you would expect to wake up at every morning. Quite peaceful and often loud with every pony working at this hour but that's just the way things are now. Black Cross had just signed up to work for Princess Twilight Sparkle at the School of Friendship as a librarian to make sure students are checking in and out spell books, he knows a lot about spells but not so many. After his shift, he had gone home where he felt really tired after work and on his way home upon entering a gate with a fence surrounding his house, it was two stories high, had six windows, and two bedrooms. To him, it was like paradise where he felt comfortable and safe to keep his distance from others, he isn't shy around other ponies, he just doesn't trust them, otherthan his brother, Hearts Dalliance, a royal guard.

Black Cross only cares for his family, but he never got to meet most of them. His parents have died during the war, all he has left is his younger brother, who was born after him, despite he was born an alicorn, he still acts like a child. The two have a strong bond and understand each other perfectly well with no problems, however occasionally Heart Dalliance gets himself into trouble which means Black Cross has to be the one to save him.

At least that wasn't until one day....

After Black Cross had step foot on his front porch he notice some lights were on, he could tell as one of the front windows were illuminating on the inside where the light was visible from the outside. He suspects that someone must have broken into his home, no pony ever enters not without Black Cross knowing, besides that, he has the key unless someone were to find another way in but there were no broken windows. He slowly, quitely opens the door but when he looks to his left - the lights have turned off as if someone were expecting him to enter. Black Cross had thought once he enters the house, he will make a quick reaction and call the police to get help.

He entered his house but was stopped when the lights were turned back on blinding him, it felt strange but he knew after being outside at night then coming into a home where it was bright as daylight, the lights would eventually cause this. Then the blindness fades away only to reveal his brother in the room and quite several other ponies he wasn't familiar with, they are probably friends of his. Black Cross looks around, there were balloons high above the ceiling and confetti all over his furniture, he knew it wasn't a break-in, but rather a surprise party.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Hearts Dalliance shouted.

Assuming this was his brother's doing. Black Cross didn't realize this was all planned out, of course it was his birthday but he does not like surprise parties and Hearts already knew that, perhaps he wanted to celebrate his own brother's birthday.

"What's the meaning of all this?" asked Black Cross, he seemed calm after realizing that no-one had broken into his home, but he was agitated with Hearts Dalliance knowing that he had broken a promise with him.

"I thought I told you I don't like surprise parties, I could have called the police" said Black Cross, he was honest and made sure that he told Hearts Dalliance to never do this again.

Hearts Dalliance had smiled at Black Cross, knowing the good brother he is, Hearts Dalliance apologizes but convinces Black Cross that surprise parties are suppose to be a secret, that explains how Black Cross was unaware of this event that it would be taken place at his own house.

"Are you hungry, Pinkie Pie baked you a cake with your name on it, I know you don't like surprise parties but after telling my friends about you, they were curious, and they wanted to make you smile" said Hearts Dalliance, he tries not to break his smile but he believes it would be the only way to see Black Cross smile for the first time.

Black Cross was feeling uneasy and tired at the same time, he didn't want to argue with his brother, so he tries to reason with him "I'm not feeling so well, it's been a long day and I deserve some peace" - he quickly learns it would be disrespectful to ignore Hearts Dalliance after what he was trying to accomplished - "I need you all to leave my house, I would really appreciate that" he said.

Pinkie Pie jumps over Hearts Dalliance like a kangeroo interrupting their conversation, she handed over to reveal the cake that she made for Black Cross "Come on, don't be a party pooper, try some of this cake" said Pinkie Pie, she continues to smile widely.

"I'm not interested, please just leave my home" said Black Cross, he was beginning to get annoyed and he feels like wanting to threaten everypony to leave but tries hard not to let anger get the best of him.

"Can't you celebrate your birthday just a little bit?" asked Hearts Dalliance, he felt as if he wasn't doing enough after working so hard to throw this party for his brother, it was beginning to break his heart, and his smile was slowly turning into a frown.

Black Cross was getting angry and begins to stomp with his hooves against the floor to suppress his temper as if it would help him quit being aggressive "I've already told you; I don't like surprise parties," - he points to the door - "Now please, everypony leave!" he shouted.

Hearts Dalliance looked sad and tried not to cry, he wanted to do something special for his brother, he was grateful for having a brother to take care of him after they lost their parents but Black Cross does not realize how he truly feels. Then he begins to wonder, why doesn't he like surprise parties, "Why don't you like to smile?" he asked.

Black Cross sighs.

"There are some things that I can't explain, I wish I could tell you if I knew, but I prefer to take things seriously, I don't waste time on pointless things" said Black Cross, it was hard for Black Cross when he had witness the death of their parents, only he knew what it felt like to be alone and Hearts Dalliance was only a young colt at the time, today they are in their early 20s. It was a promise that his father made for Black Cross, to keep this secret away from his brother, he knew Hearts wouldn't understand until he got older, however Black Cross believes that his brother is not ready to know the truth why they passed away without saying anything.

