• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 563 Views, 4 Comments

Smiley Face Slaughterer - SwissBrony

Why don't you ever smile?

  • ...

Subrideo Aeternaliter

Visions flashed in Magnify's mind of his horrible past. He saw himself looking out of a small colt's eyes at a horrid stallion with a misshapen smile cutting open his father with a saw blade, while choking his mother to death with a mech hand. Once both stop moving he turns to the small colt puts one mech finger to his mouth and whispers "Shhhhhh." Then his eyes shoot open revealing himself laying the floor with sweat pouring from his head. He sees the other officer stallion over him looking frightened and worried asking over and over "ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" till he gets a response. Magnify finally gets one "y-yes i'm f-fine," says Magnify as he struggles to get up, the officer then helps him up to his hoofs.

The officer escorts Magnify out of the factory and to his squad car, Magnify falls back asleep while the car turns on and starts to pull out. He dreams of nothing but blackness and running from the twisted smiling stallion with the mech arm and saw blade. He then wakes up again in another pony's office. As he comes to he realizes it's a mare who's sitting at the desk in front of him. She says "Fall asleep did ya Mag?" as he wakes up more he realizes it's his partner *Hera* "y-yeah I did, didn't I?" he says while laughing a little. "So do you remember that piece of paper you pick up? The one that you fainted at when you saw?" asked Hera "Yeah I remember it, why?" he says, sitting up in the chair. "Well, I looked it over and found some pretty interesting things. One I found smiley faces drawn all over it in blood and two, I found the words "Subrideo Aeternaliter."

"Apparently translated from Latin to English it means "Smile Forever.” I passed the paper around to some of the others here and none of them had any reaction to it like you did. Is there any reason why you did? Any that you can remember?" she asks curiously, Magnify lets out a big sigh "Yes, yes I do remember, it was when I was a little colt and me and my family were just getting ready to go to bed when my father heard a strange noise coming from the basement. He went to check while me and my mother stayed at the top of the stairs he sprinted back up the stairs yelling at us to get out of the house, so we did and when we did, something the basement blew up causing the rest of the house to catch on fire. Somepony emerged from the flames, unharmed by them. He bolted towards my father. My father dodged him and used his wings to pick up a brick that was in a pile of debris. He hurled it at the other pony. It did hit him, but had no effect. The other pony then shoved a saw blade through my father's stomach and pulled up splitting him if half.

Out of rage my mother charged at him and impaled his head on her horn, but he then used a mech hand to strangle her to death, as if the horn did nothing. When he dropped her body, he looked at me and told me to shush and ran off. I just broke down and started bawling until somepony not far from me saw the fire and called the police. Later the police questioned me on what I saw and I described the pony that I saw killing my parents. Looks of fear came across their faces when I told them. Two officers went out of the room. One of them came back with a blanket and pillow for me. He took me somewhere and I can't remember what happened from then on out."

As Magnify finishes Hera says "Well I'm very sorry that happened to you and at such a young age." Both are silent for a little while, then Hera breaks the silence by saying, "Hey do you wanna come back to my place and review the evidence from the case?" and Magnify responds with a "Sure" Both leave the office and trot to her home. When they arrive, Hera pulls out a file labeled "S.F.S" and lays it down on a table and both pull up chairs to look at the evidence. Just as they pull it all out, crying is heard coming from a room down the hall. "Oh my, he's awake again." Hera leaves the room to the crying and comes back with a very small colt of only 2 months age, still sniffing and snuffling from crying.

Magnify gets up from the chair and over to the crying colt and crosses his eyes, puffs up his cheeks and sticks his tongue out at the little colt. He stops sniffling and laughs a little and tries to do the same at Magnify. Then Magnify laughs and so does Hera. "That always cheers him up doesn't it?" says Magnify. Hera responds "Yes, yes it does" and she laughs a little more at her child and puts him back to bed and goes back to Magnify. When they are about to sit down to look over the pictures and messages, Magnify asks "C-can I just sleep for a little? after today's weird events I just want to rest for a little." and Hera says back with a smile "Sure, you can lay down on the couch there." she points to it and he trots over and plops down on it. Hera then tells him "Oh and I almost forgot, i have to grab some things from the market place right quick, would you mind?" and Magnify says back in a sure tone "Yeah I'll be fine, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for your little colt." Hera smiles at him and grabs her things, heading out the door while Magnify drifts off to sleep.

Magnify slowly wakes up cold and his muscles hurt, when he opens his eyes, he sees the outline of pony with light brown skin. Then he sees something that makes him wake up instantly. He sees the mech hand, the saw blade and the light brow colored pony saying, "Hello Magnify, good to see you again." and the pony's smile grew wide across his face....