• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 563 Views, 4 Comments

Smiley Face Slaughterer - SwissBrony

Why don't you ever smile?

  • ...

The Harp Factory

Alright all you little boys and girls here is a new story series! So pull a chair (possibly a barf bag) and enjoy!

Wakes up slowly, vision blurred, head pounding in her skull. She finally regains her consciousness, looking around but sees nothing but darkness. "Hello Lyra, I see you’re finally awake," a voice says from the darkness. She tries to say something back but realizes she is gagged and bound. The lights flicker on revealing a horrifying sight.

A male pony with light brown skin, long brown mane and tail. His mouth is held into a twisted smile by two bolts at either end of his mouth, blood coming from them. He has a metal arm and saw blade attached to either side of his back and he front left leg is chopped off, replaced with an old yet sharp blade. It had obviously been there a long time because the skin had formed over the wound where it had been placed and on the sword.

The horrid thing came closer to Lyra and says "Tell me Lyra, why don't you ever smile? I mean everywhere you go I never see a smile crack on your face." She feels confused yet violated that this freak watches her, and she know she smiles. So without the ability to talk she shakes her head in disagreement, "Ah well let's put it this way, I know you smile but not on the inside. But I can help with that," he says as his smile grows bigger.

"Like for instance this place, I never see you truly smile," lights come on, almost blinding Lyra but, her eyes eventually adjust showing the harp factory where she works. "Remember this place? oh who am I kidding of course you know! This is the one place that I've never seen you truly smile. But today that all is going to change!" He says merrily as the saw blade starts to rev up. "Now hold still. This may sting a little bit." He says as he approaches her. Lyra's mind and heart instantaneously start racing, she tries with every ounce of strength to break free but can't.

The saw blade completely starts up now and begins to cut the soft skin of the grass green pony, her screams go past even the muffle.

Wakes up with a start at the loud sound of the early morning news on T.V, the grey stallion sits up with beer cans falling off him. Still woozy from last night, tries to focus on the T.V, when "Special Report" flash on the screen. He immediately pays attention. A news mare comes on screen saying, "Yet another murder was committed this month by none other than S.F.S, or A.K.A "The Smiley Face Slaughterer", this time it was a young mare named Lyra who was reported missing by her closest friend Bon Bon when she reported that Lyra never returned from work that evening.”

The grey pegasus curses, then goes to go fix himself up, he straightens his short black mane, puts on his jacket, badge, and gun, then flies off to the scene of the crime. He reaches it with the police there, he lands, shows his badge and enters the scene. "So what happened?" asked the grey stallion "in here," says one of the police "Mr....." continues the R because of not knowing the grey stallion’s name. ”Magnify, Magnify's the name," replies the stallion, "Alright" says the officer back and leads him into the factory, they go in and see a disgusting sight, with the smell of blood and decay to go along.

As they get closer the officer describes what happened. " So the victim’s body was cut in half but not tearing the organs inside, and he took out the intestines and laid them here first, then he took all other organs and bones to make the outside of a harp. Left the upper body and torso to make the curved front part where it meets and used the intestines to make the "strings", of it and there were massive lacerations on her back of faces smiling and she herself is doing so. Also for some reason the eyes were removed and we still haven't found wher-", another pony interrupts by calling, "Sir, over here!" Both stallions walk over "What is it?" says the older officer. "We've located the eyes, sir, over here." says the younger officer while pointing into a room.

They all go in and see a pair of eyes balls laying on a sheet of paper, thee older officer walks over and picks up the paper and hands the eyes to the younger officer saying “Take these to the research lab," The young officer walks out. The officer picks up the paper and looks at it confused "Hmmm, well I can't really understand this can you take a look at it?" he says as he hands the paper over to Magnify, almost instantaneously when he looked at it, he dropped the paper to the floor and went with it while holding his head having visions...