Everypony in the room decided to leave the house, but Pinkie Pie was by the door blocking the exit, while still holding onto the cake she made, she accidentally tips over with the cake falling out of her hooves flying into Black Cross's face and the rest landing onto the floor. His face was covered in cream as it slowly falls off his nose, Pinkie Pie had looked at him and was laughing uncontrollably, followed by other ponies in the room had started laughing at Black Cross.

Black Cross was furious, angry and upset - he wanted to teleport away to never be seen again but instead he quickly turns and walks up stairs stomping his feet extremely loud but not loud enough to suppress the laughing, before he enters his bedroom he turns to the crowd screaming at the top of his lungs, "I WISH EVERYBODY WOULD JUST GO AWAY!!" he shouted, as he enters his room slamming the door behind him.

His brother, and everypony else had left the house that night. At this time, everypony went home and had gone to asleep.

Later that night, Black Cross was in his bedroom sleeping, he slowly begins to see something in his dream, it revealed he was at the front door with cake still on his face, everypony in the room was laughing at him and he remembers repeating the phrase "I wish everybody would just go away" but this time he was standing in front of them, everypony in the room had stopped laughing, frozen and their eyes had turned black with red pupils in the center of the eye as they exploded into thin air with blood raining on the spot from where they were standing, then the blood fades away like nothing was there.

Black Cross was immediately shocked as if he had done something to them, he wanted to wake up but he couldn't as if something was preventing him from waking up, then he heads outside only to see the moon covered in blood. He bows down covering his face to block his vision "It's only a dream" he cried, but suddenly he hears a soft voice that he wasn't familiar with, he looks up only to see Princess Luna, former ruler of Equestria.

"Do not be afraid" said Princess Luna, the master of dreams, and capable of entering into the dreamrealm when ponies are asleep.

Princess Luna had came into his dream to warn Black Cross the danger that is happening right now, "There is not much time, you must wake up, get your brother and go get help" said Princess Luna.

"Wait, what's going on?" asked Black Cross, he was unsure of the situation, he thought it was his doing but turns out to be something far worse than his expectations.

Princess Luna was beginning to fade away, like almost as if she were transparent but before she disappears, Princess Luna makes her final words before going into limbo, "Twilight had messed up, you must find Starswirl, only he can help you, the Dark Kingdom is coming, help save Equestria-" Princess Luna fades away where she couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

Black Cross shook his head and tries to wake himself up, only to be awaken in his bedroom. It was morning.

He pants a little after witnessing what he had experienced, it felt strange to him, as if it was real, he doesn't know who or what had spoken to him, but it didn't matter. It was just a dream he wondered. Black Cross got up and gets ready for work.

Upon leaving the house, Hearts Dalliance was standing in front of the door where he was waiting for him.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" - as he puts his jacket on - "I don't have time to talk right now, I've gotta go to work" said Black Cross.

Hearts Dalliance had looked at his brother and sighs, "Look, I just want to apologize about the party last night.." he said, he begins to pout as if he felt that his brother would no longer love him after what he did.

Black Cross knew that Hearts Dalliance was trying to do something nice for him from all the years he's been watching over him after they lost their parents, "You know what, don't worry it, I forgive you" he said.

"So, you're not mad?" asked Hearts Dalliance.

"I was, maybe a little but I know it wasn't your fault" said Black Cross.

Hearts Dalliance and Black Cross hugged it out.

"Oh, before you go, have you ever seen a alicorn in your dreams?" - Hearts Dalliance paused trying to remember - "It was weird, because I've never seen any other alicorns other than Princess Twilight, so I came to you if you knew" he said.

Black Cross paused and remembered seeing an alicorn in his dream last night, he suspects that his brother is messing with him, but he wouldn't make up a story like that, he seemed serious this time, "Was this alicorn associated with the color of dark blue and had a black crown?" asked Black Cross, he looked at his brother and he notice Hearts Dalliance was feeling a bit scared after hearing that response.

"Yes, that is exactly what it looked like" said Hearts Dalliance.

Strange, both brothers remembered what the alicorn was and what it looked like, oddly enough it was though as if someone was trying to contact them or perhaps it was all just an elaborate coinicidence. If that was the case, then what were they trying to tell us and what do they mean that Twilight had messed up?

"I'll tell you what, after I get off work, we'll meet up with Princess Twilight and get to the bottom of this" Black Cross added, they both agree as Black Cross waves at his brother goodbye and leaves the house to go to work.

Black Cross knew a lot about alicorns but never would he ever had a dream about them, besides that they are rare in Equestria or ever been seen in public, they do play an important role, perhaps that's what this alicorn was trying to tell them but until there is further evidence in order to resolve this case. He exits.